Fortune Teller.

Chapter 409 Everything is possible in life

Chapter 409 Everything is possible in life

If it were someone else, Mu Fang might have changed his face and left a long time ago, but the other party is none other than Xia Hua, the woman next to Shi De. He said coldly: "I have the final say on my personal affairs."

The implication is that Xia Hua doesn't need to worry about her personal affairs.

Xia Hua didn't get annoyed when she touched a soft nail, "It's just talking casually, don't be so serious. Well, Shi De, your neighbor, I'll leave it to you."

Xia Hua thought that Mu Fang would never talk to her again, she also saw that Mu Fang was indifferent, different from Yue Qingying's indifference, Mu Fang was indifferent and refused to be thousands of miles away, so she was relieved , Mu Fang's temperament is not Shi De's favorite.

"Xia Hua, wait a minute." Mu Fang stopped Xia Hua with a surprised expression on his face, "Your wedding is coming soon, congratulations. Next year's May [-] group wedding, if there is no accident, you will attend."

Xia Hua was stunned for a moment, and she thought about something: "You can also read faces?"

"A little bit." Mu Fang didn't hide anything. To tell the truth, the main reason was that she had a sudden whim and wanted to comment on the people around Shi De.

Shi De was also surprised for a moment: "You really know how to read faces?"

"In fact, everyone can read faces, but many people don't know or are not good at thinking." Mu Fang said lightly, "For example, we always meet all kinds of people in our lives. Some people It is very speculative. Some people still have no feeling after meeting for a few times. They can neither remember their appearance nor their name. Why? This is the unintentional application of physiognomy in daily life. A friend who hits it off at first sight is because his face conforms to your aesthetics, and you have a good impression of him. But a stranger who meets a stranger, because his face does not conform to your aesthetics, you have no feelings for him.”

I also have to admit that Mu Fang's words have some truth, but Shi De still doesn't believe that Mu Fang really knows how to read physiognomy, because no matter how you look at it, Mu Fang doesn't look like a female physiognomy with sharp eyes. It’s not bad, but what you say you like or don’t feel is just intuition, not a rational examination of physiognomy. Physiognomy is a very profound knowledge, which requires extraordinary vision and wisdom to know people.”

"Don't believe me?" Mu Fang heard Shi De's implication, raised his eyebrows, "Do you want to verify it on the spot?"

"Okay, okay." Sheng Xia applauded loudly. She didn't believe in face-to-face theory at first, but she had just gone through life and death, and now she firmly believed in the real magic in life. Seeing another master appeared out of nowhere, and Still a female master, she forgot the pain in her arm, and her interest greatly increased, "Mu Fang, help me to see."

Mu Fang neither refused nor warmed up, but looked at Sheng Xia lightly, and asked: "What do you want to ask? Future or marriage?"

Mu Fang's answer sounded like a charlatan, and the eyes of Zeng Dengke and the others immediately widened.They thought they were lucky to meet such an expert as Shi De, but they didn't expect that Shi De's female neighbor was also an expert, and she was very quack, which aroused their curiosity immediately.

"You said I want to ask about the future or the marriage?" Sheng Xia intends to test Mu Fang, since Mu Fang claims to be knowledgeable, let Mu Fang see what she is most interested in first.If Mu Fang can't tell whether she is interested in her future or marriage, she thinks Mu Fang has no real skills.

"Actually, you don't want to ask anything, you just want to know if I have eyesight." Surrounded by the crowd, Mu Fang was neither flustered nor arrogant, still as indifferent as a tall and straight poplar, "You are worth hundreds of millions, your career is booming, and your future is bright." For you, it's bright. And you take relationship issues very lightly and don't want to get married, so your future and marriage are not in your interest. "

When Mu Fang said the central matter, Sheng Xia was suddenly surprised: "Okay, I guessed right, I believe you three points. Then tell me, will my career continue to flourish in the future? My marriage is Isn't it that it will never come in a lifetime?"

Hearing this, Mu Fang took another careful look at Sheng Xia: "From your appearance, you have experienced ups and downs in your early life, especially in the near future, there will be a small ordeal, from the signs of your arm injury Looking at it, it should be that the tribulation has passed. Your middle age and old age will be very smooth. Of course, the premise is that if you keep your current character and do not do bad things, you will be able to maintain the continuous growth of blessings. As for your Marriage, if I read correctly, you may be single for the rest of your life. But you are destined to have children, there are two possibilities, one is to have a child outside of marriage, and the other is to adopt a child."

After hearing this, Sheng Xia was silent for a while, and she turned her head to look at Shi De: "Master Shi, is what she said right?"

Seeing Mu Fang talking eloquently, Shi De really looked like a master, so he couldn't help but glance at Mu Fanggao, and at the same time, he became more suspicious of her origin.Although there are many people who have insights beyond the knowledge of people in life, there are very few high-level people like Mu Fang who can break the number of lives in Midsummer.

That's right, Mu Fang's comment on Sheng Xia is completely consistent with his deduction of Sheng Xia's life!Can't help but surprise Shi De!That is to say, Mu Fang is at least above middle school or even high school, otherwise she would not be able to see Sheng Xia's life so accurately.

Shi De secretly looked at Mu Fang again, Mu Fang's indifferent but solemn expression was still the Mu Fang he knew, and he couldn't see her real side from her indifferent expression.

"What she said is basically correct, or in other words, from a cognitive point of view, it is basically correct." Shi De nodded, "Of course, the conclusion drawn from the appearance of a person's life is for reference only A person's destiny is changing all the time, as long as you have the heart to change your destiny, you can change it, unless you accept your fate, thinking that since everything is predestined, hard work and struggle are meaningless, then your destiny is really It’s the same. Take Shengxia as an example. If she does more charitable work in the future and accumulates good deeds, her career can be improved to a higher level. But if her heart changes drastically, she will do whatever it takes to make money, even at the expense of other people’s interests and If she loses her life, her career will plummet, and even her family will be ruined. As for her marriage, if she does not change her views on marriage, she will be single for the rest of her life. But if one day she suddenly feels that she should form a family, or have a man It is not impossible for her to change her view on marriage, and it is not impossible for her to marry someone and have a happy family."

"I understand. To put it in a slogan, everything is possible in life." Xia Hua took the conversation and thought for a while, "Master Shi means that a person must believe in Fate, but also have the idea of ​​changing your destiny, so that you can control your destiny in your own hands, right?"

"Yes." Shi De nodded, "Believe in fate, you must realize your own shortcomings and shortcomings, and transform your destiny, you must get rid of your own shortcomings and shortcomings. Only by believing in fate and recognizing your own shortcomings and shortcomings, can you have The premise and motivation for changing one's life. If a person does not recognize his own shortcomings and shortcomings, how can he correct them?"

"If you talk about face-to-face, isn't it judging people by their appearance? Isn't it unscientific and unreasonable to judge people by their appearance?" Hua Hua asked. Although she believed what she told the face-to-face, she didn't believe it completely, and was half-believing.

Shi De smiled and said: "Judging people by appearance is absolutely scientific and reasonable. Character is written on the lips, happiness is revealed in the corners of the eyes. Rationality and sensibility are placed in the voice, sincerity and hypocrisy are reflected in the pupils. Standing posture shows talent, gait shows self-confidence." Know. There is a recent state of mind in the expression, and the past years between the brows. Clothes show aesthetics, hairstyles show personality. Career depends on hands, self-cultivation depends on feet. Wealth will radiate from the spirit, and poverty will radiate from the whole body.”

"It's a bit esoteric, I don't really understand." Hua Hua shook her head and smiled lightly, and asked Mu Fang, "Mu Fang, can you help me take a look too? It's about marriage and future."

Mu Fang casually glanced at Huahua, and suddenly a gleam of light flashed in his eyes: "You are an infatuated woman, and you have waited hard for many years for a man, but fortunately, your sacrifices were not in vain, and the hardships are finally paid off. I got the reward from that man. Your marriage is coming soon, and you should have a harvest within half a year. As for your future, needless to say, your future is closely related to your marriage. If you have a happy marriage, your future will be It will be bright."

Huahua opened her mouth wide in surprise: "Really? You are so accurate and amazing. Mu Fang, you are amazing and amazing."

Hua Hua was surprised not only by what Mu Fang said about her waiting for Quanyou, but also by the prediction that her marriage with Quanyou would indeed bear fruit within half a year, and by what she said about her future. The fact that it is closely related to marriage—she is now running the same business with Quanyou—how could she not be shocked, after all, she and Mu Fang have never met before, and today is the first time they meet each other!
"I'm not godly, and I'm not powerful. I can't compare to Shi De." Mu Fang was too dumb, and even modestly said it calmly, as if everything was taken for granted. It is written on the face, but in the heart. Xinxing is the power that determines everything, and the power of the mind is very powerful, so powerful that it can change everything."

"Help me take a look too, okay?" Xia Hua also came over, intentionally getting closer to Mu Fang, smiling as if she was cute, "I only ask about marriage, not about future."

"Actually, you should ask about your future, not about your marriage." Mu Fang didn't pay attention to Xia Hua just now, but now he took a closer look at Xia Hua and was surprised. No wonder Shi De's luck has been so good recently. Everyone is extraordinary, Xia Hua is actually a very rare bottomless figure.

(End of this chapter)

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