Fortune Teller.

Chapter 292

Chapter 292

"No." Shi De shook his head, "There are many things. What you see and hear may not be the truth in your imagination. Just like history, sometimes what history presents is not the whole history, but the so-called historiography with ulterior motives. The history in your eyes is not the real history, but the history in the eyes of the so-called historians. It is a history taken out of context and a partial history, such as Cai Lun..."

Cai Lun is a celebrity in history and is famous both at home and abroad for his improvement of papermaking. His papermaking has become one of the four great inventions in ancient China and has made great contributions to human civilization.American Mike Hart ranked Cai Lun sixth in the "Top 100 Celebrities Who Affected the Process of Human History", far ahead of the well-known Columbus, Einstein, and Darwin.

But in fact, besides improving papermaking, Cai Lun's political achievements are unsightly, and his character is not worth mentioning. After that, he immediately approached another queen.He was an official in the inner court all his life, served four young emperors successively, took refuge in two empresses, rose steadily, became a prince, and was honored by the Jiuqing, but in the end he committed suicide because of the false accusation case that year.

"Wait a minute..." Seeing that Shi De was about to disappear outside the door as soon as he finished speaking, he thought of Cai Lun's completeness and finally couldn't hold back the puzzlement in his heart. Does Liang make an excuse?"

Talking to a smart person, you don’t have to say it clearly, just tap it lightly, and the other person can understand that Shi De took back the steps that he was about to take. He stood at the door and looked inside, sincerely He said: "I don't know what kind of prejudice Secretary Qi has against Mayor Yue, but I believe that Secretary Qi's view of Mayor Yue is neither comprehensive nor biased. Mayor Yue is not what Secretary Qi imagined. That kind of person."

"Then who is he?" Quan Quan nodded to signal Shi De to come in and speak. Although his face was still gloomy, compared to just now, he was still somewhat relaxed.

"It doesn't matter who Mayor Yue is. What matters is that I don't know who he is in the eyes of Secretary Qi." Shi De stepped into the complete office, thinking in his heart that he was so dangerous that he almost died because of defending Yue Guoliang. Being expelled from the door by Quanquan shows how bad Quanquan's impression of Yue Guoliang is. Therefore, he must first know where Quanquan's misunderstanding of Yue Guoliang is, so that he can prescribe the right medicine and eliminate Yue Guoliang's misunderstanding in Quanquan's eyes. Negative image, "Although Mayor Yue's study is not called Sizhitang, there is a couplet in his study, which somewhat expresses his innermost feelings."

Quan Qi, who has always been interested in ancient poetry, was once again successfully whetted by Shi De and asked, "What couplet?"

"Shanglian: Bullying people is like bullying the sky, don't deceive yourself; Xialian, betraying the people is betraying the country, how can you bear to bear it." Shi De wanted to eliminate Qi Qi's prejudice against Yue Guoliang, not because of him and Yue Guoliang The relationship is good, but I think that good officials who serve the country and the people like Yue Guoliang should occupy important positions. In this way, corrupt officials and mediocre officials will not have the opportunity to go up. This is a blessing for the country, the people, and for the country Fortunately, Quan Qi, Deputy Secretary, chose a good official.

"Couple is a good couplet, but has Yue Guoliang done it?" Quan Qi has a long-standing prejudice against Yue Guoliang, and it is impossible to change it just because of a couplet. Yue Guoliang excused himself, is it because you have an interest in him?"

"I have known Mayor Yue for more than half a year, and I have been to his house many times, and I have never brought a gift to the door, let alone sent him a penny!" Shi De said firmly, "I excuse him, not for myself interests, but for the reputation of Secretary Qi and the interests of the people of the country.”

"So, your intentions are still very noble?" Quan Quan smiled disapprovingly, "You still use it in the name of my reputation, it's very fair and aboveboard."

Of course Shi De could hear the irony in Quan Quan's words, and smiled lightly: "I'm telling the truth, Secretary Qi, if in ancient times, you were equivalent to a senior official, shouldering the important task of selecting outstanding officials for the country , and based on your character, you must be a meritocracy rather than a nepotism. If a good mayor who has dedicated his life to the construction and development of a single city with a good reputation and a good reputation, and is clean and self-disciplined, has been in the card How will the same sincere and down-to-earth cadres think if they can’t make progress in the position of deputy mayor for more than ten years? How will it make hundreds of thousands of people in a single city think? If Mayor Yue cannot be promoted, he is honest and capable Cadres can't get promoted, opportunistic cadres are promoted step by step, and if things go on like this, if the officialdom of Yan Province is corrupted because Mayor Yue's promotion is hindered, Secretary Qi will also hurt your reputation."

After listening to Shi De's high-spirited speech, Quan Quan didn't speak. After a moment of silence, he got up and opened the window.It was winter, and the indoor heating was sufficient, warm as spring. Once the windows were opened, the air-conditioning quickly poured into the room. Being stimulated by the air-conditioning, people felt that the whole body was refreshed, and even the spirit was refreshed a lot.

Sure enough, life is too comfortable, and work will be tired by life.No wonder countless heroes no longer have lofty ambitions when they arrive in the south of the Yangtze River. The climate is too comfortable and the life is too comfortable, which kills their fighting spirit. Gentle township, hero grave.China's thousands of years of history have always been threatened by the northern peoples rather than the south, which explains the problem.

"Yue Guoliang's work is worthy of recognition, but he allowed his children to use power for personal gain in Shancheng. In a short period of time, Yue Qingying made tens of millions of yuan, causing irreparable losses to the country and the people. , I don’t agree with him going any further!” Quan Quan turned around, and said to Shi De with a firm gaze, “Shi De, you should be more aware of where Yue Qingying’s money comes from than me when you cooperate with Yue Qingying. I said to myself, what Yue Guoliang did was the actions of a party member and cadre who is strict with himself?"

It turned out that the crux of the matter was here. Shi Dechang breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Quan Quan's prejudice against Yue Guoliang was a personal emotional prejudice, and it was a personal disapproval of Yue Guoliang. Now it seems that Quan Quan is a human being. It's fair, the reason why he got stuck in Yue Guoliang's promotion was because Fu Rui had previously spread the rumor that Yue Guoliang embezzled tens of millions of public funds in the land of Sanxing Village by using his power for personal gain.

Although Yue Guoliang later responded to the rumors under Shi De's suggestion, offsetting most of the rumors with the fact that Yue Qingying's assets inherited the inheritance of his grandparents, but it was only limited to the single city, probably in the Among the provincial party committee, Yue Guoliang's image was still negatively affected by the incident.

Even Quan Quan believed this matter was true, and believed that Yue Guoliang's old leader had a big prejudice against Yue Guoliang because of this matter, and was unwilling to promote Yue Guoliang to go further.

After thinking about this, Shi De had to sigh. In the confrontation with Fu Rui, although Yue Guoliang won a complete victory, he was still hit by Fu Rui's counterattack, and he still suffers from it to this day.If it wasn't for his accidental meeting with Quan Quan, and if it wasn't for him and Quan Quan's speculation, let alone he would never have guessed the reason why Yue Guoliang couldn't get promoted, even Yue Guoliang himself, I'm afraid he would never figure it out.

There are many things in life that you can’t understand. The reason is that you don’t know what others misunderstand you, and you don’t have the opportunity to explain it clearly to him face to face. Therefore, misunderstandings are like a gap between two people. There is no opportunity to fill the gap, and there is no possibility to shake hands and make peace across the gap.

Behind Fu Rui is Du Qingxuan, so can it be said that Yue Guoliang's current career has been hindered, or is it because of the aftereffects of Du Qingxuan's move?Du Qingxuan is really amazing, a Fu Rui incident can actually affect Yue Guoliang's fortune for the rest of his life, if not for his appearance, Yue Guoliang would probably have no hope of being promoted forever.

The fortune master is really powerful, not only can harm people invisibly, but also can affect the ups and downs of a person's life in the long run.

Seeing that Shi De remained silent for a long time, Quan Quan thought that Shi De had nothing to say, and sighed lightly: "Shi De, I appreciate your talent and learning, but talent and learning are not equal to character... Similarly, Yue Guoliang is also very capable, But if a person has bad conduct, no matter how strong his ability is, it is useless, because without the ability of character, the greater the ability, the greater the harm, the small one will harm one party, and the large one will harm the country and the people."

"Secretary Qi..." Shi De sat down on his own, smiled lightly, and said calmly, "I won't talk about my character, let's just talk about Mayor Yue's personality..."

Shi De first listed the major facts and events that Yue Guoliang had done in Shancheng over the years, then changed the subject and talked about the source of Yue Qingying's property: "Yue Qingying has very rich grandparents, she Her grandparents only had one daughter, Yue Qingying’s mother. After her grandparents passed away, the inheritance went to Su Shu’e’s name. Su Shu’e kept a low profile and never told the outside world about her family background. Mayor Yue also didn’t reveal his family background to anyone. There is a fact that there is a multimillionaire's wife. The property under the name of Su Shu'e was transferred to Yue Qingying's name after she became an adult... Therefore, from the beginning of her business, Yue Qingying has been uncompromising Deducted a multi-millionaire."

"Oh..." Hearing these words, Quan Quan was immediately moved, "Is this really the case?"

"If necessary, I can ask Mayor Yue to provide a legally recognized will and property certificate." Shi Dejian heard this for the first time, and he felt a little more confident, "However, Mayor Yue has always been unwilling to submit The outside world revealed the family affairs, even when he was wronged and slandered and embezzled 1000 million public funds, he was unwilling to use the fact that Yue Qingying's property came from inheritance to justify himself. Those who are pure and turbid are themselves turbid, and he does not need or need to explain anything to those who pour dirty water on him..."

(End of this chapter)

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