Fortune Teller.

Chapter 254

Chapter 254
Huang Ziheng is not a very defensive person. The main reason is that he does not think that the world is full of bad people. After a little thought, forget it, do good deeds, start from the little things in life, and help people change tires. Small things are also good things.

"Okay." Huang Ziheng nodded slightly, followed Ms. Ma to the front of the car, reached out to open the trunk, and was about to take out the spare tire from inside, but when the rear door opened, there were two people sitting inside, and they were still two strong men. Strong man.

"Hello, Huang Ziheng." One of the men smiled coldly at Huang Ziheng, "Please get in the car."

No, I fell for it!Huang Ziheng turned around and wanted to run, but before he could turn around, first a faint fragrance hit his nose, and then he felt a tingling pain from his back, and the sound of electric shock came from his ears, and his eyes Turned over and passed out.

Ms. Ma put away the electric shock baton and nodded to the two people in the car. The two dragged Huang Ziheng into the car, and then the BMW drove away quickly.

Afterwards, Ms. Ma got into Huang Ziheng's car unhurriedly, started the car, took a meaningful look at the Shengshi Clinic, and snorted coldly: "There are all of them, just wait! Fight with me, you are welcome!" Eat the fruit." Then he followed the BMW and left.

Half an hour later, when Shi De and Xia Hua drove past the Shengshi Clinic on Shanshan Street, everything that had happened had been covered by the night, and there was not even a trace left.

After waking up in a daze, Huang Ziheng opened his eyes and saw that he was in a large empty yard. The yard was very desolate, full of decaying weeds and fallen leaves, and it was obvious that no one had lived in it for a long time.

Looking up again, there is a room on the north side of the yard. The room is a very simple one-story house, and it is also a very old wooden house. At first glance, it seems to have traveled from modern times to ancient times, giving people a feeling of time and space disorder.

Huang Ziheng moved his body, moved freely, his hands and feet were not tied, and then recalled the experience of being stunned by a woman who claimed to be Ma, he was furious, Grandma Panda, he did not provoke anyone, how could he Was tricked by a vixen?What age is it, can a live Liaozhai be staged in real life?
"Hey, is there anyone?" Huang Ziheng shouted into the room, it was pitch black, only a faint light could be seen in the room, if there were ghosts crying and howling in the weeds, then he would really think he was in Liaozhai of ghost stories.

The door of the room was opened by no one, and with a "squeak", it opened a crack, and in the main hall inside, there was an Eight Immortals table, and a woman in ancient costume was sitting beside the table.The woman is dressed in a light-colored Hanfu, holding an ancient book in her hand, and is reading at night by a candle under a bean-like oil lamp.

Fortunately, although Huang Ziheng believes in Shi De's physiognomy, he also fears the gods of heaven and earth, and believes in ghosts and gods, but now he doesn't think he really saw a ghost. Ghosts will not drive him to the wilderness, nor will they play tricks Become a costume beauty.

Since he couldn't leave, he might as well deal with the other party. He wanted to see what the other party wanted to do with him after spending so much time.Huang Ziheng patted the dirt on his body, straightened his messy hair, smiled, and walked into the room.

The layout of the room is very simple. In addition to a table in the middle, there is an antique wooden bed in the corner. There is a bedding covered with cobwebs on the bed. There is a pair of embroidered shoes in front of the bed. The embroidered shoes are also rotting over time. black.In the room, except for an oil lamp, there is no lighting equipment, so you can only see a ten-meter radius.Ten meters away, it was pitch black. I don't know what decorations are there, let alone if there are some monsters hiding.

It can be said that apart from the beautiful woman with bright eyes and white teeth in front of me, the decoration and atmosphere of the room are very elegant.If it wasn't for Huang Ziheng's self-confession that he had never done anything wrong, the so-called "don't do anything wrong, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night", he might really be scared to death, thinking he really saw a ghost.

When I was young, I often heard old people say that people are three-thirds afraid of ghosts, and ghosts are seven-tenths of people. If a person is upright, pure, and kind-hearted, ghosts will not only avoid you, but will also respect you extremely.If a person is righteous and selfless in his heart, the invisible righteousness exuding from his body will make ghosts back away, and they will move away when they see it from a distance.If a ghost meets an upright person unfortunately, he will be so terrified and frightened that he will even bend down and stand on the ground, unable to stand up.

It is said that there are three fires on the body of a normal person, one on the head, one on the left and right shoulders, and the light from the three fires can illuminate a radius of several feet around the body. People cannot see it, but ghosts can see it clearly.If a person is lucky and upright and kind, the lights of the three fires will be so bright that ghosts cannot open their eyes, let alone get close to them.

If a person's mind is not upright, sneaking around or stalking dogs, then the three fires on his body will be very weak, and ghosts can get close to him or play tricks on him, spit on him, or even harm him.Therefore, the ancients said, don't do anything wrong, don't be surprised when you knock on the door in the middle of the night, sit at home behind closed doors, and don't be afraid of ghosts coming to the door.

As I said before, the expert who can see the light above people's heads once foresaw the death of a local emperor in the Northeast, and he can also see the existence of ghosts.It is said that once he was walking at night with a very honest man, and a ghost came from afar.As soon as a ghost sees an upright person, it immediately hides under the wall—that’s why old people often say, don’t stand under the eaves when you’re free, and don’t walk along the wall when you’re walking, because it’s easy to run into ghosts—unexpectedly, the upright Some people suddenly untied their shoelaces, so they went to the corner and bent down to tie their shoelaces.Coincidentally, he happened to step on the ghost squatting in the corner. The ghost was terrified, oppressed by the upright man's righteousness, panicked, danced and wanted to run, but was trampled to death, and ran away. The terrified appearance makes the expert feel very emotional. In a person's life, it is fundamental to be righteous and do good deeds. Otherwise, even ghosts will bully you, look down on you, spurn you and even harm you.

There was another time when Gaoren was drinking tea in a tea house. At two or three o’clock in the afternoon, there were more and more ghosts on the street—after two or three o’clock in the afternoon, the yang energy weakened and the yin energy rose, and the ghosts began to come out to move around—although ghosts lived with people. The same world, but not the same space, does not interfere with each other. When people and ghosts meet, it is like meeting a cloud of cold mist, and they pass through directly. Sensitive people will feel a cold, dull people feel nothing.

Watching people come and go on the street, ghosts also come and go. The expert discovered a very interesting phenomenon. Most of the time, people and ghosts have nothing to do with each other. You can't see ghosts, but ghosts can see people. Therefore, ghosts don't exist in front of people.In front of ghosts, people seem to have no clothes on. Whether they are good or bad, honest or villainous, they are all clear in the eyes of ghosts.

Ghosts generally don't play tricks on people, and ghosts have their own affairs, so they won't be bored, but sometimes ghosts are also mischievous and like to play tricks.And ghosts, like people, are very powerful.But unlike people who just flatter and curry favor with powerful people, the snobbishness of ghosts means that ghosts only respect kind-hearted, honest and upright people, but love to play tricks on bad guys who bully men and women.

Ghosts can see the light on a person. From the light on the person, they can judge the size of a person's fortune, the good or evil in his heart, or the good or bad fortune. They dare not play tricks on people with great fortune, and those with strong fortune , They can't get close, and they will be very respectful to those who are kind-hearted.Only people with poor fortune, weak fortune and bad people will play tricks or even play tricks.

Ghosts play tricks on people, usually by spitting on the back, drawing bastards on people's backs, or stepping on people's footprints. People don't feel anything when they are spit on or stepped on by ghosts, but they will bad luck.For example, things will not go well in the near future, or you will feel unwell, and so on.That's why folks say that they will encounter ghosts, which means that after encountering ghosts, they will have bad luck.

The expert was waiting for someone, and happened to have nothing to do, so he watched the interaction between ghosts and people on the street with great interest. He saw a few mischievous ghosts spitting or making faces behind people from time to time, and the person being teased Dazed and ignorant, without the slightest feeling.He also found that the light on the top of the head of anyone who was played by ghosts was very weak, and even some people's light on the top of the head turned gray and white, which showed that there was either a serious illness or bad luck.

After watching it for a while, he felt a little bored.Most people can't see ghosts and think that there are no ghosts. In fact, ghosts are everywhere on the street, just around them.But I can really see ghosts, and if I see too much, I don’t feel anything. Ghosts are the same as people, just different life forms.Moreover, ghosts also have joy, anger, sorrow, and emotions, but they are different from humans because they can see things that humans cannot see with the naked eye, so ghosts are more in awe of the gods of heaven and earth.

Just when the expert was drinking tea and ignoring the farce of human ghosts on the street, suddenly, he found that all the ghosts on the street showed expressions of respect and awe, whether they were idle ghosts, mischievous ghosts, or lonely ghosts, all of them The ghosts stood in awe and respectfully lined up on both sides of the road, as if they were welcoming the arrival of some important person.

What happened?The expert was taken aback. Could it be that some high-ranking official came?The high officials among ghosts are the gods that ordinary people call, such as river gods, mountain gods, river gods, land masters, and so on.

However, what puzzled the expert was that no god appeared, and there was no noisy team passing by on the street, on the side of the ghosts.When the gods go out, they are just like the officials who sing operas in ancient times. They must have their entourage. So... Who is it that the ghosts are respecting?

A scene that surprised the experts even more appeared, the reverent ghost crowd suddenly knelt down in unison, lined up on both sides of the road, kneeling down in a large area, just like welcoming the arrival of the emperor in ancient times.

(End of this chapter)

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