Fortune Teller.

Chapter 325

Chapter 325
"By the way, there is a beautiful girl across the door. She looks good, but she is a bit rigid, which makes people feel weird. Can you ask the sales lady to find out her name." Shi De thought of Fang again. Mu——Of course, if he knew that she was Fang Mu, he would also be shocked and lament the coincidence of things in the world, sometimes the coincidence is so coincidental that people are speechless.

"Ah, isn't it? It's the first time I saw you fall in love with a girl at first sight? Did you really fall in love?" Xia Hua joked Shi De, "I just said that the daughter-in-law problem can be solved by myself, so you can't wait to fall in love with one? I Say Shi De, don’t be so tasteless, please be reserved. Are you so hungry for women that you love each other?”

"..." Shi was speechless, Xia Hua was too capable of making trouble, "What are you talking about? You are talking nonsense. I think the neighbor across the door seems to be weird. I met her once, but now I can only remember Her appearance, but I can't recall her face, which shows that she is not an ordinary person."

It's not that Xia Hua doesn't believe Shi De's words, she's just trying to irritate people: "Don't look for reasons, you must have taken a fancy to her. She is beautiful but rigid, oh, I understand, so you like cold girls, it's me So enthusiastic, isn't it?"

"You are really annoying." Shi couldn't help it, and scolded Xia Hua with a smile, "Can you be a little more serious?"

"Yes, of course." Xia Hua stopped smiling, but put on a straight face, took out her phone, and called the sales lady. After talking for a long time, no matter how much she persuaded, the other party just refused to tell her to give her advice. Get the name of the neighbor across the door and say that you must abide by professional ethics.

"I'm sorry, I can't help you. After you moved in, you simply knocked on her door at night to get close to her in the name of borrowing candles. Maybe it turned out to be a good thing in the end, and the two families became one family. How wonderful , live at your house today, and her house tomorrow, it's so romantic."

Shi De rolled his eyes, and simply ignored Xia Hua.Seeing that Shi De ignored her, Xia Hua stopped talking, not only closed her mouth, but also closed her eyes.

Halfway through the car, Shi De's cell phone rang.

It was Huang Ziheng calling.

"Brother De, things in the cotton era have become a big deal, and now the province has also registered. It is said that the provincial and municipal governments are very dissatisfied with the credit group, and decided to freeze all funds of the credit group, requiring the credit group to register within a certain period of time. Pay a fine, otherwise, Reputation Group is strictly prohibited from conducting any commercial activities.”

It means that if the deadline is not met, Credit Group may face huge fines or be seized.

Credit Group is facing the biggest crisis since its establishment.

"Also, in order to avenge Wan Huhou, Baoma Zhang desperately wants to kill Wan Huhou, but I heard that the murderer hired by Bao Bao Zhang failed, and Wan Huhou was transferred to the place of detention. Bao Baozhang is now troubled by internal and external troubles, and he can't last long By the way. Brother De, I have an immature idea. If something happens to BMW Zhang, the Credit Group will have no leader. At this time, it is a great opportunity to swallow the Credit Group. If you pass by, don’t miss it. "Huang Ziheng has experienced business wars now, and knows that business wars are not only a competition of strength, but also a battle of human nature, and at the same time, a contest of luck.

"This matter..." Shi Dewei pondered for a while, "You and Zeng Dengke discuss it. If you have any questions, you can directly ask Biyou for instructions."

Seeing Shi De's attitude of staying out of the matter, Huang Ziheng knew that Shi De had acquiesced to his proposal. The reason why Shi De didn't come forward directly was because someone had to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai and command behind the scenes, so as not to mess things up. He was overjoyed: "Haha, I understand, I understand, brother."

With Biyou acting as the center and coordinating, Huang Ziheng, Zeng Dengke and others took the direct action. I believe that the matter of swallowing the credit group will be effective.Shi De thought to himself, he should not come forward in person, since He Ye accepted Biyou, it should be recognition of Biyou's talent in business, so the battle of annexing the credit group is the first battle since Biyou's debut .

Just thinking of Biyou, Biyou's phone call came in.

"Shi De, where are you?" Biyou's voice was soft. Compared with the anxiety before, now she is much quieter and has regained her gentle composure.

"Xia Hua and I just came out of Rongjing Terrace and we are going to see Quanyou." Shi De knew that Biyou was in a good mood recently, "Do you want to come together?"

"See everything? Forget it, I'm still busy with Shengshi Tianjiao's project, and it's not easy to finish the unfinished building." Biyou chuckled, "Congratulations on buying a house. From now on, you I also have a home in Shimen. By the way, Master He called."

Mr. He?Shi De was surprised and delighted at once, and hurriedly asked, "What did Master He say?"

"Master He said that your biological parents may have returned to the river again, so don't worry. According to his calculations, your parents are fine. The chance for you to reunite with them has not yet come. When the chance comes, the truth will come out." Before. Also, Master He said, you have walked very well recently, step by step is very solid, many merits have also been completed, and there is no leftover problem in Shancheng that can affect your fortune, very good." Bi You relayed Master He's words to Shi De, "However, Master He wants to remind you that Shimen is not like a single city. The battlefield in Shimen is wider, and the fulcrum behind the contest has more background and background, so you must be more careful. And in the Shimen, you have to change your tactics, you can't always be passive, you have to take the initiative."

What does Master He mean?Shi De couldn't figure it out for a while, He Ye has always been indifferent and casual, he pays attention to everything according to fate, and likes to make decisions before making moves. How did he change his strategy in Shimen and take the initiative to attack?It seems that it doesn't quite match He Ye's previous style.Of course, Shi De would not suspect that Biyou's retelling of Master He's words was wrong, and Biyou would not lie to him.

"What else did Master He say? Did he say when he would come back?" Shi was very concerned about Master He's whereabouts and current situation.

"He said that he has some personal affairs to deal with, which may take half a year to a year. During this time, he let us develop according to our own ideas. He also said, don't worry about Du Qingxuan and Bi Wentian, now Du Qingxuan I have something to do with Bi Wentian, and I can't leave the capital for the time being. What I should worry about is Du Qingxuan's disciples Fang Mu and Yu Shuai, and Bi Wentian's disciples Yuan Yuan and Ji Du. He emphasized that Yuan Yuan and Ji Du It won't pose a threat to you for the time being, you have to be careful of Mu Jinnian and Hua Liunian's two-faced swordsmanship." After Biyou recounted all Master He's words in one breath, she let out a sigh of relief, "I don't understand why Master He always doesn't show up. Without you, he has been staying in Shancheng, not going anywhere. Since you came, he has always disappeared for no reason, Shi De, I always feel that there may be something wrong behind it."

Of course there is a problem. Shi De has long thought about Mr. He's disappearance, and seems to be deliberately avoiding him. If Mr. He wants to exercise his ability to stand alone, there is no need to leave, just stand Wouldn't it be enough to watch him grow from behind him?Why does Master He always choose to leave like his biological parents?

Or, Master He's departure, there is no deep meaning?Shi De thought for a while, but couldn't figure it out, so he didn't think about it: "Let's not talk about Mr. He, Biyou, he must have his consideration when doing things. One day, we will appreciate his good intentions. First Say now, there is one thing that needs you to be in charge of commanding."

"What's the matter?" Biyou has been very ambitious recently, and when she heard that she needed to command, she was suddenly excited for no reason.

"It's a good thing, a very good thing. Huang Ziheng will contact you later, and you can discuss how to do it." Shi De said briefly and hung up the phone.

"I always feel that Master He is avoiding you on purpose. He may have set up a huge scheme behind his back, and you will charge forward to attract the attention of Bi Wentian and Du Qingxuan, and to contain Bi Wentian and Du Qingxuan's influence. It can be laid out calmly." Xia Hua heard the content of Shi De's phone call, she tilted her head and thought about it, and expressed her opinion, "Also, the idea of ​​annexing Credit Group is good, but it needs careful planning, because I want to take the opportunity to annex There must be more than one member of the Credit Group. And Shi De, you really need to be on guard against Mu Jinnian and Hua Liunian. I always feel that you are too tolerant of them. In fact, Mu Jinnian and Hua Liunian are not as good as you imagined. good."

Shi De didn't pay attention to Master He's reminder to be careful of Mu Jinnian and Hua Liunian's double-faced swordsmanship. After hearing Xia Hua's emphasis again, he was slightly taken aback: "Why, you also have feelings for Mu Jinnian and Hua Liunian." view?"

"Anyway, I don't like them, I always think they are too fake." Xia Hua thought for a while, "You can figure it out, sometimes a great person is not defeated by another great person, but by a great person." Inconspicuous little people framed."

Shi De was silent for a while, didn't speak, just drove silently, after driving for a few minutes, he nodded: "Yeah."

It was noon when we arrived at the all meeting place.

Erye Dumplings is located in the north of the road. It is a very inconspicuous roadside shop. Like most roadside shops, it has a very common signboard with black letters on a white background and a very common green brick pavement. However, it is slightly different from other places. The four characters "Erye Dumplings" are handwritten calligraphy, flamboyant, and although the skills are not deep, they also have a bit of true temperament.

"Second Ye Dumplings, the name came from... your uncle." Xia Hua smiled, "Hey, this word is written with a certain feeling, the person who wrote these words must have been drunk at the time, you Looking at the strokes of the word 'two', it has a somewhat wild taste."

Unexpectedly, Xia Hua also knew calligraphy, so she couldn't help giving her a high look.Xia Hua saw the surprise in Shi De's eyes, snorted and said...

(End of this chapter)

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