Fortune Teller.

Chapter 290

Chapter 290
"You mean to say that I'm going in a crooked way?" BMW Man finally understood. It turns out that the story of Sizhitang is a metaphor that he is Wang Mi, and Secretary Qi is Yang Zhen. It means that he uses his opposite And Wei Suo set off the tallness and nobility of Secretary Qi?Immediately angry, damn, how did he become a stepping stone?

"I didn't say that, I just told a story about Sizhitang." Shi De chuckled, "As for the truth beyond the story, how other people understand it is their business, and I can't control it."

"Good, good, good!" BMW man said three "good" words in a row, his eyes were fierce, and he stared at Shi De's face, "I remember you, boy, just wait, there will always be One day, you will fall into my hands. Sizhitang, right? OK, then I will let you know what Sizhi is."

After finishing speaking, the BMW man nodded slightly to Quan Quan, turned around and walked away, his arrogance and arrogance, unexpectedly, he didn't know how to restrain himself in front of Secretary Qi, he was really a rare stunned young man.

It's a pity that Lengtouqing is no longer young, he is quite old, and he is still so ignorant of fate, courtesies, words and benevolence, it is indeed a waste of life.

After the BMW man left, Secretary Qi looked Shi Shi up and down again, and smiled slightly: "Young man, it's not bad, it's not easy to know the allusion of Sizhitang, most of the young people who are the same age as you now don't understand history."

"A person who doesn't understand history, who doesn't know the weight of history and the ancient costume dramas of fighting for fame and fortune for thousands of years, can easily be shallow. A nation that doesn't understand history is a sad nation. History is the past, It's a mirror, which can illuminate the future of a person and a nation." Shi De nodded, his tone was a bit heavy, he was expressing his feelings, just now the BMW man heard the name of Sizhitang with a ignorant and ignorant expression, As if talking about someone else's history, it made him feel uncomfortable.

When a country's own people have forgotten their history, but other countries have studied your country's history very thoroughly, it is a kind of bone-chilling coldness and sadness.It means that your past is well known by others, but you know almost nothing, and what's more, other countries quickly surpass you with the essence of your history, while you just guard the treasure mountain of history and throw it into the world. On the one hand, it is necessary to learn a whole set of Western ideas and doctrines. It is completely stupid to pick up sesame seeds and lose watermelons.

"That's right, it's very profound and insightful." Secretary Qi was very surprised that Shi De had such a deep understanding of history at such a young age. An obsessed history buff, who lacks like-minded people at home and in the provincial party committee, met Shi De at first, and Shi De helped him out of the siege. Shi De's thoughts on talking, "With copper as a mirror, you can straighten your clothes. With history as a mirror, you can know the ups and downs. With people as a mirror, you can see gains and losses... To look at a person's future, you must first look at his past actions .To look at the future of a country, one must first study the history of the country. Young man, what is your name?"

"Shi De." Shi De saw that Secretary Qi was walking in while walking, and he wanted to continue talking to him. He couldn't stand still, so he followed Secretary Qi's footsteps.

"Giving? Hehe, the name is good. Wealth is rich if you don't accumulate it. Officials don't show off if they don't show off. There is a sense of Zen and artistic conception, so your parents believe in Buddhism?" Secretary Qi was in front, Shi De was in the back, and the two of them passed through the main building and walked towards the Standing Committee building behind the main building.

When passing by the guard of the main building, the guard opened his mouth in surprise. He recognized Shi De and knew that Shi De had come to the Provincial Party Committee to find someone. What he could never have imagined in his dreams was that Shi Dede was so sacred that Secretary Qi was alarmed to come downstairs to greet him in person!Looking at the entire Yan Province, the only ones worthy of Secretary Qi coming forward to greet him in person are provincial officials and high-ranking officials, and Shi De is simply too young. He is definitely not a higher-ranking official than Secretary Qi. So, what is his origin? Extraordinary big shot?
The doorman has been working in the main building of the Provincial Party Committee for a long time, and it is the first time that Secretary Qi has personally come downstairs to greet a young man, and he has to lead the young man upstairs again. He can no longer describe himself as shocked mood.

With Secretary Qi leading the way, the guards don't dare to stop Shi De. He just paid respects to Secretary Qi and Shi De in a panic, but forgot to take a closer look at Shi De's appearance, so as to remember Shi Dechang what it looks like.When he came back to his senses, Shi De and Secretary Qi had already walked in front of the Standing Committee building.

Isn't it true that Secretary Qi wants to lead the young people to the Standing Committee building?You must know that the Standing Committee building rarely allows outsiders to enter, unless it is the secretaries or secretary-generals of a dozen Standing Committees, and ordinary high-ranking officials can't easily enter. Could it be that this young man is Secretary Qi's new secretary?

Possibly, I heard that Secretary Qi is not very satisfied with the current secretary. He thinks that although the current secretary Yu Fanran has winks and is good at handling things, his foundation in ancient Chinese is not deep enough. Secretary Qi was slightly dissatisfied.

That's not right, if the young man is really Secretary Qi's new secretary, there is no need to disturb Secretary Qi and go downstairs to greet him personally. How can there be any reason for the leader to greet the secretary?The more the guard thought about it, the more confused he became. Who is the young man?
The young man is not someone, he is Shi De who is little-known but is gradually building invisible influence.

Seeing that Secretary Qi's explanation of his name was deeper than that of Li Changfeng, Shi De smiled modestly: "I don't expect to be rewarded for giving, and I don't take credit for doing good. I can't do it now. As for my parents Whether I believe in Buddhism or not, I don’t know, because they left me when I was very young. But I believe that whether they believe in Buddhism or not, when they named me, they definitely didn’t want me to achieve something in their hearts It is a great cause, but I hope that my life will be safe and sound. Of course, it would be the best if I don’t expect anything in return and don’t take credit for my good deeds.”

Now that he had the opportunity to have a face-to-face conversation with Secretary Qi, Shi De knew that he had to seize it and not miss it. Once he missed it, he might regret it for the rest of his life.Therefore, he had to try to figure out what Secretary Qi was thinking and talk about topics that Secretary Qi was interested in, so that the conversation could continue.

It was also the first time that Shi De had heard someone speculate that his parents believed in Buddhism. He hadn't really thought about this question before, but now that he thought about it, maybe it was true.

But after he finished speaking, Secretary Qi seemed to lack interest, and he didn't show any obvious inclination. It seemed that there were signs of interrupting the conversation. Shi De couldn't help but secretly worried, and he couldn't let Secretary Qi just turn around and leave from his side. , if he doesn't seize the opportunity in front of him, there may never be a next meeting.

Thinking of this, Shi De quickly mobilized the knowledge in his mind, intending to go deeper into the topic.It is necessary to grasp the initiative and rhythm of the conversation, so that Qiqi will not end the conversation with him now.

"What Secretary Qi said just now is really good. Wealth is rich if you don't accumulate it. Officials are honored if they don't show off. If you don't show off, you get a reputation. If you don't repay it, you will get the samadhi of life. From my understanding, A rich person helps the world, not a miser, is the real rich. An official, approachable, without airs, is a real nobleman. Fame, not revealed in the public, and good deeds are not known, is the real praise. And Giving, giving without expecting anything in return, is the real gain." Shi De continued the topic just now, hoping to catch Secretary Qi's interest, "In my opinion, the official is the foundation of honor, and wealth is the support. The source of life. The official is not high, but the honor is the highest. The wealth is not rich, and life is the foundation."

"It's a good one that says 'officials are the foundation of honor, and wealth is the source of life'. It has artistic conception and artistic conception." In Shi De's words, the long speech in the previous part did not arouse Secretary Qi's great interest. I have to leave now, but just as he was about to speak, Shi De's sentence "Officials are the foundation of honor, and wealth is the source of life" immediately aroused his interest, and he couldn't help thinking of a sentence, "Being an official To avoid life-long shame, if you can do the hard work, the responsible, the responsible, the responsible, the responsible, the responsible, the responsible, the responsible, the responsible, the responsible, the responsible 、Those who win will lose, those who let others suffer, and those who are benevolent will be brave. The country and the nation, why worry about it? But how many people are officials, have a sense of honor and a sense of mission? How many people make money to nourish their lives Giving back to society rather than spending it personally?”

"The voice prostitute has a good evening life, and the fireworks will be fine for the rest of her life. The chaste woman loses her white hair, and half her life is miserable." Shi De nodded, first said a couplet, and then said, "If you don't forget your original intention, you can have it forever, but there are a few people Can you not forget your original intention? Before someone became an official, he really wanted to do great things for the country and the people. After entering the officialdom, he forgot his original intention in the ups and downs of the officialdom. The feeling of benefiting the world and benefiting the world has entered the mall, but after struggling in the mall, he lost his heart in the face of interests, and finally became a slave to money and a money-making machine. Few people can step by step Walk through the nine realms of life in one step..."

"Oh..." Seeing the circular arch of the Standing Committee Building, the guards had already saluted and let them pass. Secretary Qi, who was chatting speculatively with Shi De, was immersed in the artistic conception of the conversation, completely forgetting that the Standing Committee Building does not allow irrelevant personnel to enter The regulations lead Shi De to take a step into the Standing Committee, which is mysterious and out of reach for countless people.

(End of this chapter)

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