Fortune Teller.

Chapter 381 The Importance of Shi De

Chapter 381 The Importance of Shi De

The importance of Shi De and the great contribution he made to Shancheng, Xia You did not experience it until he arrived in Shancheng.It is precisely because of this that his impression of Shi De has further changed, and he believes that Shi De is a promising young man, so after hearing the sudden incident that Xia Hua and Shi De lived together and got engaged, he lost Any objection is acquiesced.

Shi De said a few words politely, then hung up Xia You's phone call.

"Okay, from now on, Xiao Shi will be a family with us." Seeing that Xia You had no objection to Shi De, Zheng Wenting was in a good mood, "Don't leave at noon, Xiao Shi, I'll make dumplings for you .”

"No, auntie, I'm going back to Bitian at noon, and I still have things to do."

"I'm not eating at home anymore, mom, I'm going to Taiwan." Xia Hua is also in a good mood, and wants to finish filming "The Great Beauty Stone Gate" as soon as possible, so as to prepare in advance for Binsheng and Bitian's next step .In the past, she had a certain resistance to being the host of "The Great Beautiful Stone Gate". Being able to help the Bitian Group is the best gift she can give to Biyou.

I hope that her engagement with Shi De will not make Qingying and Biyou feel sad.

"Okay, you guys have something to do, go get busy, and remember to go home for dinner when you have time." Zheng Wenting didn't force the two of them to stay, and sent them out with a smile, "Xiao Shi, I will treat them as my own home from now on, do you hear me?"

After going downstairs, Shi De saw that Xia Hua was still overjoyed, and couldn't help being happy: "Are you satisfied?"

"Satisfied, of course I'm satisfied. What's the matter, are you not satisfied?" Xia Hua teased Shi De, "Okay, don't be born in the midst of blessings and don't know your blessings. You took advantage of the big deal, go have fun while you have nothing to do."

"How can you be happy." Shi De shook the ring on his hand and took it off, "It's better to hide this matter first, don't let Qingying and Biyou see it, I feel awkward."

"That's right." Xia Hua also took it off, and put it away together with Shi De's ring, "I'll put it away for you first, anyway, I believe you are a person who keeps what you say, and you won't break your word and get fat, right? "

"I'm going back to Bitian first." Shi De ignored Xia Hua's beating, and he also knew that Xia Hua said this on purpose, "Make "The Great Beauty Stone Gate" as soon as possible. It's settled, Bitian Group is about to get out of trouble."

"Well, it's all up to you." Xia Hua smiled sweetly, acting like a husband and wife.

What Shi De didn't know was that on his way to Bitian Group, Biyou, who was dealing with things in Bitian Group, suddenly received an unexpected call.

Biyou was listening to Zeng Dengke's work report, and when the phone rang, Zeng Dengke's work report had already been completed.After listening to Zeng Dengke's detailed and careful arrangements, Biyou knew that Zeng Dengke was indeed, as Shi De said, an old Jianghu who considered everything carefully, and was extremely rich in the organization and handling of petitions and various group incidents. hands-on experience.

"Okay, let's do as you said." Biyou made a final decision, "When will it start?"

"Tomorrow morning." Seeing that Biyou fully accepted his plan, Zeng Dengke felt happy, and a sense of pride of being trusted and reused spontaneously arose, "Please rest assured, Biyou, this time the government will definitely be able to introduce a solution."

The phone rang suddenly, Biyou glanced at it and saw that it was the number of the capital, her heart skipped a beat, and she was about to ask Zeng Dengke to avoid it, but Zeng Dengke tactfully withdrew.

As Biyou guessed, it was Master He who called.

"Biyou, has Shi De been in love recently?" What Biyou never imagined was that the first sentence that Master He asked was about Shi De's relationship.

"No, he is still the same, he is busy with his career all day, how can he have time for love?" Biyou was surprised by Master He's sudden question, thought for a while, and asked, "What's the matter, Master He, what happened? "

Master He didn't answer Biyou's question directly. He was silent for a moment and then said, "Besides you, Yue Qingying and Xia Hua, are there any other girls beside Shi De?"

"Probably not..." Biyou said unsurely, then remembered something, "By the way, he bought a new house, and the neighbor across the door is a beautiful girl, but although she is beautiful, she has a very cold personality. She and Shi I should know each other, but I think it's just acquaintance, and I'm still far away from falling in love. What happened, Master He?"

"I suddenly deduced that Shi De's marriage has arrived. There will be an event that will affect his life in the near future, but I can't figure out who it will fall on. So, Biyou, tell Shi De for me, let He doesn't want to fall in love with anyone at this stage, let alone get engaged or get married. For him, the opportunity for marriage is not yet there. If he falls into marriage early, it may affect his life's fortune." He Zitian was originally in After staying in the capital well, he suddenly felt restless, as if something uncontrollable had happened. He calculated for a long time that the incident was not caused by himself, but because of his ability. Then he calmed down and calculated. It turned out that Shi De's marriage came several years earlier than expected.

This is impossible. In his grand plan, Shi De cannot get married for at least three years. If Shi De gets married early, it will completely disrupt his plan, and it may cause a big drama that he has worked hard for 20 years to appear. Unforeseen deviations will even affect the final direction of the overall situation. He must take action to prevent any accidents that can affect his overall control of the situation.

"Okay, I will tell Shi De." Biyou was very puzzled by Master He's actions, "Master He, you can either come to Shimen directly and tell Shi De directly, or call Shi De directly and tell him Why does he always ask me to tell Shi De?"

"I want to make a gesture of staying away from him, let him let go and create his own world without restraint. If I am always by his side, or command him remotely by phone, it will make him dependent. He feels that he can ask me for advice if he encounters a problem and I can solve it, which is not conducive to his growth." He Ye said calmly and calmly, "Shi De's marriage may affect the overall situation, Biyou, you must Solemnly tell Shi De, don't think about marriage within two years, and don't fall in love. After two years, his marriage will naturally come to fruition, and I'm not afraid to tell you that Shi De's marriage will fall in the on you."

"..." Biyou was secretly happy. She actually thought that it was a matter of course for her to marry Shi De, but because of the appearance of Yue Qingying and Xia Hua, she lost her self-confidence. I want to be with Shi De, after we got married, we just became a family with Master He, and the family lived happily together."

"So now you have to do everything you can to prevent Shi De from falling in love with others, whether it's Yue Qingying or Xia Hua, especially Xia Hua, don't let Shi De be with her. If Shi De falls in love with Xia Hua, Marrying Xia Hua will make Shi De's life sluggish, and even make Shi De have bad luck for the rest of his life."

"Ah?" Biyou turned pale with shock. In the impression that Master He has always been calm and calm, he rarely said exaggerated words. The sentence just now scared her a lot, "Really? But didn't Master He say that Xia Hua is Shi De's lucky star, is it his luck that Shi De married Xia Hua?"

"One moment and another moment." Master He sighed slightly, "I really liked Xia Hua very much at that time, Xia Hua was Shi De's lucky star no matter in appearance or character, but after I calculated carefully, I found that Xia Hua and Shi De The fate of De's biological parents is in conflict, that is to say, if Shi De and Xia Hua are together, he will never find his biological parents. And Shi De's biological parents are the key figures for Shi De to enter the door of life master , if Shi De can't reunite with his biological parents, he may never enter the door of the fate master in his life, and even fall on the road of the fate master when the fate of the fortune master comes."

Biyou broke out in a cold sweat: "I have written it all down, Master He, I will definitely talk to Shi De to make him realize the seriousness of the problem."

"Okay." He Zitian said briefly and forcefully, then hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, He Zitian walked around the room a few times with his hands behind his back, remembered something, picked up the phone and called out.

"Qiantian, is it convenient for you now? Okay, I'll see you." Putting down the phone, He Zitian turned and went out. Outside the door, there was a Mercedes-Benz S600 quietly waiting for his arrival.

After getting in the car, He Zitian told the driver an address, then stopped talking, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Half an hour later, Mercedes-Benz came to a remote courtyard in the west of the capital.The courtyard is surrounded by military sanatoriums, with a quiet and beautiful environment. Among the many sanatoriums and villas, there is an inconspicuous small courtyard hidden in it. If there is no one to guide the way, ordinary people will not be able to find it next to the heavily guarded military compound. , There is also a small courtyard like a paradise.

Although the yard is not big, it is better than quiet.The rockery pond and various plants in the courtyard are all available, and the traces of creepers left on the walls silently announce how lush and fascinating the small courtyard is in summer.

Although it is winter, the courtyard is extremely cold, but the bright sunlight shines through the branches and falls on the ground, creating a sense of remoteness and stillness in the quiet and good times.In the middle of the courtyard, Bi Wentian stood tall with a folding fan in his hand. Under the warm winter sun, he looked like a vigorous pine tree, tall and straight and vicissitudes.

Seeing Bi Wentian's calm and calm posture, He Zitian was taken aback for a moment, and even had an illusion for a moment, as if Bi Wentian was not the one who controlled everything.

(End of this chapter)

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