Fortune Teller.

Chapter 377 Enthusiasm Will Not Be Wasted

Chapter 377 Enthusiasm Will Not Be Wasted
It was only after 6 o'clock in the morning, Shi De was soundly asleep, but was woken up by the ringing of the mobile phone.He stretched out his hand to grab the head of the bed, but found nothing. He wondered in his heart, he clearly remembered to put his mobile phone on the head of the bed before going to bed, how could there be no one?

The phone was still ringing tenaciously. It sounded like it was coming from the living room. Shi De got up in a daze and came to the living room. Seeing that there was indeed a phone on the coffee table in the living room, he didn't think much about it. He picked up his mobile phone and answered it without any hassle.


"Who are you?" A middle-aged woman's voice came from the microphone, three points vigilant and seven points shocked, "Why do you have Xia Hua's cell phone?"

Xia Hua's phone?Shi De woke up a little bit, and looked at the phone again, but no, it was Xia Hua's phone.Strange, when Xia Hua bought a mobile phone that was exactly the same as his, he thought it was his own mobile phone that was ringing.

"Aunt Zheng, it's me, Shi De." Shi De recognized that it was Xia Hua's mother Zheng Wenting, and he said in a relaxed tone, "Xia Hua is still sleeping, and her mobile phone is on the coffee table in the living room. I'm afraid of waking her up." She just took it easy."

As soon as the words came out, Shi De realized that he had made a mistake. What he said just now had obvious ambiguity, and it was easy to be misunderstood that he and Xia Hua lived together at night. Thinking of this, he hurriedly changed his words, I want to explain a few words: "No, Aunt Zheng, you don't want to..."

Before the words "misunderstanding" could be said, Zheng Wenting screamed out: "What? Xiao Shi, you and Xia Hua are living together? How could you do this! What do you want me to say about you? It’s okay for you young people to have a crush on each other, but you can’t live together regardless of everything, it’s so annoying!”

"No, Auntie, Xia Hua and I lived together, but we didn't sleep..." Shi De was in a hurry, and said the wrong thing again.

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore, you and Xia Hua will go home immediately, and make it clear to me in person." Zheng Wenting was so angry that she immediately hung up the phone.

It's over, I've caused a lot of trouble, Shi De held the phone in a daze.

"What's the matter?" Xia Hua woke up, rubbing her sleepy eyes, and came to Shi De in a large pajamas, snatching the phone from Shi De's hand, "Why are you taking my phone? Peeping Tom! Isn't it Looking through my call records and text messages? Tell you, there are many secrets in my mobile phone, all of which are love words from the second generation of rich officials. Don’t accept it? If you don’t accept it, you come to bite me, don’t think that no one wants me, Let me tell you, I'm in demand..."

Xia Hua chattered a lot of nonsense, Shi waited patiently for her to finish, and then said with a wicked smile: "Your mother called just now, unfortunately, I answered the call. Not to mention Coincidentally, she misunderstood that we lived together, please note that what she misunderstood was not only that we lived together, but also that we slept together."

"Ah?" Xia Hua's voice suddenly rose an octave, and her exaggerated expression was as if the end of the world was approaching, "Really or not? Shi Shi Shi Shi Shi De, you are such a big talk, you can't even say it to anyone Yeah? How could you let her misunderstand that we slept together? You know, my mother is the most traditional. If you make such a fuss, she must let me marry you. My God, my reputation has been ruined all my life. But a good and innocent girl. Tell me, did you do it on purpose?"

"Please! Will I deliberately jump into the fire pit by myself?" Shi De smiled wryly, "Your mother told us to go home immediately. It seems that she is going to teach us an ideological education class. What should I do Xia Hua? Go? I still have a lot of things to do today, so go and settle your mother by yourself. "

"No, you are the owner, you have to go." Xia Hua grabbed Shi De, as if she was afraid that Shi De would run away, "I tell you, Shi De, one person does things and one person is responsible, don't do unmanly things, since If you do it, you have to take responsibility.”

Shi De groaned again and again: "What did I do to me? I didn't do anything, you can't let me suffer innocent injustice, right?"

"Go, come home with me. If you have any grievances, go tell my mother. As long as she believes that you have done nothing to me, you will pass."

"What if she doesn't believe me?"

"Then you have only two ways to go, one is to marry me, and the other is to be killed by her."

"..." Shi was speechless. When he looked up, he saw Xia Hua snickering, and couldn't help asking angrily, "Is it in your favor?"

"Tch, don't be smug, you really think I want to marry you. It's not good for people to be too narcissistic. Narcissism is a disease that can be cured." Xia Huachong waved her hand with a disapproving expression on her face. , "Let's go, Master Shi, no matter how great the master is, if he sleeps with someone else's daughter, he has to give him an explanation, right? Don't think that with the title of master, you can do whatever you want, and sleep with whoever you want."

"I..." Shi was very angry, "Who did I sleep with?"

Xia Hua chuckled: "But you can rest assured that even if my mother gets angry again, she will definitely prepare a hearty breakfast. At least you can be a hungry ghost."

On the way to Xia's house, Shi was depressed and unhappy. When he was about to arrive at Xia's house, he received another call from Biyou.

"Shi De, where are you? Zeng Dengke said just now that he is going to organize another petition to put pressure on the city government. I think it's a bit inappropriate. I want to wait a little longer. What's your opinion?" Biyou's voice Soft, like the first ray of sunshine in the morning, it makes people feel refreshed.

Biyou's gentle and firm expression appeared in front of Shi De's eyes, and his mood suddenly improved a lot. He smiled: "Listen to Lao Zeng and let him do it. He is better at mobilizing the power of the masses. You have more right to speak than I do. With his many years of experience in the world, I believe his judgment will not be wrong."

"Okay then, let him make a fuss." Biyou was mainly worried that excessive force would trigger a strong reaction from the city government, but since Shi De had confidence in Zeng Dengke, she didn't say anything more. "I hope this petition can solve the problem. By the way, Shi De, when will you come to Bitian, I want to discuss something with you."

"I'll try to go there in the afternoon." Shi De didn't dare to say that it would be past noon, he didn't know what kind of challenges he would encounter during his trip to the Xia family.

Putting down Biyou's phone and looking up, Xia's community was already in sight, Shi De suddenly became timid: "Xia Hua, why don't I ask for a temporary leave..."

"No." Xia Hua insisted on stopping Shi De's behavior of running away, and said righteously, "Manly man, one person does things and one person is responsible. You leave me and let me face the enemy's fierce firepower alone. Are you still a man? you?"

"I... what did I do to me?" Shi De was about to be laughed out of anger. It would be understandable if Zheng Wenting misunderstood him and questioned him, but Xia Hua knew his innocence. Then Xia Hua deliberately made things difficult for him, "Xia Hua, let me tell you clearly now, don't try to blackmail me with this matter."

Xia Hua smiled knowingly: "Blackmail you? A joke. Don't worry, I will never force you to do something you don't like, I will make you obedient."

Shi De shivered. Xia Hua looked funny and scary. He was about to say something when he glanced and found that the person standing at the entrance of Xia's unit was Yang Changzai.

After getting out of the car, Shi De and Yang Chang greeted each other warmly: "Uncle Yang."

"Xiaoyou Shi..." Seeing that it was Shi De, Yang Changzai had an eager expression on his face. He first talked about his recent progress in Taijiquan. The approval of the project was approved on stage, and I also reported the topic selection to CCTV, which also passed it. It happens that Xiao Xia is also there, so it depends on when Xiao Xia has time to start filming."

"She has time in the afternoon." Shi De set up a trick for Xia Hua so that Xia Hua would have something to do and stop following him.

"I don't have time in the afternoon, and I have to go to the company." Xia Hua hurriedly waved her hand to refuse, but she was interrupted by Yang Changzai as soon as she opened her mouth.

"Okay, that's it, Xia Hua, I'll wait for you on the stage in the afternoon, remember to come." As soon as he finished speaking, without giving Xia Hua a chance to refuse, Yang Changzai walked away with a smile, walked for a while, and then walked away. Turning around, he took a look at Shi De and Xia Hua, and smiled very reservedly and meaningfully, "It's really nice to have a husband and wife look, really nice."

Originally, Xia Hua wanted to shout out, saying that she would never compromise on forced buying and selling, but unexpectedly, when Yang Chang said that Shi De and her had a husband and wife relationship, she swallowed the words and smiled with her eyes narrowed. He said, "Don't worry, Uncle Yang, I'll be there on time at 2 pm."

After Chong Yangchang finished speaking, Xia Hua turned her head and said to Shi De: "It's not certain whether I can take over the mess of the Zhuo Group now. If I can't take over the Zhuo Group, the Nancun land will not belong to the Bitian Group. The final result has not yet come out." I was eager to make a documentary before, but when the film is released, the land in Nancun will belong to someone else, what should I do? Isn’t it a waste of time?”

"How can it be for nothing? Enthusiasm will never be wasted." Shi smiled complacently, "First, I firmly believe that the land in Nancun will eventually be owned by Bitian Group. After returning to another family, the films produced can also be sold to the other party at a high price."

"It's a good idea, but what if the other party doesn't want the film?"

"It's easy to handle. Change the film to negative publicity for the land in Nancun, and the other party will pay a high price to buy it." Shi De smiled.

"So you're pretty bad too." Xia Hua giggled, "I thought you'd always be an upright gentleman and wouldn't conspire."

"In the future, I will be a mirror. I will be a good person in front of good people, and a bad person in front of bad people. The law of heaven and earth is actually the same. Good things are rewarded to good people, and bad things are rewarded to bad people." Going upstairs, "Do you know the legendary bull-headed horse face? In folklore, the bull-headed horse-faced face looks fierce, but it's not. Their fierceness depends on the individual."

(End of this chapter)

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