Fortune Teller.

Chapter 255

Chapter 255
Who is so blessed to have so many ghosts kneel down to greet him?On the side of the people on the street, there was a middle-aged man with an ordinary appearance and a short stature passing by. The middle-aged man was alone, had no entourage, and was dressed very plainly. Obviously he was not a rich man, but he passed by At that time, all the ghosts cast awed, yearning and extremely respectful gazes at the middle-aged man.It wasn't until the middle-aged man walked away that the ghosts got up one after another and resumed their normal order.

Who is the middle-aged man?The expert followed the figure of the middle-aged man, and was startled. He saw a purple light of more than ten feet rising into the sky above the middle-aged man's head.The red light is rich and the purple light is very noble. How can a middle-aged man with ordinary looks and ordinary clothes be a noble person?
Just when the friend of the senior class arrived, the senior man expressed his confusion to the friend. The friend laughed and said that it was a middle-aged man whose surname was Cui. He was a great local benevolent person. , no one can match.Moreover, Cui Shanren also accumulated a lot of evil virtues, and secretly supported many poor patients, widows and widows...

Experts have read many Taoist classics, such as "Taishang Induction Chapter", it is said that those who want to be immortal should establish [-] good deeds, and those who desire earthly immortals should establish three hundred good deeds.In this way, the reason why Cui Shanren is so revered and worshiped by ghosts is that his merit has reached the level of immortality.No wonder Ziqi is soaring to the sky, it turns out that his great nobility is not the great nobility in the world, but the great nobility in the sky.

If there is an expert present, it would be clear at a glance whether the woman in ancient costume in front of me is a human or a ghost. Unfortunately, Huang Ziheng is not an expert, but Huang Ziheng is confident that he will behave upright and do things clearly, let alone that he will not bump into ghosts. The blessings accumulated by the usual good deeds, the big ghosts and the little ghosts have to respect him when they see him.

So, Huang Ziheng sat down in front of the woman in ancient costume without hesitation, looked her up and down in a hurry, and said, "Girl, you are studying alone in this broken house at night. Is it filming or pretending to be a ghost?"

The woman in ancient costume is very beautiful, her eyebrows are exquisite and picturesque, her face is as bright as jade, her eyes are as clear as water, but there is one thing, her face is a little pale, as if her face is bloodless.Also, her face was as sinking as water, not to mention lifeless, and quite distressed.

Glancing at Huang Ziheng faintly, the woman in ancient costume said slowly, "Master Huang, have you forgotten me? In the Ming Dynasty, you always abandoned me and I have been chasing you for hundreds of years. But you couldn't find you, didn't think about you, but you took the initiative to find me, do you feel guilty for killing me back then?"

Well, the acting is quite similar. Not only did he set up the scene and arrange the actors, but he also wrote the script. In the play, he became Chen Shimei of the Ming Dynasty. Could it be that he is going to stage a Chinese version of the relationship between a human and a ghost? unfinished?After chasing him for hundreds of years, is the female ghost too infatuated or is he too charming?Huang Ziheng laughed: "I am not Mr. Huang, I am Mr. Huang. But wait a minute, I have forgotten about the past life, you have to tell me, what is your last name?"

"My surname is Fang, and my name is Xiaoqian." The woman in ancient costume who called herself Fang Xiaoqian had a faint look of sadness, "Does the young master really not remember me at all? I broke up with my parents for you back then, don't Fame ran away with you regardless of the consequences. Unexpectedly, you empathized with someone else and abandoned me. It’s fine to abandon me, but you were afraid that I would tell the government, so you strangled me and buried me hastily. Then the beast I found my body and treated it as a delicacy. Poor me, not only did I bear the infamy of running away with someone shamelessly, but I also ended up dead without a whole body, Mr. Huang, you made me miserable."

In ancient times, once a woman elopes with someone, she will lose her social status, and will be reduced to a humble status, and she will never be able to hold her head up again.It can be said that every elopement woman is a moth to the flame, which plunges into the flame of love until it is burned to ashes.

Huang Ziheng understood, whether it is Nie Xiaoqian or Fang Xiaoqian, in short, all of them are staged by people like A Chinese Ghost Story who have no creativity.

So he is such a heartless person?Huang Ziheng didn't know which song the other party was singing, but he was willing to cooperate with the other party's performance: "Okay, Fang Xiaoqian, even if what you said is true, then now you find me, what do you want?"

"It wasn't I who found you, it was you who took the initiative to find me. This means that the Skynet is not leaking. Huang Ziheng, do you really have no guilt towards me?" Fang Xiaoqian's pale expression suddenly moved, and two lines of blood and tears Flowing out of her eyes, her voice was like weeping and complaining, as if the grievances were really as deep as the sea, she spoke slowly and gently about all the misfortunes she had encountered in the hundreds of years after her death.

As a lonely ghost, she has no one to rely on, no food or clothing, just like a wisp of smoke between the sky and the earth, floating around, not knowing where she will end up.Desolate, lonely, and gloomy, he has been sunk in darkness all year round, and has suffered all kinds of oppression and bitter wind and rain.

Accompanied by her crying, the oil lamp on the table seemed to be moved by her miserable life experience, and the flame flickered on and off, as if it was also crying.At the same time, a northerly wind blows outside, blowing through the dry branches, making a desolate and desperate whistling sound.In this situation, Huang Ziheng also felt inexplicably sad. He was infected by the story, and was moved by Fang Xiaoqian's tragic experience in the story. Moreover, he could not help substituting it into the story, as if he was really the heartless and ungrateful person Fang Xiaoqian said Same as Mr. Huang.

A deep sense of guilt welled up in his heart. Huang Ziheng fell into the plot of psychological suggestion in the drama with perfect combination of sound and light, and under Fang Xiaoqian's expressive performance, or he was hypnotized.

In fact, all kinds of sensational plots and bloody scenes in TV dramas are, in a sense, a method of hypnosis.

"I,, you..." Before he knew it, Huang Ziheng had burst into tears, his heart was full of sadness and guilt, "Xiaoqian, I'm sorry for you, I deserve to die, I shouldn't have killed you, let you I have suffered so much and suffered so much. What should I do now?"

"I have been wandering in the underworld for hundreds of years, because I have not had an old relationship with you, and I have not been able to reincarnate. If you come to the underworld to accompany me, we can be reincarnated together, and we will be husband and wife in the next life..." Fang Xiaoqian cast a grudge at Huang Ziheng With a quick glance, she stood up, her body drifted backward like a puff of smoke, she got farther and farther away from Huang Ziheng, her figure became fainter, and at the same time, her voice became weaker and weaker, "Master Huang, I'm waiting for you!" Ah, don't let me down again, I've been waiting for you for hundreds of years. I'll wait for you and me to be husband and wife again in the next life!"

Suddenly, the flame of the oil lamp jumped suddenly, and then went out, as if burning out the last hope of life.As soon as the oil lamp was extinguished, the whole room was plunged into darkness, and the boundless darkness hit like a tide. What Huang Ziheng felt was not fear and uneasiness, but lifeless sadness.

Bottomless sorrow drowned Huang Ziheng in an instant, like a person in a catastrophe, he suddenly had a strong thought that life would be better than death, life is worse than death and death is better, it is better to just die and pay her back the love of the whole life, Take care of her whole life wholeheartedly, accompany Xiaoqian until she grows old, and never let her be lonely again
Stubbornly wanting to die, Huang Ziheng raised his head and saw that there was an extra stool in front of the wooden bed at some point. Above the stool was a rope. The upper end of the rope was tied to the roof beam, and the lower end of the rope was a slipknot.

Huang Ziheng, who just wants to die, seems to have seen a picture of colorful flowers from the slipknot. He and Fang Xiaoqian happily chased each other in the garden and lived happily together forever... how far forever is, no one knows, but it is within reach Everyone wanted to grasp the happiness that was so long, Huang Ziheng lost his mind, walked towards the stool step by step, and then stepped on it.

It doesn't matter what kind of ambition or achievement or fame. The greatest happiness in life is to be free and unrestrained in the world with Xiaoqian. Huang Ziheng's eyes were dull, and his head slowly stuck into the slipknot...

Just when Huang Ziheng was about to kick away the stool under his feet, suddenly, the closed door was pushed open at some time, and two figures, one big and one small, rushed in. There was one person in front of him, a little taller, about [-] years old. As a teenager, when he saw this situation, he immediately exclaimed: "Brother Huang, what are you doing?"

The opening of the door also brought in a gust of night wind, coupled with an exclamation, Huang Ziheng suddenly woke up like a dream, woke up from a state of intoxication, and suddenly turned pale with shock: "What's going on? Why do I want to hang myself? No, I am living a good life, why should I die? Besides, even if I were to die, I would not choose to hang myself, how uncomfortable it is to hang myself.”

Jumping down from the stool, Huang Ziheng thought about it for a while, and realized what he had been fooled by. Under the other party's psychological hints, psychological warfare, hypnosis, and the combination of sound and light, he was tricked and entered the play. Thinking that he is really a bad lover, wanting to die for love, grandma panda, this is a big fallout, if he really hanged here, he will definitely be considered a suicide, and even the murderer will not be found by then, Death is in vain.

Damn, who is so powerful, he put on a show with all his brains, just to make him commit suicide.This is too awesome. If someone is not pleasing to the eye in the future, if you can really set up a scene and act out a play, you can make the other party die obediently, and you can be a god.

While being aggrieved, Huang Ziheng looked at the two people who saved his life. He looked okay, but he was surprised when he saw that there were two figures in front of him, one was two and the other was a big one.The words that pulled him back from the brink of death just now came from the mouth of the big man.

(End of this chapter)

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