Fortune Teller.

Chapter 326

Chapter 326
"I even forgot to tell you that my father's handwriting is very good, comparable to many famous writers in China, but he never shows it to others. Do you know why? Because he knows that most of the people in the officialdom are not serious. He doesn't want to hear false compliments."

That's right, based on this alone, Shi De took another look at Xia Yougao.In the officialdom, few people can really see their situation clearly. The compliments of many complimenters around you are actually not your people, but your position. You will not find out until you leave your position. So many good words will disappear in a blink of an eye.

Shi De had already seen Quanyou's Mercedes-Benz S600 parked at the entrance of the hotel. He parked the Land Rover next to the Mercedes-Benz. When he was about to get off the car, Quanyou and Lan Guocheng came out of the hotel one after the other.

I haven't seen Lan Guocheng for a while. Compared with the last time, Lan Guocheng has gained a little weight, and his spirit has improved a lot. When he walks, his strides are obviously the joy brought by Lan Minxin's promotion.

"Master Shi, it's been a long time." Lan Guocheng took a step forward, opened the car door for Shi De himself, bowed slightly to signal, showing due humility, "I've always wanted to ask you some questions in person, but unfortunately I never had the chance, I hope Master Shi can clear up my doubts for me today."

As soon as he looked up, Lan Guocheng saw Xia Hua Shiran getting off the car. He was taken aback for a moment, then he thought of something, and hurriedly took a step forward, smiling at Xia Hua: "Sister Xia Hua, hello."

"Who is your sister? I'm younger than you, okay?" Xia Hua is not angry with Lan Guocheng, and she also knows that the reason Lan Guocheng is flattering her is because her father and his father are about to form a team to govern Shancheng, and her father A level higher than his father.

"Okay, sister Xia." Lan Guocheng was not annoyed, and still had a smile on his face, "It's a pleasure to meet you, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Okay, don't hang around me anymore, today's protagonist is Master Shi." Xia Hua waved her hand, and moved away impatiently, she beckoned to Quan You, "Hey, Quan Tricky, Second Master Dumplings!" A few words, is there any origin?"

"Of course I have." Quanyou smiled with a spring breeze on his face, "As for the origin, let Huahua tell you later, okay? By the way, I will get a vaccination first, and there will be a distinguished guest appearing today , Her name is Ma Feiyan."

Ma Feiyan?Xia Hua was taken aback for a moment, only to realize that Quanyou was setting up the Dragon Gate Formation today, and she couldn't help being amused: "Ma Feiyan appears, how dare you let the flowers appear at the same time, the former girlfriend and the current temporary girlfriend are not afraid of fighting when they meet?"

"Don't be afraid, Huahua is a self-cultivated girl, and Ma Feiyan is a girl who puts interests first, so they will all restrain themselves." Quan You laughed and led several people into the restaurant.

The restaurant is not big, there are four or five tables in the lobby, surrounded by private rooms, and the private rooms are not elegant, only separated by curtains, very simple.After several people went in, they realized that there was already someone waiting in the private room.

None other than flowers.

Wearing a large windbreaker, the flower is really like a slim flower, blooming the most beautiful luster in youth in the dry and cold winter.

They all knew each other, so there was no need to introduce them. After they were seated, Xia Hua sat next to Huahua.

"Hua Hua, Er Ye Dumplings, what is the origin of these words, tell us." Shi De was also curious about this matter, so he asked.

"Hee hee, this story is a long one." Hua Hua giggled, revealing a pair of shallow dimples, "In this story, there is also the past of a best friend."

Lao Jian is a classmate of Quanyou Medical University, and also a best friend who grew up with Quanyou. He has a good relationship with Quanyou and can be described as wearing a pair of trousers.

When Quanyou and Huahua were in college, at the beginning of their relationship, it was always difficult for the two to reach an agreement on the issue of food. Huahua is a southerner who grew up eating three meals of rice a day and found it hard to swallow the pasta in the north.And Quanyou is a northerner who grew up eating pasta and doesn't like rice.As long as the two eat out, they will be in a dilemma about what to eat every time.

Quanyou gives way to Huahua every time. Huahua is a careful girl, and she couldn't bear to see Quanyou's pained expression like eating rice as if taking medicine, so she volunteered to try pasta.As a result, she couldn’t swallow anything from steamed buns, flower rolls to flatbread, so Quanyou laughed at her for not having the life to go abroad. If she wanted to go abroad, she could only go to poor countries in the third world, because developed countries in Europe and the United States mainly eat pasta. .And the countries of the third world basically eat rice.

After trying many times, Huahua finally fell in love with two kinds of pasta——dumplings and noodles, especially dumplings. Huahua almost never got tired of eating them. Later, she concluded that the reason why she doesn’t like pasta is that most southerners don’t know how to eat noodles. When making pasta, the level of noodle play is so poor that the taste of the pasta is too bad.

It can be said that the dumpling is the testimony of the love between Quanyou and Huahua, which runs through the most memorable period of love between Quanyou and Huahua.

Later, after Quanyou was cheated by Ma Feiyan, Hua Hua once went to eat dumplings by herself, she burst into tears while eating, and happened to be bumped into by the old man who had always been in love with Hua Hua was so distressed that he poured seven bottles in a row Beer, prepared to be strong and cowardly to woo Hua, but when he was almost done drinking, Hua left.

The old man went berserk at the dumpling shop, so he asked the boss to get the brush and ink, and used the brush he had learned for three years in elementary school to write four earth-shattering calligraphy of "Second Master Dumplings", which was immediately picked up by the boss Zhang Zhiqiang. Shocked, he immediately changed the name of the dumpling shop he originally called Lao Zhang Dumpling Shop to Er Ye Dumpling.

Later, countless students came to Erye Dumplings for dinner, and they were full of praise for the words Erye Dumplings, and they all inquired who wrote it. , Only then did a girl fall in love with Lao Jian's talent, which made a good marriage story.

After Huahua finished talking about the past of the second master's dumplings, Shi De laughed: "So there is such an interesting story behind it, brother Quan, you have so many stories."

Quanyou smiled with pride on his face: "To be honest, Master Shi said, if my story is written, it can write a thick book. I have already thought about the title of the book. It is called "Counter Attack". Through their own hard work and struggle, the loser in life counterattacked the rich second generation and Bai Fumei step by step, and finally became the happy story of the winner in life. Of course, in my story, I am the only protagonist, haha. But now Well, the main character is Master Shi."

Lan Guocheng sat on the side, showing a humble smile on his face, but there was a little impatience in the smile, it seemed that he was disgusted and stole his limelight. He saw Shi De today, and he had too many questions to ask Shi De asked for advice.

Fortunately, Quanyou is a smart person who noticed Lan Guocheng's abnormality. He invited Shi De to come here today. The first reason is to let Shi De meet Lan Guocheng. Recently, he has almost hung up Lan Guocheng , it is also time for Shi Yi to enlighten Lan Guocheng again as a master, otherwise, if the time goes on, maybe Lan Guocheng will lose the respect and blind trust that Master Shi deserves.

Shi De's influence on Lan Guocheng is based on Lan Guocheng's respect and blind trust in Shi De. Therefore, in order for Shi De to always maintain the image of an omnipotent master in Lan Guocheng's mind, it is necessary to Mention Lan Guocheng, let Lan Guocheng be obedient.Although everyone knew that Lan Minxin had been transferred to Shancheng, and his influence in Shimen was almost negligible, but in the affairs of the officialdom, no one could tell that one day Lan Minxin would not make a comeback and return to Shimen.Out of long-term considerations, Lan Guocheng, a pawn, cannot be thrown away.

Besides, in Quanyou's view, although Lan Guocheng has the disadvantage of being greedy and lustful, he is not a scum who does all kinds of evil. It may be useful for Shi De to make some adjustments.

At least on the issue of the Zhuo Group, Lan Guocheng has contributed a lot. He was able to contact Ma Feiyan and pull Ma Feiyan into the water, all because of Lan Guocheng's success.

"Before Ma Feiyan arrives, Master Shi, first listen to Guocheng's distress. Guocheng has always wanted to ask you some questions face to face, and today I finally have the opportunity to sit together." Quan You first carried out Lan Guocheng, Since he was implying that Shi De had Lan Guocheng present, it was inconvenient for him to reveal how he and Luo Xiaoyi plotted against Niu Tianzi, and he also wanted to secretly tell Shi De that Lan Guocheng should be settled before talking about other important matters.

Of course, Shi De knew that Lan Guocheng was present, and some topics were inconvenient to talk about, so he smiled lightly: "Guocheng looks good recently, obviously because people are in good spirits on happy occasions, I don't know what troubles Guocheng has?"

It can be seen from the implementation, Lan Guocheng looks good on the surface, he seems to be in high spirits, but between his brows, there is a slight worry, and his eyes are dull, and his expression is slightly haggard.If you observe carefully, you will find that Lan Guocheng's fortune is declining.

Generally speaking, the fortunes of a family, especially between father and son, are closely linked. Since Lan Minxin was promoted from deputy mayor to mayor, his fortune must be on the rise. As Lan Minxin's son, Lan Guocheng, why? Doesn't fortune go up, but down instead?There must be a root cause.

"Oh, don't mention it, Master Shi, it's hard to say. Recently, I've been fine in other aspects, my career is going well, and everything is going well, but my body always feels tired, my whole body is sore, especially my muscles are sore, and my mind is irritable and impatient. , I get irritable and angry from time to time." Lan Guocheng also ignored Xia Hua and Hua Hua's presence, and made no secret of his own problems, mainly due to recent physical changes, which tortured him extremely uncomfortable, "I have no energy during the day, and often have nightmares at night. , It is rare to sleep peacefully. Also, when I go to a dark and damp place at night, I will be very scared, and sometimes I will shiver for no reason, and I always feel that there is something following me around...

(End of this chapter)

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