Fortune Teller.

Chapter 300 Bloody Case

Chapter 300 Bloody Case

who I am?Wan Huhou was almost furious: "I'm fucking Pan Yinhua's man, you're fucking Pan Yinhua's adulterer, you're in my house, sleeping with my woman, cuckolding me, and slapping me in the face, you're too he Fucking lawless."

Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment, and then smiled incomprehensibly: "So you are that useless man Pan Yinhua, don't get angry, and don't yell, wearing a cuckold is either for you or he wears it for you. It's not a big deal, is it? Based on your Pan Jinlian's coquettishness, if I don't wear it for you, sooner or later someone else will wear it for you. Instead of letting a man who is more wimpy and smelly than you sleep with Pan Jinlian , why don't you let me, the rich second generation of Yushu Linfeng, sleep with her, you will have more face, won't you?"

"Put your mother's stinky fart!" Wan Huhou finally couldn't take it anymore, stepped forward and kicked Zhang Yang's stomach. He had never seen a master who dared to be so arrogant after sleeping with other women. It's his honor to wear a cuckold, "I'll kill you!"

"Wan Huhou, stop!" Pan Yinhua jumped off the bed when she heard something wrong, and rushed to the living room. Seeing that the two were about to fight, she didn't care about only wearing the three-point style, and hugged Wan Huhou's thigh, " Zhang Yang, run quickly, he is a soldier, he has kung fu, be careful not to hurt you."

Zhang Yang gave a smirk: "Not all soldiers have kung fu, Jin Lian, you protect me at critical moments, okay, brother didn't hurt you for nothing, next time I will love you better."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yang laughed triumphantly, raised his hand and threw the broom, and the broom hit Wan Huhou's face, and several blood marks were drawn on Wan Huhou's face.

"Goodbye, Wanhuhou, right? It's a good name, but you are destined to be a small security guard for the rest of your life. Pay Wanhuhou, you can't even look down on your own woman, Wanhuhou is a fart!" Zhang Yang just leave , and deliberately reprimanded Wan Huhou a few words, and he still looked calm, as if Wan Huhou was settled, and Wan Huhou didn't dare to move a finger of him.

No matter how wimpy a man is, he can't stand such a shameful humiliation. Wan Huhou roared suddenly, kicked Pan Yinhua away with his leg, kicked Pan Yinhua one meter away, and then he rushed towards Zhang Yang like a hungry tiger.

Just before Zhang Yang took a step forward, his back was facing Wan Huhou. When he heard a strange voice behind him, he quickly turned around and saw Wan Huhou flying towards him. He was startled and shouted: "I am the second generation rich, I Dad is BMW Zhang, if you dare to touch me with a finger, my dad will shoot you to death!"

As soon as the words fell, Wan Huhou's foot had already arrived, and his foot hit Zhang Yang's back. Zhang Yang screamed and fell to the ground with a "plop". He rolled on the ground like a lazy donkey, and rolled to the side. He grabbed a wrench—Wan Huhou's house was an old one, and things in the house were often broken, so he often repaired it by himself. There were a lot of tools in the house—and with a wave of his back, the wrench hit Wan Huhou's waist.

Wan Huhou was indeed a soldier, but he was neither an armed policeman nor a special soldier in the army. He hadn't learned much kung fu. I thought that Zhang Yang was in a hurry to escape and didn't dare to fight back. Unexpectedly, Zhang Yang had just slept with his woman at his home. When facing him, the righteous master, he was not guilty at all, and even if he fought back, he was ruthless.

Wan Huhou didn't dodge for a moment, he was hit by Zhang Yang's wrench on his waist, Zhang Yang's strike was hard enough, he only felt a sharp pain, and felt that one of his ribs might be broken.

Fighting, Wan Huhou's blood poured up, he was bullied to the door, no, he was bullied to the bed, and he dared to beat him, if he didn't fight back, he just jumped off the building and died.Thinking of this, he took a step forward, his eyes were red, and he hugged Zhang Yang by the waist like crazy.

Although Zhang Yang is arrogant and arrogant, but now he only wears a pair of underwear all over his body, and when he is hugged by someone, he screams in fright: "Wan Huhou, put me down. If you don't let me go, I'll kill you."

Arrogant people have one thing in common, that is, they don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, thinking that his words are golden words, and as long as he speaks, the whole world will prostrate at his feet.Usually arrogant people read very little, and they don't know how profound the truth of life is contained in what the old people often say.

If Zhang Yang had heard the old saying about a donkey kicking a dead man, maybe he wouldn't bully Wan Huhou like this. Of course, in Pan Yinhua's description, Wan Huhou is a useless wretch who can't kick a single fart, let alone the woman who slept with him , Even if he shits on his head, he doesn't dare to say no.

It is precisely because of Pan Yinhua's misleading, coupled with Zhang Yang's natural arrogance, that now Wan Huhou has the upper hand, and he still threatens Wan Huhou without begging for mercy. A man with no blood at all.

Wan Huhou's chest was filled with anger like a raging sea. He strode forward, ignoring Zhang Yang's struggle and Pan Yinhua's cry behind him, and carried Zhang Yang to the window, kicked the window open, and smiled coldly: " Kill me? I'll kill you first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, regardless of Zhang Yang's arrogant expression, he finally turned into a face of panic. He laughed and sent him forward vigorously. With a scream, Zhang Yang was thrown out of the window by him!
"Ah!" Pan Yinhua was frightened and dumbfounded, she didn't expect that such a trivial matter of having an affair would lead to a bloody crime, she rolled her eyes and fainted from fright.

Wan Huhou threw Zhang Yang away, but he still couldn't let go of his hatred. He looked out of the window and saw Zhang Yang fell into the holly downstairs. In the freezing winter, wearing only a pair of underwear, he crawled on the ground like a dog chewing shit, motionless. , he was greatly relieved, and spit down: "You can't die if you fall, but you will be crippled if you fall."

Wan Huhou's family lived on the second floor, with a floor height of only three meters, and there were holly and grass below. I believe that Zhang Yang would not die no matter what.But there will definitely be a good or bad fall, at least let Zhang Yang learn a lesson.

Shi De didn't know at this time that he just enlightened Wan Huhou, which triggered a series of chain reactions, and finally led to Zhang Yang being thrown from the second floor by Wan Huhou, who broke an arm and a leg. Knowing how it was such a coincidence, Zhang Yang fell so badly that he lost his fertility ever since.What's even more coincidental is that Zhang Yang has wandered around in the flowers for many years, and he likes wives the most. He specializes in being a third party, destroying other people's families, and even proclaims himself a green hat wholesaler.The result is good. There is a saying that if you catch eagles all day long, you will always be pecked by the eagles. If you hunt often, you will be beaten by the prey sooner or later. Women from good families never imagined that they would always play with others, and when they were played by others, they would lose their fertility in one fell swoop.

Since then, the Zhang family has never been seen again.

BMW was always arrogant and arrogant for a while, and the father and son of the Zhang family have been domineering for many years, but in the end they ended up cutting off their children and grandchildren. It's not that things in the world are not reported, but that the time has not yet come. Once the time comes, good and evil will be rewarded in the end.Therefore, in life, don't talk too much, don't do things too much, speak with a degree, and leave room for life, so that there is room in life, and you won't go to a dead end.

If Shi De knew that because of one extra sentence he said, BMW Zhang lost his children and grandchildren, he would definitely blame himself kindly, and sincerely comfort himself. In fact, he really didn't know that the bastard who cuckolded Wan Huhou was Zhang Yang .But then again, you can't blame him for talking too much, Zhang Yang is doing it on his own, and he is reaping the consequences. When cuckolding others, one must also think that one day, others will return it in the same or even worse way.

No matter what you do in life, it is actually a gamble. The chips you put in are happiness, and the rewards will be happiness.The chips invested are ugly, and the harvest will be ugly.

And after betting, the rewards will be magnified countless times.

At this moment, Shi De was sitting on the bus, heading towards the Bitian Group as the bus wobbled along.

Originally, after Shi got out of the gate of the Provincial Committee, he wanted to take a taxi, but found that Mingwei Street, where the Provincial Committee was located, was forbidden to use taxis.Unexpectedly, at the intersection, a bus happened to stop under the stop sign. Thinking that the best way to understand a city is to take the bus, he didn't wait for a taxi, but got on the bus.

There were not many people on the bus, so Shi De randomly found a seat and sat down.Because he usually pays more attention to observe the surrounding environment, when he got in the car, he only glanced at it, and he clearly remembered the few passengers in the car.

In front of him was a girl in her twenties, with delicate features, short hair, a small mouth and a straight nose, with a very capable taste, and her tight lips showed that she was very assertive and would not be easily accepted. A person who is moved by others.She was wearing a dark blue winter dress, a ponytail on her head, and a pair of small and cute boots. She was clearly Yuan Yuan's twin sister, Liu Luoluo.

Unexpectedly, she ran into Liu Luoluo on the bus. Although Shi De recognized her, she seemed preoccupied and did not recognize Shi De.Shi De didn't say anything, and didn't say hello to her.

He is said to be an old man, but he is actually not too old. He looks like he is in his 50s. He has a good-natured face and is quite blessed. Eyes resting leisurely.

What attracts Shi De is not the old man's blessing, but the old man's leisurely demeanor.The old people in China live a tiring life. After retirement, when they should be enjoying their old age in peace, they have to work hard for their children and grandchildren.So when you look at the old people on the street, they either walked in a hurry, bought a large bag of vegetables or daily necessities, or carried their grandchildren with their grandchildren, and continued to use their residual heat. There are very few leisurely and calm old people who can live in the way they want. Come to spend the most beautiful red sunset in your life.

(End of this chapter)

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