Fortune Teller.

Chapter 457

Chapter 457
Compared with the rigor of small script, the running script is a bit more open-minded.Perhaps it is because life has experienced the hardships and hard work of youth, and entered the wealth and stability of middle age, and the mentality has become more peaceful. The so-called calligraphy is like a person, calligraphy can best show a person's temperament and state of mind.

The last part is the wild grass of pen and dragon snake.

"Eight whispers:

1. Go to the farthest distance—even if the road ahead is confusing; hold the greatest hope—even if the mountains and rivers are at an end; insist on the strongest will—even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire; prepare for the worst—even if you start all over again.

2. Today I found out: Why do we always feel that pain is greater than happiness; sorrow is greater than joy; sorrow is greater than happiness? Things that belong to sorrow are regarded as sorrow, and things that should belong to joy, joy, and happiness are regarded as plain, and they are not regarded as real joy, joy, and happiness.

3. I can't go up and down with the waves, for the sake of my beloved relatives, no matter how hard it is, I must be strong.When I am sick, I find that health is the most important; when I am sad, I find happiness is the most important; when I am broken in love, I find that love is the most important; When I am hungry, I find that food and clothing are the most important; when I am depressed, I find that confidence is the most important; when I die, I find that time is the most important; but when I am not alive, I find that everything is important, Nothing matters—what is important, what is desired?Don't forget what you once had, cherish what you have already got, don't give up what belongs to you, keep memories of what you have lost, you must work hard to get what you want, but the most important thing is to cherish yourself.

4. Crying does not mean that I give in; taking a step back does not mean that I admit defeat; A lover is not a lover.It is a kind of happiness to meet the right person at the right time.Meeting the wrong person at the wrong time is a sigh.

5. Mistakes - correct it, sad - cry bitterly, tired - look back, tired of work - take a break, despair - helpless, sometimes, disappointment is also a kind of happiness, because there is something to look forward to. will be disappointed.Sometimes regret is also a kind of happiness, because there are still things that make you regret.

6. The world is too big to meet you, the world is too small to lose you. The living conditions of modern people: go to work today, sleep yesterday, spend tomorrow’s money.I thought the bird couldn't fly over the sea because the bird didn't have the courage to fly over the sea. Ten years later, I found out that it wasn't that the bird couldn't fly over, but that there was no waiting at the other end of the sea.

7. Watch your thoughts, for your words will form your words; Watch your words, for your words will lead to your actions; Watch your actions, for your actions will form your habits; Watch your habits, for your habits will form your character; watch your character, for character is your destiny.

8. I drank to drown the pain, but the damn pain learned to swim.Love is like chewing gum, it will become bland and tasteless after a long time, and no matter where you throw it, it will leave indelible traces. "

Wild cursive is more difficult than running script, the difficulty lies in how to be wild without losing concentration.The so-called unrestrainedness means being carefree and free and unrestrained; the so-called concentration means letting the wind blow from east to west and from north to south, I will stand still.How to achieve the perfect unity of the two requires a wealth of life experience.

There is an old-fashioned saying that there are three realms in life: seeing mountains are mountains, seeing water is water; seeing mountains are not mountains, seeing water is not water; seeing mountains are mountains, seeing water is water.It seems that the third realm is the same as the first realm, but it is actually different.

In the early days of life, when we were struggling hard, we only wanted to be successful and famous. At this time, our minds were full of thoughts about how to make a fortune, how to eat and wear warm.In the eyes of young people who have nothing, happiness is the basic condition needed for survival-eat and dress well.

In the middle-aged stage, when the success and wealth of dreams have been truly laid down, at this time, you are full of ambition, look at the world, and feel that you are superior, and greater success and wealth are at your fingertips.At this time, in the eyes of middle-aged people who have just achieved success, success means having more wealth and greater fame.

In the old age, having everything and experiencing everything, I suddenly feel that the world is nothing more than this, and the so-called success that people strive for all their lives is nothing more than food and clothing when they are old.Any ambitions or lofty ambitions are just passing clouds.

The first thing to look at is the state of seeing mountains and seeing water as water, which is the state that has not yet realized the real world.The third point is to look at the mountain and see the water as the state of water. It is the state of knowing that everything is just like this after experiencing everything. The two states seem to be the same, but in fact there is a difference of a whole life.

"What, Xiao Shi, do you have anything to say?" Seeing that Shi De was silent for a while, Li Changfeng smiled slightly, interrupting Shi De's train of thought. He really wanted to hear Shi De's opinion.

Shi De woke up from the state of intoxication, and smiled apologetically: "The young are cautious, the middle-aged are free and easy, and the old are unrestrained and carefree. In this picture, let's not talk about the meaning of the words themselves, but only from the perspective of calligraphy. Kuangcao, the three styles of writing describe the three stages of life. Mr. Li, you have realized it."

"Hahahaha..." Li Changfeng invited countless people to read his handwriting, and only Shi De wrote three kinds of wonderful comments on the three stages of life in three styles of writing. How could he not be overjoyed by his state of mind?

The greatest joy of a calligrapher is not only that his writing is recognized by others, but also that his writing mood is also resonated with by others. I don’t know how many people praised his calligraphy well, but no one explained his picture in a single word. Words actually describe the vicissitudes of life.

Until Shi De's appearance!
"Xiao Shi, please stop praising me, I'm still far away from enlightenment..." Li Changfeng was in a good mood, and he pulled Shi De into his office suite, "Come on, let's take a look at one of my collections again." Character."

Li Changfeng's office is a suite, which is spacious on the outside and nice on the inside, but the layout is slightly different from the outside office in that there are not only desks and chairs, but also beds.

It is Li Changfeng's usual rest room in Sian Chay Group.

Li Changfeng took out a beautiful picture scroll from a table and laid it flat on the table, please take a look at it: "Come on, Xiao Shi, look at what I just wrote, I have never let anyone see it, are you First."

Shi De was flattered and hurried forward.

"Nine qi in life:
1.Read more in your spare time, and gain your talents through reading;

2.Be cautious in your words and deeds, keep a low profile and keep your breath clean;
3.Make friends with friendship, generosity and popularity;

4.Be good at bearing heavy burdens in difficulties, endure humiliation and build up ambition;

5.Dealing with affairs is easy, don't fight for harmony;

6.Speak principles to yourself and stick to your confidence;

7.Indifferent and far-reaching, self-cultivation and uprightness;

8.Low and cowardly, frankly see the backbone;
9.Outstanding and able to gregarious, high-quality and noble spirit.

Nine innings of life:

1.The game of favor and disgrace: favor or disgrace.

2.The game of gain and loss: only a small loss can make a big gain.

3.The game of profit and loss: see the profit and think of the harm first.

4.The situation of misfortune and fortune: fortune and misfortune depend on each other.

5.The situation of rich and poor: Poor but ambitious, rich but not arrogant.

6.The situation of high and low: high and low are determined by everyone.

7.The situation of bitterness and joy: bitterness and joy depend on each other.

8.The situation of life and death: Ming life and death, great meaning.

9.The game of success or failure: win without arrogance, lose without discouragement.

Nine Products of Life:

The next three products:
Self-confidence, self-confidence can achieve everything but not arrogant;
Modest, knowing that there is no end to learning but not being inferior;

Acknowledge your mistakes, introspect your shortcomings, know your mistakes, and correct them.

Middle three grades:
Be grateful, be grateful for everything;
contentment, to be satisfied with all that is enjoyed;
Do nothing, settle everything that is available.

Top three products:
Be willing to share the income with the public;
Tolerant, to accommodate all of his life;
Awaken and realize the truth of the universe and life. "

If the characters just now were written in lower case, cursive script and cursive cursive, then the current characters are quaint official scripts, which have reached the level of ingenuity and clumsiness. Shi De nodded and said: "Good characters, simple and elegant, the The ingenuity and clumsiness of the official script is brought into full play. It not only has a natural simplicity, but also a kind of silent and long-lasting. Mr. Li, the words in front of him have written all the vicissitudes of life. It has written the true meaning of the avenue to simplicity. Compared with the previous words, this word is the embodiment of your true skill."

"Well said, well said." Li Changfeng clapped his hands and laughed, stretched out his hand to pat Shi De's shoulder, "Xiao Shi, I'm committed to you as a kid. I used to think that due to the age gap, it was impossible to have Forgotten friends, now I believe that some things can transcend time, let us become confidants."

Being introduced by Li Changfeng as a confidant, Shi was extremely excited: "Thank you, Mr. Li, for your love. In front of you, I am a junior, and I am not qualified to be your confidant."

"I say enough is enough." Li Changfeng laughed again, filled with uncontrollable joy, "Come on, drink tea with me, let's continue chatting."

With such recognition from Li Changfeng, Shi De knew that the green eco-tourism project he and Li Changfeng cooperated with was not only successful, but also had the possibility of further cooperation in the future.

Back in the office outside, Li Changfeng made another pot of tea and said, "Mu Jinnian passed by just now, and he wants to discuss cooperation with me."

Seeing Li Changfeng directly throwing out Mu Jinnian's intentions for coming, Shi De knew that in Li Changfeng's eyes, Mu Jinnian was not in his sights.He shook his head secretly, now Mu Jinnian has become the vanguard against him, why bother?Sometimes if you are too eager to contain others, you will humiliate yourself instead.

If you only focus on other people's achievements and think about how to contain and surpass others, then the structure of your life will be limited by the structure of your opponents, and you will never have a bright future.

(End of this chapter)

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