Fortune Teller.

Chapter 404

Chapter 404

The law of the universe is a circle, what is sent out is what is received back.If you always smile and treat people with sincerity, you will surely get a kind response from others in the future.If you speak ill of others, if you are jealous and hostile, it will not be long before others will treat you in the same way.What Fang Baojian sent out was kindness, life-saving grace, and the harvest must also be kindness and rich returns.

It is precisely because of Fang Baojian's kindness that he, who had been childless and lonely all his life, was changed by the powerful power of his mind, reversed his entire destiny and brought a lifetime of good luck.

Fang Baojian was recognized as a godfather by Sheng Xia, respected by Xiao Zuo as an elder, and regarded as a family member by Quan You. From then on, he not only lived a happy life in his later years, but also learned to drive.During the self-driving tour, he did not change his original intention and was still eager to help others. No matter where he went, as long as he met the poor or sick in need, he was always generous and generous.Anyway, he could never run out of money, Sheng Xia gave him 100 million pocket money every year, Xiao Zuo and Quanyou each gave him 50.

Fang Baojian became the envoy of good deeds of Sheng Xia, Xiao Zuo and Quan You, and sprinkled the three people's good deeds like sunshine and rain to every corner of the land of China.It is also Fang Baojian's good deeds that have accumulated countless blessings for Shengxia, Xiao Zuo, and Quanyou, so that after many years, when he selected China's top ten philanthropists, three of them were on the list at the same time.

Over the past ten years, through the hands of Fang Baojian, the three donated hundreds of millions of dollars, helped thousands of out-of-school and homeless children, rescued thousands of dying patients who had no money for treatment, and helped tens of thousands of struggling people. Poor people on the verge of survival.

Sometimes kindness is like a lamp, and kind deeds are the process of passing on the lights of the heart.If everyone contributes a kind heart and a kind deed, there will be a sea of ​​lights on the earth, and it will be full of flowers of happiness.

This is for later.

After placing Shengxia and Fang Baojian, Shi De and others left the hospital, leaving only Biyou and Huahua to take care of Shengxia.Biyou wanted to be a good person to the end. Since she accidentally saved Shengxia, it meant that she had a relationship with Shengxia, so she proposed to stay and take care of Shengxia until she was discharged from the hospital.Flowers have complicated feelings for Midsummer. Although Midsummer once liked Quanyou, if there is no Midsummer, there will be no Quanyou today.She finally overcame a little psychological resistance to Sheng Xia, and decided to stay and accompany Sheng Xia in bed.

"Do you know why many friends and even brothers who had a good relationship in history turned against each other in the end?" After leaving the hospital, Quan You didn't know what he remembered, and said with a smile, "It's because they didn't marry a virtuous wife. Wife is virtuous Zefuwang, brothers are at odds, mostly because the sister-in-law is instigating dissension. Only when women are tolerant, will they not become troubles for women."

It is not unreasonable to have everything. There are many women in history who prefer or dote on a certain son, and want her favorite son to have the whole world. In the end, it is because of her doting that the son is killed. .For example, the Empress Dowager Dou in the Han Dynasty preferred her youngest son Liu Wu. After her own son Jingdi came to the throne, and on the premise that Jingdi had many sons, she forced Jingdi to violate the ancestral system of passing on sons and pass the throne to his younger brother Liu Wu after a hundred years.As a result, Liu Wu, who had no idea about the throne, quietly had another heart under the connivance of his mother.

Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty was in a dilemma under the intimidation of his mother. At this time, the minister Yuan An and others wrote a letter saying that the matter was inappropriate. Emperor Jing found the steps and took the opportunity to make Liu Che the crown prince.The wishes of Empress Dowager Dou and Liu Wu came to nothing, and Liu Wu heard that Yuan An and others were obstructing the matter, so he sent assassins to assassinate Yuan An and other 10 ministers.

This incident aroused public anger, and Emperor Jing wanted to punish Liu Wu severely in his anger.The result was still under the intervention of Queen Mother Dou, nothing happened.But Liu Wu was also frightened by this, and knew that there was no hope of inheriting the throne, so he became depressed and died early.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Zheng Zhuang of the State of Zheng and Gongshu Duan's brothers turned against each other, and finally Gong Shuduan rebelled against each other, leading Zheng Zhuanggong to kill Gongshuduan.The tragedy of fratricide was also caused by their mother Wu Jiang's preference for Gongshuduan, who wanted Gongshuduan to replace Zheng Zhuanggong on the throne.

Love is the source of hate, the deeper the love, the deeper the hate.

"Actually, I understand what you mean. You have everything. You are very happy to see flowers and midsummer coexisting peacefully, so that your life will be easier, isn't it?" Xiao Zuo teased Quanyou and frowned again, "Zhuo Where did Fan cut Sheng Xia? He is really brave enough, and he is not afraid that if he accidentally gets caught on the spot, wouldn't everything be over?"

"When people are crazy, they often do things without considering the consequences." Shi De pondered for a moment, "Zhuo Fan is crazy to the point of insanity, I think he is coming to the end. Those who are poor must end."

"The end? Zhuo Fan is dying?" Quan Yi was surprised, "He can't die, I still want to beat him to death, I can't take advantage of him, let him die so easily. The capital crime is easy, but the living crime is hard. .Also, he has hidden at least a dozen to more than 20 billion funds. If he dies, the money will not be recovered.”

"Ma Feiyan is by his side, Ma Feiyan always knows where his funds are hidden?" Xia Hua asked with a big yawn. She had been fighting all night for the filming of "The Great Beautiful Stone Gate" recently, and she was extremely exhausted.If it hadn't been for Sheng Xia's incident, she would have fallen asleep by now.

"Zhuo Fan is also wary of Ma Feiyan. He may not always tell Ma Feiyan where his funds are hidden." Quan You shook his head, "But Zhuo Da must know, maybe the funds were taken abroad by Zhuo Da."

Zhuo's father and son, Zhuo Da fled abroad, Zhuo Fan stayed in the country, and the father and son were in collusion, one abroad and the other domestic, there must be far-reaching plans.

As soon as Quanyou finished speaking, Xia Hua's phone rang hastily.Xia Hua glanced at the incoming call, then answered the call with a somewhat impatient tone: "Wu Sanpi, I'm busy, if you have nothing serious to do, at least hang up quickly, so as not to affect my mood. "

"Sister Hua, Sister Xia, Sister Xia Hua, I have nothing serious, do you dare to disturb your precious time?" Wu Sanpi's tone of laughing and joking, no one would think him a police station director, too imposing Yes, but he just kept his voice low in front of Xia Hua, and he was very particular in front of others, "Just received a report that a male corpse was found in the Minxin River."

"What kind of serious thing is this? A disgusting adjective like a male corpse, it's best not to talk about polluting my ears in front of me and affecting my mood." Xia Hua said very unhappy, "Okay, just hang up if there's nothing else to do. Well, I'm in a bad mood today."

"Farewell, sister Xia, I haven't finished talking yet." Wu Sanpi smiled like a treasure, "If it was an ordinary male corpse, how would I dare to pollute sister Xia's golden ears. The problem is, this male corpse is not an ordinary person. , he was a well-known big shot during his lifetime."

"Who is it?" Xia Hua heard the smell, and said impatiently, "If you have something to say, tell it and let it go, don't beat around the bush and make people guess."

"Hey, hey..." Wu Sanpi laughed a little before telling the truth, "Zhuo Fan!"

"What? Zhuo Fan? You're right, I'm not wrong, right?" Xia Hua's voice suddenly raised an octave, "Zhuo Fan is dead? Is it dead?"

Zhuo Fan is dead?Shi De, Xiao Zuo and Quan You heard Xia Hua's phone call from the side, they were stunned for a moment, and looked at each other in blank dismay.Unexpectedly, Shi De's words became a prophecy, and Zhuo Fan was really reimbursed.

"That's right, who doesn't know Zhuo Fan, the first son of Shimen back then. When I salvaged it, I didn't recognize it at once. I thought it was an unknown beggar. A colleague next to me recognized it and yelled, and then I Take a closer look, hey, it’s really Zhuo Fan. Sigh, you said that life is really boring. Zhuo Fan was so beautiful back then. He was embraced by others before and after, but in the end he ended up like this. He died so badly. Miserable, it was almost treated as an unknown corpse of an idler in society. People, it’s really 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi..."

Xia Hua ignored Wu Sanpi's metaphysical emotion about life, and hurriedly asked, "What is the cause of death? Is there anything valuable on your body?"

"Drowning, I didn't find any other fatal injuries on my body, and I didn't find anything of value, not even a piece of paper, by the way, not even a penny." Wu Sanpi sighed again, "Zhuo Fan is good or bad. They are also the second generation of rich people with good roots, but they were born rich and honored and died tragically."

"Okay, don't be emotional, it's easy to age prematurely if you feel too much. This is a serious matter, Xiao Pi, you did a good job, thank you." Sheng Xia hung up the phone and said to Shi De, "Why? What to do? Zhuo Fan died suddenly, a little suddenly."

It was a bit sudden. In Shi De's vision, he still wanted to arrest Zhuo Fan and bring him to justice before recovering the funds raised illegally. Now it seems that Zhuo Fan died and Zhuo Da was far away abroad. Within a short period of time, the stolen money raised illegally by the Zhuo Group could not be recovered.

Except for the one billion that Quan You cheated from Zhuo Fan through Ma Feiyan.

"It was a bit sudden, but Zhuo Fan is also self-inflicted." Shi De came to the car and said to Quanyou, "Quanyou, you come back and draw up a contract for the full purchase of a bowl of incense to Biyou, our next step The pace of national fast food restaurant chains has to accelerate."

"Okay, no problem." Quan nodded, got into his car, and then drove away.

After Quanyou left, Xiao Zuo also waved goodbye to Shi De.

Shi De drove and took Xia Hua back to Rongjing Terrace. Xia Hua was so sleepy that she fell asleep as soon as she entered the door.Shi De didn't feel sleepy, and sat alone in the room thinking about things.

(End of this chapter)

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