Fortune Teller.

Chapter 306 Knowledge Changes Destiny

Chapter 306 Knowledge Changes Destiny
Shi De picked up a dumpling and put it in his mouth, "Just like this dumpling, we can't decide the size, shape, and taste of the dumpling, but we can decide whether to put more vinegar or more vinegar when eating the dumpling." Soy sauce, or extra wasabi. You can also decide whether you want to eat a dumpling in one bite, or eat it in several bites.”

"Hehe..." Cao Yongguo was amused by Shi De's metaphor, and said with a smile, "According to you, we can only choose what kind of food to eat, but we don't have the right to choose what to eat? Seven points for life and three points for luck, There are too many parts that are destined to be unchangeable, so the struggle in life is meaningless?"

"Seven points of life and three points of luck are not invariable ratios. Through acquired efforts, it can also become six points of life and four points of luck, or even five points of life and five points of luck. In short, the more luck you control in your own hands, Correspondingly, the fewer fates that are doomed to be unchangeable, the more people can achieve the success they want." Shi De pushed forward slowly, neither rushing for success, nor playing tricks.

"Who doesn't want to firmly control their own destiny? It's a pity that destiny is too mysterious and unpredictable. I have lived for such a long time, but I still can't see through destiny. Xiao Shi, tell me, is it possible to learn from a person? Can you see the joys and sorrows of a person's fate in his face?" Cao Yongguo finally asked what he cared about the most.

"Physiognomy was called Physiognomy in ancient times, and it is called Physiognomy in modern times. A person's physiognomy is indeed closely related to a person's fate. To give a simple example, if a woman is beautiful, the person who likes her pursues the person who pursues her There will be more. On the contrary, ugly people are not easy to marry, this is the most widely used physiognomy in daily life." The dumplings tasted pretty good, and Shi De was not polite in front of Cao Yongguo, saying , while eating with gusto, "It is true that one can infer a person's fate from his appearance, but it is not accurate, and it is easy to generalize. Another point is that it is more accurate to infer a person's past fate from his appearance, but inferring A person's future destiny is easy to be biased."

"Oh?" Cao Yongguo was almost full, put down his chopsticks, and asked inexplicably, "Why can we only accurately infer the fate of the past and not the fate of the future?"

The past has passed, and it is useless to dwell on it. People in the officialdom or shopping malls are more interested in the future.Yes, who wouldn't want to be a bigger official to earn more money, have a more prominent social status and more unparalleled influence?Even if the past was miserable, it doesn't matter, the past is all in the past.As long as you become stronger in the future, don't ask where the hero came from.

"Although heroes don't ask where they come from, but they should think about the reason for being rich..." Shi De could naturally guess Cao Yongguo's confusion, so he patiently explained, "It is precisely because fate is not static, and there are variables in the fixed number. Therefore, the past fate has been determined, and it will be faithfully recorded on the face, so that you can see clearly and accurately through the face. However, the future fate has not yet been determined, and it may happen because of a kind heart or a disgusting thought. Big changes in expectations, so it is difficult to accurately infer a person's future fate through appearance. Everyone's poor and rich, there are reasons."

It is equivalent to saying that Shi De's words fall on the proposition that fate can be changed and controlled.

Cao Yongguo understood a little bit, and deliberately tried to get a test: "Xiao Shi, please help me see my previous fate..."

Shi De knew that Cao Yongguo would not be so polite to him after learning that he and Xia Xiang were good friends, and he would definitely ask for something, so he laughed: "Just take it as a joke, I'm wrong, Uncle Cao, don't scold me."

"Ever since I got to know Xia Xiang, I have firmly believed in one sentence - young people are awesome." Cao Yongguo chuckled, "So, I seldom criticize young people."

"Everything went well for Uncle Cao in his early years. He should have been born as a commoner. With his own efforts, he gradually moved to a leadership position. From the department level to the general level and then to the deputy department, he made steady progress and smooth sailing." In Shi De's eyes, Cao Yongguo's situation is It’s fairly clear, although it’s not as vivid as a bright mirror, but it’s much brighter than watching flowers in the mist during Xia You’s tour and seeing them all as if separated by a wall, “But at the deputy department level It seems that things are not going well.”

What Shi De said immediately made Cao Yongguo gasp. Although Shi De said before that a person's past will be faithfully recorded on his face, he was not too moved after hearing it, but it is really specific. Looking at himself, seeing that his past experience was exactly described by Shi De, he still couldn't hide his shock and uneasiness in his heart. It was amazing, amazing, incredible, incredible.

If a person's past deeds are really recorded on his face, doesn't it mean that in front of every expert like Shi De, everyone's past deeds, whether good or bad , there is no secret at all?If a bad person has committed a mountain of evil karma in the past, but always pretends to be a gentleman, then in front of Shi De, he will be as if he has no clothes on, and any privacy and ugliness he tries to cover up will be seen by Shi De's magical eyes Be clear.

"At the deputy department level, although Uncle Cao is the top leader, it seems that the authority has not been very large, and he has stayed at the deputy department level for many years. In the middle, there must have been some twists and turns. Although the level has not changed, the authority has been increased. I'm too young..." Shi De said implicitly, and when he saw that the astonishment on Cao Yongguo's face was getting stronger and stronger, he knew he was right again, "However, Uncle Cao's fortune has changed, almost a year ago, Because of the promotion of external forces, the career path has suddenly become wider..."

More than a year ago, it was when Cao Yongguo first met Xia Xiang, and it was Xia Xiang who entered Cao Yongguo's life, that Cao Yongguo gradually got rid of the passive situation, thus changed his previous bad luck, and moved towards A smooth road to prosperity.Seeing that Shi De told his past fate exactly, he turned from curiosity to awe towards Shi De, and raised the teacup in his hand: "Come on, Xiao Shi, replace wine with tea, and I offer you a toast."

Shi De didn't dare to entrust Cao Yongguo to respect him, not to mention Cao Yongguo's status as deputy mayor, even Cao Yongguo's status as the elder of Xia Xiang's father-in-law, he still had to respect and respect Cao Yongguo, he hurriedly raised his teacup to return the salute: "Don't dare, dare not, let me respect Uncle Cao."

Cao Yongguo clinked glasses with Shi De, and said: "I've heard a saying, one is fate, two is luck, three is Fengshui, four is accumulation of Yin virtue, and five is reading. From the perspective of progressive relationship, luck should be more important than fate. , and feng shui is greater than luck, yin virtue is greater than feng shui, and reading is greater than yin virtue, what do you think of Xiaoshi? Can it be said that through acquiring feng shui, accumulating yin virtue and reading, you can change your life?"

"This kind of statement is scientific." Shi De smiled slightly, "There is a joke, I don't know if Uncle Cao has heard it? It is said that a young man was full of confusion about life, and he happened to meet a similar man on the street. Mr. Mian, I just want to do a fortune-telling. Mr. Xiangmian looked at his face, and said with a pinch, young man, you have had smooth sailing from elementary school to university. After graduating from university, you found a good job and married A good daughter-in-law gave birth to a lovely son, you are very happy now."

Cao Yongguo smiled and nodded, signaling Shi De to continue.

"The young man listened and said angrily, nonsense, I am unemployed now, and I don't have a girlfriend yet, where did I find a good wife and a lovely son? Mr. Xiangmian calmly calculated, Asked, there must be something wrong. By the way, have you graduated from university? The young man said even more indignantly, “I have a Ph. You didn’t enter the society after graduating from university, so the good job, wife and son that should belong to you are gone.”

"Why?" Cao Yongguo was also stunned.

"Yes, the young man asked Mr. Xiangmian inexplicably, why? Mr. Xiangmian said lightly, why? Because knowledge changes destiny."

"Haha..." Cao Yongguo laughed loudly. After listening for a long time, it turned out that Shi De's goal was to change his destiny with knowledge. There are really many similarities in thinking, but the difference between Shi De and Xia Xiang is that Xia Xiang is more casual and cheerful, while Shi De is more calm and...unfathomable.

"There are many ways to change your destiny, and you don't have to rely on Fengshui. In fact, the most direct and effective way to change your destiny is neither Fengshui nor reading, but the accumulation of Yin De." Shi De knew that the topic would eventually fall to In addition to how to change fate, Cao Yongguo's fate has many ups and downs, and suddenly he became the deputy mayor at the end of his life. His understanding of the uncertainty of fate is much deeper than that of ordinary people. Therefore, he More eager than anyone else to strangle fate's throat.

Holding the throat of fate is a very domineering and imposing sentence, but Shi De does not agree with this statement. In many things, it is far better to be with the light than to win or defeat the opponent.Harmony will benefit both, and fighting will hurt both, just like changing fate by following the sky is far more in line with the way of heaven, those who follow the sky will prosper, and those who go against the sky will perish, this is an eternal truth.

Rather than choking fate by the throat, it is more appropriate and more in line with the truth to hold the giant hand of fate and let the direction of fate be controlled by oneself.

"Extensive accumulation of yin virtue, what kind of accumulation method?" Cao Yongguo dare not say that he will obey Shi De's words now, and he no longer has the slightest contempt for Shi De. On the contrary, he still recognizes Shi De's ability very much, and has awe meaning.The main reason is that he is different from others. He has the experience of using Xia Xiang's power to turn himself over, and he knows that sometimes a rootless young man will perform unimaginable miracles if his luck comes.

(End of this chapter)

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