Fortune Teller.

Chapter 240 Party

Chapter 240 Party
Originally, Xia Hua wanted to choose a location, she wanted to go to the moonlight of the lotus pond in the outskirts, but it was rare that Yue Qingying took the initiative to ask for Nadi vegetarian food, so she didn't insist anymore, and directly booked the private room of Nadi vegetarian food.Fortunately, Xia Hua has always been kind, although she thinks she has not reached the height of vegetarianism like Yue Qingying, but she is willing to eat once or twice once in a while.

Xia Hua specially asked for the largest private room, because this time the party had a large number of people, it was definitely a grand occasion.In addition to Shi De, she, Yue Qingying, and Biyou, Shi De's three childhood buddies, Huang Ziheng, Xiao Muchen and Zhao Feifan were all here, not to mention Huang Ziheng's official girlfriend, Huang Suqin.

Xiao Muchen also came to Shimen after he sold Jingcheng Jade Ware, and entered the Shimen headquarters of Binsheng, and became the main force of Binsheng together with Huang Ziheng.Jingcheng Jade Shop finally sold 420 million. Since the issue of Bitian Group’s share distribution has been settled, Biyou finally said that he wanted to let some more shares go to Shi De’s name, and insisted that he not be allowed to buy Bitian Group again. Shi De didn't insist on buying more shares, anyway, it was useless to buy more, so he kept 420 million as a spare, ready to invest in future travel companies.

So far, except for Zhao Feifan who stayed in Shancheng to take charge of Binsheng's project in Shancheng, basically all the people of Shi De's team have been transferred to Shimen, and Shi De left Shancheng and came to Shimen, and it took more than a month in a blink of an eye. It's passed, and I didn't go back to Dancheng again.Shancheng gradually faded away in Shi De's sight.

That's right, even the five members of Zeng Dengke settled in Shimen, and the vigorous transfer operation of the Shide Legion has basically come to an end.

Among the people attending the party, besides Zeng Dengke and five people who were also present, Su Zhenzhen also made a special trip from Dancheng at the invitation of Biyou to attend the dinner.

Shi De also understands Biyou's intention to specially invite Su Zhenzhen. In the future, neither she nor he will be able to take care of Yiwanxiang anymore. Su Zhenzhen is the most suitable replacement for Yiwanxiang's female boss.Although Su Zhenzhen said that many regular customers of Yiwanxiang in Shancheng felt sorry for not seeing Biyou's gentle and graceful back, she was confident that Yiwanxiang would continue to be opened in Shancheng and would open again. Several branches.

As Shi De thought, Huang Suqin readily bought a bowl of incense.She took out all her savings, and Huang Ziheng also subsidized her part of the funds, so that when she bought a share of Yiwanxiang, her shareholding ratio jumped to the third place, becoming the third largest shareholder after Biyou and Su Zhenzheng.

Of course, what Huang Suqin didn't know was that part of Huang Ziheng's funding for her was a gift from Shi.Huang Ziheng didn't want it at the beginning. He was able to become what he is today, from a poor boy with a monthly income of less than a thousand yuan to a vice president with an annual salary of hundreds of thousands. It's too embarrassing.But Shi De insisted on giving it, and said that the money was not for him, nor for Huang Suqin, but for Huang Susu's entrepreneurship after graduating from university, and prepared a start-up fund.

Huang Ziheng had no choice but to accept it in the end, and he also knew that Shide's love for Huang Susu was more about the elder brother's love for his younger sister, and it was an encouragement for Huang Suqin's sisters to depend on each other.There are always such and such misfortunes in life, but there are always such and such lucks in life. Shi De wanted to help the Huang family sisters secretly. He didn't want them to know and let them continue to work hard for tomorrow. An insurance policy was cast for their future.Let them no matter whether they succeed or fail, as long as they turn around, there will be a big tree that shelters them from wind and rain and will always be waiting behind them, so that they will never let their lives get into trouble again.

Huang Ziheng was very moved, and his admiration for Shi De changed from admiration to a deep admiration. From then on, he regarded Shi De as the only guiding light on the road of life.

In the private room named Happy Valley, more than a dozen people gathered together and set up two large tables. Shi De sat at the head of the main table, with Xia Hua on the left, Bi You on the right, Yue Qingying on the left of Xia Hua, and Bi You on the left. On You's right are Huang Suqin and Su Zhenzhen.

As usual, Shi De's clothes are still simple and plain, just like a very ordinary young man, neither arrogance nor arrogance, but strangely, in his simplicity and simplicity, However, there is a powerful Zhongzheng peaceful atmosphere, which makes people feel close and loved.

Arrogance makes people submit, but it also makes people respectful.The arrogance makes people succumb, but it also makes people feel dissatisfied.Zhongzheng's peaceful spirit makes people feel convincing.A person can only truly become a superior person admired by everyone only if he is truly convinced by others from the bottom of his heart.

Xia Hua still dresses as she likes. The loose sweater is loosely worn on her body, which neither shows her proud figure nor sets off the towering mountain peaks on her chest. Fortunately, she doesn’t hang a string of strangely shaped beads on her chest .I don't know if she was too lazy to trim her hair, she didn't cut it short after it grew, or she wanted to keep her hair long on purpose. Her hair was much longer than before, and it was tied at the back of her head at will, which made her beautiful face even more prominent. Refreshing like a freshly bloomed jasmine.

Biyou is no longer dressed up, but wearing a loose casual dress. Compared with Shi De and when she first met her, now she is still gentle, but with a little more elegance after years of precipitation.

On the other hand, Yue Qingying seemed to have deliberately dressed up, slightly drawn her eyebrows, and even applied a thin powder, which made her beautiful face like a bright moon, making people dare not look at her directly.It's just that under her exquisite face and cold expression, compared with usual, there is a little more sadness.

Sadness, because the future of Yue Guoliang is unclear.

Shi De looked around, remembering that back then, he was alone in Huiche Lane in Shancheng, looking for death, but now, he is no longer alone, surrounded by countless people, there are relatives and friends, and there are relatives who are not family members. , He couldn't help being filled with emotions for a moment, thinking of Master He who was hiding somewhere and his biological parents who were wandering somewhere. The sea is rising and the moon is rising, and the horizon is at this moment, for today's reunion, let's raise our glasses and celebrate."

Everyone applauded loudly and raised their glasses together.

"Everyone is quiet, everyone is quiet, below, listen to me." Shi De just started, Xia Hua came out, she knocked on the wine glass, cleared her throat, stood up, the smile on her face was like The flowers fluttering in the wind are extremely dazzling. "On behalf of the board of directors of Binsheng Real Estate Company, I would like to report to everyone present the current situation of Binsheng Real Estate. First of all, the project of the Provincial TV Station's family courtyard. After more than a month of construction, the foundation part has been initially completed. It is about to enter the backfilling stage. It can be said that the project of the Provincial TV Station's family courtyard is progressing very smoothly. Under the premise of ensuring the construction quality, the first phase of the project was completed one month ahead of schedule...Everyone applauds."

Without waiting for others to applaud, Xia Hua took the lead in applauding first.

Everyone laughed and applauded together.

Shi De chuckled, people who don't know Xia Hua think that Xia Hua has a personality that likes to show her face, but it's not, Xia Hua is enlivening the atmosphere.Although today's gathering was grand, most of the people were sitting together for the first time, and they were not familiar with each other, so the atmosphere was a little reserved.And because of Yue Qingying's frowning, the atmosphere was more formal and dignified.

Yue Guoliang is now facing the problem of mobilization, Shi De knows it well, and he is also thinking of a way.But this is a big issue, and it is not a problem that can be solved overnight. When it is time to let go, you have to let go.People should live in the present. After all, the troubles of the past have passed, and the troubles of tomorrow have not yet come. If you are happy now, you will forget your worries.

"The second is the Huimin community project in Shancheng. The Huimin community project is under the full responsibility of Zhao Feifei, and it started half a month later than the provincial TV station project. However, under the leadership of Zhao Feifei's extraordinary leadership, the Huimin community The progress of the project has actually surpassed the project of the Provincial TV Station’s Family Hospital. It is extraordinary, indeed extraordinary. It can be expected that the Huimin Community will become a banner of the single city safety project, and it will stand tall on the land of the single city from then on, forever Witness the monument of Binsheng in the development history of Shancheng!"

Xia Hua's speech was not only passionate, but also very provocative. Most importantly, her body language was also very contagious. Applause and applause.Although Zeng Dengke and the others were older, but at this time the old man was a little boyish, and all of them were beaming with joy and enthusiasm.

Xia Hua saw that the atmosphere was active, her enthusiasm was aroused, and her goal had been achieved, so she smiled, pressed her hands together, and pretended to be modest and said: "Although my speech is very good, although I am very popular, although I am also very beautiful, But everyone, don’t be too enthusiastic. Haha, I don’t want to be overwhelmed. Enough is enough. It’s almost enough. Next, I have another big event to announce. This matter is related to the future development direction of Binsheng ..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes widened, wanting to hear what big event Xia Hua would announce.Seeing Xia Hua's solemn and slightly exaggerated expression, could it be that there will be some major change in Bin Sheng?
It seemed that she was deliberately teasing people's appetite. Xia Hua talked halfway, but stopped. She picked up the teacup to drink water, and deliberately drank it very slowly, as if she was really thirsty. In fact, she didn't drink much after drinking for a long time. water.While drinking water, she stealthily observed everyone's reactions, and when she saw that everyone was waiting impatiently, especially Huang Suqin, who was almost unable to restrain herself and stood up, she smiled triumphantly and said, "I am Bin Sheng's deputy." In short, the next development direction of Binsheng should be announced by Binsheng's chairman, Yue Qingying, next, I would like to invite Chairman Yue to speak."

(End of this chapter)

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