Fortune Teller.

Chapter 405 The dawn of the dawn

Chapter 405 The dawn of the dawn
At noon, Shi De received a call from Cao Yongguo.

"Shi De, a meeting was held in the city just now. The meeting decided that due to the debt dispute with Bitian Group, the remaining issues of the Zhuo Group should be handed over to Bitian Group. Bitian Group will take over all of the Zhuo Group. Debts and assets, and bear all possible consequences of the Zhuo Group’s illegal fundraising..." After a pause, Cao Yongguo reminded Shi De, "If the Bitian Group agrees, please go to the city to go through the relevant procedures. Shi De, It’s not a small thing that you think about all the consequences before you make a decision.”

The dawn finally ushered in, Shi De cheered in his heart, he suppressed the excitement in his heart: "Mayor Cao, Bitian Group has made a decision, since Bitian Group guarantees Zhuo Group's illegal fund-raising, Bitian Group will I have the responsibility to bear the serious losses caused by the Zhuo Group’s illegal fundraising. I will immediately notify the Bitian Group to go to the city to go through the relevant procedures.”

"Shi De, it's not Uncle Cao who praises you. You are a good boy with a sense of social responsibility. If all entrepreneurs have the same spirit and mind as you, the society will be harmonious." Cao Yongguo said with infinite emotion. The officialdom has been ups and downs for many years. I know that businessmen value profits. In order to make money, many unscrupulous businessmen will not only repay the debts they should be responsible for, but even deliberately borrow money or not repay the loans.

And Shi De had nothing to do with the Zhuo Group's illegal fund-raising case. Out of a sense of mission and social responsibility, and also to help Biyou, he took the initiative to assume a debt of more than one billion yuan. A person in officialdom must be a good official for the country and the people.

"Uncle Cao, I just did what I should do." Seeing that Cao Yongguo called himself Uncle Cao, Shi De stopped calling him Mayor Cao. He also knew that Cao Yongguo was getting more and more wrong with him as an outsider up.

"I believe your path will become wider and wider." After Cao Yongguo said something, he hung up the phone.

The situation finally opened, put down Cao Yongguo's phone, and Shi De called Biyou immediately: "Biyou, the matter is over."

Biyou immediately understood that the issue of Zhuo's Group's ownership had been settled, and she was overjoyed: "That's great, it's finally clear."

It's not quite appropriate to describe it as turning the clouds to see the sun. To be precise, the Long March has finally taken its first step. Shi De smiled and said, "You go to the city now and go directly to Uncle Cao."

"Okay, I'll go right away." Biyou put down the phone and looked at Shengxia.

Sheng Xia has already woken up, she is very grateful to Biyou for saving her life, and insists on recognizing Biyou as her younger sister, but Biyou refuses, so she has to agree.Sheng Xia said that in her lifetime, she will always respect Fang Baojian as an elder and love Biyou like her own sister.

After waking up, Midsummer was in a good state of mind, and he was not frightened too much, nor did he leave any psychological trauma.The main reason is that Shengxia fought Zhuo Fan desperately at that time, and finally beat Zhuo Fan away. Although she was a victim, she was the final winner, leaving no shadow behind.

Sheng Xia expressed her gratitude to Hua Hua for staying with her, and when she heard that Shi De, Quan You and Xiao Zuo had all visited her, she was so moved that her eyes turned red. Group consultant.

Seeing that the matter of the Zhuo Group finally came to an end, and it was the Bitian Group that finally took down the Zhuo Group, Sheng Xia was very happy: "Huh, Zhuo Fan, how arrogant are you if you have the ability? In the hands of the sky. Sister, I have decided to contribute 5 million yuan to help the Bitian Group through the crisis, and at the same time I will send elite soldiers from the prosperous age to the Bitian to help the Bitian Group fully integrate the Zhuo family and give Bitian a helping hand."

"Great, thank you, Sister Shengxia." Biyou was overjoyed, Shengxia's generous gift is a generous gift, Bitian Group is not only short of funds, but also has a serious shortage of talents, "5 million funds, how many shares are appropriate?"

Sheng Xia waved his hands indifferently: "We sisters, why are we so clear about what we are doing? 5 million, you can use it first, if it is not enough, I will support you with a few more hundred million. From now on, Shengshi and Bitian will be a family .”

Seeing that Shengxia didn't mention the proportion of shares, Biyou was moved. She also knew that Shengxia invested 5 million yuan in Bitian Group, and it was reasonable to obtain the corresponding shares. Since Shengxia didn't mention the amount of shares, it meant that Shengxia treated her It is [-]% trust.

"Thank you so much, Sister Shengxia." Biyou was so excited that she didn't know what to say when she received Shengxia's great help when the dawn of the Zhuo Group's ownership was finally settled. up.Originally thought that even if they took over the Zhuo Group, Bitian Group would have to go through a lot of difficulties before they could get out of the predicament. Unexpectedly, midsummer was like a dazzling sun, instantly lighting up the entire sky of Bitian's future.

The future of Bitian is bright.

"If you keep being polite to me, I'll get angry." Sheng Xia smiled and pushed Bi You, "Let's go, don't delay, go to the city to complete the relevant procedures, and then dare to ask the sun and the moon to change the sky."

After Biyou left, only midsummer and flowers were left in the ward.

After this incident, Sheng Xia's heart became much calmer. She brushed her hair and said to Hua Hua: "Hua Hua, a person can only appreciate the beauty and preciousness of life after experiencing life and death. I sincerely wish you and Quanyou to love each other, Happy forever."

"Thank you, Sheng Xia." Hua Hua had a knot with Sheng Xia before, and now she is happy to be relieved. She smiled slightly, "The previous things are all over, and the greatest peace of mind is the moment when a person feels at ease."

"Be at ease now, well said." Sheng Xia thought for a while, tasted it for a while, and smiled knowingly, "When you hold your wedding, I will give you a big gift."

All of a sudden, the ward in midsummer is full of spring, and many past events have melted away, and spring is close at hand.

Biyou went through the handover procedures in the city very smoothly. With the presence of Cao Yongguo in person, no one made things difficult for Biyou. It only took two hours to complete all the procedures.

Walking out of the gate of the city hall, Biyou saw the sun was shining brightly, she smiled happily, and she burst into tears unconsciously.It is really not easy to finally take the first crucial step after going through all kinds of hardships.

After thinking about it, she dialed Yue Qingying's phone number: "Qingying, I'll treat you to dinner tonight."

Yueqing Yingren was in Niucheng, and Yue Guoliang had just come to Niucheng to take up the post, and she was unfamiliar with the place, so she went to accompany him specially to make him feel at ease.When she received Biyou's call and heard Biyou's cheerful voice, she was also filled with joy: "Zhuo's group's problem has been solved? Congratulations, Biyou, you are very strong and survived. I will leave now, and I will definitely go tonight." Come."

"Okay, I'll wait for you, see you soon."

Niucheng is not far from Shimen, 120 kilometers away, and it takes more than an hour on the highway.Yue Qingying put down Biyou's phone, bid farewell to Yue Guoliang, and drove straight to Shimen.

Just as I got on the highway, the phone rang again.Seeing that the call was from a stranger, Yue Qingying didn't want to answer it, but for some reason, her heart skipped a beat and she answered the call subconsciously.

"Qingying, it's me, Jinnian."

Mu Jinnian's slightly magnetic and deep baritone voice came from the microphone, Yue Qingying's heart tightened, she braked and stopped on the temporary parking belt of the expressway.

Although it is said that Yue Qingying liked Mu Jinnian before, in fact, not only did she never communicate with Mu Jinnian face to face, she even failed to make a phone call. She only looked at Mu Jinnian from a distance a few times. .

After meeting Shi De, Yue Qingying woke up from unrealistic fantasies, and realized what a stupid thing she had done, to entrust her wonderful youth time on an irrelevant person for no reason , she completely cut off her affection for Mu Jinnian.Unexpectedly, just when she no longer had feelings for Mu Jinnian, Mu Jinnian, who had never talked to her on the phone, would take the initiative to call her.

Yue Qingying took a deep breath and calmed down her fluctuating mood: "Mu Jinnian? What do you want from me?"

Hearing Yue Qingying's calm reply, Mu Jinnian knew that he was already an irrelevant passer-by in her mind, but it didn't matter, he didn't want Yue Qingying to still have feelings for him, otherwise he would Maybe I feel a little guilty about her.

Between people, it is best not to owe each other.

"Qingying, I want to say a few words to you, I wonder if it's convenient for you?" Mu Jinnian tried his best to make his voice sound calm and distant, so that it seemed that what he was about to say to Yue Qingying was not out of selfishness , but sincerely for the good of Yue Qingying.

"To be honest, it's not very convenient now. I'm on the highway." Yue Qingying didn't want to say anything to Mu Jinnian, mainly because she felt that she had nothing to say to Mu Jinnian.

"I'll just say a few words, Qingying, please pull over and stop, it will only take a few minutes of your time." Mu Jinnian said very earnestly and sincerely.

"Okay...well." Yue Qingying suddenly became interested, why did Mu Jinnian call for no reason?It doesn't matter if you listen, anyway, she now treats him as an ordinary stranger, and believing his words won't cause her any uneasiness.

"I've always felt that you are the most suitable woman." Mu Jinnian knew that the best thing to do now is to go straight to the point and let Yue Qingying know the intention of his call immediately, otherwise Yue Qingying might lose patience and interrupt the relationship his call.

Chance, sometimes only once.

"..." Yue Qingying held her breath for a moment. She thought that Mu Jinnian would talk about work matters or some trivial matters when he called. Unexpectedly, he mentioned her and Shi De not only made her unexpected, but also moved her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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