Fortune Teller.

Chapter 407

Chapter 407
"I'm fine, but I'm tired from driving." Yue Qingying hurriedly rolled her eyes to hide her guilty conscience.

"Qingying, come on, let's hear about the thrilling experience of midsummer." Shi De noticed the abnormality of Yueqingying's passing by, but didn't point it out, and greeted Yueqingying to take a seat, "By the way, I have some good news for you, Zhuo The dust has settled on the issue of the Zhuo Group, and from now on, the Zhuo Group has officially merged into the Bitian Group. Today is the first day for the Bitian Group to set sail again."

"Great, I've been looking forward to this day for a long time. When Bitian took over the land of Nancun, Binsheng can undertake the construction of Huimin community on the land of Nancun." Yue Qingying was also beaming with joy, and looked at Shengxia again, "What's wrong with Shengxia Thrilling experience?"

Sheng Xia stretched out her plastered and bandaged arm: "It's a small matter, just being cut on the arm, it's nothing serious, you can't die."

"Ah!" Yue Qingying was so frightened that Huarong turned pale, "Who made such a ruthless attack?"

"Zhuo Fan." Sheng Xia shook his head indifferently, "The decades of grievances between me and him are finally settled. I annexed half of the Zhuo Group, and he repaid me, and the two are settled."

"Zhuo Fan slashed you and ran away again?" Yue Qingying asked.

"I ran away, but I don't have eyes, ran into the river of people's hearts, and drowned." Sheng Xia waved his hand, "Okay, let's not talk about him, let's talk about the next major event. I decided to inject 5 million yuan into Bitian Group Funds, and appoint several senior managers to help Bitian Group integrate Zhuo Group. At the same time, I decided to purchase 100 houses from the Nancun Huimin Community built by Binsheng Real Estate, as a welfare reward to the outstanding employees of Shengshi Group."

Yue Qingying was so shocked that she couldn't speak, Sheng Xia's generous gift was too heavy, not only was it sending charcoal in a timely manner, but the charcoal sent was high-quality charcoal, as high as 100 tons.With only [-] tons of high-quality charcoal from Shengshi Group, Bitian Group can completely survive the crisis.That is to say, Bitian Group's turnaround is certain to be won.Moreover, the Nancun Huimin Community, which was built by Binsheng, did not have to worry about the market because of her promise to buy [-] houses.

This... Yue Qingying doesn't even know what to say.

Seeing that Yue Qingying was shocked on the spot, Shi De smiled: "Dong Sheng's investment has both commercial significance and human considerations, and Dong Sheng also intends to form an alliance with Bitian Group. , set up a large group company, and build a super business empire.”

"Master Shi, I hired you as a consultant of Shengshi Group. The annual salary is 600 million. If you think it's too little, I can increase it to 1000 million." Sheng Xia made up her mind that she must let Shi De be the company's business consultant and her life consultant. No matter what conditions Shi De offered, she would accept them.Life is more precious than money.

Shi De has always been reluctant to talk about money. As soon as Sheng Xia finished speaking, Xia Hua answered, "600 million is too much. If Sister Sheng Xia is sincere, 550 million is enough. Shi De is not a greedy person, I don't believe you Looking through him, he must not even have 1000 yuan in cash, what he values ​​is the long-term."

On the surface, Xia Hua took a step back, but in fact, Xia Hua laid the groundwork. Who is Sheng Xia? Of course, she heard it, and smiled: "How about this, 500 million annual salary, plus equity rewards. But equity rewards cannot be promised now. , It depends on the specific performance, or the board of directors will not pass it."

"Okay, no problem." What Xia Hua is looking for is equity, not cash. Cash will always be spent, and equity represents not only capital, but also influence and power.If Shi De holds the shares of Shengshi Group, it means that Shi De's influence in Shimen will gain another victory.

"Zhuo Fan is dead, Ma Feiyan is still here, and I don't know where Ma Feiyan is now?" Quan You said with emotion, and the topic shifted to the overall situation, "When will Ma Feiyan be caught, the legacy of the Zhuo Group, Only when the interest has been fully settled. Sheng Xia, tell me, what will Ma Feiyan do if she knows that Zhuo Fan is dead?"

Back then, Quanyou, together with Shengxia and Huahua, had many confrontations with Ma Feiyan. In terms of understanding of Ma Feiyan, Quanyou claimed to be number one, and Shengxia was second.

"Ma Feiyan has no feelings for Zhuo Fan. Zhuo Fan lives or dies. It doesn't matter to her, as long as she has money to squander." Sheng Xia has dealt with Ma Feiyan countless times, and even cooperated with Ma Feiyan. He knows Ma Feiyan well, "However, once Zhuo Fan died, Ma Feiyan temporarily cut off her source of income. As a person, she will definitely be next to another big tree immediately. She has no big trees to rely on in Shimen, and she is probably in the capital now."

"Who does she know in the capital?" Quanyou thought for a while, then looked at Huahua, "Huahua, do you know?"

Huahua shook her head: "How would I know? I seldom go to the capital, and I don't even know the young and old in the capital."

"Forget it, let's forget about Ma Feiyan, let's talk about the cooperation with Biyou first." Everyone from Quanyou has arrived, and it's time to discuss the next step, "Biyou, Quanyou Group intends to buy all of your business Wanxiang, do you have a price?"

"Quanyou Group, when was Quanyou Group established?" Biyou was stunned.

"Haha, just established, I have already thought about the corporate philosophy of Quanyou Group - you have what I have and I have everything." Quanyou looked at Shi De with a consulting look, "Brother Shi, as the second owner of Quanyou Group Big shareholder, do you agree with my corporate philosophy?"

Shi De also knows that the Quanyou Group is a temporary idea of ​​Quanyou Group, but let alone that he really needs a Quanyou Group as a fulcrum to extend or expand his influence. Although he is also in Tianyou, Bitian and Baisha The group holds shares, but firstly, the shares are small, and secondly, the foundation is shallow, and accordingly, the influence is limited.If a brand-new all-owned group is newly established, and he becomes the second largest shareholder in it, he will have enough right to speak.

"I agree in principle." Shi De chuckled, "How many shareholders will the board of directors of Quanyou Group plan to recruit at the beginning of its establishment?"

Quanyou took a look at everyone: "Three is not too few, ten is not too many. My initial idea is that I hold 30.00% of the shares, Brother Shi holds 20.00% of the shares, Huahua holds 20.00% of the shares, and Shengxia holds [-]% of the shares. [-]% of the shares. There is also [-]% of the shares. As long as there is investment, anyone will come.”

What Quanyou meant was that no matter if it was Xia Hua, Biyou or Yue Qingying who wanted to buy shares, he would welcome them all, but if Xia Hua and the others were not interested in his company, he would not force it.

"I will invest [-]% of the shares." Wherever there is charity, there must be Xiahua. This is the principle that Xiahua has always adhered to. She was the first to raise her hand in response to everything.

"I'll take 5.00% of the shares." Biyou also joined the Quanyou Group right after, but because she is now deeply in crisis of the Bitian Group, she can't spare much energy and funds to open up another battlefield, so it's just a symbol. Sexually invest in shares.

"If there is no one else, I will take the rest." Xiao Zuo accepted the last [-]% of the shares. He not only joined Quan's for Shi De's sake, but also valued all of them. Compared with before, Quanyou's ability is more mature and reliable.And he also knew that on the surface, Quanyou Group is an all-owned company, but in fact, it is Shi De who is at the helm behind it.

With Shi De at the helm, Quanyou stepping in to control the overall situation, and Sheng Xia and him joining in, basically the success of the Quanyou Group is half successful before it is established.

Yue Qingying hesitated for a moment, hesitating whether to invest in the Quanyou Group, but at the moment when she was thinking again and again, Xiao Zuo took the lead, and she missed the good opportunity, and she couldn't help feeling secretly annoyed.Recalling that Xia Hua came forward to bargain for Shi De and Sheng Xia just now, if she were replaced, she would not only not be as calm as Xia Hua, but also not as witty and long-term as Xia Hua. In comparison, Xia Hua is more suitable for Shi De.

Thinking of it this way, she couldn't help but feel anxious for a while, thinking of Mu Jinnian's phone call, she felt a little more irritable and restless for no reason.

"Okay, the Quanyou Group has been established, let's start discussing the purchase of a bowl of incense by the Quanyou Group, Biyou, what price do you offer?" Quanyou sat opposite Biyou, posing for a long conversation .

Biyou smiled gently: "One family doesn't talk about two things, the price is 5500 million."

The last time Shi De asked Biyou, Biyou said that her psychological bottom line was 5000 million, and now she asked for 5500 million to leave room for Quanyou to bargain.Although Biyou stated the premise of a fixed price first, she also understands that Quanyou is a human being, and Quanyou likes to bargain first no matter what he does.

Unexpectedly, to Biyou's surprise, she agreed without saying a word: "One price is one price, 5500 million, a deal!"

"Ah? No, it's all there, you don't want to counter-offer?" Biyou was surprised, and looked at Quan a few times as if she didn't know him, "When did you become so generous?"

"It's not that I'm generous, it's that I asked someone to evaluate it. A bowl of incense is worth the price." Quanyou took out a contract, "Come on, Biyou, the contract is ready, I'll fill in the numbers now, and then you and I will sign it , everything is OK."

"So fast?" Biyou thought for a while, "5500 million is a bit high. In fact, I just want to sell it for 5000 million. Or, just sign at the price of 5000 million?"

Sheng Xia and Xiao Zuo looked at each other, and they felt extremely emotional in their hearts.After many years of ups and downs in the mall, I have seen many intrigues. Today is the first time I have seen a business where the buyer raises the price and the seller lowers the price. It is also an extremely rare good thing.If there is less calculation and more sincerity in the business field, the business will be infinitely easier than it is now, and everyone's profits will be doubled.

It's a pity that everyone is afraid that they will suffer losses, and they calculate and calculate, but they don't know that it is themselves who are finally calculating.Why do you have to do thousands of calculations in life, after all, people are not as good as heaven.The world is broad only when the heart is selfless, and there is a chance of winning if the avenue is as simple as it is!

"Brother Shi, what do you think?" Quan asked for Shi De's opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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