Fortune Teller.

Chapter 344

Chapter 344
Xia wondered if she knew her: "Who are you? Who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Cao Shudai, is this Cao Shudai's house?" The girl walked in without Xia Xiang's consent, looked around the living room, her eyes fell on Shi De's face, and she was stunned. "why you?"

Shi De was also stunned, and asked, "Why can't it be me? How can it be you?"

The girl was none other than the girl in the back row who sat next to Cao Yongguo on the bus last time.Seeing that the girl recognized him, Shi De knew that he was also remembered by the girl at that time.

"What's your name?" The girl asked Shi De's name rudely, as if Xia Xiang didn't exist like Cao Yongguo.

"Ahem, aren't you looking for Cao Shudai and asking me what my name is for?" Seeing that the girl seemed ignorant of the world, Shi De didn't want to tell her his name.

"I'm looking for Cao Shudai, but I'm also very interested in you and want to know your name." The girl refused to let go, and she didn't think it was very rude to talk like this in other people's homes.

"Qi Mei..." Cao Shudai's brisk voice sounded from upstairs, and she ran down the stairs, "Why are you here? You didn't notify me in advance."

"I came when I wanted to. Why, don't you welcome me? I'll leave if you don't." As soon as she finished speaking, the girl turned around and left.

"Wait, your name is Qi...mei?" Shi De was stunned, could this Qimei be the same Qimei that Quanquan said.

"Yeah, what's the matter? Do you know me? No, you don't know me. Have you heard my name?" Qi Mei glanced at Shi De indifferently, "Okay, now you know my name , you should tell me your name."

"Shi De." Although Shi De was not sure that the Qi Mei in front of him was Qi Mei's daughter Qi Mei, but his intuition told him that it should not be a coincidence. He did not expect that the first meeting with Qi Mei came so quickly, let alone that the We met at Cao's house.

"Giving? What do you mean by giving first and then receiving?" Qi Mei thought about it thoughtfully, then shook his head inexplicably, "The name is not bad, but it's just that he's not good enough at a young age. He learns feudalism. superstitious."

Shi De knew what Qi Mei was referring to. He smiled lightly and argued: "Everyone has their own wellhead. Some people have big wellheads, while others have small wellheads."

Qi Mei suddenly became angry: "Are you mocking me for being a frog in a well?"

"Summer insects can't be compared to ice." Shi De replied lightly.

"Hmph! Just pretending to be profound!" Qi Mei stopped arguing with Shi De, and stretched out her hand to grab Cao Shudai, "Shudai, let's go upstairs, I have something to tell you."

From the beginning to the end, Qi Mei went upstairs without saying hello to Cao Yongguo and Xia Xiang.

"Qi Mei... who is it?" Cao Yongguo was also at a loss. He didn't understand why Qi Mei suddenly appeared. He had no impression of Qi Mei who was sitting next to him on the bus at that time.

"I heard that Shu Dai said that Qi Mei is a girl with a lot of personality. I don't know how I met Shu Dai, and then they became good friends. By the way, she is the daughter of Deputy Secretary Qi." Xia Xiang remembered What, told the origin of Qi Mei.

"Qi Mei's daughter?" Cao Yongguo was taken aback. He was not shocked by Qi Mei's identity, but because of Qi Mei's perverse character.In his opinion, how could the serious and conscientious Deputy Secretary Qi Qi have a daughter with such a personality.

"That's right, it's Quan Qi's daughter." Xia Xiang nodded, "I've only heard Shu Dai say that Qi Mei has a very personal character, but I didn't expect that she really has a very personal character."

"Don't raise eyebrows, talk about business, talk about business." Normally, Cao Yongguo has been in the officialdom for a long time, and his level of cultivation and patience are top-notch, but it is also strange. In front of Shi De, he always wants to get straight to the point without waiting. He wanted to know what Shi De thought about the prospect of his upcoming appointment as the deputy mayor of Shimen, "Shi De, you said that I will be the deputy mayor of Shimen, what is the prospect?"

Although Cao Yongguo's question was within Shi De's expectation—everyone would worry about the uncertainty of the future—his question was very challenging for Shi De. I really can't see what kind of situation and prospects Cao Yongguo will face after taking office.

After all, he didn't know the composition of the Shimen government.

However, Cao Yongguo's words were not aimless. Seeing that Shi De was stunned, he smiled slightly: "Speaking of which, although the Shimen government has a lot of people, there are three most important people, Liu Baojia, Shang Jianchao, and others." There is me. I don’t need to say, Shang Jianchao is no stranger to you, and you have seen Liu Bao’s family, so imagine what it would be like for the three of us to work together?”

Although Shi De met Liu Bao’s family from a long distance in Shancheng, firstly, he was just an entry-level physiognomist at that time, and his level was not high enough; secondly, he did not observe Liu Bao’s family carefully enough. blurred.

"Sit in meditation and always think about your own life, don't gossip about other people's faults..." Shi De laughed and laughed at himself, "It's not good to speak ill of people behind their backs?"

"Haha..." Cao Yongguo heard the implication of Shi De's words, and knew that Shi De's words were implying that Liu Bao's family and Shang Jianchao were not very good people. Agree, but when we chat, we don't talk about other people's rights and wrongs behind their backs, but for the happiness of Shimen people, do the preliminary work first. As long as the starting point is good, the final goal is also aboveboard. In the middle process, there are occasional disgraceful places , can also be understood."

The same thing, with different intentions, will bring about different results, and at the same time, whether it accumulates blessings or loses blessings is also different.For example, when building a road, if the official really wants to benefit the common people, rather than to embezzle money from the project, then his meritorious deeds will be very great.But if his starting point is only for his own selfishness, that is, to fill his own pockets, then the loss of fortune will be very large.

When Cao Yongguo said this, Shi De knew that Cao Yongguo knew better than Xia You and Qiquan the way of misfortune and fortune. He must have read many books on eliminating disasters and accumulating blessings, and also read many Buddhist scriptures.

Now that the words have reached this point, Shi De might not be able to pass the test without saying a few words. After thinking about it seriously, Shi De smiled lightly and said, "Shang Jianchao is a person, and I was also interested in Xia Youxia before." Uncle said that the method of encirclement should be carried out with respect and distance, and I mean the same to Uncle Cao."

Cao Yongguo didn't speak, but nodded with deep eyes. He understood Shi De's meaning. On the surface, he was keeping a respectful distance from him. In fact, he secretly surrounded Shang Jianchao to prevent him from becoming big.He had also heard about Shang Jianchao's behavior for a long time, and knew how vicious this person was.

"Where's Liu Bao's family?" Xia Xiang asked Cao Yongguo about Liu Bao's family.

"Let's live in harmony, seek common ground while reserving differences." Shi De doesn't know if Liu Bao's family and Shang Jianchao are the same people, but what he knows is that Liu Bao's family and Shang Jianchao have different personalities. If Shang Jianchao is sinister and vicious, he likes everything The person behind the scenes, then Liu Baojia likes to solve everything on the table, even if it is directly patting the table and cursing, it has to be solved face to face.

There is a saying that it is easy to hide a hidden arrow but difficult to defend against it. In many cases, it is easier to deal with a real villain than a hypocrite.

"You mean to suppress hypocrites in secret and confront real villains head-on?" Xia Xiang understood Shi De's hint in time. He has not been in the officialdom for a long time, much shorter than Cao Yongguo. Some normal comprehension is more perceptive than Cao Yongguo.

No matter in politics or business, savvy is always the fundamental ability for a person to go far.

Shi De smiled and said nothing, picked up a cup of tea and took a sip: "Good tea. Three cups of wine in the world of mortals, one pot of tea for Qianqiu Daye, drink tea, drink tea."

Ordinarily, at Shi De's age, he shouldn't pretend to be advanced in front of Cao Yongguo and Xia Xiang, but he did it, but he didn't look artificial or hypocritical, on the contrary, he had a natural calmness.

Cao Yongguo was silent for a moment, and said with emotion: "There is a saying that is good - kindness with an unforgiving mouth, and sweetness with an unforgiving heart. A kind-hearted person dares to speak out, and a sweet-mouthed person hides secrets. It is better to have a gang The ghosts who push back, don't end up with a group of sweet-talking thieves—secretly suppressing hypocrites, confronting real villains head-on, Shi De, Xiao Xia, you two young people have taught me a lesson."

Seeing that Cao Yongguo was very modest, Shi De hurriedly smiled modestly: "Uncle Cao is serious, Xia Xiang and I are juniors, how dare we teach you lessons."

Only those who are humble can achieve greatness.

"Confucius still recognizes a seven-year-old child as his teacher. It's okay for one person to admit his own shortcomings. If three people walk together, there must be my teacher." Cao Yongguo laughed and asked again, "Isn't there a saying that love comes from the heart?" , why do I feel that the faces of Liu Baojia and Shang Jianchao are not vicious?"

Shi Dewei pondered for a while, and answered Cao Yongguo's question: "With a heart without a shape, it is born with the heart; with a heart without the heart, it dies with the heart-this sentence means that a person's appearance will follow his heart. Even if he has a vicious face now, if he always has a compassionate heart, kind words and good deeds, then the bad face will soon turn into a good one. Conversely, even if he has a blessed face now If he doesn't know how to do good deeds and accumulate virtue, if he often thinks of greed and hatred, speaks evil and does evil, then the appearance of blessing will gradually disappear. Therefore, the heart is the decisive factor of appearance, and it is better to look at the heart than to look at the appearance. If the heart changes, then, People's appearance, wisdom and fortune will also change accordingly."

"However, the change of facial appearance is not a significant change that is good today and will be good tomorrow, but a slow change like a drop of water wears through a stone. In a little bit, the appearance is slowly changed."

"Well, that's how it is." Cao Yongguo nodded, as if he had figured it out, smiled slightly, and changed the subject, "Shi De, Bitian Group wants to take over the mess of the Zhuo Group, I have no objection in principle, but Bitian If the group wants to take over smoothly, there are still two difficulties to overcome.”

(End of this chapter)

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