Fortune Teller.

Chapter 458 It's Easy Come And Easy Go

Chapter 458 It's Easy Come And Easy Go

"I'm back to him..." Li Changfeng smiled lightly, "Although his name is good, with lush vegetation and splendid years, his foundation in Chinese studies is so poor that he can't even match a line of poetry. I will cooperate with a person who doesn’t even know a little about the traditional culture of his own country. If a person is not influenced by the Confucian thought of self-cultivation, family governance, state governance and world peace, he will not be a trustworthy partner.”

Although Li Changfeng's requirements are somewhat extreme, it has to be said that true Confucian scholars have strict requirements on themselves. At least they have a sense of awe, moral restraint, and lofty ideological realm.

"Book of Rites? University": "In ancient times, those who wanted to make clear and bright in the world first ruled their country; those who wanted to rule their country first regulated their families; First rectify one's mind; those who want to rectify one's mind must first be sincere in one's mind; those who want to be sincere in one's mind must first extend one's knowledge, and the extension of knowledge lies in the investigation of objects. After rectification, the body will be cultivated; if the body is cultivated, then the family will be in order; if the family is in order, then the country will be governed; if the country is governed, then the world will be peaceful.”

The ancients read for themselves, so they worked hard to improve their own quality and self-cultivation.Nowadays, people read for exam-oriented education, for others, and for eating.Different starting points lead to different social atmospheres.

Shi De nodded: "I had contact with Mu Jinnian in Shancheng..."

"Oh..." Li Changfeng asked curiously, "Tell me, what is your impression of Mu Jinnian?"

"Don't talk about other people's faults in small talk." Shi De smiled implicitly, "When I was in Shancheng, I not only had contact with him, but also cooperated with him. It can also be said that he has helped me. But people It's always going to change, time goes by and everyone is changed by circumstances."

Li Changfeng understood: "People are not only distracted by the environment, but also by their own desires. Xiao Shi, Mu Jinnian walked away from me. If I guessed correctly, he went to find Ye Dacheng again. "

Mu Jinnian stood on the opposite side of him step by step, Shi De's feeling was not sadness and helplessness, but calmness.He faces all the changes calmly and has experienced so much. While he believes in the goodness of everyone's nature, he also knows that there is deep evil hidden in human nature.

Let him go, everyone is responsible for their own life and future. In fact, whether everyone is poor or rich, healthy or sick is his own choice, and no one else is to blame.

"Mr. Li, green eco-tourism has been officially launched now, and I have some new ideas that I would like to share with you."

"Okay, I called you here today just to hear your opinion again." Li Changfeng said.

Shi De reported his new idea to Li Changfeng in detail. After listening to it, Li Changfeng pointed out some ill-considered points, and added some of his opinions, and finally formed the final version.

After discussing the business, Li Changfeng made another pot of tea, poured a cup for Shi De himself, and said, "Xiao Shi, I think the time is ripe. There is something that I need to let you know."

Seeing the seriousness on Li Changfeng's face, Shi De's heart skipped a beat. He and Li Changfeng didn't have any deep personal friendship. Although they hit it off right away, they were still relatively distant outsiders. No matter how he listened to Li Changfeng's tone, it seemed that what he wanted to say had nothing to do with him. private matter?

"Old Li, please tell me." Shi De was slightly nervous, because he knew that as his and Xia Hua's wedding day approached, many things began to become clear.

"Don't be nervous. This matter has something to do with you, but it's not directly related. It should be said that this matter is related to Biyou's life experience." Li Changfeng took a sip of tea slowly, and gave Shi De a meaningful look.

Shi De held his breath for a moment: "It's related to Biyou's life experience? Mr. Li, what do you mean, do you know what happened to Biyou?"

"Don't worry, don't worry." Li Changfeng waved his hands and smiled, signaling Shi to be calm, "Listen to me slowly... Biyou's parents, Bitian and Youhong, turned out to be my employees."

It turned out that Bitian and You Hong came from Sian Chay Group, and there was such an unknown origin behind them, so Shi De put on an attitude of listening attentively.

"Bitian and You Hong are a pair of ordinary employees of Sian Chay Group. Later, they were promoted to vice presidents due to their outstanding work performance. Later, they served as general managers of two branches respectively. After they got married, You Hong Hong resigned, and Bitian was transferred to the headquarters to serve as the vice president. During his tenure as the vice president, Bitian took advantage of the convenience of work and the resource advantages of Sian Chay Group to seek personal gain and secretly prepare the Bitian Group. "

So it turns out that Bitian’s fortune still poached the corner of the Sian Chay Group. Although Li Changfeng said it implicitly, Shi De could hear it. If it wasn’t for Bitian’s false public welfare, there would be no Bitian Group today.Li Changfeng is really magnanimous, actually tolerating Bi Tian's behavior of scrambling.

"After the establishment of Bitian Group, at least one-fifth of the business of Sian Chay Group was taken away. At that time, someone advised me to use legal means to deal with Bitian, or to unite with several group companies to contain and attack Bitian Group. , strangled the Bitian Group in the cradle. I hesitated, but then I figured it out, forget it, let him go, maybe I owe Bitian a chance, since he got the chance, it depends on his own fortune It’s up to him whether he will continue to develop and grow and even annex Sian Chay, or soon come to an end.”

Shi De nodded secretly. Li Changfeng is broad-minded and has the beauty of an adult. No wonder the Sian Chay Group has been booming in recent years. The root cause is Li Changfeng's tolerance and ancient style.

"As a result, the development momentum of the Bitian Group in the first few years was not bad, and Bitian and You Hong were also very pioneering spirits, but after a few years, the Bitian Group began to be eager for success, and no longer made steady progress. Fatty, or he will follow crooked ways, and within a few years, he will completely destroy the market that was cultivated with great difficulty." Li Changfeng shook his head, heartbroken.

If it comes too easily, it will lose its stability, Shi De thought, Bitian Group originally came here by opportunism, it is no wonder that Bitian Group is willing to develop and grow Bitian Group in a down-to-earth manner.It's always been like this - it's easy to come and easy to go, because you don't know how to cherish.

Everything you don't know how to cherish, including wealth and life, will be taken away by God and handed over to those who know how to cherish it.

"On the surface, it seems that Bitian Group is going to the end step by step, which is the reason why Bitian is eager for quick success. In fact, behind the scenes, a large part of the funds that Bitian Group has earned in recent years have been transferred to a mysterious account abroad. and then transferred to a company in the domestic capital..." Li Changfeng smiled slightly, "This company appears to be an unknown company, but in fact the real helm behind the company is a secluded Senior."

When Shi De heard something, his heart suddenly rose into his throat. He clenched his hands tightly and stared at Li Changfeng nervously.

"Don't be nervous, Xiao Shi, accepting the facts and acknowledging the reality is also a necessary course in life." Li Changfeng comforted Shi De, and said, "It is because of the continuous blood draw for several years that the Bitian Group Insufficient hematopoiesis, the capital chain was broken, and finally had to accept the 20.00% interest promised by the Zhuo Group, guaranteeing the illegal fund-raising for the Zhuo Group. And behind the Bitian Group's guarantee for the Zhuo Group, the mysterious hermit expert also It played a key role in promoting it. Because Bitian and You Hong didn't want to guarantee at first, they also knew that the risk was too great. If something happened, they would have to spend the rest of their lives in prison, but the expert told them that no matter what Zhuo's group ended up with Whether it is success or failure, he has a way to let them pass the test calmly."

"In the end, Bitian and You Hong believed the expert's words, because as early as more than ten years ago, the expert told the truth that their daughter's fate would kill her family, and it turned out that Biyou really killed her when she was born. They killed several people in the family—of course, this may be a coincidence or other reasons—anyway, Bitian and You Hong obeyed the advice of the expert and guaranteed the illegal fundraising for the Zhuo Group, and you know the result ...that's how things turned out."

Shi De stood up suddenly: "It was said that the Biyouke people now asked Bitian and Biyou to guarantee for the Zhuo Group, and then made Biyou a scapegoat. Is it the same person?"

Li Changfeng nodded: "Yes."

"who is it?"

Li Changfeng shook his head and smiled slyly: "Don't talk about others behind their backs... I won't say the name, you can definitely guess who it is."

Shi De sat back in his seat dejectedly: "Could it be that I really misjudged the person?"

"When people are young, there are times when people go wrong. Sian Chay Group has never made any mistakes. In fact, among the decisions I have made, the failure rate is as high as 30.00%, haha." Li Changfeng laughed and stood up, "Let's go, Xiao Shi, it's time for dinner, let's have a meal together."

Shi De was preoccupied, mainly because he suddenly couldn't accept the truth behind the incident. After all, he was young, and no matter how calm his mind was, he was far less stable than the weather-beaten Li Changfeng.

Stepping dumbly, he followed Li Changfeng downstairs, Shi's mind went blank, he could hardly accept that the person he trusted and respected the most would be the culprit for Bitian Group's crushing defeat?Moreover, Biyou was abandoned since she was a child, and then she was tricked into being a scapegoat by her parents. He was the one behind the scenes. Is he the savior of Biyou or the villain who caused Biyou's fate to be displaced?
Just downstairs, Shi De's cell phone rang suddenly.

It is the original call from the plateau.

Last time because of the case of Yu Shuai and Niu Tianzi, Shi De and Gao Yuan became friends. Afterwards, Shi De helped Gao Yuan solve an unresolved murder case, let the murderer be punished, the victim was comforted, and Gao Yuan was happy.Moreover, Shi De also helped Gao Yuan solve the problem of family discord that had plagued him for a long time, so Gao Yuan regarded Shi De as his best buddy.

(End of this chapter)

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