Fortune Teller.

Chapter 376 Detours

Chapter 376 Detours
Shi De ignored Xia Hua's comments on the social atmosphere, and he was thinking about where the next breakthrough would be: "The question of who will take over the Zhuo Group is still in a stalemate, and the people behind the scenes obviously don't want the Bitian Group to take over. I don’t need to explain who the behind-the-scenes person is. Now we have not handed over the behind-the-scenes person, but we have a direct conflict with the behind-the-scenes person’s son. From the perspective of Zhuo Group, Bitian Group and Jia Group, the question of who will take over the Zhuo Group is a big problem and a big pit. Maybe after the truth of Zhuo Group's problems is revealed, it will lead to A series of locusts behind the scenes. The mess of the Zhuo Group is really a mess that may kill you if you touch it..."

After Shi De said this, Quanyou and Xia Hua were silent for a while, Xia Hua nodded, and said solemnly: "Now I feel more and more that the mess of the Zhuo Group is a big pit, not only The big hole in business is also a big hole in politics. No wonder Bitian Group wants to take over, it has been so difficult, and there are always people blocking it. It turns out that there are such complicated political reasons behind it. Also, whoever has dark hands in it, Everyone will try their best to prevent the Zhuo Group from falling into the hands of uncontrollable opponents."

Quan You also said: "Brother Shi's analysis and careful thinking, it is indeed the case. No, I have to ask Lan Guocheng later to see how much he knows."

"Okay, I'll leave this to you." Shi De smiled and patted Quanyou on the shoulder, changed the subject, and talked about Shengxia again, "Quanyou, you have been persuading Shengxia a lot recently, don't let her mess around Run, there will indeed be accidents happening to her recently. But I can't see what accidents will happen and when they will happen. "

"Okay, I'll try my best to persuade her." Quan You shook his head helplessly, "But I don't have much hope, Sheng Xia is very stubborn, and I always feel that no matter what she does, she is extremely correct. Forget it, let's not talk about her, talk about it The next step is where to open the breakthrough.”

"The next breakthrough... I don't know." Shi De chuckled, "The overall situation has been opened, and I believe there will be corresponding changes soon. What we have to do now is to wait patiently."

"When will we wait?" Quanyou yawned big, looked up at the sky, and saw the handle of the Big Dipper in the sky gradually shifting to the east, and said, "The handle means spring in the east, spring is coming."

In fact, it is not yet New Year's Day, and there is still some time before spring. Shi De knows that it is not spring that is full of hope, but the moment when spring is warm and flowers are blooming.

After seeing off everything, Shi De drove back to Rongjing Terrace with Xia Hua. Seeing that it was getting late, Xia Hua didn't bother to go back, so she stayed.Before going to sleep, she warned Shi De: "Sleep honestly at night, don't think about it, do you hear me? Although you are proud of the shopping malls, it doesn't mean that you are also proud of your love. If you want to touch me, don't blame me for treating you You're welcome."

Shi De didn't even bother to refute Xia Hua's sentence, rolled his eyes, and fell asleep, Xia Hua was so angry that he stared at Shi De a few times, blaming Shi De for being confused, it was a piece of stupid wood.

In fact, wood is ignorant and unconscious, and it is superfluous to describe it as stupid.

What Xia Hua didn't know was that she used wood to describe Shi De, and someone on the opposite side also used wood to describe Shi De.

"It's strange, sometimes he looks like a piece of wood stupidly, and sometimes he is very attractive to girls, which one is the real him?" Fang Mu, who saw Shi De and Xia Hua go home together, felt very uncomfortable , she looked in front of the cat's eye for a long time, and seeing Xia Hua went in and never came out again, she knew that Xia Hua was going to stay.

She doesn't know whether Xia Hua just stayed or spent the night with Shi De, but judging from the degree of intimacy between Xia Hua and Shi De, even if Xia Hua and Shi De lived together, it would be fine.Although it is not too open now, it is not shocking for unmarried people to live together in big cities.

But why did Shi De live with Xia Hua without getting married?He is a man of fate, so all his words and deeds should follow the heavens. Although unmarried cohabitation is not a big rebellious thing, it is also against the heavens, and it is not in line with human etiquette... The more uncomfortable I feel, the more angry I feel, the more I want to rush out and knock on the door of Shide's room, pointing to his nose and questioning him: Why don't you abide by morals and etiquette, why do you do things like unmarried cohabitation, I don't know how to do this Is it inconsistent with the way of heaven?
The sudden ringing of the phone interrupted Fang Mu's thoughts, and she suddenly came to her senses, and Shi decided that no matter whether it was a moral deficiency or a legal fault, it had nothing to do with her, what kind of carelessness was she doing?

No, she is now paying more and more attention to Shi De's every move, which is beyond common sense, which shows that her reason is tilted towards her inner desire.Although most women are not of the rational type, Fang Mu considers herself not an ordinary girl. She has always been strict with herself and cannot allow herself to become a slave to emotions or emotions.

Why?Why does she care so much about Shi De?Could it be that she really fell in love with Shi De?Fang Mu was in a state of confusion, the phone rang for a long time, but she didn't answer it.

After a while, the phone rang again, and the caller called her tenaciously. Only then did she realize that something might have happened, and hurriedly got up to answer the phone.

"Fang Mu, are you asleep or taking a shower? Why did it take so long to answer the phone?" Yu Shuai was rather dissatisfied, "This is not acceptable. I can't contact you at the critical moment, and it will cause serious problems."

"What big things can you do?" Seeing that it was Yu Shuai's call, Fang Mu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. In her subconscious, Yu Shuai is not a master who can accomplish big things, "Hurry up, what's the matter, three If you call in the middle of the night, do you want me to rest?"

"..." Yu Shuai almost jumped up from choking, he rolled his eyes, suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart, and said, "Master Du said that there has been no war in Shimen recently, you'd better go back to the capital to rest For a while. Also, I have already met Bi Wentian and told him the fact that Yuan Yuan has a twin sister. He is very interested. If I guess correctly, within three days, he will send someone Come to Shimen, and secretly contact Liu Luoluo, by the way, I also found out the name of Yuan Yuan's twin sister, Liu Luoluo, probably means living among the people."

Master Du wants her to return to Beijing?Fang Mu's thoughts paused, and his thoughts fell on Yuan Yuan and Liu Luoluo. If Bi Wentian sent someone to Shimen to look for Liu Luoluo, then there is no doubt that Bi Wentian and Shi De would fight again because of Liu Luoluo. , as Shi De is a person, he must protect Liu Luoluo from Bi Wentian's harm... No wonder Master Du wanted her to go back, because he wanted to sit back and watch the confrontation between Bi Wentian and Shi De.

Ordinarily, it doesn't make much sense for her to stay in Shimen. Since Master Du wants to let Shimen go temporarily and let Shi De move forward for a while, it is indeed the best choice for her to go back to Beijing to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, but for some reason, she doesn't want to Leaving Shimen, I don't want to leave Rongjing Terrace, I just want to see the movement of Shi Shi from the cat's eyes when I go home every day.

"There are still some remaining issues that need to be dealt with. I want to wait for a while before going back." Fang Mu hesitated, and said, "There is a vacuum in Shimen for Master Du's power, which is not conducive to the long-term layout in the future. Also, Bi Wen If Tian and Shi De had a conflict because of Liu Luoluo, when the opportunity came, if Master Du's power was all in the capital, it would be a pity to miss the good opportunity to defeat Shi De or Bi Wentian in one fell swoop. "

"Since you said that, I won't persuade you much. You don't have any problem staying in Shimen, as long as you like it. Take care, Fang Mu." Yu Shuai didn't care about Fang Mu's going or staying, anyway, he didn't want to stay. I have stayed in Shimen for one more day, since Master Du has decided not to be an enemy of Shi De for the time being, and since Ma Feiyan is no longer in Shimen, he has no feelings for Shimen.

Just as he put down the Fangmu phone, the phone ding-dong and received a text message.Yu Shuai didn't think much about it, thinking it was some irrelevant information, he opened it casually and held his breath.

"Shuai Shuai, I'm in the capital now, if it's convenient, can we meet up?"

It was just a text message without beginning or end, without signature, but Yu Shuai could tell at a glance that the sender was the missing Ma Feiyan.

"Feiyan, is that you? I'm available anytime. Where are you? I'll go find you right away." Yu Shuai couldn't wait to reply to the message.

After a while, the message replied again: "It's not convenient for me to see you now, I'll contact you when I make arrangements, okay?"

"Okay." Yu Shuai sent the message resentfully, threw the phone on the sofa, put his head in his hands, thinking that he didn't know what kind of uncertainty his ambiguous relationship with Ma Feiyan would bring to the overall direction of the situation Influence?
Do you want to tell Master Du?Yu Shuai was taken aback by his sudden thought, and immediately denied his idea, no, he can't tell Master Du anything, if Master Du knew about his obsession with Ma Feiyan, he would definitely stop him from interacting with Ma Feiyan.

Forget it, let's wait and see, when he has had enough fun with Ma Feiyan and loses interest, he will tell Master Du soon.Just think of Ma Feiyan as a slightly brighter wave in his beauty hunting experience.

What Yu Shuai never expected was that not only did he take a big detour in love because of Ma Feiyan, but Fang Mu was also deeply involved in the emotional vortex and couldn't extricate himself, which caused many things to deviate from the expected direction, and finally caused serious consequences. Du Qingxuan and Bi Wentian were caught off guard.

Even He Zitian was taken aback!
This is a later story, so I won't mention it for now, let's talk about Shi De and Xia Hua's peaceful night, sleeping until dawn...

(End of this chapter)

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