Fortune Teller.

Chapter 298 Poor Character, Little Fortune

Chapter 298 Poor Character, Little Fortune

Saying goodbye to Xia You, Shi De went to pick up the car. When he got to the front of the car, he only took one look and was stunned!
Unexpectedly, Zhang Zhiqiang, the majestic Mr. Zhang, turned out to be a villain who will take revenge and use any means...Standing in front of his Audi car, watching the four wheels of the Audi all collapse into a ball like a leaking ball, and The car door was also scratched several times by sharp objects, and Shi couldn't laugh or cry.

No need to guess, he knew it was BMW Zhang's handwriting.The arrogant person who dared to slash other people's tires in the provincial party committee compound, and even dared to draw a few lines on the car body, was none other than BMW Zhang!

Shi De was not angry, but just thought it was funny. Thinking about it, Baobai Zhang is also in his 50s, and he is like a stunned young man in his 20s. It damaged Baomazhang's own character, and also lowered Bauma Zhang's life height to the level of a slob.

The details are based on character, greatness is better than good fortune, people with bad character, good fortune will not be much better, Shi De shook his head, BMW Zhang's company is still called Credit Group, from what he has done It can be seen that it is strange that he has credibility.

Just thinking about it, the phone rang in time, and it was Huang Ziheng calling.

"Brother De, I found it." Huang Ziheng's voice was a little excited, "The all-cotton era developed by Reputation Group not only lacks five certificates, but also is an illegal project. Not to mention the land certificate, even the nature of the land has not changed."

"Oh..." Shi De became very interested, "What is the nature of the land used in the cotton era?"

The land used for residential buildings must be for civil use, not for commercial or industrial use. Otherwise, building residential buildings on commercial or industrial land is an illegal project.In recent years, due to the transformation of urban villages, many real estate companies have emerged in Shimen. Some real estate companies originally sold coal or cars or even catering businesses. Take advantage of the east wind of urban village transformation and get a share of the pie.

"Industrial land is built on the land of the original village enterprise, and houses were built." Huang Ziheng laughed wickedly, "If you make a big fuss about this matter, it will definitely make the credit group suffer a big fall."

"Okay, very good, very good." If it was before, Shi De might have taken care of a lot, but now, even if he didn't take revenge on BMW Zhang for cutting his tire, he would also teach BMW Zhang a lesson in order to uphold justice. , or to use BMW Zhang as a fulcrum to compete with Du Qingxuan in Shimen.

Building residential houses on top of the nature of industrial land is a deception to buyers. If the land remains unchanged, there is no way to obtain a real estate certificate.It is equivalent to saying that among the five certificates, there is none.

Real estate developers should have the "Construction Land Planning Permit", "Construction Project Planning Permit", "Construction Project Construction Permit", "State-owned Land Use Certificate" and "Commercial Housing Sales (Pre-sale) Permit" when selling commercial houses in advance , referred to as "five certificates".Only after the land is changed from industrial land to residential land, can the most critical "state-owned land use certificate" be obtained. After the "state-owned land use certificate" is obtained, the pre-sale permit can be obtained, and the pre-sale permit It is the key to the real estate certificate.

Hearing Shi De's repeated applause, Huang Ziheng, who knew Shi De very well, understood what Shi De meant, and laughed: "Don't worry, brother, I will continue to follow up on this good thing. Since it is a good thing, you have to publicize it well, right?" ?”

Shi De smiled silently, and hung up the phone. He originally wanted Huang Ziheng to send a car to pick him up, but after thinking about it, he had to talk about the ins and outs of the last half day, or he would take a taxi back to save trouble. .

However, although the tires of the Audi car were scratched, they couldn't be left alone. Shi De was about to call Xia Hua and ask Xia Hua to send someone to deal with it. Unexpectedly, when he had to dial, Xia Hua called in one step ahead.

"Hey, Shide, let me tell you a great news. Biyou and I have initially reached an agreement that Bitian Group will undertake Binsheng's commercial and residential buildings and Champagne Street projects. At the same time, Binsheng has also reached an agreement with Bitian Group. In the real estate market in Shimen, Binsheng and Bitian Group will respond to each other and take the great goal of actively building good houses that people can afford. Since then, Binsheng and Bitian Group have formed a strategy Alliance, I believe that in the near future, Binsheng and Bitian Group will dominate Shimen's real estate market!"

Xia Hua's rhetoric was full of passion, but Shi De was not infected by her words, on the contrary, he was amused by her almost MLM tone: "Don't set great goals lightly. There are many goals. Well, I found out that it is also very great. The greater the goal, the smaller it is in the beginning.”

"The smaller you are, the greater you are..." Xia Hua pondered for a moment, "It's not bad, Shi De, your comprehension has improved again, and you have a very mysterious dialectic of opposites. Well, listen to you and don't say anything If you have a great goal, just start from now, start from the little things, so it will be okay, right?"

"Of course." Shi De smiled, and the bad mood caused by the tire being scratched by BMW Zhang was swept away. At the same time, he quickly opened Biyou's heart for Xia Hua and won Biyou's trust And Xinxi, apart from Master He and him, I believe Xia Hua is the person Biyou trusts the most now, "By the way, you send someone over to tow away my Audi."

"What's wrong with the car?" Xia Hua was startled, "Crash the car? Are you alright?"

Xia Hua thought of his safety first, and Shi felt warm: "It's okay, the car didn't crash, it's just that all four tires have blown out, and it can't be driven."

"Isn't it? I have been driving for so many years, and one tire has always blown out. Let alone seeing it, I have never even heard of four tires blowing out at the same time. Are you too lucky? No, you Everyone loves flowers and sees flowers. It’s okay to drive and see a car with a flat tire. How could four tires blow out at once? Shi De, tell me the truth, are you being naughty again? Are you racing with someone again?”

Shi was helpless, Xia Hua's words were always like running water from a faucet, rushing non-stop, and he didn't know why she talked so much, he laughed dryly: "Okay, don't think about it, it's because the bad guys scratched it. Got four tires."

"I..." Xia Hua almost cursed, but fortunately, she swallowed it back in time, "Who is so unprofessional? Who is this? Tell me who it is, I will remove his four wheels and replace them with four wheels." A bastard."

Xia Hua was calling the other party a bastard, Shi De laughed: "It's BMW Zhang, I met him unexpectedly at the Provincial Party Committee, and in the end I ruined his good deed, so he was very angry with me and scratched his head." My tires. I never thought that anyway, BMW Zhang is also the chairman of the dignified credit group, who knew he was so worthless."

"Did you know that he is not good? There are many things about him that are not good. I will tell you later, at least there is a basket. Okay, let's not talk about it. I will send someone to tow the car in a while, and then I will pick you up by the way. By the way, How did the meeting between you and my dad go?" Xia Hua remembered that Shi De went to the Provincial Party Committee because of Xia You's appointment.

"You don't need to pick me up, you can just drag Audi away, and I'll go back by myself." Shi De didn't want Xia Hua to pick him up, it was because he suddenly wanted to be alone, sometimes walking alone on the streets of strange cities A way of meditation, "My meeting with Uncle Xia turned out to be surprisingly effective. I'll tell you when I get back."

"Okay, whatever you want, I'll call the trailer now." Xia Hua was in the midst of getting along with Biyou, so she didn't bother to think about why Shi didn't let her pick him up.

Shi De strolled out of the gate of the provincial party committee compound, and saw the guard salute him very politely. He knew that the guard didn't actually salute him, but the guard saw him talking closely with Quan Quan.But no matter what, it felt good to be saluted, so Shi De responded with a kind smile from the guard, and at the same time, subconsciously looked at the guard one more time.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, you are immediately taken aback.

The doorman is a young man in his 30s. He looks good, handsome and mighty, with a bit of heroism. It should be said that as a man, his appearance is outstanding, and his score should be at least 75 points.

But Shi De looks at people differently from ordinary people. He doesn't look at appearance, but only looks at appearance and appearance.Of course, the appearance of a doorman is not worthy of him using physiognomy to examine it. Just looking at his face is enough to see through the fate of the doorman.

If you only look at the appearance, the appearance of the door guard is at least above average. If you change to an ordinary physiognomy teacher, you will come to the wrong conclusion that the door guard will be a big success before the age of 30.Even if it is not the success of great wealth and wealth, it will be the success of a successful career, millions of wealth, and a happy family.

In other words, judging from the appearance, the doorman will not be a doorman anyway. He is either a leading cadre above the division level or a millionaire with a fortune of more than a million. How can he only be a doorman with a monthly income of several hundred yuan? Woolen cloth?
If it was before, Shi De would suspect that his physiognomy is not good, but now it is different. Ever since he heard the story of the woodcutter told by Mr. He, he knows that some people are expensive in appearance but cheap in their bones, and some people are cheap in appearance but expensive In their bones, of course, there are some people who are cheap in appearance and even cheaper in their bones. Conversely, there are also people who are expensive in appearance and expensive in their bones.

Needless to say, although the doorman has a good face and looks like a little rich or noble, he is only a doorman, which should be a problem in his bones.However, what Shi De cares about is not the fate of the doorman's life, but his unbearable feeling that the doorman may suffer an unwarranted disaster in the near future.

Shi De turned around, walked back a few steps, came to the doorman, and looked him up and down.

If it were someone else, the guard would have scolded Shi De and left long ago, but the scene of Shi De talking and laughing with Secretary Qi just now shocked the guard too much. He didn't dare to neglect, and asked, "Hello, what can I do for you?"

(End of this chapter)

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