Fortune Teller.

Chapter 372

Chapter 372

"Okay, I won't argue with you first, let me listen to your story first." Sheng Xia waved his hand and smiled, "But how do I hear it, and I think your point of view seems to be overkill?"

"I'm just talking about the facts." Shi De continued the story of a female lecturer at Xingyuan University, "The first food habit she summed up is to eat indiscriminately, and the second is to overeat. She eats big bowls, drinks and eats meat. , The amount of food is also well-known in the circle of friends. Once, holding back pain (in fact, it is already a bone metastases in the advanced stage of cancer), I went to participate in a trip to Yangcheng Lake, and ate 7 crabs a day. She later reflected that no matter how smart you are, The consequences of gluttony are always self-inflicted. Can you not die early if you eat five or six days of food a day? The third is that you are addicted to meat. Before getting sick, she would lose interest in every meal if there was no meat on the table. She I also like to eat seafood."

"What's the second bad sleep habit?" Quan asked concerned, "I don't usually sleep well, and I often stay up late. Is it bad for me to stay up late?"

Shi De nodded: "The second bad sleep habit she summed up, the first one is staying up late for a long time. Her usual habit is to go to bed late, and she always thinks that going to bed late is not a big deal at her age. , and will not go to bed late to develop cancer. And almost everyone she knows goes to bed late, and they are in good health without any discomfort. She thinks that going to bed late is not a big deal. But after she got sick, she thought back to the past ten years, She basically didn't sleep before 12 o'clock."

"From the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, staying up late or going to bed late for a long time is harmful to the body. Staying up late first directly harms the liver. When staying up late, the blood in the human body is supplied to the brain, and the blood supply to the internal organs will be correspondingly reduced, leading to liver damage. Hypoxia, if things go on like this, will cause damage to the liver. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that staying up late for a long time is equal to chronic suicide, but a talk of experience. Therefore, doctors recommend that people go to bed at around 11 o'clock at night at the latest, and the next morning at 1 o'clock in the morning. Only by entering a deep sleep state at 3 o'clock can we properly nourish our liver blood."

"It seems that I have to go to bed early in the future. In recent years, I have obviously felt that my physical condition is not as good as before. I still wonder why I am so young, how can I age prematurely. It turns out that it is the reason for staying up late." Quan nodded, with lingering fear Said, "If I hadn't met Master Shi and heard these principles taught by Master Shi, if I stayed up all night for a long time, I might die young at some point."

With the development of society and the increase of work pressure, more and more elites die young, which is actually caused by excessive work pressure and heavy physical burden, coupled with staying up late for a long time.Originally, the tiredness of the day can only be relieved by deep sleep, but at night, when it is time to sleep, you don’t sleep, you either stay up late for work, or for entertainment, or for eating. All kinds of bad habits make the body even more exhausted after a day of exhaustion. Just like an engine that has been running at high speed for a day, if it continues to run without turning off at night, it will definitely be scrapped in advance.

"What's the second bad sleeping habit?" Quan You asked, he was more concerned about Shi De's topic than Lian Xin Lian Hui.

Shi De continued: "The second is surprise homework. Whether it's exams during school or work, she came to a conclusion after reflecting on her actions. She is a person with weak self-control. Swaying, when things come to an end, I will rush to do homework. During the assault, I never think about my health, but just treat myself like an animal, rushing, non-stop, day and night, forgetting to eat and sleep, working hard, and suffering. She still remembers her highest record It’s reading more than 20 hours a day, and taking the exam after two and a half days of reading.”

Sheng Xia stuck out her tongue: "I usually like to do surprise homework when I do things. It doesn't seem like a good habit."

"After she got sick, she reflected that she never did things in a slow manner, but in a high-intensity assault operation with a big axe, which seriously damaged the body's immune function. It's like a broken car that usually stumbles and has been out of warranty. Just run wildly all day and all night for half a month. Four or five times a year, it is a car made of steel and iron. After being driven like this for more than [-] years, it will be scrapped..." Shi De sighed slightly , shook her head, "It's a pity that she thought about it too late. Although her condition improved for a while after she thought about it, it suddenly deteriorated and she was declared dead soon after."

"Ah?" Lian Xin opened her mouth wide, "She is such a good person, she has a terminal illness, and she has to leave experience and lessons for others. Why did she die in the end? Master Shi, why don't good people live long?"

"It's not that good people don't live long. A truly good person must live long. But a really good person is not defined by us, but by laws. What is a law? A law is an iron law that no one can change and must obey! If you sow kindness, you will get good, if you sow evil, you will get evil, if you let go, you will live longer, and if you kill life, you will shorten your life, that is, everyone must pay the corresponding price for what they have done, no matter if it is a little bit of good or a little bit of evil." Shi's heart was a little heavy again , There are many people in the world who think they are good people, but what they do is killing and harming others to benefit themselves. It seems that as long as they do not do such evil things as murder and arson, they are good people, but they are not. A real good person is one who doesn't even have an evil thought.

"Sister Mei is really hopeless? I still don't believe it. In my eyes, she is a good person, a very good person. A good person shouldn't die so early." Even though Lian Xin had heard Shi De's story and truth, she still couldn't believe it. Unwilling to believe it, she insisted on wishful thinking, "When Sister Mei recovers, I will let her meet with Master Shi, and let Master Shi take a good look at her..."

"Lian Xin, don't be stubborn, Master Shi's words are reasonable, you should think about it carefully, don't just abandon the public because of your personal interests just because Mei Renxing is your friend, the heart of heaven does not change with the heart of the people." Lian Hui saw Lian Xin She was too stubborn, and she was too stubborn to be reasonable, so she persuaded her, "To use an inappropriate analogy, if Mei Renxing was not your friend, but someone you didn't like, wouldn't you be firm? Think she's going to get better? And don't think she's doing the right thing anymore?"

"Sister, why are you talking to outsiders?" Lian Xin returned Lian Hui's complaining look, "I'm not biased because of the relationship between Sister Mei and me, but I think Master Shi's reasoning doesn't make sense, eating meat since ancient times It's human nature, why so many people don't get cancer from eating meat, but sister Mei gets it?"

Xia Hua sighed suddenly, and interjected: "It is the nature of animals to eat meat, not the nature of human beings. There are no assumptions in life. There are many people who get cancer because of eating indiscriminately. It's just that you don't know it because you don't know it. You said that since ancient times It has been human nature to eat meat since ancient times, so is it also human nature to have continuous wars since ancient times? Human nature is to kill animals and the same kind, right?"

"You..." Lian Xin was choked speechless, "You are sophistry."

"If the hearts of human beings are full of love and beauty, human beings will not kill animals and the same kind." Xia Hua did not want to persuade Lian Xin, but expressed it from the bottom of her heart. It was Shi De's words that touched her heart , "For thousands of years, the grievances in the bowl are as deep as the sea, and the hatred is hard to resolve. If you want to know the swords and robbers in the world, but listen to the sound of the butcher's door in the middle of the night. I remember reading a public case. The Buddha's disciples asked the Buddha why there is war in the world. What? When will the swords and soldiers stop? When will the world be peaceful? The Buddha replied, if you want to know when the world will be peaceful, first go and listen to the sound of the Tumen in the middle of the night! Only when the Tumen no longer wailed fiercely Only the calamity of swordsmen can be quelled! The so-called calamity of swordsmen is war."

According to the statistics of Swedish and Indian scholars, in the 3200 years from 1964 BC to 5164 AD, there were 14513 wars in the world, and only 329 years were peaceful.These wars have caused serious disasters to mankind, killing 36 billion people.If the lost wealth is converted into gold, a gold belt with a width of 4 kilometers and a thickness of 150 meters can be laid around the earth!Therefore, living in a peaceful age is not only a rare happiness, but also extremely lucky.

"But..." Lian Xin still didn't believe it, and wanted to argue a few more words, when suddenly the phone rang.

When she saw the call, Lian Xin's expression changed immediately. Regardless of the presence of everyone, she did not get up to avoid it, and immediately answered the call.A few seconds later, tears welled up in his eyes, he put down his phone, leaned over the table, and began to cry.

What happened?Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing why Lianxin was crying.

It was Lian Hui who knew her sister better. She took a look at the phone, shook her head, and whispered comfort to Lian Xin: "Lian Xin, don't cry."

Shi De probably guessed something, and said: "My condolences."

"Master Shi..." Lian Xin stopped crying and raised her head, "You still hit the mark, Sister Mei... just left. But I still don't understand, why is it her?"

"No reason, whoever should be is whoever should be, the way of heaven is the fairest, and there will never be mistakes. If you interview centenarians, you will find that they have one thing in common, that is, they don't like meat, they like vegetarians, and they are happy with the situation. Have a good attitude and normal work and rest time."

"Okay, let's not talk about these heavy topics, let's talk about something happy." Sheng Xia stepped forward and changed the topic. She met Shi De for the first time today, and she intends to ask Shi De some questions in person, "Master Shi, you can hear everything." Said that you will meet, please take a look for me, how long can I live?"

Shi De almost laughed. Most people ask him questions, mostly about luck, such as official luck and wealth. Few people come up and ask about unlucky topics such as how long they can live. Midsummer is interesting and has personality.

But... When Shi De carefully observed Sheng Xia's face, he was suddenly taken aback.

(End of this chapter)

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