Fortune Teller.

Chapter 280 Thinking Clear

Chapter 280 Thinking Clear

The conditions are not bad. With the strength of Baisha Group, the market value of [-]% of the shares is close to [-] million.That is to say, if Quanyou and Luo Xiaoyi are successful, Quanyou can sit on a fortune of hundreds of millions without investing a penny, which is indeed a profitable business.

But then again, in life, you can't live by luck alone, because luck always runs out.Luck is the same as bank deposits. If you only withdraw but not deposit, you will be sitting on nothing sooner or later.Therefore, if you don't want your luck to run out, you have to do good deeds when you are lucky, and continue to save good luck. Only in this way can good luck last forever.

In the family property war between Zhuo Fan and Shengxia, Quanyou changed from passive to active, and finally won. Of course, there are factors of personal intelligence and luck, so now, when Quanyou has once again intervened in the Baisha Group During the family property dispute, luck was exhausted, and he met an opponent who knew how to control luck. He and Luo Xiaoyi also lost, which is the meaning of the question.

"If Shi De helps you, what good will I have?" Xia Hua is not the same as Shi De. She is embarrassed to talk about benefits and sharing. It's not Shide. Shide helps you, it's my duty. I benefit from it, it's a favor."

Xia Hua's cleverness is that she elevates Shi De's starting point, so that when Shi De helps Quanyou, he doesn't need to consider the interests involved, and can let go of his hands and feet.Of course, Shi De can't be a live prostitute, she just accepts the relevant remuneration, anyway, she is now Shi De's housekeeper and personal assistant.

"Good friends get half of it when they meet. If you don't say anything, you get [-]-[-]." Quanyou waved his hand and said very generously, "If you still think it's not enough, how about four or six?"

"Five to five is enough. Although I have a good appetite, I must eat elegantly." Xia Hua smiled contentedly, "Okay, I'm fine, and you can take care of the rest."

Shi Derna had nothing to do with Xia Hua. Xia Hua had almost become his spokesperson now. The problem was that she spoke for him without asking for his opinion in advance, which left him speechless.But in the matter of Baisha Group, since Du Qingxuan or Bi Wentian intervened, he had to take action for his own sake, even if it wasn't for helping Quanyou.

After all, the battle between him and Tian Nan, and the scene in which Huang Ziheng was hanged were definitely written by Bi Wentian and Du Qingxuan.Bi Wentian and Du Qingxuan's desire to kill him is not dead. If he doesn't take the initiative to fight, isn't he sorry for the two people's too much attention and love for him?

It is not Shide's character to retreat in spite of difficulties, but it is his character to face difficulties.

Luo Xiaoyi went to the bathroom for a long time, and Shi Shi had already finished what they had to say. Before she came back, Xia Hua said impatiently: "Women are troublesome, and going to the bathroom is more convenient than men. It's been a long time, and the time a woman spends on unnecessary things in her life is definitely several times more than that of a man..."

Halfway through speaking, her cell phone rang suddenly.

Xia Hua took out her mobile phone to look at it, and muttered, "It's Wu Sanpi, forget it, I won't answer it."

"Go on, maybe he has something important to ask you." At some point, a flash of light flashed in Shi De's mind, and a thought suddenly popped up--Yuan Yuan and Ji Du, he was very strange, could it be the sixth sense again? Are you telling him what happened?And what happened is related to Yuan Yuan and Ji Du?
"Okay, I'll listen to you once." Xia Hua was obedient for a rare time, and she pressed the answer button, "Wu Sanpi, what's the matter?"

"Sister Xia Hua, of course I have something to do with you. Do I dare to call you if it's okay?" Wu Sanpi was flustered and didn't know what to do. Before I knew it, there was a low-pitched tone, "Last time you had an accident in Wuyou Lane, so you called me and asked me to help. When I got halfway, you said no need, remember?"

"Remember, what's the matter, do you want me to reimburse you for the gas?" Xia Hua was annoyed.

"No, of course not, the gas money is reimbursed by the state, and no one cares about driving [-] kilometers a day." Wu Sanpi coughed a few times, "That's right, I was planning to go back after receiving your call At that time, I found a man with blood on his face coming from the direction of Wuyou Lane, so I stopped him. What happened? After entering the office, I tidied up a good meal. Then..."

"What's the matter? Say it quickly, don't hesitate." Xia Hua almost guessed who Wu Sanpi caught, it was the black hand who was hiding in the dark and was thrown by her nail clippers.

"It's going to be a big deal." Wu Sanpi swallowed, and said with lingering fear, "Who would have thought that the bastard would have some background, and the next day, it would be Lan Guocheng himself who came to the office to find people. Although Lan Guocheng I didn't say anything, and I didn't say any harsh words, but I always felt uneasy. Lan Guocheng is the son of the executive deputy mayor. If he wants to punish me, I have no strength to fight back. Half dead. Xia Hua, if Lan Guocheng wants to punish me, you have to make the decision for me."

"Okay, okay, don't cry, you won't die, and Lan Guocheng can't deal with you. Lan Minxin will be transferred soon. Lan Minxin is no longer in Shimen as the executive deputy mayor. Lan Guocheng is much more honest in Shimen Don't worry, just rest assured." Xia Hua knew that Wu Sanpi was worried about being retaliated, so she acted like a big sister, after all, Wu Sanpi provoked the incident because of her. She has to take care of her, "Even if Lan Guocheng wants to deal with you, you can tell me, and I will immediately make Lan Guocheng behave."

"Yes, yes, Sister Xia is still mighty." Wu Sanpi was relieved. He believed in Xia Hua's energy. If she wanted Lan Guocheng to be honest, she must have a way, but he didn't know that Xia Hua really took Lan Guocheng. Guocheng had no choice, but coincidentally, Shi De could make Lan Guocheng obey what he said, that's why Xia Hua was so confident.

"Stop flattering." Xia Hua paid equal attention to Wu Sanpi and Enwei, and asked, "By the way, what's the name of the person you arrested?"

"Ji Du."

"It turned out to be Ji Du!" After Xia Hua finished speaking on the phone, Shi De pondered for a moment, and the thoughts in his mind became clearer, "So, Bi Wentian is undoubtedly behind the group of people who intercepted me. Then the person who designed to frame Huang Ziheng must be Du Qingxuan. Okay, very good, attack me and Ziheng at the same time, Bi Wentian and Du Qingxuan really teamed up?"

But the problem is, Du Qingxuan should know that Huang Ziheng's fortune is closely related to Yuanyuan and Jidu, so why did he take action against Huang Ziheng? Isn't he afraid that Huang Ziheng's bloody disaster will rebound on Yuanyuan and Jidu?Or, Du Qingxuan himself didn't know about it, and his disciples did it behind his back?
Also, Ji Du was hiding in the dark. Although he didn't attack him at the time, not only was his head broken and he was beaten up by Wu Sanpi afterwards, it should be regarded as a rebound from Huang Ziheng's bloody disaster, right?I don't know if Bi Wentian will be furious when he finds out?Will there be resistance to joining forces with Du Qingxuan?

By the way, what about Yuan Yuan?Yuan Yuan should also be rebounded by Huang Ziheng's fortune, and it should be stronger than the rebound suffered by Ji Du, because Yuan Yuan benefited the most from Huang Ziheng's shot at that time.Whoever benefits the most will bear the greatest consequences.

So, Ji Du and Yuan Yuan should be in Shimen at this time?
Just thinking about it, Shi De's cell phone rang suddenly, and when he saw the call, it turned out to be Yuan Yuan.It is true that there is news about whoever thinks of it.

Shi De didn't hesitate and answered the phone directly.

"Brother Shi, it's me, Yuan Yuan..." Yuan Yuan's voice was a bit tired, and there was an unconcealable loneliness in the exhaustion, "Are you okay? I'm very bad, sick, very sick Seriously, I'm going back to the capital, and I want to say goodbye to you."

"Why are you sick, Yuanyuan? Back to the capital, didn't you go back to the capital early?" Shi Deming said in a questioning tone, but he didn't really have any doubts. At this moment, his thinking was basically clear.

Needless to say, Yuan Yuan's illness was probably the follow-up of a series of chain reactions caused by Huang Ziheng being framed.

"It may be due to the weather. I was frozen, got a bad cold, and then developed pneumonia. Now I am infected. The doctor said that it will take three months to recuperate to recover. Cough..." Yuan Yuan's voice was no longer as sweet as before. Feeling sad and helpless, "Actually, I have been in Shimen all the time, so I haven't returned to the capital. I'm sorry, brother Shi, I lied to you. Also, what happened last time in Wuyou Lane was my arrangement, Ji Du He insisted on taking revenge, he kept annoying me, I had no choice but to persuade Tian Nan to come face to face with you. Fortunately, Tian Nan didn't hurt you, it's a blessing among misfortunes."

"..." Shi was silent. Yuan Yuan is a very scheming girl, but she has to admit that she also has a kind side. At least she has a good impression of him. After thinking about it, he is not good. No matter what, I had to say, "Pay more attention to your health. If you are sick, take a rest for a while. Don't force yourself too much in everything."

"Don't you blame me, Brother Shi?"

"Things are in the past. What has happened, no matter whether it is good or bad, since it has already happened, what is the use of regretting or resenting? It will only increase troubles."

"Thank you, brother Shi, you have a kind heart, and you will definitely achieve great things in the future. No matter who wants to harm you, or who wants to plot against you, as long as you keep being kind, you will surely reach the height of invincibility." Yuan Yuan's voice It is soft, like a dancing flame in winter, although it is weak, it gives people a warm yearning, "In addition, I want to tell you something, Du Qingxuan has two disciples who are also in Shimen, one named Fang Mu, One is Yu Shuai, they are planning a big trap for you behind the scenes..."

(End of this chapter)

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