Fortune Teller.

Chapter 239 The meaning of connections

Chapter 239 The meaning of connections

For a company, layoffs are normal, especially in the current situation of Bitian Group, but if the standard is unfair and the layoffs become a farce of cronyism and whoever will love him, then it is foreseeable that Bitian Group The speed of failure will be much faster.

No one expected that all five of Mr. Zeng would be dispatched, each of them would set up an office, and each person would personally interview 30 employees every day. Each employee would be given 5 minutes to answer one question: what is a network?

Whether to leave or stay, according to the employees' answers, the employees with high scores will stay and those with low scores will leave.

Although Bitian Group is in deep trouble now, most people hold the idea that they would rather stay in Bitian Group than wait for a turnaround, and they are unwilling to be fired. Finding a job again means restarting their careers. In Bitian Group Over the years of stable work, most of the employees of Bitian Group have developed the laziness of getting by and living day by day. They would rather stick to the old and welcome the new and challenge themselves.

Everyone thought that the teachers Zeng would come up with some fantastic exam questions, but unexpectedly, it was such a simple question and answer question. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that they could easily pass and stay.

The result left everyone stunned!
For a seemingly simple question, most people's answers are either off topic, or the answer is irrelevant, or the explanation is copied from the Xinhua dictionary, or it is nonsense. In short, the simpler the question, the easier it is for people to ditch. capsized.

After finally announcing the list of layoffs, the laid-off employees were very unconvinced and clamored for the teachers Zeng to announce their answers. If the answers did not convince them, they would keep arguing endlessly.

Teachers Zeng did not disappoint the losers. Based on the understanding of many excellent employees on human connections, they summed up a standard answer, and as the company's cultural concept, it was hung on the company's cultural wall.

"What is a network? A network is not how many people you know, but how many people know you, and how many of them recognize you.

Network is not how many people you have dealt with, but how many people are willing to take the initiative to deal with you.

Network is not how many people you use, but how many people you help.

Networking is not about how many people praise you to your face, but how many people praise you behind your back.

Networking is not how many people are around you when you are successful and famous, but how many people will never leave you when you fail. "

After reading the standard answers, many unconvinced employees were convinced, because they found that their understanding of human connections was still too superficial, they only knew one thing and did not know the other, and did not deeply understand that the true meaning of human connections does not start from themselves Selfishness is selfishness, but transpositional thinking from the standpoint of others, self-criticism and praising others, patience is gratitude, keeping promises is dedication, treating superiors with respect and treating subordinates with leniency...

After Mr. Zeng had one-on-one conversations with the employees, plus the exam, all the employees of the entire company were scanned by Mr. Zeng.According to reports from teachers Zeng to Shi De, most of the calm employees have a deep understanding of connections, and they are honest in appearance, loyal in appearance, well-proportioned in demeanor, and decent in speech.Impetuous employees, on the other hand, have a superficial understanding of connections, their starting point is self-centered, and they seldom consider others.And his speech and behavior are frivolous. When standing, he swayed from side to side, and when sitting, he crossed his legs and kept shaking.Men who are poor, women who are cheap, people who are poor, trees who are dead, and people who can't sit still and shake randomly. The consensus of the teachers is that they don't use them at all.

And some employees are rebellious.

Rebellious people usually have a strong rebellious spirit and may be unfaithful and unrighteous.Any company will not re-use unfaithful people. After all, the company has many business secrets. Once leaked, it may cause irreparable losses.

Although Teacher Zeng has been cheating for many years, they have also been immersed in physiognomy for a long time after all. Their ability to recognize people and their ability to observe words and expressions are not comparable to ordinary people.That's why Shi De confidently handed over the company's layoffs to a few people.Facts have proved that Shi De's vision is absolutely correct. Teacher Zeng did not disappoint him, and successfully and satisfactorily completed the work of washing the sand with big waves.In the end, no matter the employees who were dismissed or stayed, they all met Shide's requirements.

The Bitian Group has accumulated a lot of hard work, and only by reorganizing it from top to bottom can it be possible to move forward lightly and regain a new life.

How to apply physiognomy to the company's personnel management work has always been one of the issues that Shi De has been thinking about.The most valuable thing about physiognomy lies in the knowledge of people. Knowing people can not only quickly judge whether a person can communicate with each other in daily life, whether he is really capable, etc., but can also be specific to the management of the company. The basis for the company to select and promote talents.Talent is the foundation of a company's survival. If people can't make the best use of their talents, or mediocre talents occupy high positions, or high talents are shelved, it will be a huge hidden danger for a company.

If, as the owner of the company, everyone has the same vision as Bole, can identify every thousand-mile horse, and let the thousand-mile horse give full play to its talent and ability, the company's development and growth will be just around the corner.

After reorganizing the board of directors and laying off employees, Bitian Group is like a big tree that is about to die. The roots have been loosened, watered, and branches have been pruned. Only when the sun shines, it will regain its vitality.

When does the sun shine?It was the time when the Bitian Group took over the mess of the Zhuo Group.

After completing the internal reorganization of Bitian Group, Biyou proposed to the city that Bitian Group would take over all the debts left by Zhuo Group in the past, and would also be willing to bear the foreign debts owed by Zhuo Group due to illegal fundraising, on the condition that, The land in Nancun was transferred to Bitian Group for free.

I thought that no one would take over the mess of the Zhuo Group. After all, the external debts of the Zhuo Group were as high as nearly 30 billion. Unexpectedly, shortly after Biyou applied to the city, the Credit Group and the Baisha Group successively applied to the city. The city submitted an application, willing to take over the mess of the Zhuo Group, and the conditions were exactly the same as those offered by the Bitian Group.

The chairman of Credit Group is Zhang Zhiqiang, the well-known BMW Zhang and Zhang Yang's father.Needless to say, Baisha Group is the property of Niu Tianzi's father, Niu Tian.

Originally, the city was very happy to see that the Bitian Group offered to take over the mess of the Zhuo Group. If they can take the initiative to solve the problems for the city, the city will definitely provide great support.Just when the city was about to hand over all the remaining problems of the Zhuo Group to the Bitian Group, the emergence of the Credit Group and the Zhuo Group made the city hesitate again.In contrast, the Reputation Group and the Baisha Group are both more powerful than the Bitian Group. No matter which one of the two takes over the Zhuo Group, it may be more appropriate than the Bitian Group to solve the Zhuo Group. Group capacity for all legacy issues.

It should be said that Bitian Group, as the guarantor of Zhuo Group, is taken over by Bitian Group, which is more logical and can reduce the occurrence of triangular debts.However, under the balance of the city, they still think that the Bitian Group is currently insolvent and unable to repay the debts of the Zhuo Group. If the Bitian Group is allowed to take over, the mess of the Zhuo Group may not be resolved, and the Bitian Group will also be dragged down. break down.In this way, it may cause greater hidden dangers and trigger greater mass incidents.

The city's starting point is that for the sake of social stability and unity, mass incidents must be nip in the bud.

It is precisely based on such considerations that the city is in a dilemma, and it has been difficult to make up its mind. The matter of taking over the Zhuo Group was temporarily shelved.

The biggest shortcoming of Bitian Group now is that it has no connections. No matter whether it is Biyou or Shide, they don't know anyone in Shimen City Government.Without contacts, there is no bridge to operate. Although Shi De and Quanyou manipulated Lan Guocheng last time, after a long period of time, Lan Guocheng did not contact Quanyou again——Lan Guocheng did not have Shi De's contact information , if he wants to continue to consult Master Shi, he can only do it through all-things, and he has entered a stalemate.

Fortunately, Shi De is not in a hurry. He also knows that many things can only be patiently waited for, and the turning point may be the next intersection. Therefore, he can walk as he wants now, and there will always be a day when the clouds will be cleared.

Unknowingly, winter has quietly arrived.

On the streets of Shimen in early winter, pedestrians put on thick cotton clothes.The trees that had lost all their leaves shivered in the cold wind.Winter in northern cities is gray and monotonous, which makes people feel inexplicably sad.

Of course, it was Yue Qingying who was sad, not Shi De.Yue Qingying's sadness is not because of the seasonal changes in spring and autumn, but because of Yue Guoliang's job transfer.The situation in Shancheng has been silent for a period of time, and after the Disciplinary Committee's punishment of Rui Rui was announced, the officialdom in Shancheng has experienced unprecedented turmoil.After the turmoil, a large-scale adjustment of the officialdom in Single City is about to be put on the agenda.Where does Yue Guoliang go? It is related to whether Yue Guoliang's official career will stop at the deputy mayor, or he may be promoted one step further, and from then on, he will step into the ranks of senior officials at the departmental level.

After all, Yue Guoliang has been swaying above the deputy department level for more than ten years.Looking forward to rectification and serving as mayor for one term is the wish that Yue Guoliang has been pursuing for more than ten years.It's just that wishing to come true is sometimes as difficult as climbing the sky.

Although she was worried about Yue Guoliang's transfer, Yue Qingying still attached great importance to Shi De's first general gathering since she came to Shimen. Not only did she personally choose the meeting place, she also circled the list of participants.

Yue Qingying chose Nadi Vegetarian Restaurant, which is located opposite Shiying Park.In her opinion, enjoying exquisite and delicious vegetarian food can not only preserve health, but also cherish blessings, killing two birds with one stone, so why not do it?
(End of this chapter)

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