Fortune Teller.

Chapter 418 1 move good chess

Chapter 418 A Good Move

"What about me?" Yuan Yuan had no choice but to say nothing, since Master Bi would not harm Luoluo if he said it, she believed that Master Bi would not lie.

"You go back with Luoluo." Bi Wentian smiled faintly, "Luoluo needs you by her side so that she can feel safe. At the same time, you should find a chance to meet Luoluo's adoptive parents."

"Okay." Yuan Yuan nodded in response, she knew that Bi Wentian's intention of letting her meet Luo Luo's adoptive parents was to let her find a way to separate the relationship between Luo Luo and her adoptive parents, so that Luo Luo could make a clean break with the past , start a new chapter in your life.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, the Spring Festival is here.

After Liu Luoluo came back from the capital, Zhao Feifan didn't find anything unusual, and he believed Liu Luoluo's words.Since he believed Liu Luoluo, he didn't tell Shi De about Liu Luoluo.

Shi De also missed the opportunity to stop Liu Luoluo when the signs started.

Basically all the work has entered into the formality. After the Bitian Group took over the Zhuo Group, coupled with the support of Shengshi Group's 5 million funds and the assistance of the management personnel, the integration of the Zhuo Group has progressed quickly and smoothly.Only then did Bi You discover that although the Zhuo Group has left behind huge debts, it also has many intangible valuable assets. If they are fully utilized, the management level of Bitian Group can quickly enter the ranks of first-class groups.

Biyou is overjoyed. Although the Zhuo Group has collapsed, the foundation is still there. After all, it used to be one of the largest large-scale group companies in Shimen, with advanced management experience and unimaginable channels. Taking over the Zhuo Group is a step in the right direction. Good chess.Although Zhuo's Group's debts are very heavy, to the point of daunting, but now Biyou, with Shi De's full support and Sheng Xia's full support, she is full of confidence in the future.

At the same time, the development of the Nancun land is also in full swing.Although it was winter and most of the workers went home after the Spring Festival, in order to catch up with the progress, the work of clearing the site and leveling the site in the early stage did not stop for a moment.Not surprisingly, by the beginning of spring next year, the trenches can be dug.

Seeing that everything is going smoothly, Shi De is also in a good mood. Together with Xia Hua, Biyou, and Yue Qingying, he inspected Shengshi Tianjiao project, Nancun Huimin Community project, Yucheng Community project, etc., and even made a special trip to visit the project. On a trip to An County, I met with Xia Xiang and talked about the green eco-tourism project in An County.

Of course, life can’t be perfect, and when the moon is full, it will lose, and when the water is full, it will overflow. Shi De believes in the belief that great success is lacking, and he also accepts the unsatisfactory amidst many successes.

The first thing that did not go well was the green eco-tourism project in An County.

Although Yu Shuai has left Shimen, Li Changfeng suddenly lost interest in the An County eco-tourism project. He never suggested meeting with Shi De to discuss major plans. Can wait patiently.Without Li Changfeng's funds, the green eco-tourism project can only be a theory on paper and cannot be put into practice.Although Shide is not what it used to be today, and its strength has greatly increased, it still has more than enough energy to invest in green eco-tourism projects that often cost tens or even tens of billions.

As for why Li Changfeng lost interest in the green eco-tourism project, Shi De didn't know. There was no communication channel between him and Li Changfeng.However, he is not in a hurry to have an interview with Li Changfeng, he has enough patience, and at the same time, he also believes that from Li Changfeng's perspective, he will not let go of any promising project.

The second thing that didn't go well was that Master He still didn't show up, and even since the last phone call with Biyou, there was no news, as if he had disappeared.

Although Mr. He showed incomprehensible contradictions in his marriage, Shi De's respect and trust for Mr. He did not change at all. For his own good.It's just that Master He disappeared for too long this time, which made him faintly feel that there seemed to be some deviation somewhere.

Could it be that something happened to Mr. He and it's not convenient to show up?Or maybe Master He encountered some kind of problem that won't be solved for a while?Shi was very worried about Master He's safety and health.

The third unsatisfactory thing was naturally the whereabouts of Shi De's biological parents.Until now, his biological parents are like a drop of water in the ocean, hidden in the vast crowd, making it impossible for people to know where they are.The longing for his biological parents stems from the longing for affection on the one hand, and Shi De’s eagerness to know the whole truth of the matter, such as the relationship between his adoptive mother and his biological parents, and why his biological parents left him and why they avoided him. and not see?Wait, there is another puzzle that has been lingering in my heart, do the biological parents know Master He?

The fourth unsatisfactory thing is that Shi De is now stagnant at the level of Xiangshi Gaomen, and has not made an inch of progress, making him wonder if it is possible for him to enter the door of Yunshi.It would be great if He Ye was here, at least he could ask He Ye for advice and learn from He Ye's experience.But Master He was not around, so he could only explore by himself, which added a lot of trouble and worry.

Because he couldn't enter the realm of a transporter, one of the most direct negative effects brought about by this was that he didn't know anything about Huang Duckweed's whereabouts.Although Huang Zixuan didn't deliberately urge him, he always felt ashamed of Huang Zixuan. After all, Huang Zixuan trusted him very much, but he couldn't realize Huang Zixuan's dream of reuniting his father and daughter.

But fortunately, it is normal to have ups and downs in life, and it is also normal to have successes and dissatisfaction. If there is a lack of great success, it will be useful. It is precisely because there are many regrets or shortcomings that life is full of motivation to strive for.

During the Spring Festival, because Shi De was homeless, he first stayed at Xia Hua's house for two days, chatted with Xia You about various topics, and then went back to Dancheng, where he was a guest at Yueqing's home, and Yueguo Liang had a chat.

When visiting Yue's house, Li Sanjiang also came.

Since Huang Zixuan and Yue Guoliang left Shancheng successively, and Shi De's departure, Li Sanjiang's situation is not as good as before.Fortunately, he listened to Shi De's words, worked hard, never complained or complained, and respected his parents wholeheartedly and devoted himself to doing practical things for the people. At the same time, he started from small things, actively accumulated virtue and did good deeds. caught Xia You's sight.

If Shi De had recommended Li Sanjiang to Xia You from the beginning, Xia You might not have taken a fancy to Li Sanjiang, even though Shi De and Xia You had a good relationship, and he was his prospective son-in-law, but Xia You was very clear about public and private interests. It is a person introduced by a personal relationship, the more picky he is, he doesn't even use it.After Li Sanjiang was selected by him, he knew that Li Sanjiang and Shi De had a good relationship, and that Li Sanjiang also knew Xia Hua.

Li Sanjiang has such a relationship without publicizing it, let alone using it, which makes Xia You recognize Li Sanjiang more, and he intends to train Li Sanjiang.

In many cases, the success or failure of things is due to both ability and human factors.Low-key and calm are both personality and protective color.Since then, Li Sanjiang has been included in Xia You's core relationship network, which is not only the result of his own efforts, but also the reward of his hard work without asking for results.

The Yue family is warm and harmonious, as warm as spring, and Yue Guoliang sits at the top with a spring breeze on his face.Su Shu'e was not as happy as Yue Guoliang, her face was calm, and in the silence, she was faintly unhappy.

Unhappy because Yue Qingying had already told her that there was no possibility for her and Shi De.

Su Shu'e likes Shi De very much, although Yue Qingying is a few years older than Shi De, in her opinion, it does not affect the affection between Shi De and Yue Qingying.And she also saw that her daughter had a deep affection for Shi De.She has been worried that after Shi De went to Shimen, with the improvement of economic strength, her eyes will be widened, and her daughter may not be able to catch Shi De's eyes.

Unexpectedly, she was unfortunately hit by her words. Shi De still didn't choose her daughter in the end, which made her very dissatisfied.

But no matter how dissatisfied she was, she knew that Shi De owed nothing to the Yue family.On the contrary, not only did he not owe anything, but Shi De also helped the Yue family a lot. Without Shi De, Yue Qingying would not have the current achievements, and Yue Guoliang would not have the achievements today.

It's just... Well, life can't be perfect, it would be great if Shi De could become her son-in-law.Su Shu'e was very unwilling to complain, but she still restrained her helplessness. Shi De was now Yue Guoliang's guest, and at the same time, her daughter didn't have any complaints about Shi De's choice. What else was she worrying about?
No outsiders were invited to the Yue family's family banquet, except for Shi De and Li Sanjiang, there were no other people around.

"Shi De, come, let me toast you." Yue Guoliang raised his glass to respect Shi De, "Not only have you helped me a lot, I have also learned a lot from you. Now there is a sign in my office ——Three non-competitions in life: do not compete with superiors, do not compete with peers, and do not compete with subordinates for merit; three blessings in life: safety is a blessing, health is a blessing, and suffering is a blessing; life is three: peace is the most important, and kindness is the foundation , sincerity first; three things in life can not wait hard: filial piety, good deeds, fitness; three questions in life: how fast is soon? Don’t seize a good opportunity, don’t learn from a famous teacher.”

"Don't dare, I respect Uncle Yue." Not taking credit for pride at any time is the foundation of being a human being, not to mention that Yue Guoliang is an elder, so Shi lowered his wine glass very modestly, touched Yue Guoliang's wine glass lightly, and then He drank it all down, "Uncle Yue is too modest, in fact, I have learned more from you."

"The temple of the seventh generation can observe morality. The elder of ten thousand people can observe politics. Uncle Yue has worked diligently in the position of deputy department for more than ten years, hardworking, and has not made any mistakes. It's comparable." Shi De was not flattering Yue Guoliang, but really admiring him from the bottom of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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