Fortune Teller.

Chapter 291 Life Lessons

Chapter 291 Life Lessons

"After ascending from nobility to elegance, if you take a step further, you will be indifferent to the worldly affairs, and you will lose the pursuit of fame and wealth. Life in the world is like a quiet lotus flower. Although its roots are in the mud, it emerges from the mud without being stained. , as indifferent as a breeze, you have reached the realm of tranquility.” Shi De hastened the explanation of the following major realms, otherwise the progress is too slow, it may make Qiqi feel bored and lose patience, “The realm of tranquility can go one step further, and the world has everything. Seeing clearly is just an illusion in the dust of the world, in the big dream of life, and you have reached the realm of Minghui, discerning and wise."

"Hmm..." Quan Qi nodded slightly, and the approval in his eyes became stronger and stronger. At this point, he basically recognized Shi De's talent and learning.Of course, talent and learning are only one aspect of a person. Compared with talent and learning, character is the foundation of a person.

Throughout the ages, there have been too many people with talent and learning but no character, such as Song Zhiwen and Qin Hui.Song Zhiwen was a well-known poet in the Tang Dynasty. He was not worthy of political praise, and his conduct was much to be ridiculed. It is said that he saw a poem by his nephew Liu Xiyi, "the flowers are similar every year, but people are different every year". Liu Xiyi refused, so Song Zhiwen crushed Liu Xiyi to death with a bag filled with soil, which is called "killing people because of poetry".

As for Qin Hui, let alone Qin Hui, although Qin Hui has outstanding literary talent and excellent calligraphy, it is said that the imitation Song style that is still widely used today was created by Qin Hui.But Qin Hui's behavior is just hehe.

"One step further from the state of Minghui, discernment, and wisdom, one reaches the state of awakening. The so-called awakening means that a person finally realizes everything, sees through the world, and sees through the illusion that everything in the world is nothing. Lao Tzu said, the five colors make people blind, the five sounds make people deaf, the five flavors make people happy, galloping and hunting make people mad, and rare goods make people hinder. It is a saint who regards the stomach and not the eyes, so go and take this... Awakening or The state of enlightenment is the state of transcendence.”

"After enlightenment, once the madness of pursuing fame and fortune and material desire stops, it is like a bend of clear water without a trace of waves. I have reached the state where all five aggregates are empty." Shi De smiled modestly again, "There is a poem that is well written - the green hills have been turned into yellow hills several times, and the world is always flying around. There is dust in the eyes, the three realms are narrow, and there is nothing in the heart. One bed wide."

It has to be said that even in the eyes of experts and professors, Shi De's insights are rare and profound, and although Quan Qi is not an expert professor, his attainments in Chinese studies are no worse than the so-called expert professors, so Shi De In the end, it ends with a poem, just like the lingering lingering sound, making Quanquan addicted to it for a while, unable to extricate himself.

After a while, Quan Quan woke up from the aftertaste. He shook his head and laughed at himself: "Unexpectedly, I met you by accident today. The nine realms of life you just talked about taught me a vivid life lesson. Shit, I have to thank you."

Shi Deben sat on the chair, stood up immediately after hearing what he said, and said respectfully: "Secretary Qi is serious. If Secretary Qi hadn't listened to my nonsense patiently, I still have no use for my skills." , I wanted to say it, but no one listened. I also have to thank Secretary Qi for taking time out of his busy schedule to be my audience, which made me feel that I have risen to a higher level of life. I have never been in front of the leaders of the provincial party committee before. It’s a sentence, let alone a long speech. The highest-ranking leader I’ve seen before is the deputy mayor.”

"Haha, Xiao Shi, tell me, which realm of life have you reached now?" Shi De's words were both subtle and humorous, which made Quan Quan feel very happy after hearing it, and couldn't help laughing.

"I'm ashamed that I've only reached the realm of Cai." Shi De chuckled, "It's still far from Secretary Qi's elegant realm of life."

"Haha." Shi De's words hit Qi Quan's heart once again. He waved his hand and said modestly, "Where, where, how could I have reached the realm of elegant life? It would be great if I could reach the realm of nobleman's life gone."

"When I saw Secretary Qi for the first time outside just now, I would never have thought that such an approachable person is the majestic Secretary Qi of the Provincial Party Committee. It is important for an official to be insignificant. Secretary Qi is easy-going and talks like a breeze. It has risen to the level of elegance." Shi De once again praised Quan Quan's behavior. Of course, his words came from the heart, not flattery. "And after having an in-depth conversation with Secretary Qi just now, I feel that Secretary Qi There is only one step away from the realm of tranquility."

The so-called thousands of faces mean that everyone has different pursuits in life. If Shi De was facing another person in the officialdom who was obsessed with fame and wealth and lust for power, he would not admire him for rising to a peaceful state , but will tell the truth that the other party is in the realm of great wealth.Quanquan is different. According to his observation of Quanquan, and the elegance that Quanquan named his study after Sizhitang just now, it shows that Quanquan has at least reached the realm of elegance in life.

"Haha, exaggerated, exaggerated." Quan Qi smiled self-effacingly, suddenly remembered something, and asked, "By the way, just now you said that the highest-ranking leader you have ever met before is the deputy mayor. Which city's deputy mayor is it?" long?"

Shi De's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. He said this on purpose just now to gradually bring out the topic of Yue Guoliang in front of Quanquan. He thought that he just mentioned it casually, but was ignored by Quanquan. Unexpectedly, Quanquan's memory is amazing, and he is very familiar with the conversation. He was also secretly surprised by the attention to detail.

After a little thought, Shi De decided to boldly say Yue Guoliang's name, even though he was also worried that if he said something wrong now, his previous efforts might be wasted, and he and Quan Quan finally established a good relationship. The impression was ruined once, but now is a good time to meet Quanquan face to face. With Quanquan's self-cultivation and personality, could there be some inside story behind Quanquan's inexplicable rejection of Yue Guoliang?
Based on Shi De's inference, it is said that with Quan Quan's personality, he should appreciate Yue Guoliang's talent, but various signs show that Yue Guoliang's promotion path is blocked, and Quan Quan is the culprit.

"Yue Guoliang, executive deputy mayor of Shancheng." Shi Dexin gritted his teeth and said Yue Guoliang's name.

"Oh..." Quan Quan's face remained unchanged, but under the calm appearance, a trace of imperceptible anger still flashed in his eyes, which flashed and left no trace, "How do you know Yue Guoliang? "

"Before I came to Shimen, I was in Shancheng..." Shi De briefly talked about his experience, aiming to let Quan Quan have a general understanding of him. In his introduction, he is a graduate of Xiajiang Fudan University. The student, after returning to Dancheng from Xiajiang, started to do business, and then met Yue Qingying, and met Yue Guoliang through Yue Qingying.

Among them, he filtered out some details that may cause misunderstanding, and talked in detail about the behind-the-scenes of Yue Guoliang's hard work for the botanical garden and orphanage project, which finally led to the completion of the botanical garden and orphanage. Of course, he also mentioned his role in it. Otherwise, blindly praising Yue Guoliang would be like saying good things for Yue Guoliang.

"So you and Yue Qingying are working together to do business..." Quan Quan's attitude turned cold, and his face changed from the calm and cloudy to cloudy, "Let's do this for today, I'm wasting your time, Shi De ..."

Obviously, Quan Quan is going to chase away the guests.

Sure enough, Quan Qi had a deep prejudice against Yue Guoliang. As soon as he mentioned Yue Guoliang, his attitude changed drastically. Hearing that Shi De and Yue Qingying were doing business together, he was even unfriendly to Shi De. Then he understood the fact that either Yue Guoliang had offended Quan Quan in something, or Yue Guoliang's actions made Quan Qi extremely dissatisfied, which made Quan Quan deny Yue Guoliang's character in his heart.

Shi De didn't know anything about Yue Guoliang's network in the provincial party committee. He didn't know what kind of intersection Yue Guoliang and Quan Quan had, and how it caused Quan Quan to have a big prejudice against him, but Shi De firmly believed in one thing. Speaking of which, Yue Guoliang and Quan Quan are the same people, and they have very similarities in life philosophy.

The philosophy of life is similar, even if the political views are not exactly the same, there will not be too much difference.That is to say, if Yue Guoliang and Quan Quan have a channel of communication, if Yue Guo Liang can make Quan Quan recognize him as a person, he should be a type of talent that is appreciated by Quan Quan, not someone who is blacklisted by Quan Quan kind.

Where is Quanquan's misunderstanding of Yue Guoliang, where is the crux of the prejudice, it is difficult for Shi De to guess, but now he knows Quanquan, and he has a chance to talk face-to-face with Quanquan alone, which is equivalent to saying , he is now acting as the bridge between Yue Guoliang and Quanquan. If he can't present a real Yue Guoliang in front of Quan Quan, then he will not only miss the opportunity, but also make his impression in Quan Quan's mind change from good to bad. From now on, Quanquan will also close the door to him.

Although Shi didn't want to leave and wanted to continue talking with Quanquan, but since Quanquan had issued an order to evict the guest, he couldn't just sit still and not leave, so he had to stand up and walk out while saying, "I heard someone Story - One day 700 years ago, the prince of North Wales went hunting and left his favorite dog at home to take care of the baby. When the prince came back, he saw that the blanket was covered with blood, but the baby was not there. His dog was licking The blood around his mouth looked at him wagging his head and tail. The prince was furious, and stabbed the dog with a knife. The dog screamed and fell to the ground to die. Suddenly, the cry of a baby came from under the blood-stained blanket. At this moment, the prince Only then did I find a dead wolf lying in the corner of the room..."

When he finished speaking, Shi De was already standing outside the door.

Once again, Qiqi was attracted by the metaphor contained in Shi De's story, and couldn't help being taken aback: "You mean, many mistakes are made on impulse?"

(End of this chapter)

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