Fortune Teller.

Chapter 396 Behind

Chapter 396 Behind
If it is not surprising that Mu Jinnian and Hua Liunian got close to Shang Kai because of Jia Chenmo's relationship, then the person who is at the bottom, if Shi can meet him, will definitely be surprised, because he is not someone else , it is Tiannan.

Last time in Daoxiang Pavilion, when Shi De and Shang Kai had a big conflict, Tian Nan was still in the middle position. In a blink of an eye, Tian Nan still became a guest of Shang Kai. The world changes, and sometimes it is really unreasonable Will for transfer.Of course, Shi De didn't have much thought about Tiannan turning to Shangkai. He couldn't decide Tiannan's choice. He just hoped that Tiannan, as a master of a generation, would stick to the integrity that a master should have, and not be driven by interests. , became a slave to money, thus doing things contrary to the principle.

"Shang Shao, the Zhuo Group has to return to the Bitian Group in the end? It's really hard to swallow the anger. Today's collective incident must have Shi De's black hand behind it." Jia Chenmo said indignantly, "Uncle Shang How can it not prevent Shi De's plot from succeeding? Shi De incited a group of ass people to make trouble, and he committed the crime of seeking trouble."

"Hey..." Hua Liunian sneered, although Jia Chenmo was her fiancé, she was still sarcastic, "Crime of making troubles? How can there be such a crime, Chen Mo, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, so as not to make you laugh. Besides Now, whether there is a black hand behind the mass incident is just your conjecture, without evidence. Now is the era of paying attention to evidence, isn't it? It's like the mayor of the city has done a lot of bad things, and many people know it well , but there is no direct evidence pointing to Mayor Shang, so it is useless to know."

Shang Kai's face immediately turned down, Hua Liunian was too ignorant to speak, how could he tell his father's fault in front of him, how could this woman's mouth have no one to control it?
Seeing this, Mu Jinnian hurriedly smoothed things over: "Liu Nian has no intentions, she just said it casually, not really saying that there is something wrong with Mayor Shang. She is not in the officialdom, what does she know?"

Shang Kai's expression softened a little, and he gave Hua Liunian a dissatisfied look: "Sister Hua, we are sitting together to talk now, if we are with outsiders, what you just said may have serious consequences, hmph. You can't eat food indiscriminately, it will spoil your stomach. You can't talk nonsense, it will cause trouble to your upper body."

"I..." Hua Liunian was not convinced, and wanted to say a few more irrational words, but Mu Jinnian hurriedly reached out and pulled her clothes to stop her.

Hua Liunian can ignore Shang Kai's winks, ignore Jia Chenmo's feelings, but listen to Mu Jinnian's words. After all, she has known Mu Jinnian for many years, knows Mu Jinnian's character, and respects him somewhat.

"I'm afraid the Zhuo Group really has to be given to the Bitian Group, Dad said, not only Cao Yongguo insisted on letting the Bitian Group take over the mess of the Zhuo Group, but even Liu Bao's family changed their mind and no longer insisted on letting the Jia Group take over. Now the city is holding a meeting overnight, and if there is no accident, the result will be announced tomorrow." Shang Kai said helplessly, "Chen Mo, it's not that my father doesn't work hard, it's really the perspective and the way the city leaders think about the problem. We are different. They are worried that after Jia's Group takes over, it will carry a heavy burden, and then drag down the Jia's Group, which will brew a larger mass incident. On the contrary, Bitian Group is on the verge of bankruptcy, and it is simply dead. Doctor Ma, let the Bitian Group take over, maybe there is still a glimmer of life. Even if the Bitian Group is dragged to death by the Zhuo Group in the end, it will be a messy account and will not affect the overall situation."

"Understood, understood." Jia Chen silently said that he understood, but he was extremely fortunate in his heart. At the beginning when the ducks were put on the shelves, Shang Kaifei let the top of Jia's Group take the initiative to propose to the city to take over the mess of Zhuo's Group. The promises were all hype, saying that there would be many preferential policies and financial subsidies in the city, but Jia Chenmo was completely unwilling. Now that Jia's group is showing a thriving vitality, suddenly taking over a mess is not self-inflicted. Jump into the pit?

But under the pressure of Shangkai, he had to reluctantly agree. After all, he and Shangkai had been friends for many years and had too many entangled commercial interests.It's all right now, I finally don't have to take over the mess of the Zhuo Group, and I have to thank Shi De, if Shi De didn't want to take over the Zhuo Group, maybe the Zhuo Group has really become a hot potato for the Jia Group.

"This is the result that everyone is happy with. Why do you have to let the Jia Group take over the mess of the Zhuo Group? Let me tell you, just throw it to the Bitian Group earlier. If you insist on making so many things, it's just looking for trouble. I'm full." Hua Liunian couldn't help but speak again, before she got engaged to Jia Chenmo, the interests of Jia's group had nothing to do with her, but now it's different, she now treats Jia's group as her own Wallet, how can you allow others to take money out of your own wallet, "Hmph, the Jia Group's money is not blown by strong winds, it is earned through hard work. It is hard to get to today's scale, if because of taking over Zhuo's The group fell headlong, who will help the Jia group at that time? I am afraid that no one will come to help, and they will all run away."

"Liu Nian, please don't say a few words." Jia Chenmo saw that Shang Kai's face was getting uglier, fearing that Hua Liu Nian would say something worse, he hurriedly helped Hua Liu Nian, "Don't just look at the surface when looking at problems, sometimes Sacrificing short-term benefits, there will be longer-term benefits."

"I don't care about the long-term, I only look at the present." Hua Liunian rolled Jia Chenmo's eyes, and pushed Jia Chenmo's hand away, "Without the present, how can there be a long-term? Disregarding the present and only looking at the long-term, that's drawing cakes to satisfy your hunger. It’s a castle in the air. If you don’t believe me, if you don’t eat for five days from now, there will be a table of meals waiting for you five days later? You will starve to death in less than five days.”

"After the Bitian Group took over the Zhuo Group, will it dig deep into the inside story behind the Zhuo Group's illegal fund-raising? This is the topic of our discussion today." The woman theory is tantamount to arguing with a lunatic, and there will be no results, "Tianzi, tell me what kind of person Shi De is in your eyes."

The image of Niu Tianzi's pseudo-mother has not changed, what has changed is his temperament and spirit. Compared with the high fighting spirit of the previous period, he is downcast, like a defeated rooster, and has no more energy.

Essence, qi, and god are concepts in ancient philosophy, referring to the original substances that form the universe and contain elements.Traditional Chinese medicine believes that essence, qi, and spirit are the fundamentals of human life activities.The so-called sky has three treasures: the sun, moon, and stars; the earth has three treasures: water, fire, and wind; human beings have three treasures: god, qi, and essence.

Essence, qi, and spirit are mutually nourishing and mutually reinforcing, and the relationship between the three is very close.From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, the origin of human life is "essence", the driving force for maintaining life is "qi", and the embodiment of life is the activity of "shen".

Therefore, it is said that if the essence is inflated enough, the energy will be abundant, and the spirit will be prosperous; if the essence is deficient, the energy will be deficient, and the spirit will be less.Conversely speaking, Shenwang means enough energy, and enough energy means essence.Chinese medicine evaluates a person's health or disease based on these three aspects.Therefore, it is true that the ancients called essence, qi, and spirit the "three treasures" of the human body.The ancients had a saying that "the one who loses spirit will die, the one who loses energy will die, and the one who loses spirit will die." From this, it is not difficult to see that "essence, energy, and spirit" are the foundation of human life.

Of course, Niu Tianzi has no energy now, the reason is not exhaustion and lack of energy, but exhaustion, that is to say, his heart is scattered.That's right, it's no wonder he's happy when he's changed from a rich second generation who wanted anything and everything to a down-and-out pauper.

Although he is not penniless, but compared with before, the current Niu Tianzi has to live frugally and carefully. After all, there are always times when gold and silver are always sitting idle. Within days, the combined property of the two of them is only tens of millions.

Tens of millions is already an astronomical figure for ordinary people, but for Niu and his son, it is just one or two luxury villas and a few luxury cars.Rich people have rich people's way of spending, poor people have poor people's way of spending, no matter whether it is rich or poor, because people's greed is endless, there is never enough money to spend.

Compared with before, when Niu Tianzi opened his eyes every day, what he thought about was how to restore his former glory, and the next second thought was to grit his teeth at Quanyou, wishing he could cut off Quanyou's dog's head with a knife.Now he has fully understood that the trip to Macau was tricked by Quanyou, and was calculated by Quanyou!

But thinking about it, Niu Tianzi dared not take action. When he thought of the experience of being locked up in Macau for a few days, he shuddered. He was afraid that if he really moved a finger, maybe there would be an accident. The trick was repeated, and he was locked in a dark room.

"I don't have much contact with Shi De, but according to my intuitive impression, Shi De is a villain with a lot of scheming and deep plans." Niu Tianzi heard that Shang Kai asked him to evaluate Shi De, and he didn't have a good impression of Shi De. If it is said that Quanyou makes him grit his teeth with hatred, then Shi De makes his teeth itch with hatred. In his opinion, Quanyou is a bright spear, and Shi Shi is a hidden arrow. You are Shi De's gun. Where Shi De points, where is there to shoot. All the bad things that Quan You does are the ideas behind Shi De's back. Quan You is evil, and Shi De is evil. They cooperate seamlessly. It’s a dog of a feather, it’s a gangster, it’s a minion for a tiger..."

"It's a wrong use to be a tiger's minion." Hua Liunian jumped out again untimely, "Niu Tianzi, you look like a woman, so I won't talk about you. After all, you are born, and you can't change it, right? But you are the day after tomorrow. He doesn’t study well, and he also likes to be arty, which will make people laugh. Alas, poor child, no wonder he has such a low IQ, so he was deceived by Quanyou, and finally lost the entire Baisha Group. It turns out that he didn’t read enough. "

(End of this chapter)

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