Fortune Teller.

Chapter 358 Finalize Cooperation

Chapter 358 Finalize Cooperation
Not only did Quan not think of it, but Shi De also didn't think that from foreign fast food to Chinese fast food, a topic that was unintentionally chatted turned out to be an idea with great business opportunities. If it is used to invest in a nationwide fast food chain, it can spread to all major cities in the country in a short period of time, and it will not be a problem to cover all major provincial capitals in the country within at least one or two years.

Of course, it is illegal and unethical to use Zhuo Fan's money to do his own business, and once Zhuo Fan is caught and the stolen money is recovered, Zhuo Fan will definitely give the money to Quanyou, and then Quanyou will have to Spit out a billion.If one billion is invested in chain stores, where will the money come from?

The dialogue between Shi De and Quanyou also solved this problem - at that time, the money will be paid out from Quanyou and his shares in Baisha Group.With the market value and strength of the Baisha Group, as long as the stock is sold, someone will take over. It is not a big problem to raise one billion in a short period of time.

What you want is to make a time difference. No one can say when Zhuo Fan will fall, maybe a month, maybe a year, maybe ten years or eight years. will be caught.It is even foreseeable that behind the illegal fund-raising case of the Zhuo Group, there may be senior political officials involved. Therefore, some people do not want Zhuo Fan to be arrested, but hope that Zhuo Fan will always disappear or disappear.

After Quanyou explained his and Shi De's thoughts to Xia Hua and Hua Hua, Xia Hua and Hua Hua looked at each other and widened their eyes at the same time.

"Isn't it too courageous? Borrowing Xiao Zuo's money to eat Baisha Group is fine, and you want to borrow Zhuo Fan's money to open a national chain of fast food restaurants. Your ability to borrow chickens to lay eggs is too great, really It's admirable." Xia Hua gave a thumbs up, "Compared to your thick-faced and dark-hearted, I'm still a lot worse. I don't have the guts, nor do I have such restless ideas."

"Actually, it's nothing. This money is idle if you are idle. Since you can't hand it in openly, it's better to use it for business first, make money, and give back to the society. It's considered a good deed, right?" Xia Hua was bold, and she immediately followed Quanyou's train of thought, "Money that flows is wealth, and only it can benefit the society. Money that is still is not wealth, but numbers."

"Huahua is right." Shi De nodded and said, "My idea is to use this money to buy Biyou Yiwanxiang, and then promote Yiwanxiang to the whole country to establish a national chain of fast food restaurants. In terms of equity composition, Let’s set up a common people’s stock, which accounts for 40.00% of the shares. All dividends will be accumulated. When the opportunity is right in the future, all dividends will be subsidized to victims of illegal fund-raising cases. At the same time, when chain stores recruit employees across the country, they will give priority to laid-off workers and Poor families are inclined. If possible, [-]% of the profits will be set up every year to set up a serious illness and catastrophe relief fund to help families who are impoverished due to serious illness or catastrophe.”

"Okay, I agree with both hands." Quan You was the first to respond to Shi De's call.

"I agree too." Xia Hua and Hua Hua agreed with Shi De's proposal in unison.

"Okay, the first thing is settled like this. Since everyone has no objection, Xia Hua, then you can contact Biyou and propose to her to buy a bowl of incense." Shi De nodded at Xia Hua, He was satisfied with the way this matter was handled, and he looked at Quanyou again, "The second thing is that Xiao Zuo's one billion can be credited to the account at any time."

Quanyou slapped his thigh excitedly: "Brother Shi, I'm just waiting for your words. Can I get the money immediately?"

Shi De smiled slightly, took out his phone and called Xiao Zuo: "Mr. Xiao, when can the one billion funds be transferred?"

"I'm off work today, tomorrow." Xiao Zuo had waited for Shi De to give an order, "Give me the account number, and it will be credited tomorrow morning."

"Okay." Shi De was not polite to Xiao Zuo, and told him his account number, "If there is any progress, I will inform you at any time."

"By the way, Master Shi, the second tranche of one billion funds is basically ready now. Please let me know when you need it." Xiao Zuo is now full of fighting spirit. If he can really acquire Baisha Group at a price of one billion this time 40.00% of the shares, okay, and then distribute 30.00%, which is equivalent to exchanging [-] billion for [-]% of the shares of Baisha Group. It is an extremely amazing and cost-effective business. The weight of the board of directors will be greatly increased, no matter whether it is Liu Rijian, Wu Guoxue or other veterans, no one dares to underestimate him!

He is very clear that his success is all due to Master Shi's natural skill.

"Okay, very good." Shi De smiled calmly, "Dong Xiao has courage and is a friend who can entrust great things."

"Thank you Master Shi for your approval." Xiao Zuo was very excited about Shi De's affirmation, "Master Shi, BMW Zhang has been investigated and filed after being bitten by Hong Dongxu. A handful of firewood?"

BMW Zhang has been entrenched in Shimen for many years, and the tree has deep roots. Maybe whoever interferes with his affairs, he can pass through calmly. Since Xiao Zuo is willing to eliminate harm for the people, let him go. Shi De coughed: "Well... …You decide. Anyway, the second billion of funds should be prepared early in case it is needed.”

The second billion is for the complete acquisition of Credit Group. The implication of Shi De's words is already obvious. Xiao Zuo also heard the implication of Shi De's words and said: "Reputation Group does not pay attention to reputation, and there have been many frauds. Regarding the situation of consumers, in order to restore justice to the market and consumers, I am willing to go forward and let the credit group take its due social responsibility."

Not bad, with a positive intention, Shi De nodded and gave a faint "hmm" before hanging up the phone.

"Haha, a big event is about to come true." Quan You happily patted the French fries on the table, "It's such a big decision, it should be celebrated with a big meal, but there is only foreign fast food, isn't it too embarrassing?"

"Shame? Who are you to lose?" Xia Hua scoffed at Quanyou's words, "If you didn't have the foreign fast food I called, you wouldn't even know how to spend the one billion yuan in your hand, so don't underestimate anyone or anything. Little things, sometimes, what determines whether you are successful or not is often an insignificant person or a trivial thing that you ignore."

"It makes sense, it makes sense." Quanyou was full of praise for Xia Hua, "Indeed, sister Xia is right, today's foreign fast food opened up my mind, and maybe I will achieve a great career in the future, really. Thanks to a joke from Sister Xia."

"Okay, since you admit that I have made contributions, how can you thank me?" Xia Hua stepped up when she saw the momentum, and asked bluntly, "After Yiwanxiang is acquired, what is the shareholding composition?"

Quan You shook his head helplessly, pointed at Xia Hua, and said to Shi De: "Brother Shi, there is a Xia Hua by your side, no matter how generous, generous and selfless you are, you will never suffer, because Xia Hua always Will promptly remind others that it’s time to pay, haha.”

"Cooperation for the sharing of benefits is long-term cooperation. Sister Xia's approach is right. Put the villain first and then the gentleman, so that there will be no disputes in the future." Hua Hua echoed Xia Hua's words, "Similarly, we have everything. You and I also You have to settle accounts clearly, women can only be independent in personality when they are economically independent."

Quan had a bitter expression on his face: "What's the matter, have you lost confidence in me?"

"Stop talking nonsense, and quickly distribute the shareholding ratio." Hua Hua giggled, reached out and slapped Quan You on the head.

Quanyou covered his head and thought for a while: "Ma Feiyan's one billion yuan was cheated by me, and I contributed the most, so I want to account for the largest proportion, 30.00%, everyone, everyone, everyone, you have no objections Bar?"

"What about me?" Xia Hua didn't answer all the questions directly, "Where is Shi De? Where are the flowers?"

"Brother Shi also played a key leading role in the whole incident, so how about he accounted for 20.00%?" Quan You scratched his head, and looked at Xia Hua and Hua Hua in embarrassment, "Sister Xia 5.00%, Hua Hua 5.00%, how about this distribution, is it reasonable?"

Shi De didn't speak. He admitted that Quanyou played a vital role in the Ma Feiyan incident, so Quanyou played a major role. He had no objection, not to mention that he was not a person who cared very much about gains and losses.

Huahua didn't speak, biting her lips, as if she was seriously calculating something, only Xia Hua counted with her fingers, and shook all five fingers at Chaoquanyou: "You are thirty, Shi De is twenty, me and Huahua Five for each, and the total is sixty."

"That's right." Quanyou chuckled, "Didn't Brother Shi say that there is a false 40.00% common people's stock, this 40.00%, none of us can move, it is our accumulation of good deeds."

Very good, Quanyou has such an awareness, not only thinking about himself, he will use Zhuo Fan's one billion yuan, so that he will not waste too much of his own blessings, Shi De nodded secretly.

"Okay, it's settled, I won't say more. But if Biyou asks to keep the shares, it has to be paid out of the shares of you and Shi De, and the meager 5.00% shares of Huahua and me are not allowed to be counted." Xia Hua agreed.

"Okay, no problem." Quanyou asked Shi De again, "Brother Shi, do you think Biyou will sell all of the incense, or will keep a certain share?"

Quanyou also knows a lot about Yiwanxiang. Knowing the success of Yiwanxiang in Shancheng, Yiwanxiang also opened a branch in Shimen. He has no objection to opening a national chain on the basis of Yiwanxiang.Creating a new brand is much more difficult than expanding the market on an already successful brand.

"I reckon Biyou will change hands completely. She is so focused on the Bitian Group now that she doesn't care about a bowl of incense. It is more in line with her current situation to change all hands. And if she changes hands completely, she can get a lot of money, whether it is with Whether you invest in yourself or invest in the Bitian Group, it doesn't matter."

(End of this chapter)

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