Fortune Teller.

Chapter 456

Chapter 456
Shi De entered the elevator, but his cell phone rang unexpectedly. He shook his head and smiled, and answered the call.


A long-lost voice sounded, both far away and close at hand, both familiar and strange, making Shi De hold his breath for a while!

"Master He!" Shi De was almost speechless, after He Zitian had disappeared for half a year, he suddenly called, and it was on the eve of his upcoming wedding with Xia Hua, how could it not surprise and delight him.

"I'm not by your side, you manage things well by yourself, I'm very happy, Shi De, you've finally grown up." He Zitian's voice still sounded so calm, as if he hadn't seen you for half a year, but it was just a cloudless breeze For a moment, "Is everything okay recently? Didn't any accident happen?"

"Everything... is okay." Shi De hesitated for a moment, but held back, not telling He Zitian the fact that he was going to marry Xia Hua, "Master He, when are you coming back?"

"I've never gone away, I've always been here." He Zitian said with a sharp smile, "Don't think I'm not here, but I've always been by your side, you just didn't notice it. Continue to follow your thoughts and walk your way Lu, when the time is right, I will appear."

"Understood, Mr. He." Seeing that Mr. He still had a calm personality, Shi De was relieved. Since Mr. He said to let him continue to follow his own way, and he married Xia Hua, he would also be married. It's not against the will of Master He.

"By the way, Shi De, don't think about your marital problems now, because your marital problems are closely related to your fate, and also have some relationship with the whereabouts of your biological parents. You must be cautious." He Zitian emphasized, " When your marriage comes, I will remind you in time."

"Understood, Master He." At this point, Shi De knew that the main purpose of Master He's call was to further control the direction of his life, so that he could proceed completely according to his plan without any deviation.

Could it be that what Bi Wentian and Du Qingxuan said about Master He is really correct?Shi De was flustered in his heart, not knowing what to think.

He didn't wake up until Master He hung up the phone. When he looked up, the elevator had already arrived.

"Wentian, Qingxuan, I hope we can reach a consensus on Shi De's marriage." In Du Qingxuan's yard, He Zitian, Du Qingxuan and Bi Wentian sat facing each other. It's a good season, and He Zitian is dressed in a Tai Chi suit, floating like a fairy.

"Okay, since Zitian said so, Wentian and I must cooperate." Du Qingxuan chuckled, glanced at Bi Wentian, and said, "I remember Zitian said last time that he wanted to marry me, but at present Come on, Fang Mu and Shi De have nothing to do with each other."

Bi Wentian also said: "Yuan Yuan and Shi De also have a predestined relationship, and Shi De's marriage fate, I don't know who it will fall on?"

"It's probably Biyou." He Zitian said flatly, "I have always regarded Shi De as my own child, so my concern has been chaotic. When it comes to Shi De's marriage, I was in a hurry and made some wrong judgments. People are not sages, who can do nothing? With your help in the future, I will definitely not make the same mistake again."

Bi Wentian and Du Qingxuan looked at each other, and the two smiled quietly. Bi Wentian said: "It is better to let nature take its course for the marriage problem that has been implemented. People are not as good as God. I have been in the realm of fortune for many years, and I have become more and more profound. I realized a little bit, people, it’s really not good to be too strong. After all, human beings have a selfish side, how can they beat the sky? The sky will never be defeated, why? Because the way of heaven is selfless, and selflessness is the invincible the key to the land."

"That's true, but throughout the ages, there are still many great heroes who followed the sky and acted for the sky, and did a great job." He Zitian smiled complacently, "Just like the three of us, according to ordinary people's views , but powerless idlers, but those who really know the depths, who would dare not look up to us?"

"Zitian, I remember that you have always been indifferent to fame and wealth, and you don't care about the gains and losses of honor and disgrace in the world. If you say that, you are making sense." Bi Wentian intends to test He Zitian.

"Each stage has different feelings in life. If I used to be a pot of tea for Qianqiu Daye, then now I am a world of mortals and three cups of wine, ha ha." He Zitian laughed heartily.

"The world of mortals is rolling, I don't know how many heroes and heroes have been entangled, Zitian, you have entered the world, and suddenly I feel very desolate." Du Qingxuan shook his head.

"The small hermit hides in the wild, and the big hermit hides in the city." He Zitian continued to discuss with Bi Wentian and Du Qingxuan, "A master outside the world, in Buddhist terms, is the Hinayana way, a self who only seeks peace and happiness for himself. Liao Han. And the great hermit who acts into the world with the heart of the world is the Mahayana way, and it is the true way to save all beings from suffering."

"Then what way is Shide going?" Bi Wentian used to love to argue with He Zitian, but now he is too lazy to discuss with He Zitian what is the great way and what is the small way. He also knows that after so many years, no one can convince anyone. Just go your own way.

"Shi De is following the middle way." He Zitian calmed down. In his eyes, Bi Wentian and Du Qingxuan's joint efforts were not as brilliant as his. "The middle way is righteous. Only the middle way is the ultimate way."

"I wish Shide will go farther and farther on the ultimate road." Bi Wentian and Du Qingxuan smiled at each other, and they nodded understandingly. Neither of them told He Zitian that Shide was about to marry Xia Hua. Teacup, "Come on, replace wine with tea, cheers."

"A pot of tea for Qianqiu Daye, haha." He Zitian laughed loudly, and there was an indescribable happiness in his laughter.

"Three cups of wine in the world of mortals, a pot of tea for a thousand years of great achievements... what a couplet." Shi De pushed away from Li Changfeng's office, and what came into view was a couplet. He couldn't help but praise, "Old Li, you probably like to drink a lot tea?"

Li Changfeng stood indifferently in a white practice uniform. If he wasn't in a spacious modern office, one would suspect that he is a wealthy idler who is not disturbed by worldly affairs.

The office is spacious and bright. Although the decoration is not high-end, it reveals the heaviness and vicissitudes everywhere. The exquisite mahogany furniture and solid wood floor reveal a heavy luxury atmosphere in a calm manner.

"I don't really love tea, but when I drink water, I like to put a few sticks on it." Li Changfeng smiled and asked Shi De to take a seat.

"Mr. Li's state is really high, and he should live without a place to live. Whether he drinks plain water or tea, it's all to quench his thirst."

"That's a good point. It's not easy to understand the principle of greatness and simplicity in life. Xiao Shi, I didn't expect you to be so accomplished in Buddhism?" Li Changfeng's eyes when he looked at Shi Deshi had already begun Enthusiastic.

"Don't dare, dare not, I don't have any attainments in Buddhism. Buddhism is profound and profound, and I haven't even learned the fur." ​​Shi De is not modest, but really dare not claim to have attainments in Buddhism. The Buddhist scriptures are as vast as a sea of ​​smoke, He has only read a few books, how dare he say he is accomplished?

"Come, sit, sit." Li Changfeng warmly invited Shi De to sit down, and he also sat opposite Shi De, pointed to a picture on the wall, and asked, "Xiao Shi, come and comment This letter."

Shi De actually didn't have any accomplishments in calligraphy, but since Li Changfeng spoke, he had to show something. In order to show respect, he stood up, came to the calligraphy, and read it intently.

The first part is small script: "One truth: cherish life and live well.

Two honest words:
1. Don't let foreign things enslave your mind.

2. Don't let money replace family affection.

Three words of conscience:
1. Respect your parents well, because they are your Buddha.

2. Raise your children well, because they are your hope.

3. Get along well with people, because you cannibalize the fireworks.

Four words from the heart: 1. Living in the present is Zen, no matter how hard you are, you must smile.

2. Life is often unsatisfactory, not looking at it, and often thinking about it.

3. Always take a bath for the soul to get rid of all kinds of dust.

4. Learn to live simple, simple is a kind of ordinary, but not mediocre.

Five wise words:
1. Don't worry about small things.

2. Don't worry about money.

3. Don't be overwhelmed by greed.

4. Don't worry about emotions.

5. Don't compare yourself with others. "

Although the petty-headed lower case letters are not distinctive, it is not easy to write them well, which can reflect a person's skill.As far as Shi De's knowledge is concerned, the content of the characters is ignored for the time being, and only the strokes of the characters are mentioned. The calmness reveals the atmosphere, rigorous yet lively, faintly resembling everyone.

In the latter part, the strokes changed from small script to running script.

"Six famous sayings:

1. Believe in yourself and meet all kinds of tests in life and work with a smile.

2. Motivate yourself, use actions and efforts to prove that you are no worse than others.

3. Encourage yourself and keep yourself motivated at all times.

4. Hone yourself and keep your mind at peace.

5. Perfect yourself and make yourself as perfect as possible.

6. Forget about yourself and make yourself enter the Tao and become a Buddha as soon as possible.

Seven old sayings:

1. Don't climb, don't compare, don't get angry with yourself.

2. Work more, talk less, everyone has a steelyard in their hearts.

3. Eat less salt, be more jealous, play less mahjong and take more walks.

4. Go to bed on time, get up on time, run and swim for fitness.

5. Husband and wife love, children's filial piety, family harmony are more important than anything else.

6. Do some kindness, accumulate some virtue, and always recite Maitreya Buddha in your heart.

7. It is also a blessing to suffer a little, suffer a little, be stupid, and be stupid. "

It can be clearly seen that this part of the running script is from the same person as the previous small script, but the difference is that the difference between the running script and the small script part is like a young man in a suit and leather shoes transforming into a casual and free-spirited man. The middle-aged man, from the previous cautious and slow walking, has become a relaxed and casual running forward.

(End of this chapter)

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