Fortune Teller.

Chapter 308 Major Events Can Be Expected

Chapter 308 Major Events Can Be Expected
Shi De laughed, paid the bill first, and accompanied Cao Yongguo, left the dumpling restaurant, came to the main entrance of Bitian Building, got on the elevator, and went up to the fifteenth floor.

Shi De didn't know if Biyou had come back, and he didn't go to Biyou's room, but led Cao Yongguo to his room.

After Cao Yongguo came in, he looked around and saw that Shi De's room was elegant and clean, and said with a smile: "I used to think about what kind of room and what kind of life a worldly expert would live in. Unexpectedly, with Just like everyone else."

Shi De also smiled: "Uncle Cao was just joking. In front of you, I am a junior, not an expert. A real expert will not show up on the bus casually. The so-called real person does not Lu Xiang, Lu Xiang is not a real person."

"Xiao Shi, you are so young, you have such vision and ability, do you have a master who is an outsider?"

"Uncle Cao is right. My master's name is He Zitian. But unfortunately, I don't know anything about his origin and identity. Now, he has disappeared again. To me, his old man has always been a mystery .”

"Understood, understandable, the expert has always been a master who sees the head but doesn't see the tail." Cao Yongguo sat down on his own, and he and Shi De became more and more harmonious, so he said bluntly, "Xiao Shi, you said you would Invite me to tea, tell me, what good tea do you have?"

"White tea, Tieguanyin tea, Longjing tea, black tea, which one would Uncle Cao drink?"

"It's winter, let's drink Tieguanyin." Cao Yongguo smiled lightly, and waited until Shi De brewed tea and served it before asking, "Tell me, tell your story."

"Before I tell my story, I want to remind Uncle Cao of one thing." Shi De suddenly remembered Shang Jianchao. He had a deep impression of Shang Jianchao. In order to check for Xia You, now that I know Cao Yongguo, thinking that Cao Yongguo will work with Shang Jianchao in the future, it is necessary to remind Cao Yongguo.

"What's the matter?" Cao Yongguo couldn't help being startled when he saw Shi's serious face.

"We must beware of Shang Jianchao in the future." Shi De is not an official, and he is not Cao Yongguo's subordinate, so he is not so euphemistic in his speech. use."

Shi De used three "don'ts" in a row to emphasize Shang Jianchao's character, which immediately surprised Cao Yongguo: "Why, you know Shang Jianchao and have dealt with him before?"

"I don't know each other, and I haven't dealt with them before. I just met them once."

"You mean to say that you can tell from his face that there is something wrong with Shang Jianchao?"

"Yes, a person's highest education is character, and the highest recognition of a person is also character. Although I don't know Shang Jianchao, I know some of his actions. Based on my observation of him, Uncle Cao, you must be more careful when you work with him in the future." Xia You was even slapped behind Shang Jianchao's back, and with Cao Yongguo's honesty, if he didn't guard against Shang Jianchao in advance, he might even be caught by Shang Jianchao. use.

"I see." Cao Yongguo nodded in response, "Now is it time to tell your story?"

Shi De chuckled, and said: "Okay, let's start now. Let's talk about my acquaintance with Biyou. In fact, I have to thank my master He Zitian..."

After listening to the story of Shi De and Biyou, Cao Yongguo sighed: "I didn't expect your fate to be so ups and downs, and I didn't expect Biyou to be so pitiful that she was deceived by her biological parents. It's really unimaginable." ..."

In the middle of speaking, the door of the room was pushed open suddenly, and Biyou rushed in excitedly: "Shi De, good news, Xia Hua and I have reached a cooperation agreement, Bitian Group has taken the first step to save itself... Yeah, you have guests."

Biyou was only talking to Shi De before she noticed that there was another person in Shi De's room. She stopped suddenly and rushed towards Shi De, and smiled apologetically at Cao Yongguo: "Sorry, I didn't notice you."

"You are Biyou, right?" Seeing that Biyou is as gentle as jade, with the freshness of Xiaojia Biyu and the elegance of a lady, Cao Yongguo couldn't help feeling fond of him, "It's okay, I'm not a guest, I'm Shi De's big friend .”

Seeing the kindness in Cao Yongguo's eyes, Shi De thought that maybe Biyou and Cao Yongguo's daughter had similarities.Originally, Cao Yongguo and him hit it off right away, and if Cao Yongguo also cared for Biyou very much, the Bitian Group could achieve great things.

"Biyou, let me introduce you. This is Cao Yongguo, Uncle Cao." Shi De introduced Cao Yongguo to Biyou, and then pointed to Biyou, "Uncle Cao, this is Biyou, from the Bitian Group." Chairman."

"Hello, Uncle Cao." Biyou greeted Cao Yongguo graciously. She didn't realize who Cao Yongguo was, and thought that Cao Yongguo was just a big friend Shi Deyou knew. There was a flash of inspiration in my mind, and I realized something, and I was stunned, "Cao, Uncle Cao...Mayor Cao?"

"Just call me Uncle Cao." Cao Yongguo smiled kindly, "Biyou, I just heard Shi De's story about you and Shi De. I sympathize with your experience and admire your efforts to get out of the current predicament Work hard. Self-help, God help, you can strive for self-improvement, don't blame others, very good, I hope you can succeed."

Cao Yongguo's words are not general, let alone casual, but rather profound. Whether he calls himself Uncle Cao, or deliberately keeps a low profile on his upcoming role as deputy mayor, he is the deputy mayor of Shimen. One matter is a foregone conclusion.And after he served as the deputy mayor, it is very likely that he will take over the mess of the Zhuo Group.

Biyou immediately figured out the link, and she also heard the news that Cao Yongguo was going to be the deputy mayor, and she was overjoyed: "Thank you, Mayor Cao, for your encouragement."

"Uncle Cao!" Shi De deliberately reminded Biyou that Mayor Cao and Uncle Cao are both respectful titles, but their relationship is obviously different. Uncle is a personal relationship, a manifestation of a close relationship.

In China, a country that values ​​human relationships, personal relationships are always closer and more sustainable than business affairs.

"Thank you, Uncle Cao." Biyou knew the elegant meaning after hearing the string song, and immediately changed her words.

"Don't be polite, if you're polite, you'll be out." Cao Yongguo chuckled, raised his hand and looked at his watch, "That's it for today, Xiao Shi, Xiao Bi, and we will contact you more in the future."

Cao Yongguo offered to leave in time, but Shi De couldn't persuade him to stay, so he and Biyou sent Cao Yongguo downstairs.Originally, Biyou wanted to arrange a special car to take Cao Yongguo, but Cao Yongguo refused. Cao Yongguo took a bus and left very low-key, just like when Shi De first met.

"Cao Yongguo is a good friend." After Cao Yongguo left, Shi De and Biyou returned to the room. He briefly talked about what happened at the Provincial Party Committee and Cao Yongguo's chance encounter today, and smiled, "Today is really a harvest." Good day, Biyou, if Cao Yongguo becomes the deputy mayor and takes charge of Zhuo Group's affairs, then the problem of Bitian Group taking over the Zhuo Group's mess will be easily solved."

Seeing that Shi De was in a good mood, Biyou also smiled like a flower: "Yes, we all have a good harvest today. Xia Hua is really a good person, and the price she offered is very good. It is very important for Bitian Group to be able to build the Shengshi Tianjiao Building. , It is sending charcoal in the snow. It is always easy to add flowers to the cake, but difficult to send charcoal in the snow. Shi De, you should really thank Xia Hua."

What a simple girl, Shi De smiled secretly, she should thank Xia Hua well, but she was afraid that Xia Hua would unceremoniously take away Biyou's most precious things.In the final analysis, Biyou is still not as high as Xiahua in EQ. She doesn't know that Xiahua is good at buying people's hearts, and it is obvious that while Xiahua is buying Biyou, she is also disintegrating Biyou's love for her. The psychological defense line, so that she can achieve the goal of defeating others without fighting step by step.

for what purposeOf course it was Xia Hua who wanted to snatch Biyou and Yue Qingying away from him completely—to say that snatching him would be too insulting to Xia Hua's IQ, what Xia Hua wanted was to let Biyou and Yue Qingying unknowingly Willingly let him go.

The more Shi De thinks about it, the more confused he becomes, and he doesn't know how many tricks Xia Hua has, and how he will break through Biyou and Yue Qingying's psychological defense bit by bit, so that the two are willing to give up their feelings for him. And let her be the champion alone?

"Where is Xia Hua going?" Shi couldn't help being surprised to see Xia Hua returning to Bitian Group with Biyou.

"She came home, and she said that she will go home and cook first, and she will wait for you to eat at night. She also said that when Uncle Xia comes home at night, Uncle Xia will have a good chat with you." Biyou's excitement was beyond words, " By the way, Shi De, you have met Director Xia and Deputy Secretary Qi, can you say that our gate at Shimen has been opened?"

"It's hard to say. It's still too early to be happy. I have to wait until my relationship with Uncle Xia has been strengthened, my relationship with Deputy Secretary Qi has further developed, and my relationship with Uncle Cao has deepened my personal friendship. Then I can say that I have initially opened the Shimen. The door.” Shi De thought of Quanyou, Fang Mu, Yu Shuai and others, and said worryingly, “Sometimes, many things are not carried out in a single line, but multiple lines are moving forward at the same time. I don't know which thread will be rewarding, and which thread will suddenly snap."

"Well, Xia Hua also told me about your cooperation with Quanyou, how Quanyou and Luo Xiaoyi will deal with Niu Tian and Niu Tianzi, Xia Hua told me about it today, but she didn't guess it." Bi You tilted his head and thought for a while, then shook his head and smiled, "Forget it, I won't think about such complicated issues, let's think about how Bitian Group can do the project of Shengshi Tianjiao well. This is my job as Bitian Group It is the first project since the chairman of the board, and it must be done well."

Different from Biyou's focus, Shi De's eyes don't focus on specific matters. Since he is the invisible master, his attention should be on macro-control. In Biyou's eyes, Tian Group is a game of chess, but in his eyes, the entire Shimen, and even the entire Yan Province, is a game of chess.

(End of this chapter)

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