Fortune Teller.

Chapter 406

Chapter 406
Speaking of which, when Mu Jinnian was in Dancheng, he had a lot of contact with Shi De. He should have a certain understanding of Shi De. Could it be that Shi De used Mu Jinnian's mouth to hint to her?Yue Qingying's mind was agitated. When a woman encounters a relationship problem, she lacks the reason and the ability to distinguish. She is not immune to the common problem.

"Perhaps you will think that I am meddling in my own business. It has nothing to do with me who Shi likes and who he wants to marry, but I still can't help but want to tell you that no matter whether Shi is more inclined to Biyou or Xiahua now, he will always be in love with you." Wrong, he is a fan of the authorities, he did not see clearly what he needs most. He needs someone to remind him that you are the woman he should not miss." Mu Jinnian continued to advance steadily, he was full of confidence in himself and believed in him Yue Qingying's words will definitely move Yue Qingying.

Mu Jinnian's confidence is not blind self-confidence, but his judgment after in-depth study of Yue Qingying's personality. Women will be addicted to feelings and cannot extricate themselves. In love, one cannot get rid of the fate of living for love and dying for love.Yue Qingying not only has rich emotions, but also has a cold personality.Generally, people with cold personality are more persistent than others in dealing with others.

Another meaning of persistence is stubbornness.

Mu Jinnian has a deep understanding of Yue Qingying's stubbornness. Yue Qingying's unrequited love for him can last for two or three years without any contact with him. Then her love for Shi De, After she and Shi De get along day and night, it becomes a deep love, which can definitely last a lifetime!
With Yue Qingying's character, the unrequited love for him back then was just a girl's fantasy, but the love for Shi De now is a woman's desperate love for a man.Then there is no doubt that Yue Qingying is willing to pay any price if she can stay with Shi De for the rest of her life.

"I don't care about Shi De and I." Although Yue Qingying was touched by Mu Jinnian's words, she was unwilling to show her truest side in front of Mu Jinnian, so she rejected Mu Jinnian. Jinnian, "I'm sorry, I still have to drive, bye."

"Wait, Qingying..." Mu Jinnian understood Yue Qingying's character, knew that Yue Qingying liked to wrap herself up, and he also heard the looseness in Yue Qingying's tone, so he had to take down Yue Qingying in one go. Otherwise, all previous efforts will be wasted, "Because you admired me back then, and I ignored your feelings, so I always feel a little guilty towards you. In addition, I appreciate Shi De's personality and I don't want to just watch him in his career. It's been smooth sailing, but you've gone the wrong way when it comes to marriage. Based on the above two considerations, I want to persuade Shi De to change his mind and let him return to your side..."

Yue Qingying was silent, the silence was because she was upset, why didn't she want Shi De to change his mind and return to her side, but she didn't want to compete with Biyou, because she had everything, and Biyou had nothing, and Biyou had nothing. You and Shi De are dependent on each other, Shi De is Biyou's only family member, and also Biyou's only spiritual pillar. If Biyou loses Shi De, Biyou's world will be gray and white.

Although Yue Qingying is also clear that even if she doesn't compete with Biyou for Shide, Xia Hua will.But she has such a personality—even if Biyou loses Shi De in the end, she doesn't want to be the one who takes away Biyou's happiness.

Yue Qingying also didn't want to compete with Xia Hua.Although compared with her, Xia Hua is happier and has what she wants, but she and Xia Hua are best friends, and she is a few years older than Xia Hua, so she feels that Xia Hua is her sister, and she should do everything as it should Let Xia Hua go.Another point is that in her opinion, Xia Hua is more suitable than her for giving. Xia Hua, who is capable of writing and martial arts, has a virtuous and considerate side, as well as a shrewd and capable quality. Compared with Xia Hua, even if she marries In addition to Shi De, it will not bring too much extra help to Shi De.

If you look at it from a longer perspective, Xia You also has a more political future than her father. Generally speaking, she can't bear to compete with Biyou, and she thinks she is not as good as Xia Hua, plus she is a few years older than Shi De, so Want to quit quietly.

Mu Jinnian's words made her decide to give up, and she was shaken again.

Even if Biyou is pitiful, even if Xia Hua is perfect, but if, as Mu Jinnian said, let Shi De take the initiative to return to her and let Shi De choose her without hesitation, neither Biyou nor Xia Hua can blame her for anything. All choices must be respected.

"How to persuade? Shi De will listen to you?" Yue Qingying finally couldn't restrain her love for Shi De, and was moved by Mu Jinnian.

Mu Jinnian smiled quietly, knowing that the first step to success had been taken, he stabilized his mind, and said: "Shi De was in Shancheng, the first people he met were Master He and Biyou, and then he met me. He I knew me earlier than I knew you, and when I was in Shancheng, I had a good personal relationship with him, and I also had pleasant memories of cooperation. Believe me, I will have a certain influence on him. Of course, the premise is that I have to get your permission."

"I..." Yue Qingying was confused and didn't know what to do. She was silent for 5 minutes before she asked hesitantly, "Will he suspect that I asked you to come forward?"

"No." Mu Jinnian can basically conclude that Yue Qingying is completely tempted. He suppressed the joy in his heart and continued to say calmly, "I will make side-steps and let his mind slowly return to you. Don't worry. Alright, Qingying, I feel ashamed of you, and I don't want Shi De's good future to be affected by the misfortune of marriage, so I will do my best to make your marriage with Shi De possible."

"Okay...thank you, Jinnian." Yue Qingying mustered up her courage to say something, and quickly hung up the phone.

Suppressing the joy and wild jump in her heart, Yue Qingying started on the road again, not daring to drive fast, and returned to Shimen at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, and arrived at Rongjing Terrace.

Rongjingtai Shide's house was already full of guests, not only Biyou, Xia Hua, Huang Ziheng, Zhao Feifan and Xiao Muchen were all present, but Quanyou, Huahua, Xiao Zuo and Shengxia also came.

Shengxia could not be discharged from the hospital, but her arm injury was not healed, but she ran out secretly, mainly because she was in a good mood after hearing the news that Zhuo Fan had died, and heard that Shi De held a party, what to say Wanting to participate, she slipped out of the hospital under Hua Hua's cover.

Not only is midsummer coming, but several people from Zeng Dengke also came at the appointment.However, Zeng Dengke and the others couldn't let go in front of Shi De, they were very cautious, and they didn't dare to sit down, so Shi De kept them busy in the kitchen.Anyway, he also knows that as long as a few people are invited to the party, it is a great recognition for them, and they are already very moved.

When Yue Qingying arrived, Sheng Xia was elated and talked about the thrilling experience of her fighting with Zhuo Fan, and when Zhuo Fan slashed at her neck with a knife and almost killed her, Biyou and Xia The flowers, the flowers were frightened and exclaimed.

"Damn, it's so hateful." Xia Hua was frightened, and then slapped the table angrily, "It's cheap to drown him, Zhuo Fan is such a vicious scum, if I meet him next time, I have to Beat him until his face is full of flowers."

Shi De shook his head: "I don't agree with you fighting with vicious gangsters. Firstly, you are not their opponents, and secondly, it is easy to arouse their madness, which may cause more serious consequences. When encountering gangsters, try to fight with them as much as possible. He fights wits and bravery, don't blindly try to be brave. Women are inherently inferior to men in physical strength, and the probability of failure is as high as 90.00% if they fight with men, but they have a great chance of winning when compared with men in terms of intelligence and wit. Remember One point, overcoming rigidity with softness is always more sure of winning than tit for tat."

"Huh, it's easy to say, but it's not so easy when you encounter things. Let me ask you, Shi De, what would you do if you met Zhuo Fan who was slashing people with a big knife? Will you reason with him?" Hua disagrees with Shi De's statement.

"I'm me, you are you, they can't be compared." Shi De smiled, "When I encounter this situation, I will get close to him first, and when I am three meters away from him, I will suddenly get into trouble, and use Tai Chi's force-relieving technique to remove him. The murder weapon, and then remove his arm to make him lose his ability to resist. Let me ask you, Xia Hua, if it were you, how many ways can you subdue a madman wielding a machete? Do you know how to divide the muscles? Bones, to remove a man's arm by pulling and stretching?"

"I..." Xia Hua was speechless. Although she had also learned Taekwondo, she had never learned the technique of winning a sword with bare hands, let alone the weakest link in the human body. "You are a master of martial arts, we are not as good as you, okay?"

Biyou said slowly: "Shi De is right. When it's time to resist, resist fiercely. When it's time to be witty, use softness to overcome strength... Ah, Qingying is here."

Yue Qingying opened the door and came in. Seeing the room full of people, she was taken aback. She has a cold temper and doesn't like crowded environments, but when she heard Biyou's surprised voice, she let go of her psychological defenses and smiled slightly. : "I'm late, sorry."

"It's not too late, it's not too late, as long as you come to be happy, it's never too late." Xia Hua stepped forward and grabbed Yue Qingying's hand, "Qingying, I miss you so much. Oh, you've lost weight again, yes Didn't you eat well?"

"Sister Qingying, you're a bit haggard, didn't you sleep well?" Biyou also took Yue Qingying's hand, and asked her warmly. Although her relationship with Yue Qingying was not as deep as Xia Hua, since she came to Shimen, she I had more contact with Yue Qingying, and gradually established a relationship with Yue Qingying as a sister. It was also because she was always alone and longed for brothers and sisters psychologically.

Being cared by Xia Hua and Bi You, Yue Qingying felt guilty. Thinking of Mu Jinnian's phone call, and thinking that she was going to take Shi De from Bi You and Xia Hua, she suddenly blamed herself for being selfish up.

(End of this chapter)

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