Fortune Teller.

Chapter 436 Good progress

Chapter 436 Good progress
Shi De smiled: "They fell into Wu Sanpi's hands, and if they don't die, they will have to peel off their skin."

"Who is Wu Sanpi?"

"It's the person who will help you vent your anger." In fact, according to Shi De's thinking, it is not necessary to deal with Zheng Mingrui and Wang Zhen. After all, doing it is equivalent to a lynching, but he also knows that some villains don't suffer. , Maybe he will never turn his back on the evil and turn to the right, and the wicked will surrender to the wicked, so he doesn't bother to care about how Wu Sanpi will fix Zheng Mingrui and Wang Zhen, and what kind of physical suffering he will make them suffer.He just hoped that after this incident, Zheng Mingrui and Wang Zhen would not be able to do anything wrong again, which would be a very good thing.

"Okay, I've remembered the name Wu Sanpi."

After Wu Sanpi caught Zheng Mingrui and Wang Zhen, because of Xia Hua's instructions, he cleaned up the two of them, and only made them cry for their father and mother. They regretted what they did before, and repeatedly complained to Wu Sanpi Guaranteed that if they commit another crime in the future, they don't need Wu Sanpi to deal with them, and they will be cut off from the people.

Wu Sanpi didn't believe their evil, mainly because Xia Hua repeatedly emphasized that the two were attempted rapes. Although he was usually a bit of a jerk, he hated men who were rough on women the most. He repaired the two of them to death, and from then on, they trembled every time they heard Wu Sanpi's name.

However, it was Wu Sanpi's ruthless hands that made the two of them really change their ways from now on. They never dared to be rough on women again, and they stopped going in crooked ways, and lived their lives honestly and dutifully.And another donkey friend named Yu Xin who had a good relationship with them did not change his lust. He was not accused of molesting a female donkey friend a few times, and he has become even more daring since then.Once when he molested a female donkey friend while camping, he encountered strong resistance from the other party. In a fit of rage, he missed and strangled her to death.

Although he committed manslaughter afterwards, during the interrogation process, he confessed his previous indecent and illegal behaviors many times, and was punished for several crimes, and was finally sentenced to death.

After hearing the news that Yu Xin had been shot, both Zheng Mingrui and Wang Zhen broke out in a cold sweat, remembering how Wu Sanpi tortured them back then, their hatred for Wu Sanpi immediately turned into deep gratitude, If Wu Sanpi hadn't made them suffer and feel fear, they would have ended up being shot.

If people do not have a heart of reverence and fear, they will have no restraint, and they will go to the dead end of doing whatever they want.

Wu Santian also caught Qi Mei's ears because of Shi De's words. Later, Qi Mei still didn't hide what happened to her when she was camping, and told the truth to Quan Quan.After listening to Quan Quan, he broke out in a cold sweat from shock, only to realize that Shi De had done such a great good thing for him, but he never told him that he is indeed a very rare young man who takes credit but does not invite credit, which made him feel more sorry for him. Shi Degao took a look, and from then on regarded Shi De as a relative.

And Wu Sanpi also fell into the eyes of Quanquan because of Qi Mei's mouth. After observing Wu Sanpi secretly for a period of time, Quanquan found that although Wu Sanpi's working methods are simple and rough, he is still a trustworthy and responsible person in essence. Good comrade, through the relationship of the municipal party committee, Wu Sanpi was promoted step by step.

Wu Sanpi eventually became the deputy mayor and director of the Public Security Bureau.During his career as an official, his greatest achievement was in the transformation of the urban village in Shimen, where he made drastic advances and wiped out many small gangsters who did evil and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune. A villain who trades a house for wealth that he can't finish in three lifetimes...

This is for later.

Two days later, Qi Mei came back from a meeting in the capital, and Qi Mei went home under the escort of Shi De.As soon as she got home, Qi Mei assured Quan Quan that she would never run around again, that she would stay at home with peace of mind until she went to work after graduation, and that she would listen to her parents and never make them angry again.

I couldn't believe that my ears were complete and I was shocked by Qi Mei's great change. After being shocked, I shed tears of relief. At the same time, he was very grateful to Shi De. Although he didn't know what happened behind the scenes, he could still guess Qi Mei Behind the drastic change in attitude, there must be credit for Shi De.

Shi De didn't say anything, he only said that Qi Mei had figured it out, grown up and became sensible, and after talking with Quan Quan, he bid farewell to Quan Quan and came to Bitian Group.

Compared with the previous lifelessness, Bitian Group is now full of vitality. Not only the employees of the original Bitian Group have taken on a new look, but even the employees of the integrated Zhuo Group are full of confidence in the future and are fully committed to the future. To innovation and work.

If a person is full of confidence, he will go forward bravely when he starts to do things, and if a company is full of vigor, the future will be bright.People have their fortunes, and so do companies.From the moment Shi Decai stepped into the Bitian Group, he felt that there was a vigorous upward spirit in the Bitian Group, that is to say, the fortune of the Bitian Group finally reversed its decline and rebounded.

Not only has it picked up, but the rising momentum is still very fast, a good thing, a great good thing.

Biyou is waiting for Shi De in the office.

Xiahua, Yueqingying, Huahua, Shengxia, and Quanyou were all there, and even Xiao Zuo was there. Basically, it can be said that all the business elites within Shide's current sphere of influence are present.

The conference room that Bitian Group has not used for a long time is now renovated inside and out. When Shi De stepped into the door of the conference room, all the people stood up to welcome him.

"Why is it so grand? I was shocked." Shi De smiled and sat on the top seat. He also knew that if he didn't sit on the top seat, no one would be seated, so he had to do his part. "The theme of today's meeting is What?"

"There is no specific theme, just a summary of staged work." Biyou presided over the meeting. She was dressed in professional attire, looking capable and dashing, "Let me first talk about the progress of Bitian Group's work. With the help, the process of Bitian Group's integration of Zhuo Group is very smooth. Up to now, 70.00% of the integration has been basically completed, and in about a week, the integration can reach expectations. In addition, Shengxia and I have also reached a consensus that Bitian Group He and Shengshi Group each hold 5.00% of the shares of the other group. Judging from the current development momentum of Bitian Group, Bitian Group will turn losses into profits after one year. Of course, can it completely pay off the Zhuo Group? Debt depends on whether the development of Huimin Community in Nancun can be successful."

Speaking of Nancun Huimin Community, Yue Qingying answered: "My initial idea is that all victims of illegal fund-raising can choose a house from Nancun Huimin Community for free as compensation. Legally speaking, illegal Fundraising is not protected by law, but based on humanity, and as the takeover group of the Zhuo Group, Bitian Group has assumed all the debts. The house to be compensated is calculated according to the market value, and the funds invested by the victims are also considered to be recovered.”

Shi De nodded and said: "This method is good. According to the amount of funds raised, the size of the house corresponds to the size of the house, and it is converted according to the current market value. After the house appreciates, the victim's fund-raising funds will not only be recovered, but also equivalent to a profit... that is. I wonder if the victims can accept this condition?"

"It's not a big problem. Zeng Dengke has taken care of the work of the victims. For many people, maybe the funds raised were wasted, and suddenly a house fell from the sky, which is equivalent to a surprise." Shengxia said to Shi I admire the deeds of several people. She has been in business for many years, and this is the first time she has seen an entrepreneur who sincerely cares for the common people. "I also have experience in group work. If there are individual victims who disagree, I will be responsible for persuading them. This is a great thing. Conscientious entrepreneurs like you deserve to be promoted in the city."

"Being kind to others is not true kindness, so we should stop promoting it." Shi De smiled and waved his hands, "I just hope to do my best so that the hard-earned money that the common people have worked so hard to accumulate all their lives will not be lost. No matter who it is, whether it is a multi-millionaire or a billionaire, where does the money come from? It is all earned from the common people. Therefore, the rich should have the intention of taking wealth from the people and using it for the people. This is the good fortune of the country and the good fortune of the society.”

Xia Hua nodded: "I did some preliminary calculations. Nancun Huimin Community, since the land is a bonus for taking over the mess of the Zhuo Group, it didn't cost any money. At least hundreds of millions of land transfer fees were saved. Of course, these few 2000 million must be converted into Zhuo Group’s illegal fund-raising losses. Nancun Huimin Community has a total of 700 houses, and more than 1200 victims of illegal fund-raising. After this, there are still more than [-] houses left. In fact, some of them were subscribed by Shengxia. There is still a part to be pushed to the market. In the end, it can be almost equal. In other words, the Nancun Huimin Community has basically offset the debt problem left by the Zhuo Group. But then again, it is equal to Bitian and Binsheng They invested a lot of manpower and material resources, did not make any money, and finally paid off their foreign debts.”

"How is the sales situation in the Nancun Huimin Community?" Shi De is more concerned about sales issues, and sales determine everything.

"It's not bad. It is estimated that it will be sold out within half a year. The main reason is that the publicity effect of "The Great Beauty Stone Gate" has played an unexpected role in promoting it." Xia Hua giggled, "The success of the documentary "The Great Beauty Stone Gate", Yang Tai Chang takes the first place, Shi De takes the second place, and I take the third place."

"Beautiful Stone Gate" was originally proposed by Shi De, and it stands to reason that Shi De should take the first place, but "Beautiful Stone Gate" was successfully filmed and published under the strong push of Yang Changzai, and finally boarded the CCTV, so Xia Hua pushed Yang Changzai to the first place.And she knew that Shi De had never been a proud person.

(End of this chapter)

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