Fortune Teller.

Chapter 357

Chapter 357
"As for the Bitian Group, Biyou cut off several business departments with low profitability. The further integration of the Bitian Group has brought the Bitian Group into the period with the strongest combat effectiveness since its establishment. Just wait for the Zhuo Group's The issue of ownership of the mess has been settled, and as soon as Bitian takes over, he can fully devote himself to the construction of the South Village land." As soon as Xia Hua opened the chatterbox, she started talking endlessly, "Qingying still wants to make a fortune in Shimen. Community, but the land issue has not been resolved, she has been looking for land everywhere..."

"Don't let Qingying mess around. After taking over the mess of the Zhuo Group, the Nancun land can be used in the Mahuimin Community. Can't it be enough to let Binsheng be in charge of the construction?" Seeing Xia Hua stepping into the kitchen, Shi De asked Started to cook, and hurriedly stopped her, "Don't be so busy, I will come here with Huahua in a while, so you can order some takeaway."

"That's a good idea. Why didn't I think of it before?" Xia Hua laughed. She is not usually a person who likes to cook, and she is willing to work around the stove for the sake of giving. Come on, she naturally knew that there must be a turning point in the matter, so she came out of the kitchen: "Okay, let me call it Western Fast Food, the main reason is that it is fast and convenient."

"Anything." Shi De has never had a problem with eating. He eats what he has and is never picky about food.

Xia Hua ordered KFC takeaway, and after a while, the takeaway arrived, two family buckets.The takeaway just arrived, Quanyou and Huahua also arrived.

"Brother Shi, your house is quite nice. The decoration is very high-end and luxurious. The mosaic stone, parquet wood floor, and marble floor are both tasteful and elegant." Fang Fang was full of praise, "It seems that taste requires life experience and accumulation of knowledge. It is still not enough to have money without culture."

"Che, I helped Shide choose the house for him. If you say it has taste, I must have taste." Xia Hua quit, and hurriedly took over the conversation, "It's all there. Your vision is much higher? Don't tell me that your house is as magnificently decorated as a bath center..."

"Hey..." Huahua laughed, "Sister Xia, don't make fun of him. Although he has some taste, he is far from being elegant. His house decoration style is explosive. Household style, as disgusting as it gets."

Quanyou laughed wickedly: "What is the style of the nouveau riche? Tell me? You go to Jia Chenmo's house, and you will know what the nouveau riche style is. Although my style is not as good as Shi Brother's elegance and elegance, but at least he's not an upstart, and besides, I'm not an upstart!"

"Let me tell you the truth." Shi De told the truth, "The decoration of this house is neither my style nor Xia Hua's idea. The decoration is the decoration that was there when the house was handed over."

"Ah? Well-decorated house? Not a rough house?" Hua Hua smiled veiledly, "But then again, even if the decoration style is not designed by you, but you can choose this house, it also shows your taste and the house. The decoration is in line with the decoration. I ask you to have all of them, if you were, would you buy a house with such a decoration style?"

Quanyou shook his head: "I don't like the color tone of this decoration style, it's too light. I like darker colors."

"Do you like dark red doors? Dark red wooden floors, dark red main color?" Xia Hua asked.

"That's right, that's right, it's Sister Xia who understands me." Quan You nodded again and again, with the joy of finding a confidant on his face.

"It's the same as my dad's aesthetics." Xia Hua gave Quan You a big white eye, "Thinking of my dad's age, and comparing it to your youth, all of them, you are prematurely aging, a 30-year-old person, Have a 50-year-old heart and a 60-year-old aesthetic vision. I wonder if you listen to Peking Opera every day to fall asleep?"

"Haha..." Quanyou laughed loudly, "I'm a young man, okay?"

While talking, Quanyou and Huahua sat down, Shi De poured tea for the two of them himself, Xia Hua brought foreign fast food and put it on the table.

"Come on, drinking Chinese tea and eating foreign fast food can be regarded as a high-quality life combining Chinese and Western."

"Don't tell me, even I like this foreign fast food." Quanyou picked up a French fries and put it in his mouth, "It's not that foreign fast food is delicious, the main reason is that it is at least cleaner and more hygienic than domestic fast food. , and it’s also fast. Fast food and fast food are fast and hygienic, right?”

"When you say that, I'm creative again. How about we open a domestic fast food in the future, defeating foreign fast food and unifying the world." Xia Hua's idea came when she said it. Of course, she just said it casually, so she didn't care. Would really like to get into the restaurant business.

"In the catering industry, Tianyou Group is the boss of Shimen, but Tianyou Group's catering is mainly for dinners, so I probably don't bother to engage in the fast food industry." Quan You shook his head, "If Brother Shi wants to enter the fast food industry, I am the one The planning book can be provided to you free of charge.”

Shi thought about it very seriously: "It's a good idea. Although fast food chains may not make much money, if thousands of chain stores are opened across the country, the popularity of the stores alone will have an astonishing influence. .Influence will eventually be transformed into productivity, and what productivity is, is wealth.”

"That's right, when Shi De said that, my thinking became clearer." Xia Hua had just casually said that she wanted to open a domestic fast food restaurant, but she didn't think deeply about it. Hearing what Shi De said, she suddenly thought Dadong, "If we can really open one or two thousand fast food chain stores in China in the future, making money is the second priority. The most important thing is that we can take advantage of the advantages of fast food restaurants all over the country and collect business information from all over the country in the first place. , understand the real estate market in various places, and provide useful resources for the group to quickly make the correct decision on the national layout."

As soon as Xia Hua finished speaking, everyone fell silent.The reason for the silence is that, including Shi De, no one thought that a small matter of ordering foreign food, a topic of small talk, could lead to an excellent idea.

Both Shide and Quanyou thought of the huge business opportunities contained in national chain fast food restaurants. The business opportunities are not only reflected in the collection of business information from various places, but also in the future with the rise of the express delivery industry and the combination of e-commerce and offline entities. Model, the huge advantage of national chain stores, will become a gold mine that makes the giants salivate!
"How is it?" Shi De asked without thinking.

Quan slapped his thigh: "Damn, why not?"

"One billion is not a small amount. If something happens, have you figured out how to tear down the east wall and make up for the west wall as soon as possible?" Shi De asked again.

"Think about it, Xiao Zuo's one billion is exchanged for 40.00% of Baisha Group's shares. If we add the shares held by me and you in Baisha Group, and Luo Xiaoyi, we will have a controlling stake." Quan said confidently, "At that time, Baisha Group will return to its normal market value, and the shares held by me and you will be worth more than one billion."

"Okay." Shi De nodded, "Let's do it."

"What charades are you playing?" Xia Hua was confused and didn't understand the conversation between Shi De and Quanyou.

"That's right, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand at all?" Huahua was also dazed.

"Haha..." Quanyou laughed heartily, delighted that he and Shi De had reached such a deep tacit understanding, "Originally, I came to see Brother Shi to discuss three things with him. Now, what to do with the one billion she left behind. Second, when will Xiao Zuo’s one billion arrive in the account, and now you can buy the shares in Niu Tian’s hands at any time. Third, after getting the shares of Baisha Group, the next step How to get there...Three things, the conversation between me and Brother Shi just now has solved the first problem."

In the original idea, Ma Feiyan was obsessed with money, and took one billion from Zhuo Fan's hands. After Zhuo Fan was arrested, Ma Feiyan would also be confessed by Zhuo Fan. The funds are officially handed over to the state, which will be disposed of by the state in accordance with the law and used to compensate the victims for their losses.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. No one thought that it would be fine for Zhuo Fan to run away after hearing the news. At the critical moment, Ma Feiyan also showed the spirit of terribly free of money, and ran away with Zhuo Fan.Once the two run away, one billion yuan cannot be handed over as stolen money. After all, there are too many unspeakable inside stories behind the incident. Zhuo Fan and Ma Feiyan are not there, so they all handed over one billion yuan to say It was stolen money. After Zhuo Fan and Ma Feiyan were arrested in the end, they insisted that if they didn't give the money to Quanyou, they would be unable to argue with it.

Therefore, now one billion yuan has become ownerless money, which cannot be handed over, nor can it be used to buy shares in Baisha Group—it is easy to be found out that the money came from a wrong source, and it will be troublesome if it is regarded as money laundering—so If a large amount of money is only kept in the hands, it would be too wasteful. It must be fully utilized to make money generate money and make the best use of the money.

The circulation of wealth can provide employment opportunities for the society and create wealth, so there is a saying that the poor don’t like to hear: the rich contribute the most to society, the poor don’t even pay taxes, and some rich people don’t even pay taxes for a year. The taxes paid are enough to feed many poor people.

What if the poor are allowed to pay taxes and make due contributions to the country?Smart economists invented lottery tickets. A lottery ticket worth 2 yuan has a chance to win millions of wealth, so countless poor people flock to it and buy it one after another.But the winners are a minority among the few after all, and although 2 yuan is very little, it accumulates into a lot, and the power of countless people accumulates to form a torrent of rivers.

The lottery is called a poor man's tax.

Everyone wants to be rich, and being rich can not only satisfy material needs, but also benefit the country and society.Everyone wants to be a useful person, useful to the country, useful to society, and useful to others. Only when a person is useful can he be respected by others and get his due social status.

Being complete is rich, being needed is expensive.

(End of this chapter)

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