Fortune Teller.

Chapter 281 Unexpected Interruption

Chapter 281 Unexpected Interruption
"Also, Du Qingxuan has shares in Baisha Group, Credit Group, and Jia's Group. Moreover, Du Qingxuan has a complicated network of relationships in provinces and cities. You must be careful. If you rely on your own strength, you Absolutely can't beat Du Qingxuan, Du Qingxuan's power is too great. But fortunately, he was injured, and he won't be able to recover in a year or so, so you have an extra year and a half year of buffer period. During this period, you just need to defeat Just Fang Mu and Yu Shuai." Yuan Yuan said a lot in one breath, and couldn't help coughing.

Shi De was moved for a while, even though he also understood in his heart that Yuan Yuan revealed so many inside stories to him, and all of them came from the heart. More than half of the factors were probably because she and Ji Du were rebounded by Huang Ziheng's bloody disaster, which led to Bi Wentian's layout in Shimen failed completely, and it was precisely because of this that Bi Wentian should have been angry to let Yuan Yuan reveal to him Du Qingxuan's layout and eyeliner in Shimen, but even so, Yuan Yuan could be regarded as helping him Otherwise, he would not know the existence of Fang Mu and Yu Shuai until now.

There is a saying that Shi De has always kept in his mind. In his impression, when he was very young, his parents said to him, no matter what purpose others have for helping you, as long as they help you, you should be grateful.

"Thank you, Yuan Yuan." Shi De sincerely thanked Yuan Yuan.

"I should be the one to thank you, Brother Shi, you made me realize many things again."

"How is Ji Du doing now?" Shi De is now more concerned about Ji Du's current situation.

"Ji Du is worse than me. I'm just sick. Not only was he injured, he had a slight concussion and several ribs were broken, but he was also sick. He had a high fever, talked nonsense, and other inflammations, I can't remember. It’s clear, anyway, the doctor said, it’s troublesome, and I’ll have to rest for at least three months.” Yuan Yuan knew the reason for her and Ji Du’s sudden illness and unlucky situation, “Brother Shi, come to Shimen from the capital when I get better. I'll tell you in advance that I won't be sneaking around behind my back any more."

Well, I hope next time Bi Wentian can compete with him on the frontal battlefield in an open and aboveboard manner.

Putting down Yuan Yuan's phone, Shi De felt a burst of emotion in his heart. As expected, Du Qingxuan or Du Qingxuan's disciple Fang Mu and Yu Shuai's attack on Huang Ziheng indirectly implicated Yuan Yuan and Ji Du, causing Yuan Yuan and Ji Du to attack Huang Ziheng at the same time. Being ill and being unable to continue to deploy in Shimen is tantamount to disrupting Bi Wentian's plan, so it's no wonder that Bi Wentian is not angry.Therefore, Yuan Yuan unreservedly revealed Du Qingxuan's layout in Shimen, so that Du Qingxuan's power was no longer hidden behind his back, but directly revealed in front of his eyes.

Especially when Yuan Yuan said that Du Qingxuan had shares in Baisha Group, Credit Group and Jia's Group, a thought suddenly flashed in Shi De's mind, from Biyou being dragged into the water by his parents to jumping into the pit of Bitian Group , and then Baisha Group and Credit Group's encirclement of Bitian Group, behind it, there may be Du Qingxuan's shadow from the very beginning, or in other words, the situation of Bitian Group is fundamentally a bureau designed by Du Qingxuan, what he wants is Pull Biyou into the water, thus making Biyou a drag on his luck.

Then there is no doubt that Biyou's parents should have known Du Qingxuan a long time ago. From guaranteeing the Zhuo Group to designing to frame Biyou, they are probably under Du Qingxuan's control from beginning to end.

Suddenly, another absurd idea popped up in Shi De's mind. When Biyou was born, there was a person who pointed Bitian and Youhong, saying that Biyou's life was hard, who was this person?Could it be that the expert who appeared in Biyou's life early on, and the mysterious person who caused Biyou's fate to be abandoned, was Du Qingxuan?

It is possible, and very likely.

But the question is, when Master He talked about Biyou's past, why didn't he just say that the mysterious person was Du Qingxuan?Did Master He not know about it, or did he deliberately conceal the truth?The more Shi De thought about it, the more confused he became. Both Master He and Du Qingxuan seemed to be hiding too many secrets, which made him unable to see clearly.

"Sorry for keeping everyone waiting." Just as Shi De was tossing and turning and couldn't figure it out, Luo Xiaoyi finally came out of the bathroom. She apologized, "I just answered a call, so I wasted time."

Now, Shi De is very sure who the opponent behind Quanyou and Luo Xiaoyi is, it is Du Qingxuan.He can finally be sure of one thing, if he brings him to see Luo Xiaoyi today, it is tantamount to posing a problem for him—a huge problem!

Fortunately, he and Du Qingxuan were originally hostile camps, and Du Qingxuan targeted him everywhere, and almost killed Huang Ziheng. No matter what angle he looked at, he was determined to help Luo Xiaoyi to the end.

Shi De didn't stop being polite, and directly cut to the point: "According to reliable sources, the supporter behind Tianzi Niu is a very powerful person... Sister Luo, among the major shareholders of Baisha Group, is there a Du Qingxuan? "

"Du Qingxuan? I don't think so. If it's a minority shareholder, I don't know." Luo Xiao also didn't understand why Shi De asked this question.

"Or a major shareholder from the capital, is there any?" Shi De asked again.

"A major shareholder from the capital city? Let me think about it..." Luo Xiaoyi thought for a while, then remembered, "Yes, there is a person named Fang Mu, who is from the capital city and holds 5.00% of the shares."

For a large group company like Baisha Group, holding more than 5.00% of the shares is a major shareholder, and [-]% is an absolute major shareholder, who can have voting rights on the board of directors.

Isn't Fang Mu exactly Du Qingxuan's disciple?Shi De was even more certain of his own judgment, whether it was him, Huang Ziheng or Biyou's predicament in Shimen, there was an invisible giant hand manipulating everything behind them.

"What is Fang Mu's origin?" Shi De asked again, thinking that Luo Xiaoyi would have more information.

"I don't know. Although Fang Mu is a major shareholder, she doesn't serve on the board of directors, and she rarely shows up in Baisha Group. After I married Niu's family, I only met her once. She is quite proud, a typical Beijing girl, He has the virtue of being a country bumpkin from above." Luo Xiaoyi has a bad impression of Fang Mu, mainly because in her eyes, Fang Mu's overly proud and rigid personality seems to be full of arrogance.

In fact, most of the girls in the capital are not arrogant, and they are very bright like Hutong girls, and they don't have the arrogance of some people who go down the river to see everyone as a country bumpkin.

"Girl?" Shi De always thought that Fang Mu was a man. The name was too neutral. He didn't expect it to be a girl, so he couldn't help asking, "How old is it?"

"It's about 20 years old, about the same size as you. She looks pretty, but she's too cold to get close to."

"If you see Fang Mu recently, tell Quan in time." Shi De understood more or less, no matter if it was Master He, Bi Wentian, or Du Qingxuan, the disciples corresponded with a man and a woman. Needless to say, Shuai Yu It must be a man, and the consideration is definitely not that men and women are not tired from working together, but the starting point is the principle of balance between heaven and earth.

"Okay, I wrote it down." Luo Xiaoyi wrote it down, but he didn't understand why, "What does it have to do with Fang Mu?"

Shi De didn't want to explain too much what kind of power Fang Mu and Du Qingxuan behind her are. Speaking out will not help the matter, but will increase Luo Xiaoyi's worries. He chuckled and said: "Maybe there is something wrong with her Relationship, maybe not, pay more attention to the movements of the major shareholders of Baisha Group, which will help you and Quanyou's plan to be implemented smoothly."

"So that's the case, thank you, Master Shi." Luo Xiaoyi brushed his hair, with a hint of worry in his brows, "To tell the truth, Master Shi, when he married Niu Tian, ​​he promised to give me half of the property in the future. He changed his mind again and said that he would only give me one-third. Then it shrunk to one-fourth, and he reluctantly agreed to give me one-third until I gave birth to the world. To be honest, Niu Tian is old , people have no interest, what am I marrying him for? Not for money! What is he for me? Not for me to be young and beautiful! Since everyone gets what they want, and he has everything he needs, he should abide by it. Promise, give me everything I need. I gave my youth first, but he didn't honor the money in return, he broke the contract."

Although Luo Xiaoyi's words are very realistic, it has to be said that if it is an exchange of equal value recognized by both parties, even if it is an exchange that is not ethical, the promise must be kept.Words must be done, and actions must be resolute, which is the principle of being a human being.Otherwise, don't commit.In life, the most important thing is to abide by the oath.Integrity is the foundation of being a human being.

In ancient times, King You of Zhou smiled for Bo Baosi and lit a beacon tower to tease the princes. The princes led troops to rescue him, but they saw that there was no war and returned angrily.Baosi saw it but laughed. King You was very happy, so he lit the beacon fire many times.The princes were teased several times, and they gradually stopped coming.Later, the dog army broke through Haojing, and King You of Zhou rushed to the beacon fire, but no one came to rescue him. In the end, the city was destroyed and he was killed.

In the business world, if a businessman breaks his promise to others, he will lose his credibility, and he will inevitably end up in a crushing defeat.Confucius said, people don't have faith, and they don't know what to do.The money earned by losing credit should actually be settled in the loss.

Mencius also said that those who are sincere are the way of heaven; those who think sincerely are the way of man.

According to the provisions of the Marriage Law, the husband and wife do have the right to share property, provided that Luo Xiaoyi did not sign a property distribution agreement before marriage. If there is an agreement to share the property, then Luo Xiao also proposes to share the property, which is reasonable and legal.

"Master Shi, it's getting late, why don't we do it today?" Just as Shi De wanted to continue to ask clearly, so as to further understand the truth behind the matter, Quan You suddenly proposed to end the conversation for some reason, "Imperative matters , how about we continue to negotiate in the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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