Fortune Teller.

Chapter 345 Life Is Always Repeated Between One Gain and One Loss

Chapter 345

When Qi Mei came down from upstairs, Xia Hua and Cao Shudai also came down, and they sat aside, silently watching the debate between Shi De and Qi Mei.

"Yes, of course." Shi De said with a smile, "Gubu Ziqing has reached a state of perfection because of his physiognomy. It is not appropriate to call him a physiognomist. He should be called a researcher of life science. General Zhao Jianzi of Jin State , wanted to know which of his several sons could inherit his throne and career, but he couldn't decide by himself, so he sent someone to invite Gubu Ziqing to make a decision for him. Gubu Ziqing watched in the hall After having several sons born to him by his wives, he did not express his opinion for a long time..."

"After a while, he walked outside the hall, and suddenly he was stunned. He was very interested in a young man in thick and ordinary clothes standing outside the hall. After looking him up and down, he said to Zhao Jianzi that this boy will grow up in the future. Zhao Jianzi was stunned for a moment, saying that this was the child born to him and his concubine, and his status was very low. But Gubu Ziqing said that a hero does not care about his background, it is destined by God, even if he is cheap, he will be expensive. The general of the country, he is the famous Ziwu!"

"Confucius' disciples heard about Gubu Ziqing's name, and asked Gubu Ziqing to meet Confucius. Gubu Ziqing looked at Confucius' face for fifty steps, and followed Confucius for another fifty steps. Zigong said, Confucius had a forehead like Yao, eyes like Shun, neck like Yu, and mouth like Gaoyao. Viewed from the front, he looked extraordinary, like a king. But viewed from behind, he had tall shoulders, a thin back, and a Unable to support the image of the king in front of him, with such insufficiencies and defects, the Lord was depressed all his life, and had no wealth and honor to sit in court. Later, the fate of Confucius also confirmed the correctness of Gubu Ziqing's judgment, and Confucius himself was impressed by this. "

"Hmph, made it up? Why didn't I see this story in the biography of Confucius?" Qi Mei didn't believe Shi De's words.

"Hehe, if you haven't read it, does that mean you don't have it?" Shi Decai didn't bother to explain to Qi Mei that the so-called history is only the history in the eyes of historians, but continued, "Because Gubuziqing is so shrewd in physiognomy, He had a great influence, and later generations of fortune-tellers regarded him as the ancestor of Xiangrenshu, and Xiangrenshu was also called Gubuziqingshu by later generations."

"Isn't there another Ji Xian?" Qi Mei thought she caught the loophole in Shi De's words.

"Compared to Gubu Ziqing's many records, Ji Xian's records are not many. He only said that he was a wizard and learned medicine when he was young. He is good at judging people's physical strength, disease symptoms, and judging the date of life and death. , more important than judging people from the perspective of medical skills. He sees people very accurately, and predicts that a certain person will die of illness in a certain month, and it is often accurate. Many people are sick and sick, and they invite him to see them. Good or bad."

"People in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods are too far away from the present. Let's talk about a few closer ones, such as the Tang Dynasty." Qi Mei came up with another problem for Shi.

Shi De was the least afraid of difficult problems, so he smiled and saw Xia Hua smiling lightly, without the slightest impatience, while Cao Shudai put her hands on her chin, showing enough patience, Cao Yongguo also smiled lightly, Xia thought It's a gesture of enjoying it.

Well, among all the people here, only Qi Mei is more impulsive.An impulsive person is either not rational or too shallow.

"In the Tang Dynasty, there was a great physiognomy as famous as Yuan Tiangang. He was Zhang Jingzang from Henan Changshe. Of course, if you don't know who Yuan Tiangang is, I suggest you go back and read more." Shi De smiled slightly, "Zhang Jingzang He was from the time of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty. Once, Prince Zhan Shijiang Yan asked Zhang Jingzang for advice on his future. Zhang Baozang told him that your disaster is under three feet of soil, and it is expensive to persist for six years. There is a salary. Although Jiang Yan is dubious, she still remembers it in her heart."

"What happened later?" Qi Mei liked the Tang Dynasty very much, and when Shi De talked about the Tang Dynasty, she became interested.

"Later Tang Taizong wanted to crusade against Koryo, and Jiang volunteered to be a messenger. Unexpectedly, he was captured by Mo Lizhi on the way. Although he was tortured in every possible way, he was still unyielding. The enemy soldiers had to lock him in a cellar three feet deep. Six years later , Koryo was conquered by Keping, and he was able to return to the country. Taizong appreciated his loyalty and was promoted to Chaosan doctor. At the age of 6, he was indeed the governor of Puzhou, and he was famous all over the world for his political achievements. "

"Also, Liu Rengui and fellow countryman Jingxian came to ask about Zhang Jingzang's fate. Zhang Jingzang said that Mr. Liu would be condemned as the fifth rank, and would eventually be the crown minister. He looked at Jingxian a few more times and said that the king should die as a guest in another country. Jingxian Unhappy, he mocked Jingzang, and said angrily, "My three sons are all Tomita houses, why should I die as a guest? It's nonsense. Unexpectedly, Jingxian's three sons died soon, and the farmhouse was also sold out." Yes, Jingxian died in a friend's house. Liu Rengui later became a servant of the minister and a guest of the prince. It really is 'a crowned minister, state party honor'."

Qi Mei knew about the fate of the few characters Shi De talked about, but she didn't know that behind their fate, there was an expert pointing out, but she still had doubts: "Well, even if what you said is true, it's still true. It just proves that physiognomy can predict a person's fate, or it can't change a person's fate. It's sad."

"Who says physiognomy can't change fate?" Shi De smiled, "Okay, let's continue the story of Zhang Jingzang. Yao Chong, Li Jixiu, and Du Jingjian all made friends with Zhang Jingzang before they became famous. Zhang Jingzang carefully observed The appearance of the three people tells them that the three of you are all prime ministers, but Yao Chong is the most expensive. Zhang Jingzang's comments are a great encouragement to the three of them. For example, Yao Chong was suave when he was young, with a high integrity, and he was diligent in learning. Wu Zetian At that time, he had paid homage to his servant, but he did not dare to slack off. He was still conscientious in his work, and his political achievements became more and more obvious. During Xuanzong's time, he followed Xuanzong to hunt in the fields. [-]. Living in Guang Chengze, he takes pleasure in chasing eagles and chasing beasts. Zhang Jingzang said that as a king, he should not give up on himself, so he studied hard... This is what Yao Chong said from the bottom of his heart. Originally, he was a man of "chasing eagles for joy". The son of Wan Chan, after hearing Zhang Jingzang’s words, he realized that vigilance and hard work are the most precious of a prime minister. The words of a master can inspire people’s hearts and change their lives. This can be said to be a typical example.”

Qi Mei blinked, stared at Shi De for a long time, and then smiled meaninglessly: "Folk unofficial history, rumors and anecdotes, it's hard to tell the truth from the false, let's just let it go. But, I am willing to give you more A chance, you meet me for me, see my past and future, if you are right, I will believe you just once."

If it was normal, Shi De would really be able to meet people and make people feel convincing, but today he deliberately ignored him, waved his hand and said, "Why do I have to convince you? I have already said what I have to say, believe it or not .You believe it is your luck. If you don't believe it, it is your destiny, and it has nothing to do with me."

"You..." Qi Mei stood up suddenly, "If you admit to your face that you are feudal superstition, I will let you go."

Shi De didn't speak, Xia Hua quit, and stood up to defend Shi De: "Hey, hey, are you finished? Shi De doesn't owe you anything, so don't make trouble for no reason, okay? You look good, and It’s also quite white, but I didn’t expect it to be so unlevel, and if I have more time to bask in the sun, it will be fine if I get tanned.”

When it comes to brain teasers, how could Qi Mei be Xia Hua's opponent? She didn't turn around at once, and asked with wide-eyed eyes: "How can it be better if you get tanned?"

"If you get tanned, no one will call you an idiot." Although Qi Mei is Qi Mei's daughter, Xia Hua didn't show mercy, and hit her head-on.

Cao Yongguo's face changed slightly. He was worried that Qi Mei would quarrel with Xia Hua if he couldn't stand Xia Hua's ridicule. He didn't want Qi Mei's face to change, and he shook his head nonchalantly: "Idiots are not idiots, as long as you are happy, that's fine. No matter what other people say? Okay, let’s go, goodbye, Shu Dai. Goodbye, Shi De, no, I’m gone with you, you have been pulled into my life blacklist by me.”

Qi Mei left as soon as she said, but she was more or less polite, and did not forget to wave goodbye to Cao Yongguo and Xia Hua.

After Qi Mei left, Shi De talked to Cao Yongguo and Xia Xiang about official affairs and business affairs.Cao Yongguo will take office in three days. As soon as he takes office, he will start to deal with the remaining issues of the Zhuo Group.After dinner, Shi De and Xia Hua said goodbye to Cao Yongguo and Xia Xiang, and left Cao's house.

The breeze blows at night, although it is still cold, there is already a breath of spring.Shi De slowed down the speed of the car, and drove slowly all the way with confidence, and opened the window to let the cold wind blow into the car.

"So, can Cao Yongguo and Xia Xiang be on good terms?" Xia Hua rested her head on her hand and looked sideways at Shi De.

"Many friends, many ways." Shi De nodded, "Uncle Xia is leaving Shimen, but at the same time, Huang Zixuan is also going back to Shimen, and I also met Deputy Secretary Qi Qi, but with Deputy Qi The secretary's relationship is not yet strong, and there is another point. Although he did not lose in the first confrontation with Qi Mei today, he also won. In addition, Liu Baojia has become the mayor, and Shang Jianchao is going to be the executive deputy mayor. Long, if we count Mu Jinnian and Hua Liunian also coming to Shimen to add chaos, our road ahead is still full of many obstacles."

"I discovered a rule, life is always repeated between one gain and one loss." Xia Hua smiled disapprovingly, "Don't be afraid, no matter how difficult and dangerous the road ahead is, with Master Shi around, all problems will be solved. Mu Jinnian and Hua Liunian It's nothing, I believe that if Huang Zixi gets involved, it will be settled. Fang Mu and Yu Shuai are fine, if you and I deal with each other, we can win. As for the official battle, it is not our main battlefield..."

(End of this chapter)

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