Fortune Teller.

Chapter 421 Make the first wish and enjoy the lower blessing

Chapter 421 Make the first wish and enjoy the lower blessing

Since Shi De is the future son-in-law, who will he not help Shi De?What's more, what he used was personal friendship, not power.

"I heard that you admire Li Ka-shing very much?" After sitting down, Xia Hua served the tea. Li Changfeng picked up the tea, took a sip, then put it down again, and asked Shi De, "Do you know that Li Ka-shing's office hangs The only piece of calligraphy in this book is a poem by Zuo Zongtang inscribed by Confucianism in the Qing Dynasty in the Meiyuan Garden in Wuxi, Jiangsu——Send the highest wish, form a middle relationship, and enjoy the lowest blessing; Chu Xing—Xiao Shi, tell me, how should you understand these words?"

The difficulty of this question is not small. Shi De has heard about Li Changfeng's profound knowledge of Chinese culture, and he also knows that if he wants to win Li Changfeng's approval, he must first pass his exam.It is said that Yu Shuai also passed Li Changfeng's initial test, if he was overwhelmed by Li Changfeng's first question, he would be too sorry for Xia You's well-arranged show.

Xia You was slightly startled. He also knew that Li Changfeng would definitely take the exam, but he didn't expect Li Changfeng's first question to be so difficult. Although he had confidence in Shi De, he still couldn't help worrying about Shi De. Even the first question can't be answered well. A meeting he specially arranged may end without a problem.

Not only Xia You was worried about Shi De, but Zheng Wenting also frowned, thinking that Li Changfeng was already old, how could he know how to embarrass young people?After all, young people are still young, so we should give them more space to grow up, instead of hitting the confidence of young people with huge problems as soon as they come up.

Only Xia Hua looked at Shi De very calmly, not worried about Shi De at all, because she knew that her Shi De would be invincible.

But let alone, it was precisely because Xia Hua trusted Shi De so much that she looked at Shi Deshi with a bright and radiant gaze, which Shi De saw in his eyes and received great encouragement.

Encouragement is the greatest consolation and the motivation to realize one's potential to the maximum.Although Shi De was a little nervous, but seeing that Xia Hua had full confidence in him, he had no reason not to believe in himself. After thinking for a while, he said: "These 24 words condense the profound philosophy of life. Sending the best wishes, making the best wishes, etc. Predestined relationship and enjoying low-level blessings means to have great ambitions, only seek middle-level fate, and live an ordinary life; to choose a high place to stand, sit on a flat place, and act from a lenient place means to look at problems from a high perspective and behave in a low-key manner. There should be room. Look at the top, middle, and bottom, look across the height, flat, and width, think of the bottom when you are at the top, and look for the width when you stand tall. Therefore, no matter how complicated and contradictory, you can change without being surprised. If you are in danger but not chaotic, you can not only create a career, but also keep a career.”

After hearing this, Li Changfeng nodded slightly, and said, "Let me tell you in more detail..."

Xia You thought helplessly, Li Changfeng didn't try to get it, it was obviously difficult to get it.

Shi De also realized Li Changfeng's "extraordinary care" for him, and faced up to the difficulties: "As far as I know, to make a wish and choose a high place to stand is to have lofty ideals and ambitions. Tao Yuanming has a poem It is said in this way: Jingwei holds a small tree, and will fill the sea; Xingtian dances with relatives, and his will is always there. If there is no ambition, nothing can be achieved in the world. Moreover, often the higher the goal a person pursues, the more talented he will be. The faster the development of wisdom and wisdom, the greater the contribution to society. Therefore, in this world, one should make a wish and choose a high place to stand."

"Well, it's interesting." Li Changfeng nodded slightly and smiled, quite satisfied with Shi De's answer, "How can I explain it when I get married and sit on a flat place?"

Seeing that Li Changfeng finally recognized Shi Shi a little bit, Xia You's tense heart finally fell to the ground.

"Sit in a flat place when you form a medium relationship. It means to be down-to-earth, active and stable. Don't take credit for meritorious service. Don't take credit for it. Don't be famous. Don't be famous. Don't covet fame and fortune. Life is ups and downs. Waves, after the climax, are likely to be the trough. Therefore, things often fail in a hurry, and the cause of thinking is slow. Everything will be done if you don’t hesitate. Sufficient preparation is half the success.” Shi De’s confidence has increased again A little bit, talking eloquently, "The popular understanding is that the ambition can be lofty, but when it is really put into action, it must be down-to-earth and start from scratch."

Li Changfeng's face was calm, and he asked calmly: "How do you understand enjoying inferior blessings and being generous?"

"Enjoy the lower blessings and act toward the lenient, that is to say, while keeping your ambitions high and down-to-earth, you must also strictly demand yourself in life, and leave room for doing things. What you have is not enough, and you lose what you have; wanting but not knowing Stop, lose what you want. Just like what Zhuge Liang said—quietness is for self-cultivation; It is said that whether it is "making high-level wishes, forming medium-level relationships, and enjoying low-level blessings" or "standing at a high place, sitting at a flat place, and walking at a wide place", the most critical ideological connotation is balance. In Balance in contradiction, balance in progress. It not only includes the balance of personal psychology, but also includes the balance of inside and outside, up and down, left and right, and front and back. Only balance can coordinate, balance can lead to harmony, balance can lead to development, balance Only then can progress be made. It coincides with the Confucian doctrine of the mean, in fact not only Confucianism advocates the doctrine of the golden mean, but Buddhism also advocates the doctrine of the golden mean, which is righteousness for the doctrine of the middle way.”

"Oh, Xiao Shi also studied Confucianism and Buddhism?" Li Changfeng was finally slightly moved.

"I can't talk about research, but I can only say that I admire Confucianism and Buddhism." Shi De didn't want to show off his knowledge, but he knew a truth. Sometimes if you don't show your best side, others will not look up to you , It’s the same reason that the fragrance of wine is also afraid of the depth of the alley. In life, one must have a low-key and calm calmness, and also have the courage to dare to charge forward. Exhaustion, blessings are exhausted, but they do not understand the way of collection. There is a saying in the Book of Changes: things are not exhausted, powers are not exhausted, words are not exhausted, blessings are not exhausted, everything is in the endless place, and the meaning is the longest.”

"How should we interpret Buddhism?" Li Changfeng was attracted by Shi De's words.

"The Buddhist scriptures I have read are limited, and I'm afraid that my understanding may be biased. Let me just say it, and Mr. Li just listen to it." Shi De first said a few words modestly, and smiled lightly, "I made a wish: I have a heart to help the world, this is a great noble Inner destiny. Forming medium fate: too much enthusiasm is inappropriate, too much will cause fever and disease, too cold will wither trees and rocks. Enjoy inferior blessings: Buddhists pay attention to accumulating blessings and cherishing blessings. Choose a high place to stand, sit on a flat place, and walk toward a wide place, which means, stand on the top of a high mountain and walk deep in the sea. To be a person, you must accumulate yin and virtue. The so-called goodness and human words are not true goodness. The heart should be level, and the world will be level if the heart is level. A truly superior person should be like the air and rain, nourishing all things without fighting."

"Nourish all things without fighting...Xiao Shi, your realm is really admirable." Li Changfeng glanced at Shi Degao, and then at Shi Deshi's eyes, which became more enthusiastic and meaningful , "The answer just now is very good, I agree with it very much. Your answer just now has the foundation of reading a lot of books, and you can draw inferences from one instance, and it is also in line with the essence of the golden mean. However, I would like to discuss with you some simpler Direct question, I wonder if you are interested and have time to chat with me again?"

Shi De not only has interest and time, but also has enough motivation. He smiled slightly: "It is my honor to chat with Mr. Li. Not only can I learn a lot of knowledge, but I can also accept the influence of Mr. Li."

"Hehe, Xiao Shi, you don't need to say some polite words in front of me. I only value a person's true ability and don't listen to his rhetoric." Li Changfeng went straight to the point, "Listen to his words and observe his deeds. The truest embodiment of human character."

Li Changfeng has seen a lot of people of all kinds, and the last thing he likes to hear is beautiful words. He has long been immune to all kinds of flattery and flattery, so he only recognizes a person, and only recognizes his true ability and specific actions.

Seeing that Li Changfeng is a pragmatic person, Shi De stopped being polite and smiled: "Please enlighten me, Mr. Li."

"As the old saying goes, there are three kinds of unfilial piety, and having no offspring is the greatest. Which are the three kinds of unfilial piety?" Li Changfeng asked the first question with a calm expression.

If the previous exams were extended questions without standard answers, then the current exam is the only question and answer question. Fortunately, Shi Dewei thought for a while and said the answer: "In Chinese etiquette, the so-called unfilialism has three meanings. : [-]. Don’t marry and have no children, never worship ancestors. [-]. Flattery and obedience, trapping relatives is unrighteous. The biggest unfiliality mentioned. Blindly obeying and not persuading parents when they see their faults, so that they fall into unrighteousness. This is the second kind of unfiliality. The family is poor, and the parents are old, but they don’t go to the government to eat salary to support their parents. , This is the third kind of unfilial piety."

"People have three urgencies, which are the three urgencies? What are the seven emotions and six desires?" Li Changfeng was noncommittal to Shi De's answer just now, but threw out a second question.

Xia Hua thought for a while, and realized that she really didn't know what people were anxious about, so she couldn't help but take another look at Shi De, what if Shi De couldn't answer?
Shi De smiled calmly: "People have three urgencies: impatient, impatient, and impatient. The seven emotions and six desires: generally speaking, the seven emotions of Buddhism refer to joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, evil desires, and the seven emotions in Chinese medicine. It’s about—joy, anger, worry, thought, sorrow, and fear. Six desires, the six desires of Buddhism are six desires: desire for lust, desire for appearance, desire for prestige, desire for speech and sound, desire for smoothness, desire for human relationship; or desire for eyes, ears, The six desires of the nose, tongue, body, and mind.”

Xia Hua seldom admires others, and now she finally admires Shi De so much...

(End of this chapter)

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