Fortune Teller.

Chapter 371 Powerless Zhang Tian

Chapter 371
"Yes, she eats as much as she wants, and she never restricts her food. After eating, she doesn't feel indigestible, so she feels that she is in good health and has a good appetite. Stomach cancer, and it’s still at stage three. There are four stages of cancer, and stage four is the most advanced stage. At stage four, there is no cure, and at stage three, the cure rate is only about 30%.” Lian Xin’s eyes turned red, “Shi Master, she is still young and has a child, can you save her?"

"What kind of delicacies has she eaten these years? Is it mainly meat?" Shi De secretly felt sorry for Mei Renxing, fearing that Mei Renxing's illness could not be cured.

"Yes, she likes to eat meat the most. She likes to eat meat of all kinds of birds and beasts. She dares to eat any kind of meat, such as seagulls, ostriches and other animals. She not only eats it herself, but also writes articles to promote various kinds of meat. Many people have benefited from her experience... She is such a good person, why did she get cancer? Isn't it said that the sky is the fairest?" Lian Xin's tears finally fell.

"Oh..." Shi De sighed heavily and shook his head, "Do you want to hear the truth or a beautiful lie?"

"Of course I want to hear the truth. She is still undergoing chemotherapy and has accepted the reality. I don't want to listen to useless lies." Lian asked impatiently, "Master Shi, do you think she can be saved? I have her here." Take a look at the photos."

While talking, Lian Xin handed over a photo.

In the photo, there is a youthful and lively face, full of sunshine and vigor, but her mouth is too big, although the photo book says that men have big mouths and women have big mouths, which is demeaning to women. But it is also a summary of previous experience, not an unfounded depreciation.Moreover, women love to eat snacks by nature, and they are more likely to lose control of their mouths than men.

As the saying goes, misfortunes come from the mouth, half of the various diseases of the human body are caused by emotional fluctuations, and the other half are caused by eating. Eating too much and too complicated will also cause many diseases in the body.

Especially eating too much meat will do the most damage to various functions of the body.Mei Renxing's stomach cancer was caused by eating too much meat and killing too many animals, which triggered a rebound from the law of heaven, and finally got an incurable disease.

The way of heaven is good, but those who kill live have a short life. What's more, not only kill but also promote killing at the same time?The so-called delicacies are mostly meat, where does the meat come from?kill.And God has the virtue of loving life, will he favor those who prefer to kill?Certainly not.Mei Renxing not only eats too much, eats delicious food all over the world, and kills life all over the world, but also promotes the delicious food in magazines, which is tantamount to promoting killing in disguise.The ancients said that the one who kills lives has a short life, and the one who praises kills also has a short life. Mei Renxing both kills and praises killing, and gets the reward of a short life, which is also a concrete manifestation of the fairness of heaven.

From a legal point of view, Mei Renxing was only able to detect gastric cancer when it was in the third stage, which means that there is no possibility for her to be cured.There is no accident in life, it is all inevitable. If gastric cancer is detected in the early stage, gastric cancer is not the most terrible and incurable disease in cancer. If it is found early, the hope of cure is great.

"I don't have much hope." Shi De returned the photo to Lianxin, "I don't want to talk about facial features today, but whether Mei Renxing's illness is still recoverable. Judging from her actions, her The disease is beyond hopeless.”

"Ah?" Lian Xin turned pale with shock, "Isn't it, Master Shi? After several rounds of chemotherapy, her tumor has shrunk a lot. According to the doctor in charge, her recovery is going well. If she persists, she may be completely cured."

"It's too optimistic." Shi De shook his head, "Although I'm not a doctor and don't know how to treat diseases, I know a truth. God's order is good. Mei Renxing eats too much meat and kills too much, and in the name of food, Her crime is too great for advocating killing, and there is no other way but to die."

"Really?" Lian Xin stood up in fright, "Master Shi, can you save her?"

"There is no power to return to heaven." Shi De told the truth, he would not tell a lie to comfort Lianxin, the way of heaven is the most fair, and in the eyes of ordinary people, it is the most cruel, there is no sympathy to speak of, unless a person truly recognizes himself But sometimes even if you realize your mistakes, it is too late, and you can only die for your life if you make a big mistake.

"I don't believe, I don't believe that Mei Renxing will die." Lian Xin said stubbornly, "She is a good sister, a good mother, and she has an 8-year-old child. She is still young and has a bright future. She shouldn't die. .”

"She has a family, and so do the animals she kills. She has an 8-year-old child, and the animals she eats also have children. She is still young and has a bright future, and many of the creatures she eats are also young. If you want to live, think about it differently. Don’t think that humans are nobler than animals. In the eyes of heaven, all living beings are equal. If you kill, God will reduce your lifespan. Once you kill, you will reduce your life. If you reduce more times, you will only die One." Shi De said with great regret, "Karma retribution and the cycle of heaven and earth are not superstitions, but real laws of heaven and earth, and no one can violate the laws of nature."

Another sentence that she did not say out loud is that Mei Renxing's name may imply that she has lost her humanity in pursuit of food and drink. A person without humanity is not worthy of being a human being, so he can only lose his life.

The incidence and mortality rate of gastric cancer in my country are more than twice the world average, and tens of thousands of people die of gastric cancer every year.Stomach cancer is mostly related to living habits. It is true that the disease comes from the mouth. If you can't control your mouth, what you eat in your mouth is not only the so-called food, but also the disease.

There are many reasons to induce gastric cancer. Eating pickled food often induces gastric cancer. Often wearing lipstick may cause gastric cancer. High-salt diet may cause gastric cancer. High-salt diet may cause gastric cancer. Smoking and drinking will aggravate gastric cancer , etc., as well as eating fried food and meat, may be the cause of gastric cancer.Eating more tomatoes and fungi can prevent gastric cancer.

However, most of the stomach cancers caused by killing too many animals were not cured.Although Shi De has never met Mei Renxing, but from Lian Xin's narration, he can clearly see an example of a causal cycle, the one who kills lives is actually himself who kills in the end.

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it!" Lian Xin kept shaking her head, not believing Shi De's words.

Shi De smiled lightly. He thought that when he sat with Sheng Xia, there would be unexpected topics, but unexpectedly, he talked with Lian Xin about the relationship between food and stomach cancer. He thought about it and said: "I also I knew a friend who had breast cancer and thought she could survive it, but in the end she passed away..."

"What kind of job does she do, and is she also a gourmet?" Lian Xin asked curiously.

"No, she is a female teacher at Xingyuan University." Shi De continued, "After she was found to have cancer, she wrote a paragraph in her diary-if there is a certain number, I will live a good life My every day is. If the sky keeps me going, then cancer is really a wake-up call: why do I work as hard as I did in the previous 30 years. Fame, wealth, love, nothing is not hard, but nothing can be taken away. I think The reason why I got cancer must be the cumulative result of many factors.”

"It was only one and a half years from the time the cancer was diagnosed to the time of her death. After one year of getting cancer, she summed up the cause of her cancer..." Shi De felt a little heavy. Today's party was supposed to be a joyful party. But I talked about the topic of cancer, but since I talked about it, it’s a good thing to talk about it in depth and prevent it from happening.” She said: After a year, after many life and death, I can sit at the table and type, I think it’s my thinking. It’s time to analyze and summarize this question objectively and scientifically without any emotional overtones. Why did I get cancer? It doesn’t make any sense to me to do this, but it may have a preventive effect on people around me. I struggled with the pain of cancer for a whole year. The pain in the world is like death penalty, and my body and mind have been devastated to the point of indestructibility. I don’t want to see this happen to anyone, but I will help everyone. They avoid, even the people I hate the most. The reason why I think about this issue and try to write it down is because no matter from any angle, I should not be the one who suffers from cancer. After learning from the pain, I began to reflect Which point did I not do well, so God made such a big joke on me and set such a severe test..."

"What's wrong with her? Is it related to eating? But she has breast cancer, not stomach cancer?" Lian Xin was both curious and puzzled.

"There are two aspects that are not doing well, one is eating habits, and the other is sleeping habits." Shi De put down his chopsticks, took a sip of tea, and said calmly and lightly, "Her summary of her illness is very good and attractive. It is thought-provoking. Let me talk about the first eating habit. She summed up a few points by herself. One is eating indiscriminately and eating a lot of things that shouldn’t be eaten. Antelopes, bears, elks, reindeer, muntjacs, pheasants, wild boars, five-paced snakes, etc. are too numerous to mention. Except that the whales were bought by the supermarket when they were in Japan, the others were treated in a smooth manner. After she was ill, there was After deep reflection, I realized that these things should not be eaten!"

"Why do you say you shouldn't eat it? Anything that can be eaten should be eaten." Sheng Xia was silent for a long time, and finally spoke. She looked at Shi De with interest, "Little brother Shi, listen to your words." Say, I can’t eat meat anymore?”

"Hehe, it's your freedom to eat or not to eat meat, and it's my freedom to express my opinions." Shi De didn't answer Midsummer's questioning directly, but smiled lightly, "The ancients said that meat eaters are contemptible and fail to seek far. What does it mean? Don't I need to explain?"

(End of this chapter)

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