Fortune Teller.

Chapter 389 Infinite Possibilities

Chapter 389 Infinite Possibilities
Shi De's back is not great, but it has enough generosity and tolerance. It is as generous as the earth, and as tolerant as the void. Not poor.

That is to say, the most perfect thing should leave a little gap.For very full things, there must be a little gap, not too perfect, so that there will be a tension of life, a lifting force of life, and a stamina.It looks great with a little lack, looks full with a little gap, this function will never fail, and it will never be exhausted.

Because once it's perfect it starts to go downhill.

When the moon is full, it will be short, when the sun is midday, it will move, when the flowers are gorgeous, it will fade, and when the water is full, it will overflow.

A more popular explanation is, "If there is a lack of great success, its use will not be harmful." All things that are great success and great perfection naturally have considerable flaws.However, if there is a little flaw, it will never be broken; in other words, if you want to be completed sooner, you will be finished sooner.Taoist philosophy has always been this view.Many famous people understand the truth of life and understand this way, just like Zeng Guofan, a famous Zhongxing general in the Manchu and Qing Dynasties, who named his study "Qiu Que Zhai" in his later years, which means asking for a little defect.

Don't allow yourself to be too perfect, because everything can't be too perfect, so you must maintain your inherent shortcomings.

"A great surplus is like a rush, its use is infinite", a great surplus is a great fullness, a real fullness, like a waterfall, continuously flowing down from the mountain, full and flowing every day, this is the function of "chong".Living things are always in flux, so their uses are endless.The most deplorable thing is that some people want to keep the ready-made enjoyment and ready-made things forever, thinking that they can belong to themselves forever. It must be "when the water is full, it overflows".

This is true of wealth, and so is power. All things cannot be used for private purposes.If you can't "big surplus Ruo Chong", then it's over, it has to flow like a river.

Got it, got it, Mu Fang's heart suddenly became clear, no wonder Shi De's appearance was not very good, but Shi De was open-minded, consistent in his behavior, and had the advantages of great success and great prosperity, so His prospects are limitless, and he has unlimited possibilities for using without harm and endlessly.

Shi De came out of the kitchen with a kettle in his hand, and saw Mu Fang looking out of the window with a thoughtful expression on his face. The sun shone on her cheeks, and there was a quiet and lonely beauty, like an orchid in an empty valley, or like a green pine in a deep mountain. , making people infinitely reverie.

Not to mention, although Mu Fang looked a bit rigid and serious, her facial features were indeed very upright, and besides Zhou Zheng, there was also a trace of dignified beauty.If the beauty of summer flowers is like the heat of summer, the beauty of blue green is like the warmth of spring, and the beauty of moonlight is like the height of autumn, then the beauty of wooden squares is like the distance of winter.

The beauty of loneliness and remoteness is like the endless plateau in the wilderness in winter, and the clear and cloudless sky in winter, which makes people feel a kind of sad beauty of longing for heaven and earth in the silence and austerity.

After thinking too much, Shi De withdrew his thoughts, and smiled indifferently at Mu Fang: "Have another drink?"

"No." Mu Fang stood up, "Three cups of tea are as light as water, and the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water. I should go. Thank you for the tea and breakfast."

After sending Mu Fang away, Shi De stood in the room blankly for a moment, not knowing what to think of, and shook his head and smiled again.

There was no news all morning, and Shi De didn't take the initiative to inquire about the news, but sat alone for several hours.It was rare for a person to put aside all trivial matters and sit quietly. He practiced the method of breathing and breathing several times, and then did Tai Chi several times. He felt much more comfortable all over, and then stopped.

Recently, he has stagnated above the realm of the master of fortune, and there is no sign of moving forward, and Shi De is not in a hurry. He doesn't want to rush into the gate of fortune master, but wants to lay a solid foundation.A tall building rises from the ground, and a solid foundation is the prerequisite for a tall building to last forever.Although a fortune teller is an advanced stage of a fortune teller, if the foundation of the fortune teller stage is not laid well, according to his understanding, even if he forcibly enters the gate of a fortune teller by leaps and bounds, there will be sequelae.

It is better to stay above the realm of the fortune-telling master for a while, and then quietly break through the gate of the fortune-telling master in a silent way, which may prevent He Ye, Bi Wentian, Du Qingxuan and other seniors from having to face catastrophe.

Of course, Shi De also knows that the above is just his wishful thinking. I believe that countless senior experts have thought about how to avoid the catastrophe. There are so many problems that the wisdom of the predecessors cannot solve. Simple ideas can solve difficult problems that no one has solved for thousands of years.

However, what Shi De firmly believes is that maybe wisdom cannot solve the problem that the operator must bear the disaster every eight years, but blessings can definitely resolve it.In the affairs of the world, there are no problems that cannot be solved by blessings, and there are no disasters that cannot be solved by blessings.But here comes the problem again. According to He Ye, Bi Wentian and Du Qingxuan, they must have accumulated a lot of blessings because of their wise lives. Why do they turn pale when they talk about disasters?

With their decades of good deeds, isn't it enough to accumulate enough blessings to deal with the catastrophe?But why no matter it is Master He, Bi Wentian, and Du Qingxuan, they all seem to be somewhat afraid of the disaster, worried that they will not survive the disaster, is it because of blessings, or is there something else hidden?
Suddenly, an idea flashed in Shi De's mind. Could it be that He Ye, Bi Wentian, Du Qingxuan and others have accumulated a lot of blessings in their many years of life in the world, but in the process of accumulating blessings, there are many inappropriate things. Doing so will cause the loss of blessings to be too large to be enough to deal with the catastrophe?

Shi De recalled what Master He said to him when he first met Master He: "No matter how secretive the Master Yun is, and no matter how he punishes the evil and promotes the good, the Master Yun is a master of the world after all. The good fortune is against the sky. Therefore, each transporter has a limit, which lasts for eight years, and there is a disaster every eight years. The later the catastrophe is, the more dangerous it is. Basically, every transporter can survive the previous Six catastrophes, but the seventh catastrophe, nine out of ten will be inevitable..."

At that time, he didn't think much of it, because he didn't step into the gate of life master at all, and he didn't know anything about the process from fortune teller to fortune teller and then to fortune teller. Now he has entered the high gate of fortune teller, Just relying on my own understanding, I can think about some esoteric questions before, but now I think about He Ye’s words carefully, and Shi is shocked, and I always feel that something is wrong!
What's wrong?
By the way, Shi De thought about it for a long time, and finally figured it out. The door of the master of fortune is following the sky, not against the sky. His path of changing his fate is also following the sky. How could it be the creation that seized the heavens and the earth?Only going against the sky is the best fortune.

The door of the life master does not go against the sky, but follows the sky, so why does it cause disaster?Obviously, on the road ahead of the Master of Fortune, too many blessings were consumed in pursuit of the so-called success. Doesn't it mean that no matter it is He Ye, Bi Wentian or Du Qingxuan, they all violated Shuntian's will? The principle of action, in order to achieve the goal, there are times when unscrupulous means are used?
After figuring this out, Shi De suddenly broke into a cold sweat, unable to believe his own deduction. Could it be that, as Bi Wentian said, Master He is not a person who is upright in everything, but a person who is upright under the appearance of Wei Guangzheng? Underneath, there is also an unknown mechanism?

Originally thought that only Bi Wentian was a sanctimonious hypocrite image, but unexpectedly, in his eyes, Master He, who was almost perfect, also had shortcomings, how could it be possible?Shi De's heart was filled with sadness, and he couldn't tell whether it was discomfort or helplessness. Although he also knew that there was no perfect person in the world, he couldn't accept that He Ye, whom he regarded as as noble as the breeze and the moon, had a dark side. his inference.

"If great success is lacking, its use will not be harmful; if great surplus is rushing, its use will be endless. Great straightness will be bent, great skill will be clumsy, and great debate will be dull. Irritability is better than cold, and tranquility is better than heat. Tranquility is the righteousness of the world." Shi De I thought of the words in the "Tao Te Ching" again, and my heart was relieved a bit. It is also true that once things are completed, they will not be far from decay.Things should not be perfect, things should not be perfect, people should not be prosperous, treat others with tolerance, and behave calmly, this is the way of life.

Maybe what Master He wants is the impetus to move forward in life with the lack of great success. Shi De secretly comforted himself, but with his state of mind, he still couldn't understand the profoundness of Master He.However, he also fully understood one point, that is, no matter what step he takes in life, blessings are always the foundation of living and living, and always come first.

In the afternoon, Shi De came to the Provincial Party Committee as scheduled.

When the guard was registering, he recalled the last time he had met Wan Huhou, and he thought he didn't know how Wan Huhou was doing now, but judging from the situation, BMW Zhang couldn't take care of himself now, and Wan Huhou had Xiao Zuo's protection, so he should have already safe.

Just thinking of Wan Huhou, the phone rang in time, seeing that it was Xiao Zuo calling, Shi De smiled implicitly.What is wish come true?This is what all wishes come true!

"Master Shi, good news."

As soon as he answered the phone, Xiao Zuo's excited voice came from the phone.

"What good news?" Shi De smiled slightly, "Is Wan Huhou safe?"

"Oh, master is worthy of being a master. He guessed right. That's right. Wan Huhou is temporarily safe. I consulted with my acquaintances in the procuratorate. If there is no accident, he will be prosecuted for excessive self-defense. At most, he will be sentenced to a suspended sentence. "Xiao Zuo's admiration for Shi De is like a torrent of river water. "If it goes well, it will come out in about a month. Also, Hong Dongxu is now being escorted back to prison. I don't think it will take long for Hong Dongxu to confess. No. Baomazhang won’t let Hong Dongxu live for too long, as long as Hong Dongxu lives, he will be restless.”

(End of this chapter)

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