Fortune Teller.

Chapter 398 Conspiracy

Chapter 398 Conspiracy
People under the eaves have to bow their heads. Now that Mu Jinnian is fledgling, he has to flatter Shang Kai: "I just want Shang Shao to despise the enemy strategically and at the same time pay attention to the enemy tactically. The purpose is In the end, Shi De was defeated, and Shimen was given a piece of blue sky."

"How to fight?" Shang Kai's mood relaxed a bit, "I've always dreamed of defeating Shi De, but I can't do it now. Yue Qingying can't move, and neither can Shi De's biological parents. I can't find it, and according to your point of view, He Zitian is a terrific expert, so he can't move, so after all you talk about, Shi De's weakness in family and love is not equal to talking about it for nothing? "

"If it's for nothing, why should I say it?" Mu Jinnian smiled subtly again, "Yue Qingying can't move, but we don't have to move Yue Qingying to affect Shi De, if there is a way to make Yue Qingying Qingying insisted on marrying Shi De regardless of everything. If Shi De didn't marry her, she would die, and Shi De would be exhausted by Yue Qingying's entanglement. When Yue Qingying made a fuss, Biyou would definitely There will be ideas, and Biyou will also join. Once Biyou joins, Xia Hua can't sit still, and she won't give up Shi De. In this way, three women play in one scene, making a fuss, Shi De Your luck will be quickly consumed in the scrambling of several women."

"Fortune is exhausted, what will happen?" Shang Kai half understood.

"Whether a person's career is successful or not depends entirely on his luck. If his luck is exhausted, he will be unlucky. Once a person is unlucky, drinking cold water will get stuck between his teeth." Mu Jinnian said complacently, "Consuming the opponent's luck, It is a great way to subdue the enemy without fighting, and can solve the opponent without blood."

"Hearing what you said, it's really a bit of a mystery. But here comes the question again, how can I get Yue Qingying to fight with Shi De? I remember you said last time that Yue Qingying is dead set on Shi De, and would rather If I am wronged, I won’t make Shi Shi feel uncomfortable.” Shang Kai also knows some sayings that luck can’t be stopped, and he also believes in luck, knowing that if a person’s luck comes, no matter what he does, it will come naturally.But if the luck goes away, everything will be hindered.

"This is not easy, but I will find a way." Mu Jinnian deliberately paused, and gave Hua Liunian a meaningful look.

Hua Liunian and Mu Jinnian have known each other for many years, so they naturally understood Mu Jinnian's hints, and immediately said: "Yue Qingying was infatuated with Jinnian back then, but unfortunately, Luohua intended to be ruthless, and Jinnian didn't feel for Yue Qingying. , As a result, Yueqing Yingkong waited for Jinnian for several years, until Shi De appeared, and she realized that she loved the wrong person, so she moved on and fell in love with Shi De again."

"It turns out that there is such a thing behind..." Shang Kai smiled knowingly, "So, if Brother Jinnian gets involved, he will definitely be able to win Yue Qingying. It is said that first love is the most unforgettable, especially for an infatuated woman. First love. Since Yue Qingying was obsessed with you for several years back then, if you go to her again, you can definitely make her submit obediently, hehe, hehehehe..."

Shang laughed very ambiguously and lasciviously, and Jia Chenmo also laughed: "That's right, that's right, just put a green hat on Shi De, and it's a bad breath, haha. Brother Jinnian, I'll leave this matter to you." Here you go."

Mu Jinnian shook his head helplessly, this group of people are really vulgar, they always focus on the lower body when they look at problems, not to mention that he has no interest in Yue Qingying's cold temper, even if he had, he would not make a move What happened to Qingying next month not only did not conform to his principles of life, but also went against his way of living in harmony with the sky.

What's more, taking down Yue Qingying will not only not have any negative impact on Shi De's fortune, but will also affect his own fortune, which is tantamount to self-destructing the Great Wall. It's too pretentious and vulgar to deal with this kind of people.

"It's not to take Yue Qingying down, but to tell Yue Qingying that if she takes the initiative, she will get Shi De's love, and Shi De will marry her." Mu Jinnian expressed his true thoughts. So far, He basically mastered the rhythm of the conversation and became the only one who mastered the overall situation. He was secretly glad and proud. If he couldn't even get along with Shangkai and others, how could he gain a firm foothold in Shimen and become Bi Ye's spokesperson?
"Will Yue Qingying believe your words? Are you sure you can deal with her?" Shang Kai was dubious about Mu Jinnian, "I always feel that your method is too muddy, can you think of a straightforward method to kill Shi De in one fell swoop?"

"If violence could solve the problem, the world now would be dominated by dinosaurs, and Genghis Khan would have unified the world long ago. But how are the Mongols doing now? They are so poor." Mu Jinnian thought to Shangkai He sneered, but on the surface he still showed full patience and necessary respect, "Let me settle the matter of Yue Qingying, and I don't care about whether to take any straightforward measures, I am only responsible Moonlight."

"Okay, let's split up and attack across the board. Jinnian, you are in charge of attacking from the side, using Yue Qingying to consume Shi De's luck." Shang Kai showed the momentum of taking charge of the overall situation and began to arrange the division of labor, "Tianzi , you continue to keep an eye on Quanyou, find the weakness of Quanyou, and try to kill Quanyou in one fell swoop. If you kill Quanyou, Shi De will lose the greatest power, which is equivalent to breaking an arm."

Mu Jinnian and Niu Tianzi nodded at the same time.

"Chen Mo, you and Liu Nian take advantage of the strong strength of Jia's Group and continue to attack Bitian Group and Binsheng Real Estate from the front. You must not allow Bitian Group and Binsheng Real Estate to rise." Shang Kai waved his hand, quite commanding With a certain spirit, "Now that Bitian Group is dying, Binsheng Real Estate has not yet gained a firm foothold in Shimen. If they attack them head-on, the chances of winning are great."

"Okay, no problem." Jia Chenmo agreed without any hesitation, but he was complaining in his heart. He got on the thief boat opened by Shang, and now he couldn't even get off the boat.In fact, based on his true thinking, he didn't want to confront the Bitian Group head-on. What businessmen are looking for is money, not anger, let alone fighting.Whoever is in business doesn't know a truth-fighting hurts both, cooperation wins both.

Jia Chenmo was dissatisfied in her heart, but she didn't dare to say that Hua Liunian was different, so she was not afraid of Shang Kai, and immediately slapped the table and said, "Why did Jia's Group attack Bitian Group and Binsheng head-on? Yes, Bitian Group is now on the verge of bankruptcy, and Binsheng has just entered Shimen, but don't forget that Shi De is standing behind Bitian Group and Binsheng. Billion! He is not only the major shareholder of the Baisha Group, but also the major shareholder of the Tianyou Group. He is not fighting alone. Behind him are the Baixia Group and the Tianyou Group, and there is even a Shengshi Group! Shang Shao, you Let the Jia family go to the front to fight against such a powerful joint army, do you value the Jia family, or do you want the Jia family to die?"

Hua Liunian's words were straightforward and merciless, like a slap in the face of Shang Kai.Shang Kai suddenly became furious, slapped the table and stood up: "Hua Liunian, what's the matter with you? Do you still have the spirit of unity and cooperation? If everyone is like you and only cares about our own interests, we will break up immediately Well, what division of labor and collaboration meetings are held? Unity, unity, do you know? Unity is the primary productive force."

Not to be outdone, Hua Liunian refused to give in: "It is true that unity is the primary productive force, but we can't be allowed to be death squads? Whoever wants to be the one should go, don't think that we are being taken advantage of. Shang Shao, your Shang Group can do it." Charge ahead and take the lead? Why do you have to let Jia's group join? It's not because you have selfish motives!"

"Fleeing Years, you can't say's too extreme and unfair." Hu Shuyi was silent for a long time, and finally spoke, "I am the legal representative of the Shang Group, and I am also the chairman. If the group came forward, it should be directed at me, not at Shang Shao."

"Attack you? Who doesn't know that you are a dog owned by Shang Shao, and the dog can be the master of the master?" Hua Liunian immediately mocked Hu Shuyi, ruthlessly and without mercy, "If you can be the master, you will be the master tomorrow. Try a fight with Bitian Group? Hmph, it's easy to talk big and brag, but it's hard to do business."

Hu Shuyi's face changed drastically: "Hua Liunian, don't bully me too much. Believe it or not, I've offended me, and I'll kick you out!"

"I don't believe it!" Hua Liunian was not afraid of Hu Shuyi at all. She knew very well that although she had no weight in Shang Kai's eyes, Master Bi stood behind her. At the same time, Mu Jinnian and Hu Shuyi were beside her Jia Chenmo, no matter how angry Shang Kai is with her, he dare not do anything to her.Shang Kai didn't dare to do anything to her, let alone Hu Shuyi?
"Fleeting Years, it's too much!" Mu Jinnian accepted it as soon as he saw it, and hurriedly stepped forward to smooth things over, "It's almost enough, don't hurt the peace."

"Liu Nian, don't be like this, we are all our own people, if we get stiff, outsiders will laugh at us." Jia Chenmo also persuaded Hua Liu Nian.

Shang Kai was very angry, but he still heard the clues from Mu Jinnian's unsalty words. Mu Jinnian didn't mean to blame Hua Liunian too much. On the contrary, he implied that Hua Liunian was almost enough. Let him know that Hua Liunian is not a puppet at the mercy of others.

After thinking about it, Shang Kai suppressed the anger in his heart, and decided to stick to the starting point of making money with harmony, and tried to squeeze out a smile: "It's normal to have different opinions. They all speak in one voice. It's because the face and the heart are at odds. Appreciate Fleeting Nian's one-on-one character. Well, apart from Jia's Group attacking Bitian Group head-on, Shang Group will also give Bitian Group and Binsheng Group a head-on blow at the right time."

Hua Liunian muttered dissatisfied: "Okay, let's do this first."

(End of this chapter)

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