Fortune Teller.

Chapter 379 Forced Marriage

Chapter 379 Forced Marriage
"What do you mean?" Xia Hua didn't understand.

"If a good person dies, the bull-headed and horse-faced face will seduce the soul, with a benevolent look. If a bad person dies, the bull-headed and horse-faced face will be vicious. Do you understand? The kind of person you are, the world in your eyes is what it looks like." Shi De deeply patted Xia Hua's shoulder: "Little sister Xia, you must do good deeds and be a good person with good intentions in the future. A person's life should be spent like this: when you look back on the past, you don't regret it because you didn't do good deeds. Don’t be ashamed because you don’t have any blessings. In this way, when you are dying, you can say to the bull-headed horse: I am a good person, I have done good deeds and have many blessings, please take care of me, Brother Niu Ma.”

"Hey..." Xia Hua laughed so hard, "You have to be close even if you die, do you really think that the bull-headed horse noodles can talk to you? Come on, don't think about how to get close to the bull-headed horse noodles, first think about how to settle down with my mother." It's serious."

When Xia's house arrived, the door opened before knocking, and an angry Zheng Wenting stood at the door.

Seeing Zheng Wenting's angry face, Shi De's heart was half relieved.It would be the scariest if Zheng Wenting had a calm face, because the storm brewing in the calm is the most intense.On the contrary, it's okay to say that the face is full of anger, part of the inner anger is released through the expression, and the storm will not be too intense.

After changing shoes and entering the door, seeing that breakfast was already set on the table in the restaurant, Shi De winked at Xia Hua, Xia Hua ignored Shi De, went straight to the table and sat down, reached out and picked up a deep-fried stick. To eat, but was knocked down by Zheng Wenting.

"It's not big or small." Zheng Wenting rolled her eyes at Xia Hua, "You ate it before Shi De and I were on the table. It's too rude. Xia Hua, remember, your dad is the biggest in the family, and then Me, then Shi De, and finally you."

"Why? It's not fair." Xia Hua pursed her lips in disbelief, "Please mother, please stop talking about the three cardinal principles and five constant principles, okay? Now is the new society and the new era, and it is no longer a feudal society."

The three cardinal guides refer to the ruler guiding ministers, the father guiding sons, and the husband guiding wives.The five constants refer to benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faith.In the 2000-year Chinese history from the Western Han Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty, the core values ​​of Confucianism can be summed up as the "Three Cardinal Guidelines and Five Constant Principles".

"No matter what kind of society it is, respecting parents and husband is the virtuousness that a woman should have." Zheng Wenting didn't intend to criticize Xia Hua at length, she turned to Shi De and said, "Shi De, sit down."

Shi De obediently sat on Xia Hua's lower head, and as soon as he sat down, Zheng Wenting pulled him up: "You sit on my lower head, Xia Hua, make room for Shi De's lower head. "

"Why?" Xia Hua quit, "I have been sitting here before, why do I have to give way to him when Shi De comes?"

"Because when you get married in the future, he will be your husband and the head of your family." Zheng Wenting ignored Xia Hua's dissatisfaction, and still placed Shi De in the second place, above Xia Hua, "You Dad is not at home, if he is at home, your dad has to be in charge today, not me, do you understand? Okay, everyone is seated, let's start eating. "

Although Shi De knew that he had done nothing, under Zheng Wenting's coercion, he sat down obediently, thinking that middle-aged and elderly women in China are really powerful. Since the Han Dynasty, queens and queen mothers have intervened in government affairs. To control the fate of the country, in the Tang Dynasty, a woman finally ascended to the highest throne and became a generation of queens.At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Empress Dowager Cixi was a master who was good at pranking people and fighting in the palace.

But what Shi De didn't know was that a few years later, square dances popped up everywhere in China, allowing Chinese middle-aged and elderly women to go abroad and go to the world, becoming a spectacular spectacle with Chinese characteristics, and square dancing aunts also became After urban management and demolition, it is another term that makes people in the country change their colors when they hear it.

Talking about eating is still eating, the three of them buried their heads in eating breakfast, no one said a word, and worked hard in silence. For more than ten minutes, there was almost no sound except for the sound of eating porridge.

I remember that the family rules of the Xia family were not so strict before, so Shi De thought sullenly while eating, and secretly took a peek at Xia Hua, seeing that Xia Hua looked at her eyes, nose, mouth and heart, as if she was really eating with her heart. Turning a blind eye to his wink, he simply no longer had any hope for Xia Hua.

Forget it, if you come, you can rest easy, just explain it to Zheng Wenting in a while, it's not a big deal, not to mention that he and Xia Hua don't sleep together, apart from shaking hands, even the common hand-holding gestures between lovers nothing.

He was as innocent as a piece of white paper.

After finally finishing his breakfast, Shi De had no memory of what he ate, whether it tasted good or not.After the meal, he was directed by Zheng Wenting to sit down in the living room, and Zheng Wenting and Xia Hua cleaned up the dining table together.

Thinking of the scenery when I came to the Xia family and was regarded as a master by Zheng Wenting, and now the desolation when I was regarded as a son-in-law by Zheng Wenting—although it is a bit exaggerated to describe it as desolate, but compared with the respect I received when I was a master, there is indeed a big gap— ——Shi Debu thought to himself helplessly, what kind of son-in-law is better than being a master.To be a son-in-law is to be angry, but to be a master is to be arrogant.

After Zheng Wenting and Xia Hua cleaned up the dishes, they came to the living room and sat next to Shi De.

"Shi De, let's settle the matter between you and Xiao Hua first." Zheng Wenting looked calm and showed the majesty of an elder, "If your parents are not around, you can just make up your own mind. If Xiao Hua's father is not around, I will take care of you." Her father has made the decision. Since you are all living together, I have nothing to say, you are not too young, so let's do things on May Day next year."

ah?Shi De stood up suddenly: "No, Auntie, Xia Hua and I live together, but my house is a three-bedroom house, and we didn't sleep in the same bed..."

"Even if I believe what you say, outsiders won't believe it. If it spreads, Xiao Hua's reputation will be ruined. Who else can she marry besides you?" Zheng Wenting couldn't help but insist on her idea, "Don't What did you explain, with Xiao Hua's background, looks, and knowledge, she is worthy of you. Your parents are not around, and the arrangements for the marriage are all left to the Xia family, so you don't have to worry about anything."

"Xia Hua, you should say something." Shi De didn't want to marry Xia Hua in such a vague way. Firstly, he didn't want to get married so early, and secondly, he always had a feeling of being forced to go to Liangshan, which made him very uncomfortable. , "We are innocent, nothing happened, we can't just get married like this."

"You don't want to marry me, do you?" To Shi De's surprise, Xia Hua's focus was not on whether she slept with him or not, but on Shi De's attitude, "It's because I think Is it not good enough for you, or you don't like me?"

"I..." Shi De didn't expect Xia Hua to have such an attitude, and then she thought again, Xia Hua has always had a soft spot for him, and now there is a chance to marry him, if she doesn't seize it quickly, she won't be Xia Hua, however, although he does not dislike Xia Hua, it is really difficult for him to make a decision if he wants to marry Xia Hua now, "It happened so suddenly, I am not ready to get married yet, and in my According to the plan, I will not get married until I find my biological parents. Also, Master He must nod who I marry. "

"Your biological parents are missing now, and I don't know when they will be found. I believe they don't want you to stay single forever. The same is true for Master He. He doesn't know where he went. If he never shows up, don't you Are you going to be a bachelor for the rest of your life?" Xia Hua refuted Shi De's reasons one by one, "Shi De, whether you are Mr. Shi or Master Shi, you will always get married, right? Now there is such a good opportunity to get married. In front of you, you still push three times and four times, what do you mean?"

Shi De understood that Xia Hua used to keep saying that he was not her type, but in fact it was to cover up her liking for him, but now she showed her true colors, as if she hated to marry him and insisted on marrying him, only then did he know, Before she knew it, Xia Hua's affection for him was so deep that she would never marry her.

To marry or not to marry?Shi was in a dilemma. If he rejected Xia Hua on the spot, he would reject the entire Xia family, which would not only make Xia Hua sad, but also make Zheng Wenting unacceptable.In Zheng Wenting's view, whether he and Xia Hua slept together or not, living together in the same room meant that everything that shouldn't have happened had happened, and he had to be responsible to Xia Hua.

But if he really agreed to marry Xia Hua, it seemed a little too hasty.It's true that he doesn't hate Xia Hua, he even likes Xia Hua, and is willing to be with Xia Hua. Furthermore, Xia Hua is a good girl no matter how she behaves in the world or in life, and she can be regarded as a good wife and mother. And with her background, she was indeed worthy of him.

It's just that Shi De always felt that agreeing to marry Xia Hua under such circumstances was not entirely out of his will. For him, after all, it was difficult to settle his mind, and for Xia Hua, it was not fair.Marriage is a lifelong event, not a child's play. Besides, with his personality, once he promises, he will not go back on his word.

"Xiao Shi, just say what you have in mind, Auntie won't make things difficult for you." Zheng Wenting is much more experienced than Xia Hua. Seeing that Shi De was slightly embarrassed, she knew not to force her too hard, so she eased her tone, "If you If you feel that Xia Hua is not good enough for you, or think that Auntie is forcing you by doing this, just speak out, and Auntie will understand your difficulties."

"It's not that Xia Hua is not good enough for me. She is beautiful, sensible, and capable. She is a very good girl. Even Master He said that whoever marries her is a blessing." Xia Hua has feelings, and all the way from Dancheng, he and Xia Hua have more and more contacts, and the relationship is getting closer and closer. The two of them have gone from being unfamiliar to being familiar, and then talking about everything. It was a memorable time together. If he and Xia Hua finally got married, it would be a matter of course for outsiders.

(End of this chapter)

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