Fortune Teller.

Chapter 397 Shi De's Weakness

Chapter 397 Shi De's Weakness

Niu Tianzi used to be with Zhang Yang and had conflicts with Hua Liunian. Hua Liunian was very worried about this and kept it in his heart.Although Zhang Yang was the one who slapped her at the time, Niu Tianzi was also there. Now that Zhang Yang is abolished, she puts all the grudges on Niu Tianzi.

"Hua Liunian, don't attack me personally." Niu Tianzi was furious, and went up against the case, "Don't think that I can be bullied casually now that I am down and out, you alone are not qualified to point fingers at me."

"If you don't scold you, it's considered polite to you." Hua Liunian didn't complain, but hugged his shoulders, and smiled lightly, "You still say that you are insidious, but in fact you are not much better. A big man , looks like a woman, which shows that she is as small-minded as a woman, and like a woman, she likes to gossip and speak ill of people behind her back."

Niu Tianzi was trembling with anger: "Are you on Shi De's side or Shang Shao's side?"

"I'm on the side of justice." Hua Liunian sneered, "I'm not talking about you, Niu Tianzi, there is a saying that if you do many unrighteous actions, you will die yourself. You have ended up in the current situation. Don't blame others. If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself. Myself. The world is fair, good people are rewarded with rewards, and evil people are rewarded with evil.”

Niu Tianzi said that Hua Liunian was not good enough, and in a fit of anger, he was about to turn around and go out, but was stopped by Shang Kai.

"Son of Heaven, don't be as knowledgeable as her." Although Shang Kai was very dissatisfied with Hua Liunian, because Hua Liunian was Jia Chenmo's fiancée, coupled with the special relationship between Hua Liunian and Mu Jinnian, it was even more because of Hua Liunian's relationship with Mu Jinnian. There is Bi Wentian behind Fleeting Years, he had to endure a little bit, "You can't even stand Fleeting Years' harsh words, how can you make big things happen in the future? A little intolerance will lead to chaos and big plans."

Niu Tianzi had no choice but to sit back angrily, and never looked at Hua Liunian again.

"The emperor's words are right. Shi De is a sinister villain. He likes to do things behind his back." Since Shang Kai was sitting in the main seat, he had to preside over the overall situation. He glanced at Mu Jinnian and said, "Jinnian, you and Shi De has the most dealings, tell me about Shi De's personality and shortcomings."

"Shi De..." Mu Jinnian pondered for a moment, and thought about it seriously, "How should I put it, Shi De is not as sinister as Niu Tianzi said, of course, he is very deep in the city, and his emotions are invisible He seems to be unfathomable, but after all, he is a young man under 30 years old. How deep can the city go? But why do people feel that Shi is unfathomable? The main reason is that Shi He is more considerate in doing things, he does not rush forward, he will recalculate the pros and cons of everything, and he is very patient and will wait for the best time to come. So to be honest, Shi De is a very tricky one. Even Bi Ye said that the most terrifying thing about a person is not how strong he is, but that he has no weakness."

"You mean, Shi De has no weaknesses? Impossible, everyone has weaknesses." Shang Kai smiled disapprovingly, "Shi De is a human being, not a god."

"I mean that Shi De has no obvious weakness, but he has one obvious shortcoming." Among the few people present, in terms of city and calmness, Mu Jinnian should be the first. He speaks neither slow nor fast, Very rhythmic.

"What shortcoming?" Shang Kai's eyes lit up.

Not only Shang Kai's eyes fell on Mu Jinnian, but everyone present also paid attention to Mu Jinnian.

"Generally speaking, Shi De has two shortcomings. One is family affection and the other is love." Seeing that he has become the central figure and mastered the rhythm of the overall situation, Mu Jinnian couldn't help showing off secretly, "To be precise, Shi De's shortcomings are specifically manifested in three types of people, one is He Zitian, the other is his biological parents, and the third is several women represented by Biyou, including Yue Qingying and Xia Hua. Among them, He Zitian and his biological parents It's family affection, Biyou, Yue Qingying and Xia Hua are love."

"What kind of shortcoming is this? Everyone has family affection and love, and Shi De is no exception." Shang Kai waved his hand disapprovingly, "Jinnian, I thought you knew Shi De very well, but it turned out that it was only superficial."

Mu Jinnian knew that Shang Kai had objections to him because of Hua Liunian's disrespectful words, so he didn't take it seriously, and smiled lightly: "Listen to are right, Young Master Shang, everyone has family affection and love , but Shi De is different from others. Shi De lost his biological parents since he was a child. Note that loss means disappearance, not death. He has been looking for the whereabouts of his biological parents. His desire for family affection is much stronger than ordinary people. After graduating from university, under the double blow of business failure and love failure, Shi De almost committed suicide. It was He Zitian who appeared in time to save him, so He Zitian treated him with kindness. The formation of Shi De's calm personality is also similar to his childhood Experience is related to He Zitian's precepts and deeds, so above the family relationship, his biological parents and He Zitian are his biggest weaknesses."

Shang Kai saw that what Mu Jinnian said was reasonable, so he believed it a little bit, nodded and said, "I have a bit of an opinion, what makes Shi De different from others in terms of love?"

"Shi De's love also has a lot to do. He and Biyou first met, and they should have become lovers, but I don't know why, but the relationship between him and Biyou seems to be more than love, just like brother and sister. Same. But according to my observation, although Shi De has more family affection for Biyou than love, Biyou regards Shi De as the only family member in the world, and she is very dependent on Shi De, so she wants to marry Shi De. But Shi De After getting acquainted with Yue Qingying and Xia Hua successively, in the swing between Yue Qingying and Xia Hua, the balance of love slowly fell to Xia Hua, that is to say, Biyou was not in Shi De's choice at all. She can only hold grudges. Compared with Biyou, Yue Qingying is also an infatuated woman. Her feelings for Shi De are no less than Biyou. Moreover, she is more persistent than Biyou in terms of feelings. If Shi De finally I dare not say what will happen to Biyou after marrying Xia Hua, but Yue Qingying will definitely do something unusual..."

"Oh?" Shang Kai suddenly became interested, froze for a moment, and smiled implicitly, "Jinnian, what do you mean, if you win over Yue Qingying and let Yue Qingying be used by us, it is equivalent to seizing Shi Shi?" De's weakness? Or found Shi De's biological parents, or influenced He Zitian, and Shi De lost without fighting?"

Even though Shang Kai has no culture, he was just a soldier, but the few words he said just now are quite good, and he is very particular about the choice of words and sentences, but Mu Jinnian doesn't care whether Shang Kai's words are elegant or vulgar, he cares What's more is the superficiality revealed in Shang Kai's words.

With a smile, Mu Jinnian shook his head lightly: "It's not that easy to defeat Shi De. If Shi De can be defeated so easily, Du Qingxuan and Master Bi won't be defeated in the single city. Shi De's Powerful, much deeper than you imagined. If you think that you can directly move Shi De’s relatives to make him submit, you are very wrong. Let’s not talk about He Zitian, just talk about Yue Qingying, you know Yue Qingying Who is it?"

Shang Kai really didn't know about Yue Qingying's origin, so he shook his head: "I don't know."

"Yue Qingying is Yue Guoliang's daughter." Mu Jinnian shook his head and smiled, showing disdain, "Yue Qingying's father, Yue Guoliang, is a high-ranking official, and her mother is a rich man. She wants power and money. If you have money, what else can you impress her? The only thing she cares about is feelings. She regards Shi De as a treasure, if you let Yue Qingying betray Shi De, or stab Shi De in the back, even if you take out your She will not take a second look at all the property in exchange."

Shang Kai was irritated by Mu Jinnian's disdainful tone: "I've been talking for a long time, this can't be done, that can't be done, isn't it for nothing? According to you, Shi De is invincible?"

"That's not what I said." Mu Jinnian saw that Shang was happy and impetuous, but he became more calm in his heart, and was very proud that he had finally fully controlled the rhythm. Also, among the ordinary people in Shangkai, If he still can't control the situation freely, he has failed too much, because regardless of wisdom or understanding of people, how can Shangkai and others be his opponents?

"Then how do you say it?" Shang Kai disliked Mu Jinnian's tone more and more. He could see that Mu Jinnian obviously had the intention of turning against customers and wanting to control the initiative. He wanted to let Mu Jinnian know that in Shimen, He is the boss who speaks one word, "Jinnian, although you know Shide better than us, you have to understand the fact that in Shimen, all resources are in our hands."

Mu Jinnian heard Shangkai's implication, and chuckled: "Resources are precious wealth, but from another perspective, wealth can flow. If you are rich in resources today, maybe someone else will be rich in resources tomorrow. If in the end The ultimate winner is Shi De, Shao Shang, all the resources in your hands may be in Shi De's hands in a blink of an eye."

Although Mu Jinnian's words are a bit exaggerated, they are not alarmist. If Shi Desheng really wins, and if Shang Jianchao's resignation is caused by the exposure of Zhuo Group's inside information, when the big tree falls, Shangkai so-called controls the resources. One said, it's just a joke.What resources does Shangkai have?It's nothing more than a network of relationships built with the help of Shang Jianjian's power.

Shang Kai was taken aback for a moment, thought for a while, and immediately understood Mu Jinnian's allusion, and couldn't help but change his face: "Mu Jinnian, what do you mean? Are you hoping that I will be defeated by Shi De, and then you will replace me?" Become the young master of Shimen?"

Young Master Shimen?His vision was too short-sighted, Mu Jinnian shook his head profoundly, his goal was the stars and the sea, how could he be limited to a small stone gate?Fighting back and forth in Shimen, after all, is just fighting in the nest, and those who have the ability to break out of Shimen and enter the capital are considered skills.

"Young Master Shang misunderstood me. How could I have the ability to be the young master of Shimen? Only Young Master Shang is qualified to be the young master in Shimen, and no one else can."

(End of this chapter)

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