Fortune Teller.

Chapter 301

Chapter 301
However, Shi De only took one more look at the old man, and then looked away. It is very impolite to stare at others, not to mention that he is not a meddlesome person, and he will not be idle and meet a stranger casually .

In the back seat, there was a girl sitting side by side with the old man.The girl is also in her early 20s, with an oval face, willow-leaf eyebrows, and a pair of apricot eyes looking forward. However, what doesn't match her rather charming appearance is that her expression is very indifferent, which is different from Yue Qingying's coldness. The indifference of the environment is uncaring.

It seems that she is not in the bus, nor is she surrounded by living people, but in the barren mountains, surrounded by lifeless trees or stones, her indifferent eyes and repulsive eyes His expression clearly shows that he doesn't want to have any communication with anyone around him, even if it's just a word or an eye contact.

In addition, there were a few young people and a few old ladies in the car. Shi De only glanced at them briefly and didn't look any further.All living beings are mostly passers-by who only meet once. If there is no eye relationship, there is no need to pay too much attention.

After the bus traveled for two stops, some passengers came on one after another, and the empty seats on the bus were filled.When parking at the third stop, there will be no seats for passengers who come up again.An old man who was over 60 years old got into the car. He was not young, but he was very agile and full of energy. He knew that he had been exercising regularly.

It is an indisputable fact that the elderly after retirement are in better health than the young.The current situation is that young people have a 30-year-old age and a 60-year-old heart.The old man is 60 years old with a 30-year-old heart.So often during the rush hour, the listless young people and the energetic old people stand together on the bus, forming a stark contrast.

The old man over 60 years old has a pair of slender eyes, a long and thin face, small ears, small nose, and broken eyebrows. From the perspective of appearance, it can be said that he is ugly. If he was young and placed in the crowd, no one would pay much attention to it. second glance.Now that he is older, not only does he not have a kind face, but he looks even more fierce, especially his eyes, which are narrowed into slits, reveal a disdainful disdain for everything.

The old man's appearance is not too unusual, although he is not young, but he is not as stable and kind as an old man should be, but his pair of broken eyebrows can't help but give him a few more glances.

In physiognomy, the eyebrows are the brother palace, representing brothers and sisters.If the eyebrows are not good, there will be broken eyebrows and broken eyebrows.Broken eyebrows are the hairless and missing parts of the eyebrows. It can also refer to the thick front part and the light or even sparse back part.In modern terms, people with broken eyebrows and broken eyebrows are easy to be emotional. They are often emotional, suspicious and overthinking, and they are prone to enmity with others. shallow.

The eyebrows of the old man with broken eyebrows are broken eyebrows on the left. The eyebrows are broken from the middle by about a finger's width, which seems to be damaged the day after tomorrow.On the right is the broken eyebrow, the front part is thick, and the back part is not sparse, but there is no eyebrow at all, it is bare, like a barren wasteland where not a single blade of grass grows.

Shi De knows countless people, but he has never seen such a strange face as the old man with broken eyebrows in front of him. It immediately reminded him of a sentence in the photo book: the color of broken eyebrows is yellow and sparse, both pale and broken, and there are hooks in the middle of the eyebrows. This sign is quite fierce: the master first hurts the father and then kills the mother, brothers are not close, sisters are ruthless, money is lost as it is gained, like a passing cloud.

Taking a closer look at the appearance of the old man with a broken eyebrow, he can describe it in one sentence - suffering, great hatred and deep hatred.Shi De smiled secretly, a person who is overly thoughtful and suspicious, depressed and unhappy all his life and everything goes wrong, is actually his own fault.Let go of your mind, embrace the world with tolerance and optimism, and the world will give you a surprise.

Although he sympathized with the rough fate of the old man with the blemishes, Shi De just took one more look at him, then withdrew his eyes, and prepared to close his eyes to rest. There are still ten stops away from the Bitian Group, and it will take at least half an hour. If others worry about it, it is better to take care of yourself. It is better to rest for a while than anything else.Only when a person loves himself can he love others because he loves himself.

Just as he was about to close his eyes, he suddenly saw the old man with a broken eyebrow walking straight towards him. Shi Ding swept his eyes and saw that the car was full of seats. He was about to stand up and give up his seat for the old man with a broken eyebrow.

Unexpectedly, before he stood up, the old man with broken eyebrows stood beside Liu Luoluo in front of him, and said to Liu Luoluo in a condescending and commanding tone: "You, get up, give up your seat!"

Shi De almost thought he heard it wrong, right? Although respecting the old and loving the young is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, the premise of respecting the old and loving the young is that the elderly are worthy of respect and children are worthy of love. Want to respect him unconditionally and accommodate him?
It is true that it is a courtesy for young people to give up seats for the elderly on the bus, but the bus is a public place, and there is also a first-come-first-served basis. Giving up your seat is a courtesy, but not an obligation.Or to put it more bluntly, it is a favor to give up your seat, and it is your duty not to give up your seat. Hearing this, he also frowned slightly, rather disapprovingly.

Liu Luoluo moved her body at first, but she already showed signs of giving up her seat before the old man with the broken eyebrows said anything. After the old man with the broken eyebrows said the words, she sat down again, not only did not move, but also gently He snorted: "If you don't say this, I'd be more than happy to give up my seat to you. But your words are too harsh, so I won't give up."

"You won't give up your seat?" The old man with broken eyebrows widened his eyes and opened his mouth wide, with an expression of disbelief and indignation, "Why don't you give up your seat? Why don't you give up your seat? You young people are worse than we used to be." Far away, we used to talk about four beauties and three loves, respecting the old and loving the young, and loving everything. How about you? You are lifeless now, without self-cultivation and manners. If this continues, the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation will be lost by you sooner or later! I I order you to get up immediately and let me sit down."

Leaving aside whether the old man with broken eyebrows compares him when he was young with the young people now, whether it is realistic or not, just talking about his aggressive attitude when he speaks and the expression of blowing his beard and staring, Shi is very shameless.In Shi De's view, when a person gets old, he should be steady, calm and calm. Otherwise, a person will live to be five or sixty years old, and if he gets angry at every turn, he will not get used to this or that, to put it nicely Son, it was a waste of time.To put it more difficultly, a lifetime of living on a dog.

The elderly should be like the earth, bearing everything silently, inclusive of everything, and nurturing everything.If the elderly are broad-minded, the greater the blessings for their children and grandchildren, the more stable the foundation of the country will be.

Liu Luoluo's delicate face was full of unwillingness and grievances, but she still refused to stand up stubbornly: "I have no obligation to give up my seat for you, and you have no right to ask me to give up my seat. I'm sorry, I won't give up!"

Seeing this, Shi De quickly stood up, with a smile like a spring breeze on his face: "Old man, don't be angry, sit here with me."

I thought that he would smooth things over and the matter would be resolved satisfactorily. It was just a trivial matter of giving up his seat. How angry could he be? Unexpectedly, as soon as Shi De finished speaking, the old man with a broken eyebrow glared at him: "Go away!" , I want you to meddle in your own business! If you meddle in your own business, you will eat farts, you know? I'm going to sit in her seat today!"

Shi is not an old man, but a young man with full blood. Although he has been with Master He for a long time, his mood has calmed down a lot, but after all, his anger is still there, and he was ignited by the unreasonable words of the old man with the brows: "Old man, I think May I ask you a word, what qualifications and rights do you have to insist on sitting in someone else's seat?"

"I have no qualifications and no power? Whether I have the qualifications or power, it doesn't matter if you say it! I say it!" The anger of the old man with broken eyebrows was stronger than that of Shi De, and he pointed at Shi De's nose furiously , "What are you, dare to tell me what to do? Don't you think this little girl is good-looking, you want to please the little girl and chase her, don't you? I also told you, young man, I don't care what your dirty thoughts are, I have reserved this seat for today."

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man with broken eyebrows made a move that surprised everyone in the car—he sat down on Liu Luoluo's thigh, and even raised Erlang's legs triumphantly, as if I was just sitting on you How can I be arrogant.

Liu Luoluo was caught off guard by a 60-year-old man sitting on her thigh. She was so shocked that her face paled. Then she screamed and pushed the old man with a blemish: "You bastard! Get out of the way."

The old man with crumpled eyebrows still refused to move away, as if Liu Luoluo was determined, he even glared at Shi De provocatively, meaning, I've already sat down, do you have the ability to hit me?Anyway, I am old, if you touch me, I will lie on the ground and pretend to be dead, and then I will ask you to pay for my medical expenses and let you go bankrupt.

Liu Luoluo couldn't push the old man with broken eyebrows away, she was ashamed and anxious, so anxious that she cried: "Old rascal, old pervert, get up quickly..."

But Shi De didn't touch the old man with the broken eyebrow as he wished, let alone hit the old man with the broken eyebrow. He smiled mysteriously, tapped his toes lightly, and with a little force, kicked the crutch in the old man's hand aside. .Because the force applied was ingenious and invisible, it seemed that the crutch in the hand of the old man with the blemishes flew out of his hands.

The crutch slipped and slid three meters away.

Seeing this, the old man with broken eyebrows hurriedly got up to get the crutches, which he bought for several hundred yuan when he was traveling in Mount Tai. It is said that the crutches are made of very rare materials.

Once he got up, he broke Liu Luoluo's siege.Liu Luoluo got up in a hurry, and cast a grateful glance at Shi De, at this moment she recognized Shi De, first surprised, then overjoyed, and then hastily and helplessly hid behind Shi De.

(End of this chapter)

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