Fortune Teller.

Chapter 297

Chapter 297
"As Uncle Xia's secretary, he asked Uncle Xia to sign the document. It should be part of his daily work. He has already been familiar with the road, but he is like a novice, which shows that he has a ghost in his heart. Thinking that Uncle Xia is about to be transferred from the provincial party committee Given the current situation, I felt that the document might have been tampered with, so I reminded Uncle Xia in time..."

Its implementation is only a part of the appearance, and the real reason is that when he observes Ren Hao's layout, he finds that Ren Hao's layout is narrow and narrow, like a narrow alley, only one person can pass through, and there is still a lot of traffic. Very short, it shows that Ren Hao is short-sighted, and the road of life will not be too long.

The pattern is the external expression of the mind, although with Shi De's realm, sometimes there is a suspicion of misjudgment, but Ren Hao is neither a high-ranking official, nor is the blessing big enough, so let Shi De see his pattern clearly Chu, Shi De concluded from this that Ren Hao is not reusable, and he is rebellious. Based on the combination, Shi De came to the conclusion that Ren Hao might be detrimental to Xia You.

But one thing that puzzles Shi is that he has observed many people's patterns, and he has never seen a person with such a narrow pattern like Ren Hao, not only narrow, but also seems to be able to see the end at a glance... What's going on here?
It was precisely because Shi De saw such a strange pattern for the first time that he could not figure out what the reason was—until not long after, Ren Hao failed to solve the problem of using other people's money to eliminate disasters for others, and he again He owed a lot of gambling debts and was unable to repay, and was finally knocked to death on the street. After hearing the news, Shi De suddenly realized that the fact that Ren Hao's pattern had come to an end at a glance was a sign that his life was coming to an end. Later, Shi De's Physiognomy was raised to a higher level again, and the length of a person's lifespan can be judged by the length of a person's pattern.

Of course, this is for a later story, so I won't mention it for the time being.

"Rebellious? When I read "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" before, I dismissed the saying that if you have a rebellious person on your head, you will rebel. I didn't expect that the words of the ancients really have some truth." Xia You nodded. So far, He didn't dare to say that he believed [-]% in Shi De's physiognomy, at least he believed it seven to eighty-eight, and was about to say a few more words when there was a knock on the door.

Outside the door, Ren Hao's voice came: "Director Xia, Mayor Shang is here."

When Shang Jianchao came, Xia Youchong Shi De nodded slightly, implying that Shi De must see clearly later.If he asked Shi De to come to the Provincial Party Committee before, he just had the idea of ​​giving it a try, but now it is different. It is obviously an exaggeration to say that Shi De's move just now saved his political life, but at least he avoided a A political turmoil.Therefore, he suddenly looked forward to Shi De's comments on Shang Jianchao.

As soon as the door rang, Ren Hao came in again, he bent slightly, and respectfully invited the person behind him to enter.

Xia You looked at Shi De meaningfully, and reached out to return the document to Ren Hao. After Ren Hao took it, he turned and went out without looking through it.

Looking at Ren Hao's background, Shi De secretly smiled.He didn't sincerely want to blacken Ren Hao, but Ren Hao was rebellious, but he really did the nasty things of the black boss behind him, so he couldn't help but look down on Ren Hao.

A person, whether in officialdom or business, must abide by the most basic professional ethics and abide by the principle of professionalism.Don't betray your colleagues, don't betray your superiors, and don't frame your subordinates, these are the three laws of life.Shi De has always been merciless to those who sell their friends for wealth and their masters for glory.

Because no matter where these people stay, they will be a scourge and a factor of instability.

"Jianchao is here, sit down." Xia You didn't introduce Shang Jianchao to Shi De, nor did he introduce Shi De to Shang Jianchao, but asked Shang Jianchao to sit down, and said in a normal tone, "How about it? Did you get anything out of it?"

"It's okay. It's mainly about the transformation of Shimen's urban villages. The transformation of urban villages is a big problem, and it can't be done in one step in a while. We must make psychological preparations for a protracted war." Shang Jianchao looked at it lightly. Shi De glanced at him, wondering why there was an extra person in Xia You's office, but Xia You didn't introduce who Shi De was, and he was too embarrassed to ask, so he continued, "Senior Feng is still very concerned about the legacy of the Zhuo Group. The mess is a problem that requires the city to come up with a solution as soon as possible to avoid mass incidents."

"Oh..." Xia You responded lightly, as if he was indifferent to the mess left by the Zhuo Group, "What is the city's attitude towards dealing with the problems left by the Zhuo Group?"

"I haven't made a decision yet." Shang Jianchao subconsciously glanced at Shi De again. He always felt that it was inconvenient to speak with Shi De beside him. The main reason was that for some reason, he always felt that Shi De's eyes were too bright , looking at him, it was as if he had seen through his heart, which made him feel tense all the time, "The main reason is that now is the time for a new term, and no one has the heart to deal with the legacy problems of the Zhuo Group, and they are all waiting for the new term." Afterwards, let’s re-adjust the division of labor. After all, this is a tricky matter, and it’s not a good thing. If it’s handled well, the credit goes to the successor. Come on."

"That's true." Xia You nodded, and cast a questioning look at Shi De imperceptibly. Seeing that Shi De had a calm face, his eyes neither kept rolling around Shang Jianchao's face, nor He was relieved to turn a blind eye to Shang Jianchao and stay out of it. Shi De had a good sense of proportion. He was also worried that Shi De would either stare at Shang Jianchao, causing Shang Jianchao to be vigilant, or he would not look at it much. It's hard to judge Shang Jianchao's personality with just one glance.

"Jianchao, you will definitely be the executive deputy next step. By then, the remaining problems of the Zhuo Group may have to fall on you." Xia You intends to probe into Shang Jianchao's tone.

"Now the Reputable Group, Baisha Group and Bitian Group are vying to take over the legacy of the Zhuo Group. What they are looking at is not the resources of the Zhuo Group, but the land in Nancun." Shang Jianchao nodded slightly and said, " If Mayor Lan hadn't been transferred, he would have preferred the Credit Group at first, but then suddenly changed his mind for some unknown reason, and when he was about to give it to the Credit Group, he suppressed it again. Signs. In fact, I don’t want to take over the mess of Zhuo’s Group. It is said that Zhuo’s Group and Bitian Group have debt disputes, and it is most suitable for Bitian Group to take over the mess. It made me scratch my head when I insisted on taking over as if I wouldn’t give up until I reached my goal.”

In the middle of speaking, Shang Jianchao involuntarily glanced at Shi De again. It was a strange thing, it was really a strange thing. Why did Shi De stand aside? The character has never been seen before, Shi De is a young man who looks neither rich nor expensive, how could he bring inexplicable pressure to him?
Another thought, maybe he has been too busy and tired at work recently, and when he changes his job, he will inevitably worry about gains and losses. After worrying about gains and losses for a long time, he will become paranoid. Alas, there is no way, people are always tense in the officialdom. Gen Xian, Shang Jianchao laughed secretly at himself again, his nerves are too tense, even a young man who doesn't know the so-called can make him feel uncomfortable, isn't he too calm and composed?
Of course, what Shang Jianchao didn't know was that Shi De was beside him and made him feel like a light, not because of nervousness or worrying about gains and losses, but because his sixth sense reminded him that Shi De was an extremely dangerous person fact!It's a pity that, being deeply educated in materialism, he doesn't believe in a sixth sense at all, and he doesn't believe that in real life, there are indeed a group of superior people with better vision and judgment than ordinary people, who can judge from a person's appearance and A person's character can be deduced from his speech and behavior, and then his conduct can be deduced from the principle that character is fate, and even the fate of this person's life can be seen!

There are many people in the world who firmly believe in one sentence - if you believe it, you have it, if you don't believe it, you don't have it. In fact, it is self-deceiving Ah Q-style comfort and self-hypnosis.Everyone thinks that they can be successful and famous, and everyone thinks that they should be rich, but if you believe in it, will you succeed?Obviously not, there is no one in a hundred who has achieved great success.There are very few rich and powerful people.

There are many things that have always been and always will be true, believe it or not.Just like the ancients did not believe in TV, mobile phones, or airplanes, they did not believe it because the level of technological development has not yet reached.In the same way, if you don't believe in some things, it's because you don't have enough realm, or lack of knowledge, or lack of experience.If you don’t believe in anything you haven’t seen or heard with your own eyes or think it’s impossible, or dismiss it as superstition, then just explain that your well head is too small and the bottom of the well is too deep.

If a person has not seen the world before he was born, does the world not exist?
Only a person who admits his shortcomings and faces up to his own shortcomings can make continuous progress.A person who neither has read much nor has much experience and only denies everything based on his own limited knowledge is doomed to achieve nothing in his life.

The sea is full of rivers and rivers, and people who have never seen the sea will think that rivers are the biggest water.Small-minded people think that what they see is all and the truth, but they don't know that the ocean is bigger than the river, and the infinite universe is bigger than the sky.

"But it's hard to say. Maybe after the change of term and the adjustment of the division of labor of the deputy mayor, Cao Yongguo will be responsible for the remaining problems of the Zhuo Group." Shang Jianchao laughed and shook his head. It depends on the arrangement of the new mayor. By the way, Director Xia, is the new mayor Chen Feng or Liu Bao's family? There are rumors that Liu Bao's family is back..."

(End of this chapter)

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