Fortune Teller.

Chapter 380 The happiest man in the world

Chapter 380 The happiest man in the world

"Then why do you have any scruples, unless you don't like Xia Hua, do you have someone else you like?" Zheng Wenting continued to intensify her offensive, making sure to take down Shi De in one fell swoop, "Who is she? Is it Qingying or Biyou? "

Shi De scratched his head: "No, it has nothing to do with them, the main reason is that I don't want to get married yet."

"It's okay if you don't want to get married..." Zheng Wenting smiled subtly, "I didn't say that you and Xia Hua must get married now, you can get engaged first."

It's bad, Shi De knew that after a long time, he was surrounded by Zheng Wenting's mother and daughter. In this way, what happened today was that Zheng Wenting cherished her daughter's reputation and insisted on forcing him to marry Xia Hua. In fact, Xia Hua was behind her back. Hua also has the inescapable relationship of acquiescing and conniving and helping the evildoers?
Maybe Xia Hua had already secretly explained the situation to Zheng Wenting, and the two hit it off, and what they wanted was to let him jump into the pit. Should he be thankful that Xia Hua couldn't wait to marry him because he was so attractive, or should he be forced to marry him? Have no way out and helpless?
Seeing that Shi was silent, Zheng Wenting changed her amiable expression again: "Xiao Shi, maybe you think Qingying or Biyou are more suitable for you, but you don't know, but Xiahua is your best choice Xia Hua is more understanding of the world than Qingying, more gentle and considerate than Biyou, she can go to the hall and go to the kitchen, and she is not squeamish, hardworking and capable, she is a good girl who is one in a thousand."

Khan, Shi is speechless. I have seen someone boasting, but I have never seen someone boasting about her own daughter. After Zheng Wenting said so, Xia Hua is simply a perfect girl.

"If you feel that Xia Hua is not good enough for you, or if you don't like the Xia family, or if you have any opinion of your Uncle Xia or me, you don't have to get engaged to Xia Hua, and I won't force you. Auntie just begs One last thing for you..." Zheng Wenting's expression changed from the pleasant look just now to pleading, "Xiao Shi, I hope you don't tell about the fact that you live with Xia Hua, otherwise Xia Hua will not be able to be a human being in the future. You also know that your Uncle Xia and I are both face-saving people, and your Uncle Xia is also a person of dignity and status. We only have this one daughter, and it has been passed on. Our daughter lives with other people without marriage. In the end, he was dumped by someone, and your uncle Xia and I lost all our old face."

Xia Hua pulled Zheng Wenting, and said angrily: "Mom, don't talk to him anymore, he is a heartless jackal with a hard heart. You have been talking about it for a long time, but he didn't respond at all. Such a person, with him What else is there to say? It's not that I can't get married, so I have to sell him at a lower price. If he doesn't marry, there are many people who want to marry me. Besides, nothing happened between me and him, so he will be outside Propagating it everywhere, ruining my reputation, I am not afraid..."

Shi De was forced to have nowhere to go, and if he didn't express his opinion, he would have to be looked down upon by Zheng Wenting. As an elder, Zheng Wenting said all the good things and reasoned, so he couldn't be indifferent anymore, so he had to say reluctantly : "I... I agree to get engaged."

"Really?" Xia Hua immediately beamed with joy, "Shi De, I want to tell you clearly that your agreement to get engaged is voluntary and no one is forcing you. You really want to marry me because you like me. I just want to be with me for the rest of my life, don't I?"

"Yes." Whatever you say, Shi De didn't bother to argue any more, "I am engaged to you voluntarily, and I sincerely want to marry you."

"That's good, that's good." Zheng Wenting breathed a sigh of relief, with a relaxed smile of relief, "Xiao Shi, don't have any psychological burden. Auntie is not forcing you, but because you and Xia Hua are both It’s like this, it’s not justified if you don’t get married, right? How about this, don’t engage in any engagement ceremony for your engagement with Xia Hua, just talk about it verbally, exchange engagement rings with each other and you’re engaged, do you think it’s okay? ?”

"It's fine, but I don't have a ring right now." Shi De said awkwardly, "Should I buy it now?"

"No, I have it." Xia Hua giggled, pulled out a pair of rings from her body like a magic trick, took out one and put it on Shi De's hand, "Not only did you pick up a daughter-in-law for nothing, you even saved money on rings." Yes, Shi De, you are the happiest man in the world, so just be content."

Shi De helplessly looked at the extra ring on his hand out of thin air, and thought to himself, he was so locked up for no apparent reason. He has always been known as Master Shi. He walked the rivers and lakes, and with a pair of insightful eyes, he was almost invincible. , but never thought that such a big fall would happen to Xia Hua.He has been so stumbled that he has not recalled what happened until now. He was so smart and confused for a while, why did he get on Xia Hua's pirate ship for no reason?

The ring on the finger is bright and dazzling, it looks expensive, and I don't know when Xia Hua bought it.It's also strange, whose girl would always have a ring ready to hold a man at any time?What is Xia Hua thinking?
It doesn't matter whether Shi De understands it or not. The important thing is that now that the raw rice has been cooked, he and Xia Hua got engaged under the witness of Zheng Wenting.It would have been fine if only he and Xia Hua were present, and he could have dismissed it as a joke in the future, but with the elders present, the nature of the matter was completely different. He glanced innocently at Zheng Wenting and Xia Hua, Seeing that both of them looked happy, he lowered his head again in despondency, knowing that it was too late for him to regret it.

Forget it, let it be like this, Xia Hua is right, he just took a daughter-in-law and a ring for nothing, anyway, he will always marry a daughter-in-law, right?Marrying anyone is marrying, since there is such a proactive and good wife at the door, it's okay for him to accept it with a smile. Not only does he not have to bother and work hard to propose, but he doesn't even have to think about the wedding, which saves worry and trouble.

But, how to explain to Qingying and Biyou?How can I explain it to Master He and his biological parents?
The more he thought about it, the more he had a headache, Shi De simply didn't want to think about it, and we can talk about the future things later.there's always a solution to any problem.

"Come here often in the future, Xiao Shi, treat it like your own home." Seeing that the matter has been settled, Zheng Wenting became more enthusiastic about Shi De, and it was obviously quite different from the attitude just now. If there was a trace of alienation in the enthusiasm just now If you are polite, then now you are as kind as you are treating your own family members, "If you don't come here often in the future, it's because you despise Auntie."

Shi De hurriedly said: "I come here often, I must come here often." After thinking for a while, he asked, "Does Uncle Xia know about this?"

"He doesn't know yet, so I'll give him a call." Zheng Wenting picked up the phone and called Xia You. After saying a few words, she handed the phone to Shi De, "Xiao Shi, Uncle Xia wants to talk to you." say."

Xia You just took up the post in Shancheng, and he was busy with things, so he definitely couldn't take care of going home. When Shi De picked up the phone, he still thought, and he didn't know what Xia You thought of his sudden engagement with Xia Hua.He really didn't want to make trouble for Xia You, who was in a busy schedule, but unfortunately, he couldn't make the decision now.

"Hello, Uncle Xia..." Shi De answered the phone, first said hello, then stopped talking, waiting for Xia You's instructions.

I thought Xia You would reprimand him angrily, but after all, Shi De also saw it. Although Xia You valued him very much, Xia You didn't intend to let him be the son-in-law of the Xia family. Maybe Xia You thought he was born in a humble and unworthy Xia Hua, or maybe Xia You hoped that Xia Hua would find a husband who was well-matched, no matter what Xia You's reasons were, he could see that Xia You's attitude towards him was always more business than personal.

After a moment of silence, Xia You's first words were: "Shi De, don't you know how to read faces? Now look at Xia Hua's face and your face, is there any husband and wife face?"

That is, how did he forget this?Shi De woke up suddenly, and hurriedly said, "Uncle Xia, wait for me."

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately rushed to Xia Hua and looked at Xia Hua carefully for a moment. That's right, Xia Hua's red luan star moved, which showed that she was indeed happy about marriage.Could it be that Xia Hua's engagement to him was a predestined marriage?

Thinking of this, he rushed to the bathroom again and looked in the mirror. The self in the mirror was also the star of Hong Luan, and it was broken. He and Xia Hua were engaged. It seemed that the marriage really came. Could it be that, back then The Peach Blossom that Bi Wentian planted for him was eventually robbed on Xia Hua's body, which made him have such a good show of being forced to get engaged?
Returning to the living room, Shi De ignored Zheng Wenting and Xia Hua's stunned expressions, picked up the phone and said to Xia You: "Uncle Xia, my engagement with Xia Hua is due to the arrival of marriage."

"That's good, that's good." Xia You let out a long breath, felt a little relieved, and changed the topic abruptly, "Shancheng is a good place, a famous historical city, but unfortunately, the people in Shancheng are too simple It's too low-key, and it doesn't know how to promote and package it. If you don't make good use of the great tourism resources, it will be wasted. If you work hard on the idiom culture of the single city, the tourism in the single city can accomplish a lot, you say What about Xiao Shi?"

Seeing that Xia You talked about work instead of personal matters, Shi De knew that Xia You had acquiesced in his engagement with Xia Hua, and he didn't know whether it was joy or worry.

"Secretary Huang, Mayor Yue, and you have left valuable wealth for Shancheng, Xiao Shi, I have to thank you." He also said a few words about the current situation of Shancheng, thanks to the political situation after Fu Rui's downfall The botanical garden project brought by Qingming and Shi De for Shancheng, and some projects under construction by Binsheng in Shancheng. After Xia You took office, Shancheng has shown a thriving situation, and his work is very easy to carry out. Shi De's thanks came from the bottom of his heart, because he didn't know until he arrived in Shancheng that it was Shi De who was behind all this.

It is no exaggeration to say that although Shi De has no official position and is an idler that no one knows about, but if Shi De did not exist, the officialdom and shopping malls in Shancheng would never be what they are today...

(End of this chapter)

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