Fortune Teller.

Chapter 422 What a battle of wits

Chapter 422

I originally thought that Master Shi Deshi was not so outstanding in other aspects except for his knowledge of people. Unexpectedly, Master Shi is worthy of being a master.

When looking at Shi De again, Xia Hua's eyes became more enthusiastic besides admiration.

Even Xia You nodded again and again, it was really not easy to do it, and he knew a lot, a child can be taught.

"I often hear people say one word—five big and three thick, small Shi, five big and three thick, which is five big and three thick?" Li Changfeng saw that Shi De answered calmly, and he had a little more approval for Shi De in his heart, but he didn't want Shi De to It was so easy to pass the test, so I continued to ask questions.

"The five big and three big in the five big and three thick refers to big hands and feet plus a big head, and the third big is thick legs, thick waist, and thick neck. But now, there is a new extension. The five big and three big men in the 50s are big appetite and strength. Big, loud voice, big fists, big feet. The three roughs are thick arms, thick voices, and thick skin. The five big men in the 70s were big heads, big contributions, big tempers, old age, and big complaints. The three roughs were Thick feelings, rough thoughts, and rough food. The five big men in the 90s were big and three big, and the five big ones were big show, big courage, big face, big house, and big brother. The third big is thick language, thick taste, and thick chains."

"Then who are the five big and three thick men now?" Xia Hua interjected and asked.

"Nowadays, the five big and three thick men are the five big ones, who are knowledgeable, arrogant, well-mannered, well-connected, and spiritual. The three thick are thick waist and abdomen, thick neck, and thick panting." Shi De laughed, "How about it, the image is not good ?”

"Nonsense..." Li Changfeng laughed, seeing that Shi De and Xia Hua were shocked on the spot, he laughed again: "I'm asking Shi De, the origin of the nonsense."

Xia Hua almost swears a bad word, which startled her a lot. She thought that Li Changfeng denied Shi De's answer, but it turned out to be another question, really.

"Nonsense and nonsense originally meant that Hu people went to the interior to explain Buddhist scriptures. Hu is the name of the ethnic minorities in the west and north in ancient China. Nonsense means that nonsense people talk about it. Nonsense means that people who do not believe in Buddhism and have no roots of wisdom think that Hu people explaining Buddhist scriptures is a Speaking nonsense. Later generations use words such as nonsense, nonsense, and nonsense to implausible. Now it refers to all unfounded claims." Shi De nodded at Li Changfeng, "Old Li, I don't know if my statement is right? "

"What are the ten evils..." Li Changfeng nodded slightly, acquiescing to the correctness of Shi De's statement, and asked two questions in one breath, "Which six relatives do you not recognize?"

Li Changfeng's question seemed simple, but it was actually quite difficult, and most people really couldn't answer it.Sometimes the more you are used to something, the easier it is to be ignored, just like the sun that rises every day, how many people will thank the sun for its rays?

In the same way, how many people know the source of an idiom that is often talked about?

Even Xia You was stunned for a moment, after thinking about it, he really couldn't tell what the heinous evils were, but he knew a little about the six relatives who didn't recognize him.

Shide... can it work?Xia You's heart came up again in his throat. It is true that he and Li Changfeng have a personal relationship, but a personal relationship is a personal relationship, and business affairs are business affairs. Besides, Li Changfeng is strict and serious, and he will never abandon personal interests because of public affairs. He can only help Until Shi De met Li Changfeng, as for whether Shi De could get Li Changfeng's approval in the end, it all depended on Shi De's own ability.

Shi De fell silent, as if he was thinking, but also seemed to be stopped by the question. Just when Xia Hua and Xia You were both nervous and out of breath, he finally smiled slightly and said with confidence: "Heinous means unforgivable crimes. , unforgivable. During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, successive dynasties have carried out the compilation of legal codes, and among these legal codes, the more influential ones are the "Wei Law" in the Wei Dynasty and the "Qi Law" in the Northern Dynasties. "Ten Evils" first appeared in "Qi Lv" and was called "Ten Felony Articles" at that time."

Xia Hua and Xia You finally breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that Shi De was deliberately scaring people just now. Xia You just smiled knowingly, but Xia Hua gave Shi De a look, meaning you wait, and I will deal with you later.

Shi De ignored Xia Hua's threat and continued: "The ten crimes out of the ten felonies are called 'ten heinous crimes', and it is stipulated that they will never be pardoned, so in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the term 'heinous crimes cannot be forgiven' was officially formed. "Actually, it was originally from the "Ten Felony Articles" in "Qi Law". What are the ten articles in total: Article [-], treason. Rebellion has always been regarded as the first of the ten evils. Article [-], conspiracy to commit great treason. Refers to the act of destroying royal temples, mausoleums, and palaces. Article [-], conspiracy. Conspiracy refers to defecting to other hostile countries. Article [-], evil rebellion. Evil rebellion refers to killing grandparents, parents, aunts, Uncles, uncles and other elders and respect relatives. Article [-], no Tao. Not Tao is Wudao. What is Wudao specifically, it is relatively broad."

"What about the back?" Xia Hua became curious and admired sincerely, "Shi De, great job, you know so much, I'm starting to admire you now."

Shi De smiled lightly: "Article [-], disrespect. Disrespect refers to stealing the emperor's sacrificial utensils and daily necessities of the emperor, forging imperial medicines to violate the food prohibition by mistake. Article [-], disrespect. Disrespect refers to cursing, accusing and Do not support one's grandparents and parents. After the death of grandparents and fathers, do not mourn, marry and have fun during funerals, etc. Article [-], disharmony. Relatives above the level of hemp, beating and suing elders above great merit, and relatives of minor merit'. Article [-], injustice. Injustice refers to beating and killing officials (generally referring to prefects and counties), husbands do not mourn after death and remarry, etc. .Article [-], civil strife. The civil strife here does not refer to the civil strife of the country, but refers to adultery with grandfather or father's concubine."

"Actually, the "Ten Evils" listed in the "Yonghui Law" of the Tang Dynasty are the same as those of the Sui Dynasty. Since then, except that the "Ten Evils" were changed to "All Evils" in the Yuan Dynasty, the Ming and Qing dynasties both changed the "Ten Evils" "Ten Evils" is included in the Criminal Code, but today, the Ten Evils are generally referred to, because there are many ancient crimes that have disappeared even today."

"Well, that's right, Xiao Shi, you are beyond my expectation. I didn't expect that you are really not simple. You don't know what the heinous is. I have stumped dozens of people with this question. You He was the first one to answer completely correctly." Li Changfeng laughed, and finally had a look of approval for Shi De in his eyes, but he still didn't fully approve of Shi De, after all, he was well-informed, and Shi De could only rely on what he had learned and memorized Small cleverness, not enough for him to entrust a large cooperation project of several billion yuan, "What about the six relatives who don't recognize it?"

Shi De also knows that it will not be so easy to get Li Changfeng's full approval, and he is ready to continue to meet the challenge: "Six relatives are not recognized now, and six relatives generally refer to relatives. In fact, 'six relatives' has specific content in history, and its representative There are three kinds of theories: First, according to "Zuo Zhuan", father and son, brothers, aunts (father's sisters), nephews, marriages (wife's family members) and marriages (husband's family members) are the six relatives. According to Laozi, father and son, brothers, and husband and wife are the six relatives. According to the "Hanshu", father, mother, brother, brother, wife, and son are the six relatives. Now I agree with the third statement, because this statement is based on blood relationship. closest to marriage.”

"That's right, you're right." Li Changfeng smiled slightly, and the look of approval in his eyes became stronger. He picked up the teacup and motioned to Shi De, "Drink tea."

Although he didn't offer tea to Shi De, there was obviously some respect. Shi De felt at ease, knowing that in Li Changfeng's heart, his weight was a little more important, and he was secretly happy.

What Shi De didn't know was that when Yu Shuai and Li Changfeng met, the problems Li Changfeng posed for Yu Shuai were much simpler than those for him.It's not that Li Changfeng deliberately made things difficult for him, but in Li Changfeng's eyes, he is more stable and knowledgeable than Yu Shuai.So Li Changfeng felt that a simple question was not enough to show Shi De's brilliance.

After taking a sip of tea, Shi De cast a consulting look at Li Changfeng, meaning, is the exam over here, or continue?Li Changfeng didn't keep him waiting, and said with a smile, "There are a few more questions, but they're actually not considered questions, just a chat."

Shi De also likes to chat, but chatting with Li Changfeng is not only brain-intensive, but also full of challenges. Fortunately, Shi De is never afraid of challenges.

"The five poisons are complete, the colors are colorful, the three aunts and the six wives, the four bodies are not working hard, and the five grains are not distinguished..." Li Changfeng uttered five idioms in one breath, "Tell me about it."

Xia You's complexion changed, Li Changfeng was too difficult for Shi De, not only asked some weird questions, but also endlessly, even he couldn't listen anymore, so he was going to come forward to rescue Shi De.

Unexpectedly, without waiting for Xia You to make a move, Shi De had already given the answer: "The five poisons are complete - the five animals, snake, scorpion, centipede, gecko, and toad, are the five poisons. When it comes to humans, the five poisons are Eating, drinking, whoring, gambling, smoking, or cheating, cheating, abducting, cheating, or stealing. Colorful, colorful, red, yellow, blue, white, and black. Ten colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, and white, plus a transparent one. Three aunts, six wives, three The aunts are nuns, Taoists, and hexagrams; the sixth women are the matchmaker, matchmaker, master, godmother, medicine woman, and stable woman. The four bodies are not diligent, and the five grains are not divided. The four bodies refer to the arms and legs, while the five bodies are thrown into the ground. The five bodies are added with the head. There are two kinds of terms for the five grains, one is millet, millet, wheat, bean, and rice; the other is millet, millet, wheat, bean, and hemp."

"I don't know my answer, is Mr. Li still satisfied?" After Shi De finished speaking, he smiled respectfully and confidently.

"Haha, satisfied, very satisfied." Now Li Changfeng finally approved 90.00% of Shi De, he laughed loudly, and after laughing, he said, "I can't always attack you and defend, now you ask questions. Remember Xiao Shi, you must ask difficult questions, don't be perfunctory, do you hear me?"

(End of this chapter)

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