Fortune Teller.

Chapter 307

Chapter 307
"Yin virtue, simply put, is to do good deeds without letting others know. When it comes to specific things, distributing porridge to relieve hunger is to accumulate Yin virtue; Negative virtue; failing to claim success, not calling oneself good, not praising others is even more sinful virtue; seeing people in danger, being brave to rescue them; even picking up garbage on the ground so that people will not slip, is also Yin virtue; even giving people a happy face To make the depressed people smile and relieve their worries; to put one's heart and soul into one's work position, to make leaders feel at ease and colleagues to be happy, is a virtue." Seeing that Cao Yongguo listened carefully, Shi De thought that he and Cao Yongguo would do the same. It is fate, since we met, it will allow Cao Yongguo to accumulate more virtues, which is a great thing for Cao Yongguo himself, and for Shimen, it is also a blessing for the people of Shimen to have a fair and honest parent official.

Of course, Shi De has such a heart, he also has merits and virtues. As long as Cao Yongguo really accumulates Yin virtues under his persuasion, he will benefit the country and the people, and he will reap a lot of blessings accordingly.

"As an official, if you think of the people everywhere, not for your own selfishness, and if you don't publicize the practical and good things you have done for the people, then you are accumulating negative virtue, Xiao Shi, is my understanding correct?" Cao Yongguo said After thinking for a while, he asked the exit.

"Yes, Uncle Cao is right." Shi De felt relieved, seeing that Cao Yongguo had listened to his words, if he could make Cao Yongguo a good official who pleaded for the people with a single word, it would be great, "Guang Accumulating yin virtue can not only change one's own destiny, but also pass on blessings to future generations. "Sima Wengong's Family Instructions" in the Northern Song Dynasty said that if you accumulate money to leave your children and grandchildren, your children and grandchildren may not keep it; In the dark, it is a long-term plan for future generations... The families that have been passed down for dozens of generations in ancient times are all the reasons for the accumulation of evil virtues in the ancestors. For example, Confucius and Fan Zhongyan."

The branch of Confucius has been passed down to the present, and there are already 79 generations of grandsons, and the Fan Zhongyan family has flourished for 800 years without decline, all because of Confucius and Fan Zhongyan's extensive accumulation of Yin virtues.

In fact, in daily life, there are many small things that can accumulate yin virtue at any time, such as not killing or mistreating animals, not cutting down trees casually, not setting fire to forests or grasslands, and often being vegetarian. Meat", the three clean meat means that when an object is killed, you do not hear its cry, nor do you see its death, and at the same time, it is not killed by others just for you.

"Listening to what you said is better than reading for ten years. Xiao Shi, it is my blessing to know you." Cao Yongguo once again raised his teacup to salute Shi De, "Good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil. The law that no one can escape. I have heard two stories. One story is that there was a man named Huang Yongjue in Chongming in the Qing Dynasty. The boat was caught in a strong wind and capsized. Huang Yongjue hurriedly took out twelve taels of gold and hired a fishing boat to rescue them. Thirteen lives were saved in total. Later, he met the fortune teller again. Seeing Huang Yongjue, the fortune teller was very surprised and said: Mr. Huang, the dark lines on your face must have accumulated great virtues and done great deeds. Not only will you have a son, but your son will also be admitted to fame, and you will live to a long life! Later, Huang Yongjue was born He gave birth to a son named Huang Zhenfeng, who passed the exam at the top of Kangxi's final examination, and Huang Yongjue lived to be in his nineties and died well."

"There is also a story that there were two people who made a living by ferrying people by the river. One of them was surnamed Liu and was jealous of the other man's surname Ma. When he was in the middle of the river, he was afraid of being discovered, so he hurriedly rowed away. As a result, the boat suddenly leaked and fell into the water. The surnamed Ma found him and wanted to save him, but the oars were broken and he could not row across. I had no choice but to watch Liu drowned in the river..."

If all officials know the principle of doing good to do good and doing evil to get evil, believe in cause and effect and respect heaven and earth, and if businessmen all believe that virtue can protect their children and grandchildren instead of inheritance, then officials will serve the people wholeheartedly, businessmen will repay the society, and the society Ethos and moral standards, without instilling various ideas and doctrines every day, will naturally rise.

Seeing that Cao Yongguo knew more about doing good deeds and accumulating Yin virtues can change fate than Xia You and Quanquan, Shi De was even more convinced that he did not misunderstand the person. Compared with Xia You and Quanquan, in Cao Yongguo's appearance, More honest and simple, that is to say, Cao Yongguo will deal with Xia You and Qiqi better than Xia You and Qiqi, because Cao Yongguo has more simplicity and kindness in his nature.

It's not that Xia You and Quan are not as kind as Cao Yongguo, but Xia You and Quan are more wary than Cao Yongguo in the officialdom. Of course, it has something to do with Xia You and Quan being officials in the provincial party committee.Being an official of the provincial party committee is very different from being an official of the provincial bureau.

Another point is that Xia You and Qiqi have always been in a much higher position than Cao Yongguo, so naturally, they have a lot more bureaucratic spirit.In addition, it may also be related to Cao Yongguo's ups and downs in the officialdom. Xia Youhe's official career should have been smooth sailing without any twists and turns.

Only those who have experienced the ups and downs of life will believe in the great power of fate.

Suddenly remembered Cao Yongguo's explanation of his name, Shi De remembered something, and asked: "Uncle Cao, I have a presumptuous question, do you believe in Buddhism?"

As a party member and cadre, Cao Yongguo is not allowed to have religious beliefs politically. Shi De's question is really abrupt.

And Shi De also believed that if it was Qiquan or Xiayou, if he asked this, the other party would definitely feel unhappy, and even Yue Guoliang might show a little dissatisfaction, but Cao Yongguo would not, Cao Yongguo's face is honest and kind, and his heart is even more pure and kind. Even Yue Guoliang can't compare with Cao Yongguo's kindness.

But often things in the world are that the more honest and honest a person is, the more unstoppable good luck he will have, and he will also get the secret help of many people. , Whether it is for ordinary people or people in the officialdom, it is extremely important.

"Believe!" Cao Yongguo answered Shi De's question firmly without any hesitation, "Don't ask me why I believe in it. Although I am not allowed to have religious beliefs, I believe in Buddhism. Shi De, do you also believe in Buddhism? The first time I saw you, I felt that I hit it off with you."

"Believe." Shi De also firmly answered Cao Yongguo, "Many people have misunderstood Buddhism, thinking that the reincarnation of karma and retribution of good and evil preached by Buddhism is a feudal superstition, but they don't know that reincarnation of cause and effect and retribution of good and evil are not Buddhist Originality does not mean that only those who believe in Buddhism will be sanctioned by the law of karma and retribution. In fact, karma and retribution are the laws of the universe. Buddhism just tells the truth, no matter whether a person believes in Buddhism or not , are all in the karmic reincarnation and retribution of good and evil, and cannot escape. Just like the ancients did not believe that the earth is round, whether you believe it or not, the earth is round."

"Xiao Shi, I didn't expect you to have a deep understanding of Buddhism. You are right. In fact, in the officialdom, there are many people who believe in Buddhism, but they dare not admit it. But many people believe in Buddhism, not righteous faith. I have something to ask for." Cao Yongguo and Shi De chatted more and more speculatively, and he was very happy. He had believed in Buddhism for many years, and finally met a confidant who could talk about Buddhism freely. Authentic Taijiquan without appreciators is equally urgent. "Many people believe in Buddhism, seeking wealth, fame and fortune. Even some corrupt officials and evil people who do all kinds of evil also believe in Buddhism, seeking inner peace. Anyone who truly understands Buddhism knows a sentence Words—all dharmas are empty, and karma is not empty. No matter how pious you believe, no matter how much incense you worship, but the filth and ugliness in your heart are still there, and your actions are still reckless, disastrous to the country and the people, then you still have to bear all the evil consequences .It’s not that the Buddha is not merciful, but that the cause and place are not true, and the result is distorted.”

It's a good sentence that the cause and place are not true, and the result is not true. As soon as these words came out, Shi De knew that even though he and Cao Yongguo had only met once, he and Cao Yongguo would establish an extraordinary friendship relationship, that is to say , his approach to Cao Yongguo will be faster and smoother than that of Quanquan, because he and Cao Yongguo have similar personalities and hobbies, and they agree on many things.

Seeing that it was getting late and Cao Yongguo had finished his meal, Shi De suggested while the iron was hot: "Uncle Cao, since you've arrived at the Bitian Group, why don't you go up and sit down, and I'll treat you to tea."

"So, you are also a member of Bitian Group?" Cao Yongguo actually knows the situation of Bitian Group well. After all, he is going to be the deputy mayor. It was too dereliction of duty. After hearing Shi De's name, he remembered that Shi De's name appeared on the register of Bitian Group, and he was also the second largest shareholder.

"To tell you the truth, Uncle Cao, I am the second largest shareholder of Bitian Group, and Biyou is the largest shareholder and chairman." Shi De told the truth, although he didn't know whether Cao Yongguo knew that he was in Bitian Group position, but when you should be honest, you have to be honest, "My acquaintance with Biyou, and Biyou took over the Bitian Group and became the chairman of the Bitian Group, there is a long story behind it, I don't know Does Uncle Cao have the time and interest to listen to it?"

Cao Yongguo is in the transitional period of handing over the work of the provincial bureau and preparing to take office in the city, and there is just enough time. Besides, it is not only necessary but also meaningful to know the past and present of Bitian Group in advance.What's more, Shi De is the second largest shareholder of Bitian Group.

Everyone has a preconceived habit. It is precisely because of the in-depth and very speculative conversation with Shi De that Cao Yongguo not only has a good impression of Shi De, but also has a heart to make friends with him. He immediately said: "Alright, listen It's a pleasure for you to tell stories."

(End of this chapter)

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