Fortune Teller.

Chapter 419

Chapter 419

Shi Fen, a minor official at the beginning, served Liu Bang, Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty.Liu Bang appreciated his humility and prudence, and called his sister into the palace as a beauty.During the time of Emperor Wen, Shi Fen was an official to the Taizhong doctor.After Emperor Jing came to the throne, Shi Fen was listed as Jiuqing, and his salary was two thousand shi. His four sons also became officials of two thousand shi.

"Treatly, as if facing an abyss, as if walking on thin ice" Caution is the main characteristic of Shi Fen's character.Sima Qian thought that although Shi Fen was not good at talking, he was quick to act.People who are slow in speech but quick in action will live in peace and wealth.

"Nowhere, I can't compare to Shi Fen. Shi Fen has taught his children well all his life, and his whole family is a family of thousands, haha." Yue Guoliang laughed happily, "But although I am not slow in words, I am quick in action. A gentleman, but he still wants to be a gentleman. A gentleman is happy to be a gentleman, and a villain is wronged to be a villain. Confucius said: A gentleman is magnanimous, and a villain is always sad. It can be seen that to be a gentleman, even if the situation is not good, the heart is calm. Therefore A gentleman is happy to be a gentleman. But what about a villain? They try their best to please everyone, even though they look good on the outside, but they worry all day long in their hearts. Therefore, it is wrong for a villain to be a villain."

"Okay, well said, what a gentleman is happy to be a gentleman, and a villain is wronged to be a villain." Shi De applauded Yue Guoliang's words, "Brother Li's fate also fully illustrates a truth-a gentleman is happy to be a gentleman, A villain is wronged to be a villain. If Brother Li is worried every day and works hard, under Secretary Xia’s rule, not only will he not be promoted, but he may be suppressed. Now it’s good, he does his own thing frankly, just pay Don't ask about the result, but in the end, I fell into Secretary Xia's eyes calmly in my heart. It can be seen that it is much better for people to live a more open life than to rack their brains for calculations."

"That's right, Shi De, it's rare for you to have this kind of heart at such a young age, and you will definitely be able to accomplish a lot in the future. I finally understand one thing now, whether a person can succeed or not, the heart plays a decisive role." Yue Guoliang He said with infinite emotion, "What kind of heart you are determines what kind of person you become. What is heart? The external expression is character. Character is destiny. Sometimes it is true when you think about it."

"The fate of such a few historical figures is very interesting and worth pondering..." Yue Guoliang may have been drinking too much, or maybe he was happy, and he talked non-stop, "Zheng Zhilong, a native of Quanzhou in the late Ming Dynasty, he is The super pirate of Greater East Asia, who made his fortune in Hirado, Japan, took his Japanese wife Tagawa Matsu, and gave birth to two sons, Fukumatsu and Tagawa Qizaemon. Fukumatsu came to China when he was 7 years old, and brought his mother to China when he was 21 years old. Raped by the Qing army and hanged himself to death, Fusong hated him greatly: he cut open his mother’s stomach with Japanese methods, washed the internal organs, re-encoffined them, and rebelled against the Qing Dynasty and restored the Ming Dynasty. Who is Fusong?”

Yue Qingying had limited knowledge of history, as did Li Sanjiang, and Su Shu'e was even more bewildered. Only Shi De smiled and said, "The national hero Zheng Chenggong!"

"That's right, this half-Japanese character who vowed to avenge his mother is Zheng Chenggong who regained Taiwan. Every hero has a bumpy experience. Every celebrity also has a life that makes people feel emotional..." Yue Guo Liang continued, "She is the great-granddaughter of Li Hongzhang. She had an unfortunate childhood where she was often beaten by her father; she fell in love with a playboy traitor and was willing to be his mistress, but she ended up being ruthlessly abandoned; she was once Criticized by the whole country as a cultural traitor, she moved more than 180 times in the United States in her later years; she died alone at the age of 75, and was found only 7 days after her death. She was wearing a red cheongsam in her dying life, and was desolately tired on the floor..."

"I know this person, it's Zhang Ailing." Yue Qingying replied eagerly, "Although many people think that Zhang Ailing is worthless, I still admire her character of daring to love and dare to hate."

"Women should not pin their lifetime happiness on men, or they will be easily hurt by love. The more you care about something, the more it will hurt you in the end. Qing Ying, I don't like Zhang Ailing." Su Shu'e's words obviously have meaning Alluded to, she took a meaningful look at Yue Qingying, "Even if you don't marry for the rest of your life, don't be someone else's third party. You will still hurt yourself in the end. Just like Zhang Ailing, how pitiful she died alone. "

"Hehe, why are you talking about your daughter again?" Yue Guoliang chuckled and waved his hands, "Tell stories, tell stories—he is a warlord, and the people he admires the most are Guan Yu and Yue Fei. When a blonde beauty woos him, he He replied: the old wife is still alive; when he was in exile, he refused to enter the foreign concession; when the Nanjing Massacre, he went on a hunger strike for one day. Because he refused to join the Japanese army, he was assassinated by a Japanese dentist in 1 when he was treating dental disease. After his death, the common people Spontaneously released, the whole country mourned. He was the first Chinese to appear on the cover of "Time", comment: BiggestmaninChina, he is..."

"Wu Peifu, right?" Li Sanjiang was not very sure of his judgment, "It should be him. I remember that Wu Peifu is actually a respectable person, but some history books have vilified him out of some need."

Yue Guoliang nodded: "Every great person has a complicated side. It doesn't mean that bad people have no advantages, and good people have no shortcomings. There is no perfect person in the world. If you have a lot of benefits, you will have endless uses."

That's right, Yue Guoliang's ideological realm has risen to another level, which makes Shi De very happy. A person's realm has improved, which means the improvement of xinxing. It is foreseeable that Yue Guoliang's official career will be smooth sailing from now on.

After dinner, he chatted with Yue Guoliang again, and Shi De left.From the beginning to the end, Yue Guoliang never asked a question about the relationship between Shi De and Yue Qingying. He also saw that the relationship between Yue Qingying and Shi De had taken a step forward, but it was only an improvement in friendship and had nothing to do with love. .

Sons and daughters have their own blessings, now Yue Guoliang has also seen it, let everything go as it pleases, I said, people follow the earth, the earth follows the sky, the sky follows the way, the way is natural, and all laws are natural, I believe my daughter will find it own happiness.

After leaving Yue's house, Li Sanjiang cordially invited Shi De to sit at his home, but Shi De politely refused, but he accompanied Li Sanjiang to revisit his old place in Fuyang Park.

In the park during the Spring Festival, although the weather is still cold, there is a lot of people.People come and go so lively.Shi De and Li Sanjiang walked along the Fuyang River with their hands behind their backs.

"Brother Shi, it's hypocritical to say thank you again, but I still want to tell you that you are a lifelong benefactor." Li Sanjiang remembered the first time he met Shi De, and it suddenly seemed like a dream, "Life The turning point, sometimes it comes really unimaginable, I would not believe it even if I was killed, I was really bored at the time, so I asked casually, and in the end I asked Master He and you..."

Shi De said with a smile: "There is no reason not to get together, if you are asking someone else, maybe your fate will not be what it is now."

"That's for sure, besides Master He and you, who else has such a great ability? By the way, what about Master He?"

"I don't know where Master He has gone. Maybe he was busy with his affairs in the capital." Shi De shook his head, "The old man can't see the end, and when he wanted to appear, he appeared."

"That's right, the old man is really an expert." Li Sanjiang looked yearning, and was about to say a few more words, when the phone rang suddenly, "Excuse me, I'll answer the call."

Shi De nodded, and walked to the side at a leisurely pace.Ordinarily, with his current status, there is no need to take a walk with Li Sanjiang anymore, but because He Ye said before that Li Sanjiang will be his springboard, and he pays more attention to the friendship with Li Sanjiang, so he deliberately took time to meet with Li Sanjiang. Li Sanjiang talked.And he also knew that with his current relationship with Xia You, his attitude towards Li Sanjiang as always would be a great encouragement to Li Sanjiang.

Helping others is the foundation of happiness. What Shi De didn't expect was that his kindness planted good causes for him, and he reaped unexpected joy.

After answering the phone for a few minutes, Li Sanjiang came to Shi De's side again: "It's a friend in Beijing who said that he had a niece who wanted to look for business opportunities in Shimen, and asked me if there was any acquaintance who could introduce me. I said no at first, but later I thought of you, hehe, without your consent, I reported your name."

"Hehe..." Shi De smiled indifferently, "What kind of friend? My friend's niece, this relationship is too complicated. There are so many business opportunities in the capital, why come to Shimen, Shimen is far worse than the capital. "

"Who knows, my friend said that his niece doesn't know why, but just likes Shimen and wants to develop in Shimen." Li Sanjiang shook his head, "A friend who is not very close, I met when I was in the party school in the province. Yes, after I returned to Dancheng and he went to the capital, I didn’t have many contacts, but we could still get along. He worked in a department in the capital, and now he seems to be the deputy director.”

In the deputy office in the capital, not to mention that it is not a real-time deputy office, even if it is a real-time deputy office, if it is not a key department, it is still a small official. After all, the capital is under the foot of the emperor, and there are many high-ranking officials.Shi De didn't take this matter to heart, and said casually: "Well, if you need anything, just let her find me."

After bidding farewell to Li Sanjiang, Shi De drove around aimlessly in Shancheng again, from Huiche Lane, Xuebu Bridge, to Hufu riding and archery, and the ruins of Zhaowangcheng, etc., touching everything , many memories revived.

In fact, Shi De has complicated feelings about Shancheng. For him, Shancheng is more intimate than ordinary cities, but it doesn’t feel like a hometown. He spends most of his time in Shancheng with his stepmother, but Not with his biological parents, so the nostalgia is much weaker.

I also once walked the streets of Shancheng with Xiajiang Huang Susu.

Shi De didn't know whether he wanted to remember something or forget something, so he drove around Dancheng by himself before returning to Shimen.

As soon as he arrived at Shimen, he received a call from Xia Hua.

(End of this chapter)

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