Fortune Teller.

Chapter 455

Chapter 455
Yue Qingying cast a meaningful glance at Shi De, Shi De pretended not to see it, and looked up at the ceiling, as if there were alien flying saucers on the ceiling, he watched it with relish and interest.

"It's what I mean, I just want to ask if you have any thoughts on marrying him."

"Yes, there are too few men who are as handsome, capable, and responsible as Brother Shi. I would rather kill the wrong man than let him go. If he is interested in me and wants to marry me, I will marry him no matter what , want to give birth to him. But I also know that Luo Hua is intentional, Liu Shui is ruthless, and the person Shi Ge wants to marry most is Xia Hua and Sister Xia. But then again, Xia Sister is really not as good as me, I am gentler than her Generous and younger than her, Brother Shi should really choose me..."

When Yue Qingying hung up the phone, Xia Hua couldn't wait to say: "What does Qimei mean? I'm not as good as her? I'm much more generous and gentle than her! I'm only two years older than her. Listening to her tone of voice, she is definitely a little girl who knows what is love, what is marriage, what is loyalty, and what is life? Let’s not talk about it, Shi De, I propose to you now, I want to marry you, and I want to give birth to you , you agree quickly."

Seeing that the effect was achieved, Yue Qingying smiled calmly, and Biyou also smiled implicitly.

Shi Decai found out that Yue Qingying played a good show in order to make Xia Hua propose to him, he secretly smiled, but still looked up at the sky: "I'm flattered, someone actually proposed to me, it's so unexpected and so embarrassing!" People are touched. But I have to think about it, now that there are so many girls wanting to marry me, I have to choose and shop around to buy good things."

"Get lost!" Xia Hua was furious, "Marrying a wife is not about buying things. No matter how hypocritical you are, I really won't marry you. Hurry up and promise, you have 3 minutes."

"Okay." Shi De didn't keep Xia Hua waiting any longer, and said briskly, "Okay, I agree to your marriage proposal."

There was thunderous applause in the meeting room, and everyone cheered loudly: "Okay, that's great, Brother Shi and Sister Xia have finally achieved a positive result, congratulations, congratulations!"

Sheng Xia also said: "When will we get married? Should we wait for Wuyi and Quanyou to hold a group wedding together?"

"I can't wait until May Day, and now I can't wait to marry Xia Hua tomorrow." Shi De laughed.

"Duplicity." Xia Hua gave Shi a blank look, "It's alright, Shi, don't be so cheap and obedient, I've fallen to the point of proposing to you, if it spreads out, how many young masters will be pissed off? No, I have to set the date of marriage." .”

"Okay, you decide."

"Choose an auspicious day next month."

"Okay, I'm fine."

"Also, I want to hold a very grand wedding."

"I promise you this, but I have one condition. Before the wedding, keep everything secret and not let the outside world know." Shi De knew that the marriage between him and Xia Hua was a major turning point in his life. In terms of the master's layout, it was even more of an accident.

"Okay, I promise you everything." Xia Hua knew Shi De's thoughts, so she didn't bother with this question anymore, "But I still have a question. After marriage, who will sweep the floor and who will wash the dishes?"

"The meeting is over!" Shi De didn't wait for Xia Hua to continue messing around, and quickly ended the meeting with a wave of his hand.

"Hey, I haven't finished talking yet, while everyone is here, let's divide the housework first..." Xia Hua refused to let Shi De go.

Only halfway through the words, Shi De had already slipped away.

There were bursts of good-natured laughter in the meeting room.

After Shi De and Xia Hua's wedding date was set, they started to get busy. Fortunately, there was no need to buy a house. The house in Rong Jing Terrace was directly regarded as a new house, and it was newly renovated, so there was no need to redecorate it, and the furniture was also new.There is no need to buy a car, Shi De has a Land Rover, Xia Hua has an Audi, and neither of them is short of cars.

For the remaining daily necessities, everyone around you can send one to each other, which is enough.So the preparatory work for the marriage is that Xia Hua and Xia's family are busy, and Shi De is still the same as before as the hands-off shopkeeper.

Now that all the work is on the right track, Shi De is also relaxed. Binsheng's affairs are handled by Yue Qingying, Bitian Group's work is handled by Biyou, Quanyou Group is controlled by Quanyi, Shi Even though he holds shares in several companies, he can usually let go and become a wealthy idler.

The green eco-tourism project is in the early stage of preparation, and it is estimated that it will be officially launched within a month without any accidents.

Originally, Xia Hua was arranged to be responsible for the preparations for the establishment of Shide Pure Holding Company, but due to the disruption of the arrangement due to the marriage, the establishment of the Pure Holding Company was temporarily postponed.

Shi De has always believed that the real nobles are idlers, and those who are too busy to touch the ground every day, no matter how much money and power they have, it is useless, because they are too busy to have time to stick to their hearts, rushing around, even enjoying themselves. There is no time for life to feel the real life, which is very sad.In the end, no matter whether it is gold or silver, if you can't take it away, what's the use?

Life is just a feeling, and happiness is also a feeling. Quietness is a kind of happiness, but being busy is a kind of pain.If a person is too busy every day, it is a sign of no blessings.Those who are truly blessed don't have to run around, and good luck and good things will come naturally.

The so-called blessed people don't have to be busy, and the unlucky people run heartbroken.

half a month later.

"Shi De, I'm Li Changfeng. If it's convenient for you, come to Sian Chay Group." Just as Shi De was leisurely and ready for his wedding, a phone call interrupted his leisurely life.

Li Changfeng has an appointment, and Shi De must attend the appointment, he immediately agreed: "Okay, I'll go right away."

On the way Shi De left for Sian Chay Group, he received another call from an unexpected person—Du Qingxuan.

"Shi De, I'm Du Qingxuan."

"Master Du..." Shi was taken aback. Why did Qingxuan Du call himself, and he said respectfully and politely, "What orders does Master Du have?"

"Shi De, I'm with Wentian and I'm talking about you. I heard you're getting married, okay, good job, I wish you the best of luck."

"Thank you, Master Du and Master Bi." Shi De knew that Du Qingxuan's call was definitely not just for congratulations, there must be other important matters.

"Wentian and I have just decided on one thing. Although you deliberately concealed the news about your marriage, as far as I know, He Zitian has heard about it. If you let him know about your plan to marry Xia Hua, you Think, will He Zitian suddenly make a move to stop you?"

"..." Shi De was silent for a while, "Do your best to obey the destiny."

"Doing your best to listen to the destiny is of course following the way of heaven, and trying to make your life go in the right direction is also following the way of heaven." Du Qingxuan chuckled, "So Wentian and I decided to work together to cover up the news of your marriage for you, so that He Zitian would not know in advance After you and Xia Hua get married, it becomes a fait accompli, and it doesn't matter if you let him know."

After thinking for a while, Shi De didn't say anything more, he also heard that Du Qingxuan and Bi Wentian had made up their minds, no matter what he said, they couldn't change their decision, not to mention that they were out of good intentions, He expressed his gratitude: "Then thank you Du Ye and Bi Ye."

Shi De also knew that with the skills of Du Qingxuan and Bi Wentian, if the two of them joined forces, they could indeed cover up the news of his marriage to Xia Hua from Master He.

"You don't need to thank me. We are not here to help you, but to help ourselves." Du Qingxuan suddenly sighed, "People, only when you help yourself can you have God's help and others will help. He did it on his own. Compared with him, Shi De, you are much more kind and honest. By the way, I have something to tell you, Ma Feiyan is going to go abroad, and she is now living in Qingchang Garden in the capital."

The phone was disconnected, and Shi De was also stunned.

Shi De was in a daze not because of Du Qingxuan's praise of him, but because of Ma Feiyan's whereabouts revealed by Du Qingxuan.After Yu Shuai's death, Ma Feiyan didn't know whether she was frightened or learned to be smart, so she hid, and shelved the important matter of cooperating with Quanyou.Even where she is, Quanyou has lost clues.

Unexpectedly, never expected, Du Qingxuan revealed Ma Feiyan's whereabouts, which was really a surprise.Maybe it was because Du Qingxuan hated Ma Feiyan for killing Yu Shuai, that's why he revealed the news to him.

Shi De immediately called Quanyou: "According to reliable information, Ma Feiyan is in Qingchang Garden in the capital."

"Really?" Quan You was overjoyed, "I'm in the capital, and I'll go to Qingchang Garden immediately."

"Okay." Shi De was overjoyed and put down the phone. The Sian Chay Building of Sian Chay Group had arrived.

After parking the car, Shi De was about to step into the gate of Sian Chay Building when he raised his head and saw a person walking towards him.The visitor was covered in famous brands, with shiny leather shoes and unruly hair, as if he was dressed like a wealthy young man.

It was none other than Mu Jinnian.

"Shi De, hello, I didn't expect to meet you here." Mu Jinnian greeted him with a smile, stepped forward to shake Shi De's hand, "Recently, you have been in the limelight, and you have been promoted at every step. I am very happy for you."

How did Mu Jinnian become what he is now?Flashy and frivolous, Shi De shook his head secretly, shook hands with Mu Jinnian, and said with a smile: "Brother Jinnian has been doing well recently, and he has also opened up the situation in Shimen. Congratulations."

"Where, where, it's still far behind you, and I need to learn more from you." Mu Jinnian turned his head and pointed at Sian Chay Building, "Why, do you have an appointment with Li Changfeng?"

"Yes." Shi De simply answered without elaborating.

"We have a chance to get together in the future, I have a lot to say to you." Mu Jinnian shook Shi De's hand again, and waved goodbye to Shi De.

After getting into the car within a short distance, the smile on Mu Jinnian's face froze, and he glared fiercely at Shi De's back: "Shi De, just wait, I will take everything away from you bit by bit. , including your career and women. Now, let me start with Yue Qingying, Yue Qingying was originally my woman, and I want to get it back."

(End of this chapter)

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