Fortune Teller.

Chapter 435 Eight Winds in the World

Chapter 435 Eight Winds of the World
"Don't blame Qi Mei either. She has not been involved in the world deeply, so how can she know that people's hearts are sinister?" Shi De didn't mean to blame Qi Mei much, but she felt worthless for Qi Mei. People who have nothing to do with a sense of social responsibility mixed together and were almost forced to lose their virginity. Fortunately, he arrived in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Once some things happen, there is no way to change them.Life is a one-way street, and there is no eraser to correct mistakes.

"What should we do now?"

"Wait for dawn. As soon as it dawns, bring Qimei down the mountain, and then call the police to arrest people." Although Shi De hated the shameless behavior of Ma Gan and Winter Melon, he didn't want to use force to solve the problem, not to mention that he had already knocked them unconscious, and he always We can't beat the two of them into cripples anymore, can we?

Qi Mei, who fell asleep in Shi De's arms, showed excessive frightened throbbing from time to time, and did not sleep peacefully. Shi did not dare to move, for fear that Qi Mei would wake up if he moved. He maintained a sitting posture, He hugged Qimei for several hours.

When Qimei woke up at dawn, his whole body was numb and he couldn't even stand up.

After Qi Mei woke up, her condition was much better, and she angrily wanted to settle accounts with Ma Gan and Winter Melon, but was stopped by Shi De.

"Let's go down the mountain first, and leave the rest to the police. There's no need to quarrel with them." After thinking about it again, Shi De was worried, "We need to find a reliable person to handle this matter, otherwise if something goes wrong If you go out, it will affect Uncle Qi's reputation."

Qi Mei lost his mind: "Okay, I'll listen to you. I'm sorry Shi De, I was too self-willed before, and I will never be like this again."

"You should say this to Uncle Qi. I care about you so much, let alone your father who loves you the most? Remember Qi Mei, there are only two men who love you the most in the world, one is father and the other is husband. A husband may change his mind, but Dad will never, his love has a shelf life of a lifetime."

"I know." Qi Mei burst into tears.

None of the three were disturbed, they quietly left the main force and went down the mountain.On the way down the mountain, Qi Mei mentioned that Ma Gan and Dong Gua had always wanted to hit her. She thought the two of them were just thinking about it and didn't dare to do anything to her. Unexpectedly, the two of them were so daring that they wanted to force her The point is that you really know people, face but not heart.

Shi De didn't say anything more, but repeatedly warned Qi Mei that a girl should always have a sense of self-protection, don't make fun of men, and don't intentionally create an ambiguous atmosphere, causing men to misunderstand and cause misjudgment.

If it was before, Qi Mei wouldn't listen to Shi De's words, but now she is as well-behaved as a little girl, nodding repeatedly: "I have written it down."

It is not terrible to take wrong and detours when you are young. What is terrible is that you take wrong and detours, but you do not turn back to the right path in time.

Going down the mountain was much faster than going up the mountain. At noon, the three of them returned to the urban area.Shi De thought for a while, picked up the phone and called Xia Hua.

"Xia Hua, is Wu Sanpi strict with his mouth?"

"It's okay, don't look at him as unreliable, but he can handle things if he is really entrusted to him. By the way, Wan Huhou has nothing to do. He was sentenced to probation, and now he is by Xiao Zuo's side, becoming Xiao Zuo. Zuo's most loyal subordinate." Xia Hua guessed something, "What's the matter, what do you want to hand over to Wu Sanpi?"

Shi De briefly talked about Qi Mei's matter, and he believed that Xia Hua would not say it: "I want Wu Sanpi to investigate this matter secretly, and we must not leak any information, otherwise it will not only damage Qi Mei's reputation, but also make it worse." Damage the reputation of Secretary Qi."

"Ah? Really? These people are too hateful. If it were me, I would have to be eunuchs." Xia Hua was furious, "Okay, no problem, leave it to me, I will let Wu Sanpi pick them up With a layer of skin, is this still a human? It’s like a wolf in human skin.”

Shi felt at ease when Xia Hua was doing business.

An hour later, he returned to the urban area, and because Qi Mei hadn't returned from a meeting in the capital, Shi De asked Qi Mei to stay at home.

Qi Mei didn't make trouble anymore, Shi De said what he said, and he was as obedient as a little girl.After Mu Fang's incident, Qimei no longer had hostility. Although she was not caring for others, she also showed concern and caring for Qimei.

"If it's inconvenient for you, it's okay to let Qi Mei stay at my house." After Mu Fang and Shi De had an episode last night, the relationship between her and Shi De has undergone subtle changes.The subtlety is just a general subtlety, not a qualitative change. That is to say, the relationship between her and Shi De is still a normal neighbor relationship, but there is a little more inexplicable emotion than normal.

"I won't go, I'll stay at Brother Shi's house." Before Shi De could speak, Qi Mei shook her head and rejected Mu Fang's kindness. Although she also had a little affection for Mu Fang, she still only trusted Shi have to.

"Okay." Mu Fang looked helplessly at Shi De, and said in a low voice, "How do you explain to your many girlfriends? Qi Mei has now developed a dependence on you, and the further development of the dependence is emotional dependence, emotional dependence. If the dependence continues to develop, it is love..."

"Nothing, she just needs a spiritual support now, it has nothing to do with love." Shi De stretched out his hand and pushed Mu Fang, "Don't make trouble, let Qi Mei have a good rest."

Mu Fang was pushed out by Shi De: "Okay, it's up to you, but don't blame me for not reminding you, don't make too many love debts, otherwise you will not live in peace. There are two kinds of debts that are most difficult to repay in a person's life. The second is debt of love."

Shi De said with a smile: "I have lived among thousands of flowers, and not a single blade of grass will touch my clothes."

"Really?" Mu Fang didn't believe it. She and Shi De were standing in the corridor, with two households on one ladder. That is to say, there was no one else on this floor except Shi De and her. Taking a step forward, she threw herself into her arms, and offered her fragrant lips.

Shi De didn't expect Mu Fang to be so bold and proactive. After a little hesitation, he didn't have time to refuse, and was kissed by Mu Fang's fragrant lips.

"How about living among thousands of flowers without even touching your clothes? You can't resist an unsolicited kiss at your door. What self-control do you have?" Mu Fang stretched out a finger and shook it in front of Shi De, "Eight The wind can't blow, and you just cross the river with a fart, you are just doing oral essays, and when you really encounter things, you will show your true colors."

After finishing speaking, Mu Fang Chong Shi waved his hand disdainfully, turned and left.

"Eight winds can't blow, and a fart comes across the river" is an allusion: When Su Dongpo was working in Guazhou, he had an inseparable relationship with Zen Master Foyin, the abbot of Jinshan Temple, and they often practiced Zen and Taoism together.One day, after Su Dongpo sat in meditation, if he realized something, he wrote a poem and sent a book boy to Zen Master Foyin for confirmation.

The poem said: "Jishou Tian is in the middle of the sky, and the light shines on the sky. The eight winds can't move, and I sit on the purple golden lotus."

The Zen master took the poem from Shutong, smiled, wrote two large characters with a pen, and asked Shutong to take it back.When Su Dongpo saw the book boy coming back, he thought that the Zen master would appreciate his state of practice, and hurriedly opened the poem, only to see two large characters written on it—fart!
Su Dongpo was furious, and immediately took a boat across the river to find a Zen master for an argument.Unexpectedly, when the boat arrived at Jinshan Temple, Zen Master Foyin had been waiting on the shore for a long time.When Su Dongpo saw the Zen master, he was very aggressive. As soon as he saw the Zen master, he slammed his face and asked: "I have always regarded you as a good friend. If you don't agree with my cultivation realm, it's fine. How can you scold me?"

The Zen master said nonchalantly, "Why did you scold you?"

Su Dongpo showed these two characters to the Zen master. When the Zen master saw it, he laughed loudly and said, "The eight winds can't be blown, and you can cross the river with one fart."

Su Dongpo can be regarded as a person with strong roots, and he was very ashamed when he woke up at the moment.

The so-called eight winds refer to praise, ridicule, slander, reputation, profit, decline, suffering, and happiness. Follow the sky, the clouds roll and the clouds relax" at will.In fact, people in the world are easily moved by the eight winds of the world, and the state of being unmoved by the eight winds is very high. Who can not be happy in the face of praise, not angry in the face of insults, not sad in the face of pain, and not happy in the face of happiness?Very few people can do it.

Observe that emptiness is like empty space, happiness, sorrow, gain and loss, good and evil... This kind of state is the state where the eight winds do not move.

Shi De looked at Mu Fang's back and was stunned for a while.

At noon, Shi De personally cooks a meal for Qi Mei. The meal is very rich, with a big pot of vegetables and pancakes.Qi Mei was also hungry and ate with gusto.

After the meal, Qi Mei almost completely returned to normal. She sat on the sofa and watched TV for a while, then suddenly remembered something, and asked Shi De: "Shi De, when will my dad come back?"

"I don't know. Secretary Qi only said that he would hold a meeting in the capital for a few days, but he didn't say when he would come back." Seeing that Qi Mei was in good condition, Shi De felt relieved a lot, "Don't think so much, just stay here Just stay here, I'm not a bad person, I won't harm you."

"Where are Zheng Mingrui and Wang Zhen?"

It turned out that Ma Gan and Dong Gua were named Zheng Mingrui and Wang Zhen, which were good names, but unfortunately their character was not very good, Shi De thought about it, and told the truth: "If there is no accident, they have been taken down now. You don't have to worry about the rest of the matter, you have your own law to punish them. Also, Qi Mei, you'd better not tell Secretary Qi about this, lest he worry about you. "

"But..." Qi Mei said bitterly, "I want Dad to come forward and deal with Zheng Mingrui and Wang Zhen well. What if I don't tell Dad?"

It's really simple-minded, Shi De shook his head: "Let Secretary Qi know about this matter. First, it will make him worry, and second, it will distract him. Does Secretary Qi need to come forward for such a trivial matter? I'll ask People are done."

Qi Mei thought for a while: "Okay, I'll leave it to you, I don't worry. Remember to fix them well, don't spare them lightly, lest they will be wicked and dare to harm others in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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