Fortune Teller.

Chapter 390 What a Shide

Chapter 390 What a Shide

"The issue of the reputation group is also a difficult issue." Shi De was overjoyed. Today's meeting with Huang Zixuan was fruitful, which gave him more confidence to use the legacy of the Zhuo Group to fight against Shang Jianchao to the end. At the same time, Lenovo To the province's characterization of the problem of the credit group's all-cotton era, and under the premise of the province's characterization, the city has yet to come up with a solution to the credit group's problem. From this, it can be seen that Huang Zixuan's words are not exaggerated, but indisputable Facts - the instructions of the city to the province have been obeyed and violated.

So Shi De promptly raised the issue of the Credit Group, wanting to find out more about Huang Zixuan's tone.Although Huang Zixuan's ranking in the Provincial Party Committee is far lower than that of Quanquan, and he is not as powerful as Quanquan, but Huang Zixuan is a high-ranking official after all, in charge of economic affairs, Zhuo Group and Credit Group are all within his purview.

The so-called county magistrate is not as good as the current one. Huang Zixuan's attitude, to a certain extent, represents the official attitude of the province to the city's settlement of the Zhuo Group and the Credit Group.

"The province's attitude towards solving the credit group problem has always been to try its best to turn things into minor ones and not intensify conflicts. At the same time, the credit group should be used as a negative teaching material to inform the whole city and regulate Shimen's real estate market." Huang Zixuan also He heard Shi De's implication, but he didn't know that Shi De also had conflicts with the Credit Group, so he said implicitly, "The Credit Group has just entered the real estate market, so it shouldn't become a stumbling block for Binsheng."

"Credit Group has no conflict of interest with Binsheng for the time being, but what the Credit Group has done has deceived many hard-working people. The people have worked hard to save their entire lives to buy a house, and only after they bought it did they find out that it was an illegal building. Sweat and tears, Binsheng’s purpose has always been to build houses that ordinary people can live in, so we cannot tolerate the practices of Credit Group.”

"Okay, well said, it's rare that you have such a heart, the bigger the heart, the greater the achievement, Shi De, I'm happy for you." Huang Zixuan happily patted Shi De on the shoulder.

Seeing the off-duty time, Shi De knew that Huang Zixuan was busy with work, so he offered to leave.I don't know where Huang Zixuan's secretary has gone, and the secretary has never appeared.

Huang Zixuan personally sent Shi De out, Shi De wanted to refuse, but Huang Zixuan refused, holding Shi De's hand and said: "If you are more polite to me, you will be alienated."

Shi was helpless, so he had no choice but to be respectful rather than obedient. He also knew that Huang Zixuan was still thinking about Huang Duckweed, but unfortunately, he had no clue so far.

Standing at the door, Shi De respectfully said: "Grand Officer Huang, please stay. I have always been concerned about the duckweed matter. It may be that the opportunity is not enough, and there is no clue yet."

"No hurry, no hurry, I've been waiting for more than 20 years, and I don't care about waiting another year or two." Huang Zixuan was slightly disappointed, flashed by, and then smiled again, "People always care about chaos, Shi De, Don't have any psychological burden, it's not that I must ask you to help me find duckweed."

"Maybe duckweed has already appeared in my life, but I haven't realized that she is duckweed. Senior officer Huang, when the time is right, it will be a matter of course for father and daughter to recognize each other." Shi De didn't comfort Huang Zixuan , but through the many things that happened around him, he realized that what seemed to be a sudden incident on the surface, in fact, there must be some deep-seated reasons hidden before or after the event. Everything has an internal connection. But sometimes we don't see it.

"I hope so." Huang Zixuan didn't think too much about Shi De's words, only thought that Shi De was a white lie casually comforting him.

Not only Shi De didn't notice, but even Huang Zixuan didn't pay attention. The scene of him shaking hands and saying goodbye to Shi De was completely watched by one person.

Shi De went downstairs and came to the courtyard. After walking a few steps, he heard someone calling him behind him.


The voice was both familiar and unfamiliar. What was familiar was that he had obviously crossed paths with the owner of the voice. What was unfamiliar was that he couldn't remember who it was. He stood up and turned around to look, and was immediately surprised and delighted.

Fortunately, I didn't expect it to be complete.To his surprise, he didn't expect that there was another person standing beside Quan Quan, who was Qi Mei.

"Hello, Secretary Qi." Shi De hurriedly said hello respectfully, and then glanced at Qi Mei, seeing Qi Mei raised his eyebrows at him, so he had no choice but to say, "Hello, Qi Mei."

"What are you doing at the Provincial Committee?" Qi Mei looked Shi Shi up and down, and suddenly smiled mischievously, "Could it be that you are here to promote your feudal superstition knowledge?"

"Qi Mei, don't talk nonsense." Qi Mei glared at Qi Mei, then nodded and said, "If it's convenient, come to my office, I have something to talk to you."

Quan Quan invited him, and Shi De had to be free if he was not free. Fortunately, it was still early, and there were still two hours before the dinner time he had made an appointment with Quan You. Shi De followed Quan Quan and came to Qi Quan's office.

Because of the extra eyebrows, Shi De became a little restrained, not as casual as he was in front of Huang Zixuan.Qi Mei did not regard Shi De as an outsider, and kept asking Shi De some weird questions, such as why Shi De was young, why he would meet each other like an antique, and why Shi De, who was a top student in a prestigious university, believed The feudal superstition of physiognomy, why did the ancient emperors and generals believe in physiognomy? Do they have low IQs?
Shi De didn't answer Qi Mei's question at all, not because he couldn't answer, but because he didn't feel the need to argue with her.The world is big, but people's hearts are small. Many people are willing to be bound by their own knowledge, thinking that their own views are the only correct truth, not accepting or acknowledging unknown things, and even rejecting new things.For such people, Shi De believes that it is best to let them fend for themselves, and he has no obligation and no need to waste his life trying to convince others of the truth.

Everyone has to be responsible for their own life, and some people want to live clearly and see the world clearly.Some people are willing to live in a muddle and muddle along.Your own life is your own decision. Similarly, whether you gain happiness or pain, you have to taste it yourself in the end.

"Shi De, I saw you coming out of Huang Zixuan's office just now, and Huang Gaoguan even sent you off in person. So, you and Huang Gaoguan have a good relationship?" The scene of Shi De coming out of Huang Zixuan's office just now fell on Qi Quan In his eyes, Qi Quan was not only surprised, but also became more interested in Shi De.

"Yes, when Gao Guan Huang was working as secretary in Shancheng, I had a good relationship with him. There was even a rumor that Secretary Huang wanted to use me as his secretary." Shi De laughed, not deliberately hiding anything, but He could also guess that with all the news channels, the rumors about him and Huang Zixuan's relationship in Shancheng were definitely clear.

In front of Quanquan, it is easier to win the trust of Quanquan by telling the truth than any opportunistic tricks.

"You came to see Senior Official Huang, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing serious. One is to catch up on the old days, and the other is to talk to Huang Gaoguan about Binsheng's recent development." Shi De heard it, and Qi Quan has been calling Huang Zixuan Huang Gaoguan, obviously in a business tone, although it may not be complete. It must have a normal relationship with Huang Zixuan, but at least it also shows that Qiqi is unwilling to reveal any personal relationship with Huang Zixuan in front of him.

"Senior Huang is in charge of economic affairs, so I should report to him about the work." Quan Qi replied indifferently. He sat behind the desk, and against the background of the large office chair, he was quite official. What's your opinion on the development of Binsheng?"

Seeing that Qiqi was still asking about the interaction between him and Huang Zixuan, Shi De more or less guessed that Qiqi was very interested in Huang Zixuan, so he responded positively: "When Gaoguan Huang was in Shancheng, he was very interested in Binsheng's development. Concerned, now in the province, I am still very concerned about the future of Binsheng. Huang Gaoguan said that he hopes that Binsheng will build more houses that ordinary people can afford, and strive to achieve both social and economic benefits.”

"Okay, well said." Quanquan answered, and then asked Shi De, "Shi De, how do you evaluate Huang Gaoguan's governance in Shancheng?"

This sentence was spoken directly and without leaving any room for it. Normally, with Quan Quan's level and self-cultivation, he shouldn't have asked such a thing, but Qi Quan just asked, and Shi De knew that Quan Qi didn't treat him as an outsider. At the same time, Quan Quan's interest in Huang Zixuan, It was thicker than he imagined.

In other words, Qiqi intends to establish a close cooperative relationship between the Provincial Party Committee and Huang Zixuan?Good thing, this is a good thing, Shi Dewei thought about it, and said cautiously: "During Huang Gaoguan's stay in Shancheng, he was relatively stable in the early stage, relatively aggressive in the middle stage, and peaceful again in the later stage. Generally speaking, the people of Shancheng remember Secretary Huang."

Shi De's evaluation of Huang Zixuan was based on the facts and was appropriately elevated, but not blindly elevated. After listening to it, Shi De nodded again and again: "It's more to the point."

"Dad, have you finished talking? After finishing speaking, I still have something to say to Shi De." Qi Mei listened to the conversation between Qiqiquan and Shi De for a long time, and she yawned in a cloud of mist. The conversation seems to have an endless trend, and finally can't help but interrupt.

"It's over, it's over." Qi Mei, Qi Mei not only had no choice but also had enough patience, he chuckled with a kind face, "Qi Mei, didn't you say that you met Shi De in Cao Yongguo last time?" , Don’t you have a bad impression of Shi De? Why, your impression of him has changed?”

Listening to Qi Mei said that Qi Mei had a bad impression of him, Shi De secretly smiled bitterly, Qi Mei is really a talkative girl, well, he actually expected that the last time I saw him in Cao Yong's country, he didn't do it for her. Qi Mei left a good impression, but it doesn't matter, he believes that there will be a chance to make Qi Mei change his opinion of him in the future.

Of course, if he hadn't shouldered the full trust, he would not be interested in changing Qi Mei's opinion of him, nor would he care about Qi Mei's evaluation of him.

"My impression of Shi De has not changed, but I am more interested in him than before." Qi Mei stood up, with his hands behind his back, and walked around Shi De a few times, as if he was admiring a monster Similarly, after watching it for a long time, she smiled without knowing what to say, "Shi De, I found that compared with the last time I saw you, you seem to be a bit more mature, it shouldn't be, it's only been a few days, how could you grown up?"

Shi De chuckled: "You must be wrong. You didn't look at me very much last time. How did you know that I've grown up again?"

Qi Mei stopped talking, lowered his head and thought about something for a while, waved his hands and said, "Forget it, I'm not in the mood to debate with you today, we will make an appointment later when we have time, I will teach you a good lesson, and I will definitely convince you , so that you can return to the correct path of life.”

"Haha, children, they don't know how to speak." Quan Qi laughed, raised his hand and looked at his watch, "It's getting late, it's time to get off work."

"Dad, why don't you ask Shang Shide to have dinner together tonight?" Qi Mei suddenly suggested, "I still want to get in touch with him again, and I want to know him more."

Quan Qi was taken aback, then smiled implicitly, and looked at Shi De: "How about Shi De, do you have time?"

Shi De has already made an appointment with Quanyou to have dinner together in the evening. By the way, he listened to Quanyou talk about what good news he has to share with him. Unexpectedly, Qi Mei had an unexpected problem and wanted to have dinner with him.

It's fine if it's just eyebrows, but if it's still complete, he definitely can't refuse, so he can only say: "I have time."

"Okay, you can work hard at night and have dinner with me and Qimei. It happens that Qimei's mother is not at home, so how about we go out to eat hot pot?"

"Okay, okay, hot pot is my favorite." Qi Mei jumped up happily.

Well, as long as Qi Mei is happy, as long as Qi Mei is happy, Shi De will give up his life to accompany a gentleman. He also knows that enthusiasm will never be wasted. On the surface, it seems meaningless for him to accompany Qi Mei. On a certain day, in which link will the seeds planted by today's enthusiasm be reaped.

Accompanied Quanquan and Qimei downstairs, it was the provincial committee's off-duty time, and the compound was bustling with people coming and going.Because of Qi Quan's high position, he was particularly eye-catching when he walked in the courtyard, and countless people took the initiative to greet him affectionately to show their respect.

Many people are very curious about the young couple around Quanquan. Some people know Qimei and know that Qimei is Qimei's daughter, but they don't know who Shi De is. Many people secretly guess that Shi De is Qi Mei's boyfriend?Is he the future son-in-law of Deputy Secretary Qi?
If Shi De is really Deputy Secretary Qi's son-in-law, then he has to curry favor with him. Who doesn't know that Qi Quan, who has always been serious, only treats his daughter with kindness, and whoever can please Quan Quan's precious daughter will win Quan Quan's favor , there is no doubt that the young man walking side by side with Qi Mei must be the most handsome and promising young man in Quan Quan's eyes.

Many people looked at Shi De differently. Some looked up to him, some admired him, some were jealous, and some secretly wrote down Shi De's appearance and wanted to find out who Shi De was.

Shi De saw everyone's thoughtful eyes, but ignored them, pretending to ignore them, but when he walked to the gate of the Provincial Party Committee, he found a familiar gaze cast on him, and he had to respond to it A smile, because the person who cast a surprised look at him was none other than Huang Zixuan.

Huang Zixuan had just left the gate of the Provincial Party Committee, when he saw everyone around him looking in one direction, thinking that something serious had happened, following their gazes, he realized that the focus of their gazes was actually on someone he knew—Shi De, he couldn't help it While being taken aback, he remembered the rumors of the Provincial Party Committee that Deputy Secretary Quanqi preferred Shi De.

What a Shide!
Huang Zixuan was very happy for Shi De. If he could use Shi De's bridge role to establish a close cooperative relationship with Qi Quan, it would be of great benefit to him to quickly open up the situation in the province and gain a firm foothold. , Qi Quan is expected to become a senior official in the next step, not only will he become the number two person in the province, but he will also become his immediate boss.

If he had contacted Quanquan earlier and gained Quanquan's approval, his work would be much easier to carry out after Quanquan became a high-ranking official.

Thinking about it this way, Huang Zixuan secretly nodded towards Shi De, implying that Shi De had accompanied him well.

Shi De smiled at Huang Zixuan, implying that he understood.

Qi Mei and Qi Mei didn't notice the exchange between Shi De and Huang Zixuan, and Qi Mei didn't even call for a car. Instead, he walked in the car and led Shi De and Qi Mei to walk south along the street in front of the Provincial Party Committee.After a short walk, we came to the Suiyuelou Hot Pot Restaurant.

"How is it? This is the authentic old capital hot pot, charcoal pot." Qi Quan was very interested, and pointed to the six characters of "Suiyuelou Hotpot House" with his hand, "The name of Suiyuelou, and some origins, do you want to hear it? "

"I don't want to hear it, I'm old. Dad, can you stop repeating it?" Qi Mei covered his ears, shook his head and said, "I'm here for dinner, not to listen to your old-fashioned stories."

"Hehe..." Shi De laughed, "I just happened to have heard about the origin of Suiyuelou. Originally, Suiyuelou was called Fengyuelou. Later, the boss thought that the word Fengyue was too dusty, so he changed it to Suiyuelou. Fengyue and Fengyue. Years, the difference of one word, sounds like a world of difference."

"Yeah, the years are vicissitudes, the wind and the moon are wind and dust, and many times in life, mistakes are often made in the words." Qiqi also smiled, stretched out his hand and gently raised his eyebrows, "You, it's too outrageous, I'm talking to Shi De, you are not allowed to interrupt."

Qi Mei snorted, turned around and walked in: "I'm going to the room first, Dad, don't wait for me to finish ordering, if you haven't taken your seats, I'm sorry, I'll start eating first."

Shi De was still puzzled, the reserved room was on the second floor, no matter how fast Qimei was, he was only a few minutes faster than them, and there were only a dozen steps from the first floor to the second floor. How many minutes?
Could it be that, apart from the origin of the name of the Suiyue Building, is there any elegance in the Sui Yue Building that is worth seeing?

After entering the hall, Qi Quan, as a dignified deputy secretary, did not bring a secretary or an entourage, but just walked upstairs like an ordinary customer.

Shi De followed behind Quan Quan, and just one step away, suddenly a person rushed out from behind.

It's nothing to exceed Quanquan. If he didn't stop walking and went upstairs, nothing would happen. Unexpectedly, when he walked past Quanquan, he accidentally touched Quanquan, and he stopped. He glanced at Quan Quan maliciously, and said viciously, "You don't have eyes, do you?"

What Shi De didn't know was that the first time he had dinner with Quan Quan, there was a sensational event.

(End of this chapter)

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