Fortune Teller.

Chapter 408

Chapter 408

"A compromise, 5300 million." Shi De smiled lightly, very happy for the courtesy of Quanyou and Biyou, "Do you know how Mr. Li Ka-shing became the richest man in the Chinese? Because his old man's business philosophy is——you and Biyou If you cooperate with others, if you get [-] points and [-] points are okay, then our Li family can get [-] points. It is this concept of only getting [-] points of profit that makes many people think that Li Ka-shing is kind and willing to cooperate with Li Ka-shing. As a result, Li Ka-shing created a huge business empire."

The highest state of being a human being is kindness, and similarly, the highest state of doing business is also kindness.If you think about it, it is not difficult to deduce that Li Ka-shing always makes others earn two points more. Therefore, everyone knows that it will be beneficial to cooperate with him, and more people are willing to cooperate with him.In this way, although he only gets six points, the business will increase by one hundred.

But if he gets eight points, one hundred deals may become ten, or even five.Which one is more profitable?Therein lies the mystery.The person who earns eight points wants to earn more from the other party, but he earns one more, but loses ten.Earn more in the present, but lose the future.

Now that Shi De had spoken, Quanyou and Biyou stopped talking, and the two quickly signed their names. So far, a bowl of incense has changed hands for Quanyou, bidding farewell to the era of Biyou, and officially ushering in Quanyou era.

Although Shide's house is big enough, there are too many people. Fortunately, the living room and dining room are connected, at least 30 square meters, and there is barely room for sitting.Zeng Dengke and the others were busy in the kitchen for a long time, presenting a table of real-estate farmhouse-style meals to everyone. Not only Shi De and Huang Ziheng enjoyed eating it, but even Xiao Zuo and Sheng Xia exclaimed that it was delicious.

Whether it is Shi De, Quan You, Xiao Zuo, Sheng Xia and others, no matter whether they are born grassroots or born rich second generation, they have all experienced the years of eating big pot dishes around the stove.Although I am well-clothed and well-fed now, my childhood experience is the most unforgettable. I ate all kinds of delicacies, fish and meat, and finally found that the simplest farm-style meals are the most delicious and memorable.

Everyone was either sitting around the table or sitting on the sofa. Huang Ziheng and the others even squatted on the ground, like old farmers, eating with gusto.But needless to say, it is this original eating posture that makes Huang Ziheng, Zhao Feifan and Xiao Muchen have a simple and lovely side, but also a real and natural side.

"Hey, Brother De, my marriage with Huang Suqin is set for May [-]st next year. If you don't, you can marry me together. It would be great to hold a grand collective wedding." After eating, Huang Ziheng regained his energy. , Just now Shi De has been discussing the future development plan, he can't get in the mouth, now that the big things are over, it's time to talk about the small things.

"For Brother De, getting married is a trivial matter, but the problem is who to marry is the big deal." Zhao Feifei laughed and said with a sly smile, "When will Brother De decide on the important matter of whom to marry?" , let’s talk about the little things about marriage.”

"Zhao Feifei, are you itchy and dare to arrange it?" Xiao Muchen chuckled, trying to hit Zhao Feifei, "Don't think that you are the happiest man in the world just because you have Liu Luoluo. Now, be careful, maybe Liu Luoluo will disappear in a blink of an eye."

"Go aside, what are you talking about, you Xiao Muchen, you have a stinky mouth and don't say good things. How could a girl like Luoluo disappear? You are jealous of me and Luoluo's happiness. If you can't find a girl Friend, I'll introduce one to you, but you can't afford to speak ill of me and Luoluo, right?" Zhao Feifei was indignant.

Xiao Muchen giggled: "Don't be funny, I won't be jealous of you and Liu Luoluo, I'm really worried for you. I didn't mean you, Fei Fan, you really haven't noticed that Luo Luo has been a little restless lately? Yes Could it be that Huang Wenxu changed his mind again and came back to find her?"

"Go away. Luoluo dumped Huang Wenxu, okay? It wasn't Huang Wenxu who dumped Luoluo! What's the use of Huang Wenxu changing his mind? Unless Luoluo changes his mind, they can be together again. But the problem is, now that Luoluo is deeply in love with me, she doesn't care Maybe I will fall in love with Huang Wenxu again." Zhao Feifan is quite confident in himself.

Liu Luoluo has been restless recently?Shi De heard the overtones, and when he was about to ask for clarification, Zhao Feifan changed the topic to him again.

"By the way, brother, you can tell the brothers, can you get married on May [-]st next year?" Zhao Feifei smiled jokingly, and winked at Huang Ziheng.

"Yes, I can." Suddenly, a thought popped into Shi De's mind. His marriage will come from the moment he got engaged to Xia Hua. Maybe he won't wait until next May's Day. real landing.

As soon as Shi De said this, Xia Hua, Biyou and Yue Qingying looked at each other with complicated eyes and changing moods. They had something to say, but they didn't know where to start, even what they always wanted to say Xia Hua, who said nothing, was also silent.

Xia Hua didn't disclose the fact that she and Shi De were engaged to anyone, not because she didn't want to publicize it, but because she always felt that although Shi De agreed to be engaged to her, it was not out of her own will, and maybe the engagement might change.Of course, if Shi De really didn't want to marry her, she wouldn't force Shi De to do so. Marriage is a big deal, and two people must agree with each other.

"I suggest that on May [-] next year, Shi De gets married, I get married, Zi Heng gets married, Fei Fei gets married, there are four couples in total, who else gets married? Welcome to the biggest and most creative collective wedding in Shimen's history." Xingxing decided to start preparing for the grandest collective wedding in Shimen to commemorate the hard-won love between him and Huahua.

"And me, I'll join too." Xiao Muchen raised his right hand high and was the first to sign up.

"While playing, you don't even have a girlfriend, what kind of marriage will you marry, and who will marry you?" Zhao Feifei pushed Xiao Muchen and scoffed at Xiao Muchen's thoughts, "From now until May [-]st, there are only five After more than a few months, I don't believe that with your charm, you can find a girlfriend within five months and make them marry you willingly."

"Don't underestimate people." Xiao Muchen was indignant, "Isn't she just a daughter-in-law? Why don't a man have a wife? Marrying a daughter-in-law is not about starting a career. There are very few successful men, but there are many men with daughter-in-laws."

"Okay, Xiao Muchen is one, who else?" Quan gave Sheng Xia a meaningful look.

Sheng Xia waved her hands again and again: "I don't have a partner, and my arm is injured. I probably won't be able to get married. Forget it, I'll be single for the rest of my life. It just happens to be clean."

Quan You shook his head helplessly, then looked at Xiao Zuo again.

Xiao Zuo waved his hands again and again, and laughed: "I won't get married before I'm 35. Marry too early, and my life and career will be burdened by marriage."

"It's strange. Sheng Xia doesn't want to get married because her mother's marriage is unfortunate. Mr. Xiao, your parents are happily married. You should yearn for family life?" Theory, "You are not a person who loves to play and wander around the flowers. If you get married so late, you definitely don't want to play for a few more years. Then why?"

"No reason, I just don't want to get married." Xiao Zuo smiled softly, "Everyone has their own choice, they can live how they want, it's that simple."

"Okay, I don't understand your choice, but I respect your wishes." Quanyou chuckled, "Unfortunately, my wish to organize a group wedding of ten couples fell through, and I don't know who else wants to join In the group wedding team?"

As soon as he finished speaking, "Dong Dong Dong", there was a knock on the door.

"Brother Shi, do you still have guests?" Quan was taken aback for a moment, then ran to the door on his own initiative, opened the door, "See if we can get another couple together... Are you?"

There was a girl standing at the door with calm eyes and a calm expression. She responded to Quanyou with an indifferent look, and instead of answering Quanyou's question, she turned her gaze around Quanyou and landed on Shi De: "Shi De, you Here."

"Mu Fang..." Seeing that it was Mu Fang, Shi De rushed forward, "You came just in time, there is a party today, come, welcome to join."

Mu Fang hesitated for a while, but did not enter the door. She came to Shi De because a screw in the house was broken, and she wanted Shi De to help him fix it. Unexpectedly, with so many people in Shi De's family, she hesitated a bit: "If you have guests, I won't bother you."

"It's okay, I'm not an outsider." Xia Hua came over, pulled Mu Fang in without any explanation, closed the door, and gave Shi Defei a meaningful look, and then smiled, "You are Shi De's beauty." Neighbor Mufang, right? Shi De often talks about you, saying that you are beautiful and generous..."

Shi was speechless, when did he say that Mu Fang was beautiful and generous?Xia Hua is purely spreading rumors to slander his innocence.

Mu Fang didn't want to come in. Like Yue Qingying, she didn't like excitement, but Xia Hua pulled her in, and she couldn't turn around and leave, so she said, "Then interrupt."

"Don't bother, don't bother at all." Xia Hua smiled like a gentle gray wolf.

"We are discussing a group wedding. We want to hold a group wedding with the strongest lineup and the largest scale in Shimen's history. There are still a few places left. Mu Fang, do you want to sign up?" Xia Hua mentioned to Mu Fang when she came up. The initiative of group wedding, "Whether it is the costume design or the ceremony arrangement, it is absolutely first-class, and the most important thing is that the cost is free, and the Quanyou Group will bear all the expenses."

Mu Fang was stunned, she only wanted a screw, and Xia Hua would talk to her about group weddings, where did this come from?She shook her head indifferently: "Sorry, I'm not interested in what you said."

"Why? You don't have a boyfriend yet, or don't you want to get married?" Xia Hua asked the truth and refused to let Mu Fang go.

(End of this chapter)

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